The Great Controversy
in 27 Languages
in 27 Languages
The Great Controversy
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The Great Controversy
ELLEN G. WHITE (1827-1915)
was the author of 55 volumes translated internationally
into 100 languages with close to 20,000,000 copies in circulation.
Her words have lifted millions of people all over the World.
ELLEN G. WHITE (1827-1915)
was the author of 55 volumes translated internationally
into 100 languages with close to 20,000,000 copies in circulation.
Her words have lifted millions of people all over the World.
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in 27 Languages!
in 27 Languages!
A Nagy Küzdelem / Korszakok Nyomában / Hungarian
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"The Great Controversy"
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The Great Controversy / Contest
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- 01. The Destruction of Jerusalem
- 02. Persecution in the First Centuries
- 03. An Era of Spiritual Darkness
- 04. The Waldenses
- 05. John Wycliffe
- 06. Huss and Jerome
- 07. Luthers Separation From Rome
- 08. Luther Before the Diet
- 09. The Swiss Reformer
- 10. Progress of Reform in Germany
- 11. Protest of the Princes
- 12. The French Reformation
- 13. The Netherlands and Scandinavia
- 14. Later English Reformers
- 15. The Bible and the French Revolution
- 16. The Pilgrim Fathers
- 17. Heralds of the Morning
- 18. An American Reformer
- 19. Light Through Darkness
- 20. A Great Religious Awakening
- 21. A Warning Rejected
- 22. Prophecies Fulfilled
- 23. What is the Sanctuary?
- 24. In the Holy of Holies
- 25. Gods Law Immutable
- 26. A Work of Reform
- 27. Modern Revivals
- 28. Facing Lifes Record
- 29. The Origin of Evil
- 30. Enmity Between Man and Satan
- 31. Agency of Evil Spirits
- 32. Snares of Satan
- 33. The First Great Deception
- 34. Can Our Dead Speak to Us?
- 35. Liberty of Conscience Threatened
- 36. The Impending Conflict
- 37. The Scriptures a Safeguard
- 38. The Final Warning
- 39. The Time of Trouble
- 40. Gods People Delivered
- 41. Desolation of the Earth
- 42. The Controversy Ended
- Appendix
Checz / Velky Spor Veku
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- Úvod
- 01. Zničení Jeruzaléma
- 02. Pronásledování v prvních staletích
- 03. Doba duchovního temna
- 04. Valdenští
- 05. Jan Viklef
- 06. Hus a Jeroným
- 07. Lutherův rozchod s Římem
- 08. Luther před sněmem
- 09. Švýcarský reformátor
- 10. Postup reformace v Německu
- 11. Protest knížat
- 12. Francouzská reformace
- 13. Holandsko a Skandinávie
- 14. Pozdější angličtí reformátoři
- 15. Bible a francouzská revoluce
- 16. Otcové Poutníci
- 17. Ohlašovatelé nového jitra
- 18. Americký reformátor
- 19. Světlo proniká tmou
- 20. Velké náboženské probuzení
- 21. Odmítnuté varování
- 22. Splněná proroctví
- 23. Co je to svatyně
- 24. Ve svatyni svatých
- 25. Boží zákon je neměnný
- 26. Dílo obnovy
- 27. Moderní probuzenecká hnutí
- 28. Tváří v tvář soudu
- 29. Původ zla
- 30. Nepřátelství mezi člověkem a satanem
- 31. Kdo jsou padlí andělé
- 32. Satanovy nástrahy
- 33. První velký podvod
- 34. Mohou s námi mluvit zemřelí lidé
- 35. Ohrožená svoboda svědomí
- 36. Nastávající boj
- 37. Naše jediná ochrana
- 38. Poslední varování
- 39. Doba soužení
- 40. Vysvobození Božího lidu
- 41. Zkáza země
- 42. Velký spor skončen
- Dodatek
Korszakok nyomában / Hungarian
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A Nagy Küzdelem / 1884
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- Előszó
- Bevezetés
- 01. Jeruzsálem pusztulása
- 02. Üldözés az első századokban
- 03. Hitehagyás
- 04. A valdensek
- 05. John Wycliffe
- 06. Husz és Jeromos
- 07. Luther elszakad Rómától
- 08. Luther az országgyűlés előtt
- 09. A svájci reformátor
- 10. A reformáció előrehaladása Németországban
- 11. A francia reformáció
- 12. A fejedelmek tiltakozása
- 13. Hollandia és Skandinávia
- 14. A későbbi angol reformátorok
- 15. A Biblia és a francia forradalom
- 16. A „zarándok atyák”
- 17. A hajnal hírnökei
- 18. Egy amerikai reformátor
- 19. A sötétségen átsugárzó fény
- 20. A nagy vallási ébredés
- 21. Az elutasított figyelmeztetés
- 22. A beteljesedett próféciák
- 23. Mi a szentély?
