This is My Humble Message
for the Year 2023
This is My Humble Message
for the Year 2023
Message to the People
In the World Today ...
... " The GOOD People are the smile in the eyes of the world,
the sparkle, the bright ray of the rising sun.
The soft breeze that caresses our face.
The joy, the happiness that pervades the Universe.
The life-giving blossom, the budding, the spring breeze,
the touch of the soft breeze, the smell of the earth.
The calm, the peace, the grace that comes from all-embracing love.
The song of the thrush, the chirp of the cricket, the soft meadow, the swaying fish.
One thing is certain, they are everywhere in the World.
Giving strength, giving faith, giving hope."
The time has come to ALL of us to connect to the higher waves of love.
Love has already died out in the hearts of millions of people.
The flame that gave life has gone out,
and apathy and indifference have taken hold of their souls,
and carries it now as a weight.
If the heart is not open, it cannot make good choices,
There is no life force without DIVINE SOURCE in the people.
Let the soft melody ring in your souls and take the chord.
"Open your heart to Me, turn to Me, and with an infinite trust ...
with the same trust with which a child bows its head in its mother's soft lap.
the Divine lap, like the mother's lap, offers you security.
I open your hearts, I heal your pains,
I fill you with a feeling of infinite love.
I lift your burdens, I lift your weights, I give your live direction.
I teach you, I educate you, I educate you to love."
Because love is much needed in this World,
a soft all-embracing flow of love.
Only YOU can heal the wounds, open your heart, not only in your personal life,
but also in the living space connected with others.
People be filled with love,
but at the same time be soft and kind,
and flourishing.
So open your heart.
We are in a very difficult time of the Earth History.
Connect with the SOURCE OF LOVE
and allow it to become the defining factor in your life.
Soften those around you,
Heal their deep wounds and hurts.
It is softness, understanding, love that brings your hearts closer together,
and this soft, all-embracing, unconditional love is quality and acceptance
will heal the most deeply wounded heart without effort.
Be the giver, but at the same time do not be demanding,
determining, controlling, pretentious.
Always know your place, where and how far you can go.
Make room in yourselves
for the beauty,
the goodness,
the softness,
the all-embracing love.
We should live in the Kingdom of the Heart.
We should become a heart flower that sheds its fragrant petals.
With its softness it shows the way, gives strength, love and security...
A Humble Message to the World Leaders,
for a Peaceful Earth
1. Wisely, Guide them with Kindness and Improve their Health and Spirituality.
2. Unite them with Universal Love.
3. Respect their Nationality, Heritage, and Faith.
4. Protect Nations with Fair Laws, where Love and Kindness are the Basic the Principles.
5. Let all Nations Rule Internally, but with the Principles of Universal Love.
6. Avoid Petty Laws. Teach them Principles of Respect and Love for One Another.
7. Respect Individual Liberty with Social Duties.
8. Cherish Kindness, Beauty and Love - Seeking Harmony with the Infinite.
9. Encourage Humanity to be Balanced with Nature.
10. Teach them the Beauty of Nature,
to Respect the Nature and All Living Creatures on this Earth.
Written by the Website Owner
A Humble Message to the World Leaders,
for a Peaceful Earth
1. Wisely, Guide them with Kindness and Improve their Health and Spirituality.
2. Unite them with Universal Love.
3. Respect their Nationality, Heritage, and Faith.
4. Protect Nations with Fair Laws, where Love and Kindness are the Basic the Principles.
5. Let all Nations Rule Internally, but with the Principles of Universal Love.
6. Avoid Petty Laws. Teach them Principles of Respect and Love for One Another.
7. Respect Individual Liberty with Social Duties.
8. Cherish Kindness, Beauty and Love - Seeking Harmony with the Infinite.
9. Encourage Humanity to be Balanced with Nature.
10. Teach them the Beauty of Nature,
to Respect the Nature and All Living Creatures on this Earth.
Written by the Website Owner
Ervin Aranyosi
Send a Little Love
Send a little love out into the world,
That makes other hearts filled with goodness.
Give when you can, without expecting gratitude,
So make the twisted world of others beautiful.
For those who don't have it can't help it,
They've only pulled the rug out from under them.
Maybe if you help by setting a good example.
When a fallen man comes your way.
Then the world will be a little more beautiful,
Goodness is always in our hearts.
Maybe if you help others ...
The world needs goodness in this troubled WORLD.
Translated from Hungarian
Ervin Aranyosi
Send a Little Love
Send a little love out into the world,
That makes other hearts filled with goodness.
Give when you can, without expecting gratitude,
So make the twisted world of others beautiful.
For those who don't have it can't help it,
They've only pulled the rug out from under them.
Maybe if you help by setting a good example.
When a fallen man comes your way.
Then the world will be a little more beautiful,
Goodness is always in our hearts.
Maybe if you help others ...
The world needs goodness in this troubled WORLD.
Translated from Hungarian
Fill the universe, make the World bloom.
Kind People plays a decisive role in the Universe.
They carry in them the GOODNESS codes that enable them
to live a life that defines the quality in this age.
To set an example to the nations around them.
Keep kindness in your heart,
Kindness in your smile,
Kindness in the twinkle of your eye.
Keep kindness in your love that embraces all and everyone.
Fill the universe, make the World bloom.
Kind People plays a decisive role in the Universe.
They carry in them the GOODNESS codes that enable them
to live a life that defines the quality in this age.
To set an example to the nations around them.
Keep kindness in your heart,
Kindness in your smile,
Kindness in the twinkle of your eye.
Keep kindness in your love that embraces all and everyone.
A happy world, A quiet world,
A true world, A kind world,
A bloodless world,
A world without wars.
A world full of shining colours,
A world fully dedicated to love,
A world which knows only the way of humanity,
A world which starts its day with a smile,
A world which ends its days with thankfulness.
A world which sleeps at night in a tuneful song.
Imagine a World dedicated to love,
a World which knows only the way of humanity ...
A happy world, A quiet world,
A true world, A kind world,
A bloodless world,
A world without wars.
A world full of shining colours,
A world fully dedicated to love,
A world which knows only the way of humanity,
A world which starts its day with a smile,
A world which ends its days with thankfulness.
A world which sleeps at night in a tuneful song.
Imagine a World dedicated to love,
a World which knows only the way of humanity ...
Lajos Mészáros
It's Just a Dream
I dreamed about a beautiful world,
Where nothing was missing,
Where all the people were happy,
And woke up happy in the morning.
No one was jealous of anyone else,
There was help for the families.
There was never a want
No fate was cruel to us.
All the people lived in peace,
Nobody sued his neighbour,
They built their house together
No envy, only humility.
How beautiful life was there,
The young and the old lived together.
They never hated each other
They never feel disappointed.
What a pity it was only a dream,
What a disappointment was to wake up again ...
And see the reality.
Translated from Hungarian
Lajos Mészáros
It's Just a Dream
I dreamed about a beautiful world,
Where nothing was missing,
Where all the people were happy,
And woke up happy in the morning.
No one was jealous of anyone else,
There was help for the families.
There was never a want
No fate was cruel to us.
All the people lived in peace,
Nobody sued his neighbour,
They built their house together
No envy, only humility.
How beautiful life was there,
The young and the old lived together.
They never hated each other
They never feel disappointed.
What a pity it was only a dream,
What a disappointment was to wake up again ...
And see the reality.
Translated from Hungarian