The Hormesis Effect
For thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low-radioactive stones. Now you can have access to the same lost art.
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones may well be one of the most important books you will ever read. Originally titled Because People are Dying: The Story of a Rock, an Apple and Cancer, which was released in 2009, The Hormesis Effect includes updated information based on new research which further proves the healing effects of low-level radiation.
The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans. But the late Jay Gutierrez, noted Native American healer and CEO of Night Hawk Minerals in Pritchett, Colorado, came up with a solution.
As told by award-winning New York psychoanalyst, acclaimed holistic health consultant, and author Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Gutierrez rediscovered a forgotten ancient science that was once well-known to our prehistoric ancestors: the healing power of low-level radioactivity.
The concept of using low-dose radiation for therapeutic purposes, called in medical literature “radiation hormesis,” has 100 years of solid scientific research behind it, and thousands of medical studies to support it.
The application of low-level radiation promises to save countless lives, as well as millions of dollars in medical bills, as it has already done through Gutierrez’s implementation.
Radiation hormesis is easy, affordable, and highly effective.
If you’re like most people, you’re afraid of radiation, and all it implies. Yet, in other countries all over the world, millions of people have benefitted from using low-level radiation on everything from tennis elbow, joint pain and arthritis, to far more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, spinal meningitis, autism, stroke, macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer.
Gutierrez’s unique contribution has been to find an inexpensive delivery system that brings this powerful, proven healing modality to all of us, within the comfort of our own homes: low-level radioactive natural stones.
This important, well-researched, illustrated book not only tells the story of Gutierrez’s modern day rediscovery of natural radiation hormesis, it also provides practical information on how to acquire and use his stones, along with numerous other related techniques on how to improve one’s health and treat disease. For medical practitioners, researchers, and scientists there is an annotated bibliography, copious references, and a comprehensive index.
The Foreword to The Hormesis Effect is by holistic doctor Raphael d’Angelo, M.D., a respected expert in the fields of naturopathic care and integrative family medicine, and the director of The ParaWellness Research Program in Aurora, Colorado.
Take this journey with the authors and be amazed, outraged, delighted, moved, surprised, grateful, and awe-struck. It could save a life. Available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook from Amazon.
For thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low-radioactive stones. Now you can have access to the same lost art.
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones may well be one of the most important books you will ever read. Originally titled Because People are Dying: The Story of a Rock, an Apple and Cancer, which was released in 2009, The Hormesis Effect includes updated information based on new research which further proves the healing effects of low-level radiation.
The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans. But the late Jay Gutierrez, noted Native American healer and CEO of Night Hawk Minerals in Pritchett, Colorado, came up with a solution.
As told by award-winning New York psychoanalyst, acclaimed holistic health consultant, and author Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Gutierrez rediscovered a forgotten ancient science that was once well-known to our prehistoric ancestors: the healing power of low-level radioactivity.
The concept of using low-dose radiation for therapeutic purposes, called in medical literature “radiation hormesis,” has 100 years of solid scientific research behind it, and thousands of medical studies to support it.
The application of low-level radiation promises to save countless lives, as well as millions of dollars in medical bills, as it has already done through Gutierrez’s implementation.
Radiation hormesis is easy, affordable, and highly effective.
If you’re like most people, you’re afraid of radiation, and all it implies. Yet, in other countries all over the world, millions of people have benefitted from using low-level radiation on everything from tennis elbow, joint pain and arthritis, to far more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, spinal meningitis, autism, stroke, macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer.
Gutierrez’s unique contribution has been to find an inexpensive delivery system that brings this powerful, proven healing modality to all of us, within the comfort of our own homes: low-level radioactive natural stones.
This important, well-researched, illustrated book not only tells the story of Gutierrez’s modern day rediscovery of natural radiation hormesis, it also provides practical information on how to acquire and use his stones, along with numerous other related techniques on how to improve one’s health and treat disease. For medical practitioners, researchers, and scientists there is an annotated bibliography, copious references, and a comprehensive index.
The Foreword to The Hormesis Effect is by holistic doctor Raphael d’Angelo, M.D., a respected expert in the fields of naturopathic care and integrative family medicine, and the director of The ParaWellness Research Program in Aurora, Colorado.
Take this journey with the authors and be amazed, outraged, delighted, moved, surprised, grateful, and awe-struck. It could save a life. Available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook from Amazon.
about Radiation
Myth: Radiation poisoning as an effect of the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused many immediate deaths, and many more subsequent deaths from induced cancers.
Facts: Survivors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima have not died in droves from radiation-induced cancers, or for any other reason. There were, indeed, many immediate deaths, from the heat of the blast and from flying debris. There were also later induced cancers in those who were close to the epicenter of the blast. But, those who had low-level exposure to radiation are, in fact, living longer those who had no exposure.
Myth: Presence of radon in homes is correlative with cancer, especially lung cancer. Based on this premise, it has been believed that if you have high radon levels in your home, it is imperative that you take steps to remove it.
Fact: High radon levels in homes is predictive of LOWERED lung cancer (and all other cancer) rates. If you have high radon levels measured in your home, you should know that the odds of your being blessed with good health are significantly increased.
Myth: The accident at Chernobyl killed thousands of people and disabled millions.