- 24. A szentek szentjében
- 25. Isten törvénye változhatatlan
- 26. Egy reformációs munka
- 27. Modern ébredések
- 28. A vizsgálati ítélet
- 29. A bűn eredete
- 30. „Ellenségeskedést szerzek…”
- 31. A gonosz lelkek munkája
- 32. Sátán csapdái
- 33. Az első nagy csalás
- 34. A spiritizmus
- 35. A pápaság céljai
- 36. A közelgő küzdelem
- 37. A Szentírás védőbástya
- 38. Az utolsó figyelmeztetés
- 39. A nyomorúság ideje
- 40. Isten népe megszabadul
- 41. A Föld pusztasággá változása
- 42. A küzdelem véget ér
- Dokumentumok jegyzéke
A Nagy Küzdelem / 1884
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Slovakian / Velky Spor Vekov
Velky Spor Vekov
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- Úvod
- 01. Zničenie Jeruzalema
- 02. Prenasledovanie v prvých storočiach
- 03. Doba duchovného temna
- 04. Valdenskí
- 05. Ján Viklef
- 06. Hus a Hieroným
- 07. Lutherov rozchod s Rímom
- 08. Luther pred snemom
- 09. Švajčiarsky reformátor
- 10. Postup reformácie v Nemecku
- 11. Protest kniežat
- 12. Francúzska reformácia
- 13. Holandsko a Škandinávia
- 14. Anglickí reformátori
- 15. Biblia a francúzska revolúcia
- 16. Otcovia Pútnici
- 17. Hlásatelia nového rána
- 18. Americký reformátor
- 19. Svetlo preniká tmou
- 20. Veľké náboženské prebudenie
- 21. Odmietnuté varovanie
- 22. Naplnenie proroctiev
- 23. Čo je to svätyňa?
- 24. Svätyňa svätých
- 25. Nezmeniteľnosť Božieho zákona
- 26. Dielo obnovy
- 27. Moderné prebudenecké hnutia
- 28. Tvárou v tvár súdu
- 29. Pôvod zla
- 30. Satan – najväčší nepriateľ človeka
- 31. Kto sú padlí anjeli?
- 32. Satanove nástrahy
- 33. Prvý veľký podvod
- 34. Môžeme komunikovať s mŕtvymi?
- 35. Ohrozená sloboda svedomia
- 36. Nastávajúci boj
- 37. Naša jediná ochrana
- 38. Posledné varovanie
- 39. Doba súženia
- 40. Vyslobodenie Božieho ľudu
- 41. Zničenie zeme
- 42. Koniec veľkého sporu
- Dodatky
10 Books by Ellen G. White
10 Ellen G. White Spirit of Prophecy books that have mostly been translated into the major languages of literate church members worldwide:
1. Patriarchs and Prophets; 2. Prophets and Kings; 3. The Desire of Ages; 4. Acts of the Apostles; 5. The Great Controversy;
6. Christian Service; 7. Counsels for the Church; 8. Counsels on Stewardship; 9. The Ministry of Healing; 10. Steps to Christ.
