We have two hands:
One to receive and the other to give.
One to receive and the other to give.
“From the infinitely changeless vessel of spirit,
I savour the inexhaustible richness of generosity.”
Eduardo Cuadra 1820 -1903
I savour the inexhaustible richness of generosity.”
Eduardo Cuadra 1820 -1903
The Solution for our Society:
The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist
without giving him that dime.
without giving him that dime.
What is Altruism?
What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value.
Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others.
These are not primaries, but consequences.
Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether
you should or should not give a dime to a beggar.
That is not the issue.
The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime.
The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you.
The issue is whether the need of others is the first mortgage on your life and the moral purpose of your existence.
What is the moral code of altruism? The basic principle of altruism is that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that service to others is the only justification of his existence, and that self-sacrifice is his highest moral duty, virtue and value.
Do not confuse altruism with kindness, good will or respect for the rights of others.
These are not primaries, but consequences.
Do not hide behind such superficialities as whether
you should or should not give a dime to a beggar.
That is not the issue.
The issue is whether you do or do not have the right to exist without giving him that dime.
The issue is whether you must keep buying your life, dime by dime, from any beggar who might choose to approach you.
The issue is whether the need of others is the first mortgage on your life and the moral purpose of your existence.
How Does a Homeless Man Spend $100?
A Thousand Hands
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others.
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
A thousand hands will naturally come to your aid
As long as you are kind and there is love in your heart
You will reach out with a thousand hands to help others.
Kindness & Generosity
“I will not be hurt if my gift is undervalued. When I give
generously expect nothing in return.”
“From the infinitely changeless vessel of spirit, I savour the
inexhaustible richness of generosity.”
Eduardo Cuadra 1820-1903
The world’s best and oldest questions are what really make us happy?
This secret boils down to two things – Giving and Getting. Did you receive something from someone, or did you give something to someone?
We have two hands: One to receive and the other to give.
Take stock of what you have to give to others – whether practical, emotional,
constructive or empathetic.
So open your arm, open your heart to share, to give and find joy and happiness in giving.
Those who keep their arms crossed and their heart closed do not get much joy and happiness in their life. True, we get our share of troubles and sadness. We also get a lot of tiny delights – and they are everywhere all around us.
May I remind you to open your arms as wide as possible and receive it as much you can,
that you can share it and give it to others, as none needs more to learn about giving who has a hard time to give.
Give to others while expecting nothing -
in return invokes your well being, your kindness, and your harmony to others.
If we have wealth, but no friends, we cannot be happy.
If we have friends, even without wealth, we are the rich, the wealthy,
the happy, the healthy, and the wonderful human being.
“I will not be hurt if my gift is undervalued. When I give
generously expect nothing in return.”
“From the infinitely changeless vessel of spirit, I savour the
inexhaustible richness of generosity.”
Eduardo Cuadra 1820-1903
The world’s best and oldest questions are what really make us happy?
This secret boils down to two things – Giving and Getting. Did you receive something from someone, or did you give something to someone?
We have two hands: One to receive and the other to give.
Take stock of what you have to give to others – whether practical, emotional,
constructive or empathetic.
So open your arm, open your heart to share, to give and find joy and happiness in giving.
Those who keep their arms crossed and their heart closed do not get much joy and happiness in their life. True, we get our share of troubles and sadness. We also get a lot of tiny delights – and they are everywhere all around us.
May I remind you to open your arms as wide as possible and receive it as much you can,
that you can share it and give it to others, as none needs more to learn about giving who has a hard time to give.
Give to others while expecting nothing -
in return invokes your well being, your kindness, and your harmony to others.
If we have wealth, but no friends, we cannot be happy.
If we have friends, even without wealth, we are the rich, the wealthy,
the happy, the healthy, and the wonderful human being.
The Homeless
Written by S. Dudas
I’m just a homeless, dirty, unshaven, old tramp.
I do not look good at all. My walking stick helps me to get on the bus.
Soon as I got on among the youth, an old lady offered me her seat.
I thanked her with great gratitude and accepted the offer.
My walking stick was from a fine large tree that became my friend,
which protected me for years from the storms and rain;
the rain that gives life to the trees, the plants and falls
on the rich and poor, sick and healthy, good and bad - with an astonishing goodness.
Suddenly the sun came out; it shined and shined and missed no one or nothing,
but kindly shinedand blessed everyone with unselfish generosity.