Facts: Thirty workers and firefighters at the plant were killed. But a 16-year investigation by the UN and WHO concluded that there were no public radiation deaths or injuries. No significant increase in any illness resulted except for 2000 cases of childhood thyroid cancer, a highly treatable disease from which there have been few if any deaths.
But fear of radiation led to unnecessary evacuation of large population groups, causing unemployment, depression, alcoholism and suicides. In the year after the accident, there were 100,000 additional abortions downwind of the accident because of unwarranted fear of bearing a “nuclear mutant.”
Deformed “Chernobyl victims” used to raise money for relief were later found to be a scam—unrelated to the accident. Some were from sufficiently far away from Chernobyl that they could not have been affected; others were deformed long before the accident.
Myth: Cancer rates go up as altitude goes up because we are exposed to more cosmic radiation as our elevation increases.
Facts: Just the opposite is true. Live high, live longer: Those who live in areas with high background radiation live longer than those who live in low background radiation areas (high altitude Colorado is best; low altitude southeast U.S. is worse).
Myth: The quantity of nuclear waste is so great and its toxic effect so long-lasting that there is no safe method of disposal.
Facts: Nuclear plants produce less than a millionth of the volume of waste from an equivalent coal-fired plant. Waste can be put into sealed drums and controlled, rather than dumped into the environment. The 50,000 tons of radwaste destined for Yucca Mountain was produced by all 103 U.S. nuclear plants over the past 40 years.
This is less than 2 pounds per person served for the whole 40 years. This is small compared to wastes produced by most other industries, or even our homes. The waste volumes associated with construction and operation of solar, wind, and other renewables are larger, on a per-kilowatt-hour basis, than nuclear wastes.
Myth: Radioactive waste stays toxic for thousands of years. Humanity has never faced such a long-term hazard.
Facts: Radioactive waste continually decreases in toxicity, whereas other toxic wastes like mercury, lead, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, chromium, etc. retain full toxicity forever. After 500 years, you could safely eat a pound of radioactive waste. Currently, we bury it 2000 feet underground. The top 2000 feet of U.S. soil contain millions of times more lethal doses of natural poisons than all the nuclear power waste together. We make 10,000 times more lethal doses of chlorine each year, and put it in our drinking water to kill germs.
Myth: Nuclear power is an especially unforgiving technology. A momentary slipup, and catastrophe ensues.
Facts: Just the opposite. Nuclear plants are uniquely robust. They can resist earthquakes, hurricanes, power loss, sabotage and operator errors. Even if the core were to melt, even with containment breached, analyses and tests show that few, if any persons would be seriously injured or killed. Hundreds of nuclear plants worldwide, operating for decades, have confirmed this.
Myth: Marie Curie died of radiation poisoning at a young age.
Fact: Dr. Curie was concentrating radioactive ores in a huge caldron that was so potent that she could literally read at night by the radioactive glow. (Think what she was inhaling.) During WW I, she worked on the wounded brought in freshly from the battlefield, holding the film with her bare hands as x-rays were taken.
She got lots of radiation—it wasn’t even measured until detection instruments were invented, developed and deployed. Yet, she still out-lived the normal life-span for that period of time. /
Provided by Jane Goldberg
about Radiation
Myth: Radiation poisoning as an effect of the atomic bombs dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima caused many immediate deaths, and many more subsequent deaths from induced cancers.
Facts: Survivors of Nagasaki and Hiroshima have not died in droves from radiation-induced cancers, or for any other reason. There were, indeed, many immediate deaths, from the heat of the blast and from flying debris. There were also later induced cancers in those who were close to the epicenter of the blast. But, those who had low-level exposure to radiation are, in fact, living longer those who had no exposure.
Myth: Presence of radon in homes is correlative with cancer, especially lung cancer. Based on this premise, it has been believed that if you have high radon levels in your home, it is imperative that you take steps to remove it.
Fact: High radon levels in homes is predictive of LOWERED lung cancer (and all other cancer) rates. If you have high radon levels measured in your home, you should know that the odds of your being blessed with good health are significantly increased.
Myth: The accident at Chernobyl killed thousands of people and disabled millions.
Facts: Thirty workers and firefighters at the plant were killed. But a 16-year investigation by the UN and WHO concluded that there were no public radiation deaths or injuries. No significant increase in any illness resulted except for 2000 cases of childhood thyroid cancer, a highly treatable disease from which there have been few if any deaths.
But fear of radiation led to unnecessary evacuation of large population groups, causing unemployment, depression, alcoholism and suicides. In the year after the accident, there were 100,000 additional abortions downwind of the accident because of unwarranted fear of bearing a “nuclear mutant.”
Deformed “Chernobyl victims” used to raise money for relief were later found to be a scam—unrelated to the accident. Some were from sufficiently far away from Chernobyl that they could not have been affected; others were deformed long before the accident.
Myth: Cancer rates go up as altitude goes up because we are exposed to more cosmic radiation as our elevation increases.
Facts: Just the opposite is true. Live high, live longer: Those who live in areas with high background radiation live longer than those who live in low background radiation areas (high altitude Colorado is best; low altitude southeast U.S. is worse).
Myth: The quantity of nuclear waste is so great and its toxic effect so long-lasting that there is no safe method of disposal.