Ellen G. White book available in English using Adobe Acrobat Reader—PDF.
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Patriarchs and Prophets
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Is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series based on the Bible account of our world's struggle between good and evil. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel’s King David. With unusual insights, the author describes the role of our planet in the cosmic conflict between right and wrong, truth and error.
She describes the tragic rebellion that took place in heaven many thousands of years ago and makes plain that this ongoing conflict between Satan and God affects each person who lives on Earth. Patriarchs and Prophets shows how this conflict worked itself out in the lives of men and women in Old Testament times. It answers such questions as, Where did we come from? Where are we going? If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t He prevent the spread of evil and its tragic results?
Prophets and Kings
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Is the second volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It opens with the story of Solomon’s glorious reign over Israel and ends with the nation’s exile and captivity. It traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them. In these pages can vividly be seen dramatic evidences of the raging struggle between God and Satan for the hearts of men and women. Here the reader will find fascinating characters – wise Solomon, fearless Elijah, wicked Ahaz, beloved Daniel, courageous Jeremiah, and many others. Their experiences provide rich lessons of faith and evidences of God’s love and providential care.
The Desire of Ages
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Is the third volume in the Conflict of the Ages series based on the gospels account of the life of Christ in Matthew, Mark Luke and John. Ellen White’s classic on the life of Jesus focuses on One who stands at the center of all human history. No one else has had such a profound influence on Planet Earth as Jesus Christ. In this book the author does not set forth the events of Jesus’ life in strict chronological order, but she presents Him as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. She presents the divine beauty of the life of the Savior, the love of God as revealed in His Son. New and glorious light flashes from many familiar passages of Scripture. Follow Jesus in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem’s stable to His death on the cross, His glorious resurrection, and triumphant return to heaven.
The Acts of the Apostles
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Is the fourth volume in the Conflict of the Ages series, where the amazing story of the early Christian believers is told. After Jesus was victorious over Satan and returned to heaven, the enemy turned his attention to Jesus’ church on earth. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. That story is still continuing. Christ’s church today is carrying forward the same work and has the same promise of divine guidance and power.
The Great Controversy
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Volume 5, is the last book in the Conflict of the Ages series. It carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.
Christian Service
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)God might have chosen unfallen angels as His representatives on earth. Instead he chose us. "Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life" (The Desire of Ages, p. 195).
This volume is a call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning. Invaluable to ministers, teachers, and church leaders, it will be appreciated by all who, in fellowship with Christ, seek to fulfill the gospel commission. Topics include personal preparation, training, organizing, the health and publishing ministries, and methodology.
Every child of God reflects the light of the world to others. These pages explain how to polish the human mirror so that it may reveal truth more clearly, and thus attract others by its beauty.
Counsels for the Church
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is a comprehensive selection of inspired materials from Ellen White that first appeared in books and periodicals during her lifetime. Grouped into sixty-six chapters, this counsel and instruction covers a wide range of topics. Because of space limitations, the compilers selected only the most essential and practical counsels on themes of significance and practical value to both the church and the individual. They are designed to draw Christians closer to God, giving them deeper insights into how to live daily in His love and grace.
Counsels on Stewardship
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Stewardship is properly managing the resources that God has committed to our care. This volume gathers together all of Ellen White's published statements on the subject. Topics discussed include tithing, indebtedness, charity, making a will, and soliciting funds from outside sources. What about speculating in the markets? Does God require us to dispose of our property? How can children be taught economy? What is the divine antidote for covetousness?
God promises those who use the talent of wealth to bless others: "Give, and it will be given to you" (Luke 6:38, NIV)*. "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25, NIV). The inspired principles of sound economy in this volume will pay rich dividends.