Oh, I remember that kind man who years ago stuck a $20 bill in my pocket and
never got a thank you for it,
or that little girl who gave me a $5 bill because her mother wanted to teach her that...
“Kindness in giving creates love.”
I have to say that I saw love, kindness, honesty,and compassion on the street.
Took me years to be a different old man... influenced by the kindness of others.
Throughout the years one experience touched my heart the most – when a man was robbed near to me... when he had the courage to say in his panic...
“Here is my kind heart and there is my money, take whatever you please,
and all of it if you want.”
My heart melted underneath the warmth of love and goodness of this kind man.
And this good man walked away with his heart and his money untouched by the mob.
Written by S. Dudas
I’m just a homeless, dirty, unshaven, old tramp.
I do not look good at all. My walking stick helps me to get on the bus.
Soon as I got on among the youth, an old lady offered me her seat.
I thanked her with great gratitude and accepted the offer.
My walking stick was from a fine large tree that became my friend,
which protected me for years from the storms and rain;
the rain that gives life to the trees, the plants and falls
on the rich and poor, sick and healthy, good and bad - with an astonishing goodness.
Suddenly the sun came out; it shined and shined and missed no one or nothing,
but kindly shinedand blessed everyone with unselfish generosity.
Oh, I remember that kind man who years ago stuck a $20 bill in my pocket and
never got a thank you for it,
or that little girl who gave me a $5 bill because her mother wanted to teach her that...
“Kindness in giving creates love.”
I have to say that I saw love, kindness, honesty,and compassion on the street.
Took me years to be a different old man... influenced by the kindness of others.
Throughout the years one experience touched my heart the most – when a man was robbed near to me... when he had the courage to say in his panic...
“Here is my kind heart and there is my money, take whatever you please,
and all of it if you want.”
My heart melted underneath the warmth of love and goodness of this kind man.
And this good man walked away with his heart and his money untouched by the mob.
Be Happy
Kindness in Action
This Homeless Man Fell Down
By Barbara Diamond
What would you do if you saw a man on crutches fall down on the sidewalk? Now, what if that man was homeless? Would it change the way you react? This video set out to answer the question:
Does appearance change the way people are treated?
This experiment resulted in some pretty surprising results. First, a “successful” business man falls down on the sidewalk. Many people rush to his aid and help him back up, which is wonderful to see.
But what happens when a man dressed like a homeless man falls? Watch the video to find out. The results are much different, and I will say that everyone should have helped out the ‘homeless” man the same as they helped out the “successful” one.
By Barbara Diamond
What would you do if you saw a man on crutches fall down on the sidewalk? Now, what if that man was homeless? Would it change the way you react? This video set out to answer the question:
Does appearance change the way people are treated?
This experiment resulted in some pretty surprising results. First, a “successful” business man falls down on the sidewalk. Many people rush to his aid and help him back up, which is wonderful to see.
But what happens when a man dressed like a homeless man falls? Watch the video to find out. The results are much different, and I will say that everyone should have helped out the ‘homeless” man the same as they helped out the “successful” one.
Homeless Book-lover Has a Much Better Strategy for Money-making Than Begging
Philani is a homeless man in his mid-twenties in Johannesburg, South Africa. Many people in his situation simply stand at corners begging. And that can sometimes meet basic needs…but it certainly doesn’t set a person apart or motivate people walking or driving by to donate.
But Philani does it differently. Every day he takes his ever-changing library to a different corner and sets up a sort of impromptu literary discussion group and bookshop.
For anyone interested, he will review his books…which he has read all of…and then you can buy one from him. In this way, he raises money for himself and his homeless friends as well as spreading happiness. He says…
Reading is not harmful. There’s no such thing as harmful knowledge. This thing is only going to make you a better person.
Philani is a homeless man in his mid-twenties in Johannesburg, South Africa. Many people in his situation simply stand at corners begging. And that can sometimes meet basic needs…but it certainly doesn’t set a person apart or motivate people walking or driving by to donate.
But Philani does it differently. Every day he takes his ever-changing library to a different corner and sets up a sort of impromptu literary discussion group and bookshop.
For anyone interested, he will review his books…which he has read all of…and then you can buy one from him. In this way, he raises money for himself and his homeless friends as well as spreading happiness. He says…
Reading is not harmful. There’s no such thing as harmful knowledge. This thing is only going to make you a better person.