Facts: Nuclear plants produce less than a millionth of the volume of waste from an equivalent coal-fired plant. Waste can be put into sealed drums and controlled, rather than dumped into the environment. The 50,000 tons of radwaste destined for Yucca Mountain was produced by all 103 U.S. nuclear plants over the past 40 years.
This is less than 2 pounds per person served for the whole 40 years. This is small compared to wastes produced by most other industries, or even our homes. The waste volumes associated with construction and operation of solar, wind, and other renewables are larger, on a per-kilowatt-hour basis, than nuclear wastes.
Myth: Radioactive waste stays toxic for thousands of years. Humanity has never faced such a long-term hazard.
Facts: Radioactive waste continually decreases in toxicity, whereas other toxic wastes like mercury, lead, arsenic, selenium, cadmium, chromium, etc. retain full toxicity forever. After 500 years, you could safely eat a pound of radioactive waste. Currently, we bury it 2000 feet underground. The top 2000 feet of U.S. soil contain millions of times more lethal doses of natural poisons than all the nuclear power waste together. We make 10,000 times more lethal doses of chlorine each year, and put it in our drinking water to kill germs.
Myth: Nuclear power is an especially unforgiving technology. A momentary slipup, and catastrophe ensues.
Facts: Just the opposite. Nuclear plants are uniquely robust. They can resist earthquakes, hurricanes, power loss, sabotage and operator errors. Even if the core were to melt, even with containment breached, analyses and tests show that few, if any persons would be seriously injured or killed. Hundreds of nuclear plants worldwide, operating for decades, have confirmed this.
Myth: Marie Curie died of radiation poisoning at a young age.
Fact: Dr. Curie was concentrating radioactive ores in a huge caldron that was so potent that she could literally read at night by the radioactive glow. (Think what she was inhaling.) During WW I, she worked on the wounded brought in freshly from the battlefield, holding the film with her bare hands as x-rays were taken.
She got lots of radiation—it wasn’t even measured until detection instruments were invented, developed and deployed. Yet, she still out-lived the normal life-span for that period of time. /
Provided by Jane Goldberg
There was an interview about the government in Nagasaki ...
The interviewers first question to the guest was ...
how can people still live in Nagasaki & Hiroshima ?
... the guest said ... that the radiation did not kill anyone ... and nobody is sick ...
Interviewer asks ... how many live in Nagasaki -- answer 7 million ...
Are they ill?... no they are no more ill than anywhere else ...
and this includes people living a few hundred feet from where the bomb was dropped.
How does the Japanese government explain that an atomic bomb was dropped
and nobody is sick from the radiation?
The Japanese government had a special vacuum ... (they both laugh as they know it is a lie.)
The interviewers first question to the guest was ...
how can people still live in Nagasaki & Hiroshima ?
... the guest said ... that the radiation did not kill anyone ... and nobody is sick ...
Interviewer asks ... how many live in Nagasaki -- answer 7 million ...
Are they ill?... no they are no more ill than anywhere else ...
and this includes people living a few hundred feet from where the bomb was dropped.
How does the Japanese government explain that an atomic bomb was dropped
and nobody is sick from the radiation?
The Japanese government had a special vacuum ... (they both laugh as they know it is a lie.)
They have the right minerals,
the right life giving frequencies,
you can have Life!
For many years now, we at Night Hawk Minerals have been working with
natural radiation hormesis using stones that we mine that emit a low dose of radiation.
This is called "Radiation Hormesis" and is an old, but extremely effective healing modality.
I would encourage those that are dealing with a degenerative disease, such as cancer, to go to our website, , and research "Radiation Hormesis".
We have worked with some of the best nuclear physicist and doctors in the world
and could go on for days about the success we have had just using "radiation hormesis",
and more importantly what we have learned,
but what we are going to do is go over the 3-Divine Protocol.
the right life giving frequencies,
you can have Life!
For many years now, we at Night Hawk Minerals have been working with
natural radiation hormesis using stones that we mine that emit a low dose of radiation.
This is called "Radiation Hormesis" and is an old, but extremely effective healing modality.
I would encourage those that are dealing with a degenerative disease, such as cancer, to go to our website, , and research "Radiation Hormesis".
We have worked with some of the best nuclear physicist and doctors in the world
and could go on for days about the success we have had just using "radiation hormesis",
and more importantly what we have learned,
but what we are going to do is go over the 3-Divine Protocol.
Hormesis is a biological phenomenon whereby a beneficial effect (improved health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) results from exposure to low doses of an agent that is
otherwise toxic or lethal when given at higher doses.
The philosophy of Hormetism, advocated in this blog, is based upon harnessing this biological phenomenon in a deliberate and systematic way in order to increase strength and resilience.
The plot below illustrates how hormetic compounds exhibit a characteristic biphasic or “inverted U” dose response curve, rather than an inhibitory effect which decreases linearly or at least continuously, but still remains inhibitory, as the dose becomes more dilute.
A linear dose response, the so-called LNT or “linear no-threshold” model is assumed in conventional toxicology. But it turns out that much of the time, hormesis is better model than LNT. Take a close look at the plot: at a low dose, the response of the “toxic” or inhibitory agent actually becomes stimulatory or beneficial to the organism.