Ministry of Healing
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Many things contribute to good health—cheerfulness, fresh air, exercise, diet, and positive relationships with other people, to name a few. Crucial also is a personal relationship with the Creator who gave us life and everything we need for health and happiness. In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
Steps to Christ
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Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better.
In just thirteen short chapters, you’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus
10 Ellen G. White Spirit of Prophecy books that have mostly been translated into the major languages of literate church members worldwide:
1. Patriarchs and Prophets; 2. Prophets and Kings; 3. The Desire of Ages; 4. Acts of the Apostles; 5. The Great Controversy;
6. Christian Service; 7. Counsels for the Church; 8. Counsels on Stewardship; 9. The Ministry of Healing; 10. Steps to Christ.
Ellen G. White book available in English using Adobe Acrobat Reader—PDF.
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Patriarchs and Prophets
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Is the first volume in the Conflict of the Ages series based on the Bible account of our world's struggle between good and evil. It covers the sweeping panorama of human history from the creation of Earth to the reign of Israel’s King David. With unusual insights, the author describes the role of our planet in the cosmic conflict between right and wrong, truth and error.
She describes the tragic rebellion that took place in heaven many thousands of years ago and makes plain that this ongoing conflict between Satan and God affects each person who lives on Earth. Patriarchs and Prophets shows how this conflict worked itself out in the lives of men and women in Old Testament times. It answers such questions as, Where did we come from? Where are we going? If God is all-powerful, why doesn’t He prevent the spread of evil and its tragic results?
Prophets and Kings
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Is the second volume in the Conflict of the Ages series. It opens with the story of Solomon’s glorious reign over Israel and ends with the nation’s exile and captivity. It traces the history of a favored and chosen people, vacillating between allegiance to God and to the gods of the nations around them. In these pages can vividly be seen dramatic evidences of the raging struggle between God and Satan for the hearts of men and women. Here the reader will find fascinating characters – wise Solomon, fearless Elijah, wicked Ahaz, beloved Daniel, courageous Jeremiah, and many others. Their experiences provide rich lessons of faith and evidences of God’s love and providential care.
The Desire of Ages
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Is the third volume in the Conflict of the Ages series based on the gospels account of the life of Christ in Matthew, Mark Luke and John. Ellen White’s classic on the life of Jesus focuses on One who stands at the center of all human history. No one else has had such a profound influence on Planet Earth as Jesus Christ. In this book the author does not set forth the events of Jesus’ life in strict chronological order, but she presents Him as the One who can satisfy the deepest yearnings of the human heart. She presents the divine beauty of the life of the Savior, the love of God as revealed in His Son. New and glorious light flashes from many familiar passages of Scripture. Follow Jesus in these pages from His birth in Bethlehem’s stable to His death on the cross, His glorious resurrection, and triumphant return to heaven.
The Acts of the Apostles
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Is the fourth volume in the Conflict of the Ages series, where the amazing story of the early Christian believers is told. After Jesus was victorious over Satan and returned to heaven, the enemy turned his attention to Jesus’ church on earth. Here are thrilling stories of fierce persecutions and unswerving loyalty to God. Peter, Paul, James, John, Luke, Barnabas, Stephen, Mark, and the other early apostles carried the wonderful news of the gospel to all of the then-known world. Unwilling to surrender their faith, many gave their lives. That story is still continuing. Christ’s church today is carrying forward the same work and has the same promise of divine guidance and power.
The Great Controversy
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Volume 5, is the last book in the Conflict of the Ages series. It carries the story of the controversy between God and Satan to its ultimate and glorious conclusion. Beginning with the destruction of Jerusalem and continuing through the persecutions of Christians in the Roman Empire, the apostasy of the Dark Ages, the shining light of the Reformation, and the worldwide religious awakening of the nineteenth century, this volume traces the conflict into the future, to the Second Coming of Jesus and the glories of the earth made new. As the end draws ever closer, the vital issue of loyalty to God will become decisive. In this concluding volume, the author powerfully points out the principles involved in the impending conflict and how each person can stand firmly for God and His truth.