Can this really be — can something that is harmful at a high dose be good for you at a low dose? The answer, surprisingly, is yes, and not just in an isolated few cases, but across a broad range of chemicals, energy sources, and other stressful agents. Let’s look at the evidence. Hormesis dose response.
Hormesis was first reported in a 1943 issue of Phytopathology by C. Southam and J. Ehrlich, who described an oak bark compound that promoted fungal growth at low doses but strongly inhibited growth at higher doses. The term derives from the Greek word “hormo”, meaning to excite or stimulate.
Hormesis should not be confused with homeopathy, which purports to treat illnesses using levels of dilution so extreme that not even one molecule of the substance may be present, while positing that the absent homeopathic substance leaves a “memory trace” that somehow triggers a positive response in the organism. By contrast, hormesis has been subjected to extensive empirical confirmation.
Since Southam and Erlich’s paper, thousands of other examples of compounds exhibiting hormetic effects have been documented. Some of these are well-recognized components of our diet–including trace metals, alcohol and caffeine–recognized to be essential or healthful at low doses, but detrimental or toxic at high doses.
Edward Calabrese, a toxicologist in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has probably done more than anyone to document the hormetic effects of chemicals of many classes (reactive oxygen species, pro-oxidants, antagonists, mutagens) in a wide range of microbes, plants and animals.
Moving beyond chemical hormesis, we enter more controversial waters. While it has long been known that high or moderate levels of ionizing or nuclear radiation are damaging or deadly, it would surprise many people to learn that exposure to low levels of radiation–for example background radiation levels seen at higher altitudes– may actually have beneficial effects. And yet, that is what the evidence increasingly shows.
This includes studies documenting reduced rates of cancer and death for (a) industrial workers who handle low-level radioactive materials; (b) residents of high altitude regions such as Colorado; (c) people exposed to higher levels of natural radon gas; and (d) survivors of atomic blasts a who lived outside of the immediate blast areas.
Exposure to low or moderate doses of other lower-energy forms of radiation, including gamma-rays and UV-radiation, has been tied to health benefits. The documented connection between UV radiation and skin cancer has led to a general tendency in society to shun unprotected tanning and cover up with sunscreen when heading to the beach or ski slopes.
However, there are strong indications that exposure to the sun, in low or moderate doses, has several benefits. Well-known is the fact that sunlight is one of the most effective ways to generate natural Vitamin D in the body; less well-known is that fact that sunlight can actually reduce the incidence of cancer, as reported in the Feb. 2, 2005 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Studies have even shown that one of the most infamous environmental toxins, dioxin, is beneficial
at very low doses. Dioxin is a related to the Vietnam-era defoliant Agent Orange and is a known carcinogen. Dioxin contamination found in residential areas led to several highly publicized evacuations entire neighborhoods in Love Canal, New York and Times Beach, Missouri. According to the EPA, there is no “safe” level of dioxin. And yet in rats, low doses of dioxin have been shown to greatly reduce the incidence of tumors.
Analysis of data from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Healthsurprisingly reveals that plant workers exposed to low or moderate levels of dioxin had reduced incidence of many types of cancer. And molecular studies of how dioxin binds to DNA suggest that it can both induce and inhibit carcinogenesis, depending on the dose and the type of tissue involved. So the story does not appear to be as cut and dried as the EPA would have it.
Other stresses.
Beyond chemicals and radiation, other biological stresses have been shown to have hormetic effects. Some of the more interesting of these hormetic stresses include: calorie restriction, cold temperature, heat shock, and hypergravity.
A common mechanism?
Is there a common thread that explains how such a diverse range of biological insults–chemicals, radiation, temperature, gravity, and calorie restriction–can strengthen organisms, and explains why this phenomenon occurs across the world of microbes, plants and animals? The hormetic effect also appears to involve several seemingly independent physiological systems, including the endocrine and immune systems, tissue repair and growth mechanisms, and neural plasticity.
What these systems have in common is that they are all adaptive “homeostatic” systems which help restore the organism to optimal functioning after “perturbations” by external stressors. The principle of homeostasis was first articulated over a hundred years ago by the physiologist Claude Bernard, and it has since been well documented in a broad range of biological systems. What is remarkable with hormesis, however, is that similar adaptations can occur to so many different stressors, and the adaptations can be significant and in many cases permanent or long-lasting. While well documented, we are just beginning to understand the common mechanisms underlying hormesis.
Anti-stress genes.
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts have proposed that hormetic stresses work by inducing cellular adaptations brought on by activation of an “anti-stress” gene regulatory network. In their article “Hormesis and Adaptive Cellular Control Systems” in the journal Dose-Response, Melvin Anderson and others present evidence that hormetic stressors are first detected by molecular sensors, which activate “transcription factors” and upregulate the expression of a suite of anti-stress gene networks. These genes in turn activate a cascade of “homeostatic pathways”, i.e., adaptive responses which protect cells from stressful environments.
One example is the activation of so-called “heat shock proteins” expressed by cells from bacteria to mammals as an adaptive response to heat stress, allowing the cell to resist heat denaturation of cellular proteins. These metabolic adaptations protect against toxicity to cells or organs, but require a significant increase in energy expenditure by the organism.
Depending on the concentration and duration of exposure, the cell can shift from a normal functioning state, to an adaptive and stressed state at mild to intermediate exposures, or ultimately to an overt state of toxicity in the presence of an overwhelming concentration of stressors. If this model is correct, an accurate classification of the cell state could be directly used in risk assessments of various biological stresses.
It can be argued that the immune system is a hormetic system, in which the stressor is an antigen. Proliferation of immune cells in response to antigen exposure represents a hormetic adaptation. As with other hormetic phenomena, the dose of the antigen is critical, as described in a review by Calabresi. ( “Hormetic Dose-Response Relationships in Immunology”).
This understanding underlies the principle of vaccination, which results in increased tolerance to foreign agents such as infectious viral agents. What is increasingly evident, and exciting, is that the principle of immune “tolerization” can be extended to stressors beyond infectious agents, to address conditions such as autoimmune conditions, allergies and asthma. Allergen immunotherapy works by introducing very low doses of an allergen and gradually increasing the dosage to build up tolerance.
According to Dr. Linda Cox, chair of the Immunotherapy and Diagnostics Committee of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), studies in Germany and the U.S. showed significantly improved cost effectiveness of allergen immunotherapy compared with conventional anti-allergy drugs in treating allergic rhinitis and asthma. I’ve posted a fuller discussion about the scientific basis for allergen immunotherapy in my article on Allergies and hormesis.
Progressive hormesis.
In the literature, there is an implicit assumption that the threshold dose between the beneficial range and the detrimental range is fixed. So the research on hormesis attempts to characterize the threshold dose for each particular compound being studied relative to a class of organisms. The threshold dose is assumed to be constant–not only for a population but for an individual. But it is likely to vary among individuals within a population. And what if it is in fact not a static threshold, but a dynamic one? In that case, individuals could be trained to adapt to higher and higher levels of a stressor over time?
Certainly, this has already been explicitly acknowledged in one case described above, allergen immunotherapy, where tolerization results from progressively increasing the dose of the allergen. Another well-established example of progressive hormesis is weight-training. So long as one does not overtrain, it is generally expected that muscular strength can be significantly increased by progressively increasing the magnitude of the weights being lifted, allowing for adequate intervals of rest to allow adequate tissue repair and growth of muscle tissue.
Hormetism puts forward the thesis that progressive hormesis is a general phenomenon that applies to virtually any stressor. Following the principles of intensity, constraint, oscillation, and gradualism outlined on the first page of this website, it should be possible to increase strength and tolerance with respect to a wide, virtually unlimited range of challenges and stressors. It will be interesting to explore the diverse applications of this approach to strengthening.
Hormesis is a biological phenomenon whereby a beneficial effect (improved health, stress tolerance, growth or longevity) results from exposure to low doses of an agent that is
otherwise toxic or lethal when given at higher doses.
The philosophy of Hormetism, advocated in this blog, is based upon harnessing this biological phenomenon in a deliberate and systematic way in order to increase strength and resilience.
The plot below illustrates how hormetic compounds exhibit a characteristic biphasic or “inverted U” dose response curve, rather than an inhibitory effect which decreases linearly or at least continuously, but still remains inhibitory, as the dose becomes more dilute.
A linear dose response, the so-called LNT or “linear no-threshold” model is assumed in conventional toxicology. But it turns out that much of the time, hormesis is better model than LNT. Take a close look at the plot: at a low dose, the response of the “toxic” or inhibitory agent actually becomes stimulatory or beneficial to the organism.
Can this really be — can something that is harmful at a high dose be good for you at a low dose? The answer, surprisingly, is yes, and not just in an isolated few cases, but across a broad range of chemicals, energy sources, and other stressful agents. Let’s look at the evidence. Hormesis dose response.
Hormesis was first reported in a 1943 issue of Phytopathology by C. Southam and J. Ehrlich, who described an oak bark compound that promoted fungal growth at low doses but strongly inhibited growth at higher doses. The term derives from the Greek word “hormo”, meaning to excite or stimulate.
Hormesis should not be confused with homeopathy, which purports to treat illnesses using levels of dilution so extreme that not even one molecule of the substance may be present, while positing that the absent homeopathic substance leaves a “memory trace” that somehow triggers a positive response in the organism. By contrast, hormesis has been subjected to extensive empirical confirmation.
Since Southam and Erlich’s paper, thousands of other examples of compounds exhibiting hormetic effects have been documented. Some of these are well-recognized components of our diet–including trace metals, alcohol and caffeine–recognized to be essential or healthful at low doses, but detrimental or toxic at high doses.
Edward Calabrese, a toxicologist in the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, has probably done more than anyone to document the hormetic effects of chemicals of many classes (reactive oxygen species, pro-oxidants, antagonists, mutagens) in a wide range of microbes, plants and animals.
Moving beyond chemical hormesis, we enter more controversial waters. While it has long been known that high or moderate levels of ionizing or nuclear radiation are damaging or deadly, it would surprise many people to learn that exposure to low levels of radiation–for example background radiation levels seen at higher altitudes– may actually have beneficial effects. And yet, that is what the evidence increasingly shows.
This includes studies documenting reduced rates of cancer and death for (a) industrial workers who handle low-level radioactive materials; (b) residents of high altitude regions such as Colorado; (c) people exposed to higher levels of natural radon gas; and (d) survivors of atomic blasts a who lived outside of the immediate blast areas.