Christian Service
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)God might have chosen unfallen angels as His representatives on earth. Instead he chose us. "Every true disciple is born into the kingdom of God as a missionary. He who drinks of the living water becomes a fountain of life" (The Desire of Ages, p. 195).
This volume is a call to consecrated service in the science of soul winning. Invaluable to ministers, teachers, and church leaders, it will be appreciated by all who, in fellowship with Christ, seek to fulfill the gospel commission. Topics include personal preparation, training, organizing, the health and publishing ministries, and methodology.
Every child of God reflects the light of the world to others. These pages explain how to polish the human mirror so that it may reveal truth more clearly, and thus attract others by its beauty.
Counsels for the Church
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
is a comprehensive selection of inspired materials from Ellen White that first appeared in books and periodicals during her lifetime. Grouped into sixty-six chapters, this counsel and instruction covers a wide range of topics. Because of space limitations, the compilers selected only the most essential and practical counsels on themes of significance and practical value to both the church and the individual. They are designed to draw Christians closer to God, giving them deeper insights into how to live daily in His love and grace.
Counsels on Stewardship
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Stewardship is properly managing the resources that God has committed to our care. This volume gathers together all of Ellen White's published statements on the subject. Topics discussed include tithing, indebtedness, charity, making a will, and soliciting funds from outside sources. What about speculating in the markets? Does God require us to dispose of our property? How can children be taught economy? What is the divine antidote for covetousness?
God promises those who use the talent of wealth to bless others: "Give, and it will be given to you" (Luke 6:38, NIV)*. "A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed" (Proverbs 11:25, NIV). The inspired principles of sound economy in this volume will pay rich dividends.
Ministry of Healing
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Many things contribute to good health—cheerfulness, fresh air, exercise, diet, and positive relationships with other people, to name a few. Crucial also is a personal relationship with the Creator who gave us life and everything we need for health and happiness. In this book Ellen White deals with sickness of the soul and the healing balm to be found by trusting God for all things. Written in simple, beautiful language, Ministry of Healing will point you to a life full of joy and gladness—a life in touch with the Source of healing power.
Steps to Christ
(PDF Download) + (PDF Study Guide)
Thousands have become acquainted with Jesus through this little book, Steps to Christ. And it has helped many more, including those who have walked with Him for years, to know Him better.
In just thirteen short chapters, you’ll discover the steps to finding a forever friendship with Jesus. You’ll read about His love for you, repentance, faith and acceptance, growing like Him, the privilege of prayer, what to do with doubt, and how to spend your days rejoicing in your best Friend, Jesus
Some of Ellen G. White's
Best-Known Books
(Click to download in Electronic Book formats)
EGW eBooks
Best-Known Books
(Click to download in Electronic Book formats)
EGW eBooks
- The Acts of the Apostles presents the story of the early Christian church through the rest of New Testament times.
- Christ's Object Lessons, a companion volume to The Desire of Ages, presents the parables of Jesus in a fresh light, showing their application to Christian living today.
- The Desire of Ages is Ellen G. White's classic on the life and ministry of Jesus.
- Education, deals with the unique and challenging idea that "the work of education and the work of redemption are one." This unique perspective has been a best seller for 100 years.
- The Great Controversy picks up the story at the destruction of Jerusalem and follows, in broad outline, the major issues of the conflict between Christ and Satan as they have been seen in the history of the Christian church down to our own day--and beyond, based on what the Bible says will yet take place.
- The Ministry of Healing provides a well-rounded look at the principles of healthful living, beginning with the ministry of Jesus and extending to the life and ministry of every Christian.
- Patriarchs and Prophets presents the story of the conflict between good and evil--between Christ and Satan--from its beginning, starting with the origin of evil, then taking up the creation of the world, the Bible patriarchs, Israel's Egyptian bondage and Exodus, and their establishment in Canaan up to the time of David.
- Prophets and Kings continues the story from the time of Solomon through the remaining kings of Israel and Judah and the times of the prophets, including the time of Israel's captivity and restoration, down to the coming of the Messiah.
- Steps to Christ deals with the central issue of how to become and remain a Christian--the concern at the core of Mrs. White's voluminous writing. It is the shortest book listed here.
- Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing offers a study of the key verses of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. Included are the Beatitudes, the Lord's Prayer, and much of Jesus' other instruction for living here and now as a citizen of His kingdom.
Books by Ellen G. White
]Word to the Little Flock by Ellen White
Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessings by Ellen White
The Temptation of Christ (1877) by Ellen White
The Story of Redemption by Ellen White
The Spalding-Magan Collection by Ellen White
The Sin of Licentiousness by Ellen White
The Sanctified Life by Ellen White
The Ministry of Healing by Ellen White
The Impending Conflict by Ellen White
The Great Controversy by Ellen White
The Great Controversy (1911) by Ellen White
The Great Controversy (1858) by Ellen White
The Fannie Bolton Story by Ellen White
The Desire Of Ages by Ellen White
The Acts Of The Apostles by Ellen White
Testimony to the Church 11-13 by Ellen White
Testimony to the Church 1-10 by Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 9 by Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 8 by Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 7 by Ellen White
Redemption by Ellen White (163836)
Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen White (99787)
Word to the Little Flock by Ellen White (34492)
The Story of Redemption by Ellen White (32121)
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 1 by Ellen White (30546)
Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessings by Ellen White (29917)
The Temptation of Christ (1877) by Ellen White (25880)
]Word to the Little Flock by Ellen White
Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessings by Ellen White
The Temptation of Christ (1877) by Ellen White
The Story of Redemption by Ellen White
The Spalding-Magan Collection by Ellen White
The Sin of Licentiousness by Ellen White
The Sanctified Life by Ellen White
The Ministry of Healing by Ellen White
The Impending Conflict by Ellen White
The Great Controversy by Ellen White
The Great Controversy (1911) by Ellen White
The Great Controversy (1858) by Ellen White
The Fannie Bolton Story by Ellen White
The Desire Of Ages by Ellen White
The Acts Of The Apostles by Ellen White
Testimony to the Church 11-13 by Ellen White
Testimony to the Church 1-10 by Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 9 by Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 8 by Ellen White
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 7 by Ellen White
Redemption by Ellen White (163836)
Patriarchs and Prophets by Ellen White (99787)
Word to the Little Flock by Ellen White (34492)
The Story of Redemption by Ellen White (32121)
Testimonies for the Church – Volume 1 by Ellen White (30546)
Thoughts From The Mount Of Blessings by Ellen White (29917)
The Temptation of Christ (1877) by Ellen White (25880)

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Ellen G White Books / Download
The Adventist Home
Child Guidance
Christian Leadership
Counsels on Sabbath
Country Living
From Eternity Past
Gospel Workers 1892
From Here to Forever
Life Sketches 1880
Message to Young People
A Sketch of the Christian Experience
A Solemn Appeal
The Story of Redemption
A Word to the Little Flock
Beginning of the End
An Appeal to Mothers
Christ in His Sanctuary
Christian Service
Counsels on Stewardship
Darkness before Dawn
Historical Sketches
Life Sketches 1888
Ministry to the Cities
The Publishing Ministry
Sketches from Life of Paul
Steps to Christ
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings
Welfare Ministry
An Appeal to Youth
Christ’s Object Lessons
Christian Temperance
Counsels to Parents
Daughters of God
Faith Workers
From Heaven With Love
Last Day Events
Life Sketches EGW
A New Life
The Retirement Years
From Splendor to Shadow
The Southern Work
The Voice in Speech and Song
The Truth About Angels
A Call to Stand Apart
Christian Experience
Counsels for the Church
Counsels to Writers
Early Writings
Gospel Workers 1915
Help in Daily Living
Letters to Young Lovers
Manual for Canvassers
Pastoral Ministry
The Sanctified Life
Supplement to the Christian Experience
The Story of Jesus
True Revival
From Trials to Triumph
Ellen G. White: A Brief Biography
by Arthur L. White
Who was Ellen G. White®
The Early Years
The Advent Message
Marriage of James White and Ellen Harmon
Beginning to Publish
The Move to Battle Creek
Great Controversy Vision
The Home in Battle Creek
The Health Reform Vision
The Work Expands
Battle Creek College
Writing and Traveling
Death of James White
Ellen White Visits Europe
The Great Controversy and Patriarchs and Prophets
Called to Australia
The Avondale School
Medical Work Begun
African-American Outreach
Return to the United States
Busy Closing Years
Purchase Books on the Life of Ellen White Online.