Exposure to low or moderate doses of other lower-energy forms of radiation, including gamma-rays and UV-radiation, has been tied to health benefits. The documented connection between UV radiation and skin cancer has led to a general tendency in society to shun unprotected tanning and cover up with sunscreen when heading to the beach or ski slopes.
However, there are strong indications that exposure to the sun, in low or moderate doses, has several benefits. Well-known is the fact that sunlight is one of the most effective ways to generate natural Vitamin D in the body; less well-known is that fact that sunlight can actually reduce the incidence of cancer, as reported in the Feb. 2, 2005 issue of the Journal of the National Cancer Institute.
Studies have even shown that one of the most infamous environmental toxins, dioxin, is beneficial
at very low doses. Dioxin is a related to the Vietnam-era defoliant Agent Orange and is a known carcinogen. Dioxin contamination found in residential areas led to several highly publicized evacuations entire neighborhoods in Love Canal, New York and Times Beach, Missouri. According to the EPA, there is no “safe” level of dioxin. And yet in rats, low doses of dioxin have been shown to greatly reduce the incidence of tumors.
Analysis of data from the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Healthsurprisingly reveals that plant workers exposed to low or moderate levels of dioxin had reduced incidence of many types of cancer. And molecular studies of how dioxin binds to DNA suggest that it can both induce and inhibit carcinogenesis, depending on the dose and the type of tissue involved. So the story does not appear to be as cut and dried as the EPA would have it.
Other stresses.
Beyond chemicals and radiation, other biological stresses have been shown to have hormetic effects. Some of the more interesting of these hormetic stresses include: calorie restriction, cold temperature, heat shock, and hypergravity.
A common mechanism?
Is there a common thread that explains how such a diverse range of biological insults–chemicals, radiation, temperature, gravity, and calorie restriction–can strengthen organisms, and explains why this phenomenon occurs across the world of microbes, plants and animals? The hormetic effect also appears to involve several seemingly independent physiological systems, including the endocrine and immune systems, tissue repair and growth mechanisms, and neural plasticity.
What these systems have in common is that they are all adaptive “homeostatic” systems which help restore the organism to optimal functioning after “perturbations” by external stressors. The principle of homeostasis was first articulated over a hundred years ago by the physiologist Claude Bernard, and it has since been well documented in a broad range of biological systems. What is remarkable with hormesis, however, is that similar adaptations can occur to so many different stressors, and the adaptations can be significant and in many cases permanent or long-lasting. While well documented, we are just beginning to understand the common mechanisms underlying hormesis.
Anti-stress genes.
Researchers at the University of Massachusetts have proposed that hormetic stresses work by inducing cellular adaptations brought on by activation of an “anti-stress” gene regulatory network. In their article “Hormesis and Adaptive Cellular Control Systems” in the journal Dose-Response, Melvin Anderson and others present evidence that hormetic stressors are first detected by molecular sensors, which activate “transcription factors” and upregulate the expression of a suite of anti-stress gene networks. These genes in turn activate a cascade of “homeostatic pathways”, i.e., adaptive responses which protect cells from stressful environments.
One example is the activation of so-called “heat shock proteins” expressed by cells from bacteria to mammals as an adaptive response to heat stress, allowing the cell to resist heat denaturation of cellular proteins. These metabolic adaptations protect against toxicity to cells or organs, but require a significant increase in energy expenditure by the organism.
Depending on the concentration and duration of exposure, the cell can shift from a normal functioning state, to an adaptive and stressed state at mild to intermediate exposures, or ultimately to an overt state of toxicity in the presence of an overwhelming concentration of stressors. If this model is correct, an accurate classification of the cell state could be directly used in risk assessments of various biological stresses.
It can be argued that the immune system is a hormetic system, in which the stressor is an antigen. Proliferation of immune cells in response to antigen exposure represents a hormetic adaptation. As with other hormetic phenomena, the dose of the antigen is critical, as described in a review by Calabresi. ( “Hormetic Dose-Response Relationships in Immunology”).
This understanding underlies the principle of vaccination, which results in increased tolerance to foreign agents such as infectious viral agents. What is increasingly evident, and exciting, is that the principle of immune “tolerization” can be extended to stressors beyond infectious agents, to address conditions such as autoimmune conditions, allergies and asthma. Allergen immunotherapy works by introducing very low doses of an allergen and gradually increasing the dosage to build up tolerance.
According to Dr. Linda Cox, chair of the Immunotherapy and Diagnostics Committee of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI), studies in Germany and the U.S. showed significantly improved cost effectiveness of allergen immunotherapy compared with conventional anti-allergy drugs in treating allergic rhinitis and asthma. I’ve posted a fuller discussion about the scientific basis for allergen immunotherapy in my article on Allergies and hormesis.
Progressive hormesis.
In the literature, there is an implicit assumption that the threshold dose between the beneficial range and the detrimental range is fixed. So the research on hormesis attempts to characterize the threshold dose for each particular compound being studied relative to a class of organisms. The threshold dose is assumed to be constant–not only for a population but for an individual. But it is likely to vary among individuals within a population. And what if it is in fact not a static threshold, but a dynamic one? In that case, individuals could be trained to adapt to higher and higher levels of a stressor over time?