Ellen G. White
Resource Downloads
The Adventist Home
Child Guidance
Christian Leadership
Counsels on Sabbath
Country Living
From Eternity Past
Gospel Workers 1892
From Here to Forever
Life Sketches 1880
Message to Young People
A Sketch of the Christian Experience
A Solemn Appeal
The Story of Redemption
A Word to the Little Flock
Beginning of the End
An Appeal to Mothers
Christ in His Sanctuary
Christian Service
Counsels on Stewardship
Darkness before Dawn
Historical Sketches
Life Sketches 1888
Ministry to the Cities
The Publishing Ministry
Sketches from Life of Paul
Steps to Christ
Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings
Welfare Ministry
An Appeal to Youth
Christ’s Object Lessons
Christian Temperance
Counsels to Parents
Daughters of God
Faith Workers
From Heaven With Love
Last Day Events
Life Sketches EGW
A New Life
The Retirement Years
From Splendor to Shadow
The Southern Work
The Voice in Speech and Song
The Truth About Angels
A Call to Stand Apart
Christian Experience
Counsels for the Church
Counsels to Writers
Early Writings
Gospel Workers 1915
Help in Daily Living
Letters to Young Lovers
Manual for Canvassers
Pastoral Ministry
The Sanctified Life
Supplement to the Christian Experience
The Story of Jesus
True Revival
From Trials to Triumph
Ellen G. White: A Brief Biography
by Arthur L. White
Who was Ellen G. White®
The Early Years
The Advent Message
Marriage of James White and Ellen Harmon
Beginning to Publish
The Move to Battle Creek
Great Controversy Vision
The Home in Battle Creek
The Health Reform Vision
The Work Expands
Battle Creek College
Writing and Traveling
Death of James White
Ellen White Visits Europe
The Great Controversy and Patriarchs and Prophets
Called to Australia
The Avondale School
Medical Work Begun
African-American Outreach
Return to the United States
Busy Closing Years
Purchase Books on the Life of Ellen White Online.