Certainly, this has already been explicitly acknowledged in one case described above, allergen immunotherapy, where tolerization results from progressively increasing the dose of the allergen. Another well-established example of progressive hormesis is weight-training. So long as one does not overtrain, it is generally expected that muscular strength can be significantly increased by progressively increasing the magnitude of the weights being lifted, allowing for adequate intervals of rest to allow adequate tissue repair and growth of muscle tissue.
Hormetism puts forward the thesis that progressive hormesis is a general phenomenon that applies to virtually any stressor. Following the principles of intensity, constraint, oscillation, and gradualism outlined on the first page of this website, it should be possible to increase strength and tolerance with respect to a wide, virtually unlimited range of challenges and stressors. It will be interesting to explore the diverse applications of this approach to strengthening.
The Hormesis Effect:
The Miraculous Healing Power
of Radioactive Stones
The Miraculous Healing Power
of Radioactive Stones
For thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low-radioactive stones. Now you have access to the same lost art!
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
may well be one of the most important books you will ever read. The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans.
But the late Jay Gutierrez, noted Native American healer and CEO of Night Hawk Minerals in Pritchett, Colorado, came up with a solution. As told by award-winning New York psychoanalyst, acclaimed holistic health consultant, and author Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Jay rediscovered a forgotten ancient science that was once well-known to our prehistoric ancestors: the healing power of low-level radioactivity.
The concept of using low-dose radiation for therapeutic purposes, called in medical literature "radiation hormesis," has 100 years of solid scientific research behind it, and thousands of medical studies to support it. The application of low-level radiation promises to save countless lives, as well as millions of dollars in medical bills, as it has already done through Jay's implementation.
Radiation hormesis is easy, affordable, and highly effective. If you're like most people, you're afraid of radiation, and all it implies. Yet, in other countries all over the world, millions of people have benefitted from using low-level radiation on everything from tennis elbow, joint pain and arthritis, to far more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, spinal meningitis, autism, stroke, macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer.
Jay's unique contribution has been to find an inexpensive delivery system that brings this powerful, proven healing modality to all of us, within the comfort of our own homes: low-level radioactive natural stones.
This important, well researched, illustrated book not only tells the story of Jay's modern day rediscovery of natural radiation hormesis, it also provides practical information on how to acquire and use his stones, along with numerous other related techniques on how to improve one's health and treat disease.
For medical practitioners, researchers, and scientists there is an annotated bibliography, copious references, and a comprehensive index. The Foreword to The Hormesis Effect is by holistic doctor Raphael d'Angelo, M.D., a respected expert in the fields of naturopathic care and integrative family medicine, and the director of The ParaWellness Research Program in Aurora, Colorado.
Take this journey with the authors and be amazed, outraged, delighted, moved, surprised, grateful, and awe-struck. It could save a life. Available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook.
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
may well be one of the most important books you will ever read. The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans.
But the late Jay Gutierrez, noted Native American healer and CEO of Night Hawk Minerals in Pritchett, Colorado, came up with a solution. As told by award-winning New York psychoanalyst, acclaimed holistic health consultant, and author Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Jay rediscovered a forgotten ancient science that was once well-known to our prehistoric ancestors: the healing power of low-level radioactivity.
The concept of using low-dose radiation for therapeutic purposes, called in medical literature "radiation hormesis," has 100 years of solid scientific research behind it, and thousands of medical studies to support it. The application of low-level radiation promises to save countless lives, as well as millions of dollars in medical bills, as it has already done through Jay's implementation.
Radiation hormesis is easy, affordable, and highly effective. If you're like most people, you're afraid of radiation, and all it implies. Yet, in other countries all over the world, millions of people have benefitted from using low-level radiation on everything from tennis elbow, joint pain and arthritis, to far more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, spinal meningitis, autism, stroke, macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer.
Jay's unique contribution has been to find an inexpensive delivery system that brings this powerful, proven healing modality to all of us, within the comfort of our own homes: low-level radioactive natural stones.
This important, well researched, illustrated book not only tells the story of Jay's modern day rediscovery of natural radiation hormesis, it also provides practical information on how to acquire and use his stones, along with numerous other related techniques on how to improve one's health and treat disease.
For medical practitioners, researchers, and scientists there is an annotated bibliography, copious references, and a comprehensive index. The Foreword to The Hormesis Effect is by holistic doctor Raphael d'Angelo, M.D., a respected expert in the fields of naturopathic care and integrative family medicine, and the director of The ParaWellness Research Program in Aurora, Colorado.
Take this journey with the authors and be amazed, outraged, delighted, moved, surprised, grateful, and awe-struck. It could save a life. Available in paperback, hardcover, and ebook.
The Hormesis Effect:
The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
Jane G. Goldberg, Jay Gutierrez.
For thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low- radioactive stones. Now you have access to the same lost art!
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones may well be one of the most important books you will ever read. The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans.
The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
Jane G. Goldberg, Jay Gutierrez.
For thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low- radioactive stones. Now you have access to the same lost art!
The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones may well be one of the most important books you will ever read. The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans.
In Memory
of Jay Gutierrez
1962 - 2015
of Jay Gutierrez
1962 - 2015
Jay Gutierrez
has a birthday Friday the 3rd of August ... in heaven!
Be sure and watch for a one day sale in honor of our
great teacher, healer, friend, dad, papi, father in law,
Brother, son and most importantly the best husband a woman could ask for!
Miss you forever and your dream is still going because
of all the love you shared while here on earth!
Love you always Jay!
Never forgotten!
Keep us moving forward with your beautiful soul and spirit!
From the Facebook -
has a birthday Friday the 3rd of August ... in heaven!
Be sure and watch for a one day sale in honor of our
great teacher, healer, friend, dad, papi, father in law,
Brother, son and most importantly the best husband a woman could ask for!
Miss you forever and your dream is still going because
of all the love you shared while here on earth!
Love you always Jay!
Never forgotten!
Keep us moving forward with your beautiful soul and spirit!
From the Facebook -
Hormesis Effect
The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
av Jane G Goldberg, Jay Gutierrez, Jay Gutierrez, Raphael D'Angelo
E-BOOK (EPUB - DRM), Engelska, 2014-07-16
The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones
av Jane G Goldberg, Jay Gutierrez, Jay Gutierrez, Raphael D'Angelo
E-BOOK (EPUB - DRM), Engelska, 2014-07-16
Did you know that for thousands of years people have been treating pain, injuries, and disease with low-radioactive stones? Now you have access to the same lost art! "e;The Hormesis Effect: The Miraculous Healing Power of Radioactive Stones"e; may well be one of the most important books you will ever read.
The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans. But Jay Gutierrez, noted Native American healer and CEO of Night Hawk Minerals in Pritchett, Colorado, has a solution. As told by award-winning New York psychoanalyst, acclaimed holistic health consultant, and author Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Jay has rediscovered a forgotten ancient science that was once well-known to our prehistoricancestors: the healing power of low-level radioactivity.
The concept of using low-dose radiation for therapeutic purposes, called in medical literature "e;radiation hormesis,"e; has 100 years of solid scientific research behind it, and thousands of medical studies to support it. The application of low-level radiation promises to save countless lives, as well as millions of dollars in medical bills, as it has already done through Jay's implementation. Radiation hormesis is easy, affordable, and highly effective. If you're like most people, you're afraid of radiation, and all it implies.
Yet, in other countries all over the world, millions of people have benefitted from using low-level radiation on everything from tennis elbow, joint pain and arthritis, to far more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, spinal meningitis, autism, stroke, macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer. Jay's unique contribution has been to find an inexpensive delivery system that brings this powerful, proven healing modality to all of us, within the comfort of our own homes: low-level radioactive natural stones.
This important, well researched, illustrated book not only tells the story of Jay's modern day rediscovery of natural radiation hormesis, it also provides practical information on how to acquire and use his stones, along with numerous other related techniques on how to improve one's health and treat disease. For medical practitioners, researchers, and scientists there is an annotated bibliography, copious references, and a comprehensive index.
The Foreword to "e;The Hormesis Effect"e; is by holistic doctor Raphael d'Angelo, M.D., a respected expert in the fields of naturopathic care and integrative family medicine, and the director of The ParaWellness Research Program in Aurora, Colorado. Take this journey with the authors and be amazed, outraged, delighted, moved, surprised, grateful, and awe-struck. It could save a life.
The U.S. is in desperate need of a health revolution: cancer has now surpassed heart disease as the number one killer, affecting nearly one out of every two Americans. But Jay Gutierrez, noted Native American healer and CEO of Night Hawk Minerals in Pritchett, Colorado, has a solution. As told by award-winning New York psychoanalyst, acclaimed holistic health consultant, and author Jane G. Goldberg, Ph.D., Jay has rediscovered a forgotten ancient science that was once well-known to our prehistoricancestors: the healing power of low-level radioactivity.
The concept of using low-dose radiation for therapeutic purposes, called in medical literature "e;radiation hormesis,"e; has 100 years of solid scientific research behind it, and thousands of medical studies to support it. The application of low-level radiation promises to save countless lives, as well as millions of dollars in medical bills, as it has already done through Jay's implementation. Radiation hormesis is easy, affordable, and highly effective. If you're like most people, you're afraid of radiation, and all it implies.
Yet, in other countries all over the world, millions of people have benefitted from using low-level radiation on everything from tennis elbow, joint pain and arthritis, to far more serious illnesses such as multiple sclerosis, spinal meningitis, autism, stroke, macular degeneration, heart disease and cancer. Jay's unique contribution has been to find an inexpensive delivery system that brings this powerful, proven healing modality to all of us, within the comfort of our own homes: low-level radioactive natural stones.
This important, well researched, illustrated book not only tells the story of Jay's modern day rediscovery of natural radiation hormesis, it also provides practical information on how to acquire and use his stones, along with numerous other related techniques on how to improve one's health and treat disease. For medical practitioners, researchers, and scientists there is an annotated bibliography, copious references, and a comprehensive index.
The Foreword to "e;The Hormesis Effect"e; is by holistic doctor Raphael d'Angelo, M.D., a respected expert in the fields of naturopathic care and integrative family medicine, and the director of The ParaWellness Research Program in Aurora, Colorado. Take this journey with the authors and be amazed, outraged, delighted, moved, surprised, grateful, and awe-struck. It could save a life.