Ellen G. White
Resource Downloads
- English
- EGW Writings
- Books
- AA - The Acts of the Apostles
- AH - The Adventist Home
- ApM - An Appeal to Mothers
- AY - An Appeal to the Youth
- CME - A Call to Medical Evangelism and Health Education
- CSA - A Call To Stand Apart
- CG - Child Guidance
- CIHS - Christ in His Sanctuary
- COL - Christ’s Object Lessons
- CE - Christian Education
- CET - Christian Experience and Teachings of Ellen G. White
- ChL - Christian Leadership
- ChS - Christian Service
- CTBH - Christian Temperance and Bible Hygiene
- CEv - The Colporteur Evangelist
- CM - Colporteur Ministry
- Con - Confrontation
- CCh - Counsels for the Church
- CD - Counsels on Diet and Foods
- CH - Counsels on Health
- CSW - Counsels on Sabbath School Work
- CS - Counsels on Stewardship
- CT - Counsels to Parents, Teachers, and Students
- CW - Counsels to Writers and Editors
- CL - Country Living
- DD - Darkness Before Dawn
- DG - Daughters of God
- DA - The Desire of Ages
- EW - Early Writings
- Ed - Education
- EP - From Eternity Past
- Ev - Evangelism
- FW - Faith and Works
- FE - Fundamentals of Christian Education
- GW - Gospel Workers 1915
- GW92 - Gospel Workers 1892
- GC - The Great Controversy
- GC88 - The Great Controversy 1888
- GrH_c - The Great Hope (Condensed)
- Hvn - Heaven
- HFM - The Health Food Ministry
- HL - Healthful Living
- HLv - From Heaven With Love
- HDL - Help In Daily Living
- HF - From Here to Forever
- HS - Historical Sketches of the Foreign Missions of the Seventh-day Adventists
- LDE - Last Day Events
- LYL - Letters to Young Lovers
- LS80 - Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1880
- LS88 - Life Sketches of James White and Ellen G. White 1888
- LS - Life Sketches of Ellen G. White
- MC - Manual for Canvassers
- MM - Medical Ministry
- MYP - Messages to Young People
- 1MCP - Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 1
- 2MCP - Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2
- MH - The Ministry of Healing
- MTC - Ministry to the Cities
- NL - A New Life (Revival and Beyond)
- PaM - Pastoral Ministry
- PP - Patriarchs and Prophets
- PCP - Peter’s Counsel to Parents
- Pr - Prayer
- PK - Prophets and Kings
- PM - The Publishing Ministry
- RY - The Retirement Years
- SL - The Sanctified Life
- 1SM - Selected Messages Book 1
- 2SM - Selected Messages Book 2
- 3SM - Selected Messages Book 3
- 1BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 1 (EGW)
- 2BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 2 (EGW)
- 3BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 3 (EGW)
- 4BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 4 (EGW)
- 5BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 5 (EGW)
- 6BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 6 (EGW)
- 7BC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7 (EGW)
- 7ABC - SDA Bible Commentary, vol. 7A (EGW)
- ExV - A Sketch of the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
- LP - Sketches from the Life of Paul
- SA - A Solemn Appeal
- SWk - The Southern Work
- SpTEd - Special Testimonies On Education
- 1SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 1
- 2SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 2
- 3SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 3
- 4SP - The Spirit of Prophecy, vol. 4
- 1SG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 1
- 2SG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 2
- 3SG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 3
- 4aSG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4a
- 4bSG - Spiritual Gifts, vol. 4b
- SS - From Splendor to Shadow
- SC - Steps to Christ
- SJ - The Story of Jesus
- SR - The Story of Redemption
- ExV54 - Supplement to the Christian Experience and Views of Ellen G. White
- Te - Temperance
- 1T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 1
- 2T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 2
- 3T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 3
- 4T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 4
- 5T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 5
- 6T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 6
- 7T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 7
- 8T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 8
- 9T - Testimonies for the Church, vol. 9
- TSS - Testimonies on Sabbath-School Work
- TSB - Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and Divorce
- TM - Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel Workers
- TSA - Testimonies to Southern Africa
- TSDF - Testimony Studies on Diet and Foods
- 1TT - Testimony Treasures, vol. 1
- 2TT - Testimony Treasures, vol. 2
- 3TT - Testimony Treasures, vol. 3
- MB - Thoughts from the Mount of Blessing
- TT - From Trials to Triumph
- TR - True Revival
- TA - The Truth About Angels
- VSS - The Voice in Speech and Song
- WM - Welfare Ministry
- WLF - A Word to the Little Flock
- Devotionals
- Periodicals
- Pamphlets
- Manuscript Releases
- Misc Collections
- Letters & Manuscripts
- Biography
- Modern English
- Books
- Reference
- Bible
- Adventist Pioneer Library
- EGW Writings
- Afrikaans
- Akawaio
- Shqip (Albanian)
- Altay
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- Հայերեն (Armenian)
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