Real Raw Food / British Columbia, Canada
Just organic is not good enough.
We are a family business located in a small village called Naramata near the south end of the Beautiful Okanagan Valley in the heart of British Columbia, Canada.
Our purpose is to provide unheated, non GMO, pure organically grown foods at a fair price. That means paying more to the grower in some cases and selling lower to the consumer in most cases. To do this we go to the source. There we learn how the food is grown and processed to insure it is living food farmed ethically and sustainably. Most products are shipped directly from the producer to us.
These foods are what we want to eat but many of them just aren't to be found in stores, so it's symbiotic. Many foods that are called raw in stores are not. Some are dried at very high temperatures, some nuts are heated for shelling and often they are over heated by the sun while at sea in the shipping containers to over 170F. None of our whole foods have additives.
We are helping others as well as ouselves acquire the freshest and tastiest truly raw foods we can find. Quality doesn't need to be higher priced. By buying wholesale you can pay what the stores are paying.
We sell foods that have been grown in an earth-friendly and people-friendly way. Being growers ourselves allows us to appreciate what our suppliers do to provide such high quality food.
Our raw food items include: honey, cacao, goji berries, vanilla beans, coconut oil, agave nectar, dried fruit, olives, almonds, pecan nuts, cashew nuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, organic dates, maca powder, sunflower lecithin, chocolate, spirulina and more.
UNNATURAL food is the principal cause of human degeneration. It is the oldest vice. If we reflect upon the number of ruinous dietetic abuses, and their immemorial tyranny over the larger part of the human race, we are tempted to eschew all symbolic interpretations of the paradise legend and ascribe the fall of man literally and exclusively to the eating of forbidden food. From century to century this same cause has multiplied the sum of our earthly ills. FELIX L. OSWALD
The Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him the most; he said,
"Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived"
We are a family business located in a small village called Naramata near the south end of the Beautiful Okanagan Valley in the heart of British Columbia, Canada.
Our purpose is to provide unheated, non GMO, pure organically grown foods at a fair price. That means paying more to the grower in some cases and selling lower to the consumer in most cases. To do this we go to the source. There we learn how the food is grown and processed to insure it is living food farmed ethically and sustainably. Most products are shipped directly from the producer to us.
These foods are what we want to eat but many of them just aren't to be found in stores, so it's symbiotic. Many foods that are called raw in stores are not. Some are dried at very high temperatures, some nuts are heated for shelling and often they are over heated by the sun while at sea in the shipping containers to over 170F. None of our whole foods have additives.
We are helping others as well as ouselves acquire the freshest and tastiest truly raw foods we can find. Quality doesn't need to be higher priced. By buying wholesale you can pay what the stores are paying.
We sell foods that have been grown in an earth-friendly and people-friendly way. Being growers ourselves allows us to appreciate what our suppliers do to provide such high quality food.
Our raw food items include: honey, cacao, goji berries, vanilla beans, coconut oil, agave nectar, dried fruit, olives, almonds, pecan nuts, cashew nuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, organic dates, maca powder, sunflower lecithin, chocolate, spirulina and more.
UNNATURAL food is the principal cause of human degeneration. It is the oldest vice. If we reflect upon the number of ruinous dietetic abuses, and their immemorial tyranny over the larger part of the human race, we are tempted to eschew all symbolic interpretations of the paradise legend and ascribe the fall of man literally and exclusively to the eating of forbidden food. From century to century this same cause has multiplied the sum of our earthly ills. FELIX L. OSWALD
The Dalai Lama was asked what surprised him the most; he said,
"Man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money.
Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
the result being that he does not live in the present or the future;
he lives as if he is never going to die, and then he dies having never really lived"
Sunlight by Zane R. Kime Files:
Recent Books
Gospel of Peace
Sunlight by Zane R. Kime
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker
Vitamin E, By Theodore M. Rudolph
Astaxanthin Book
Cure all Diseases, Hulda Clark
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay
Healing for the Age of Enlightenment by Stanley Burroughs
Recent Books
Gospel of Peace
Sunlight by Zane R. Kime
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker
Vitamin E, By Theodore M. Rudolph
Astaxanthin Book
Cure all Diseases, Hulda Clark
You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay
Healing for the Age of Enlightenment by Stanley Burroughs
Herbert Shelton
Feeding Mothers
Feeding Mothers by Herbert Shelton.pdf
Nuts by Herbert Shelton.pdf Building the Teeth by Herbert Shelton
Building the Teeth by Herbert Shelton.pdf Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding, Herbert Shelton
Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding, by Herbert Shelton.pdf No Starch for Infants, by Herbert Shelton
No Starch for Infants, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Fruits, by Herbert Shelton
Fruits, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Effects of Cooking, by Herbert Shelton
Effects of Cooking, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Hypo-Alkalinity, by Herbert Shelton
Hypo-Alkalinity, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Beginning the Reform Diet, by Herbert Shelton
Beginning the Reform Diet, by Herbert Shelton.pdf
Feeding Mothers
Feeding Mothers by Herbert Shelton.pdf
Nuts by Herbert Shelton.pdf Building the Teeth by Herbert Shelton
Building the Teeth by Herbert Shelton.pdf Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding, Herbert Shelton
Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding, by Herbert Shelton.pdf No Starch for Infants, by Herbert Shelton
No Starch for Infants, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Fruits, by Herbert Shelton
Fruits, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Effects of Cooking, by Herbert Shelton
Effects of Cooking, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Hypo-Alkalinity, by Herbert Shelton
Hypo-Alkalinity, by Herbert Shelton.pdf Beginning the Reform Diet, by Herbert Shelton
Beginning the Reform Diet, by Herbert Shelton.pdf
Articles Listed by Real Raw
Real Raw Food
Here are some recommended reading we found and posted on our website.
Here are some recommended reading we found and posted on our website.
- 5 Monkeys
Five monkeys were put into a regular monkeys’ cage, with a banana hanging high on a rope from the roof of the cage (outside the reach of the monkeys). The... - Acidosis and Alkalosis
- Acidosis Causes and Natural Treatment
- Adrenal Dietary Supplements
Dietary supplements play a very important role in healing from adrenal fatigue. They not only speed your recovery but are also often necessary for complete recovery to... - Adrenal Fatigue Questionaire
- Adrenal Fatigue Questions and Answers
What is Adrenal Fatigue? Adrenal fatigue is a group of related signs and symptoms (a syndrome) that results when the adrenal glands function below the necessary level.... - Agave-Is it Bad for You
The "Is Agave Bad For You" Fallacy or. How to Stop Being Manipulated by Even Famous Health Writers Who Write in Distorted Ways That Appear Factual "I... - Agave-Response to "Just say no to AGAVE!
Response to accusations that Agave is not what it is supposed to be by Craig Gerbore, Owner of Madhava I think that article is designed to defame agave, and contains... - Agave-Response to "Shocking" Article By Mercola
We here at Global Goods Inc. actually like many of the articles written by Dr. Mercola and appreciate the efforts he is making on the behalf of everyone looking for a... - Agave-The high Fructose Health Food Fraud Rebuttal
Here is the full rebuttal from Craig Gerbore, Owner of Madhava: In response, I must first point out that Mr. Nagel's article is based on the view of a sole... - Almost 1/3 West Coast newborns may face thyroid problems
- Asparagus - Cancer
- Astaxanthin
We are just beginning to understand the wonderful health benefits that Natural Astaxanthin (pronounced asta-ZAN-thin) can bring to humans, as well as animals. While many... - Astaxanthin Book
- Beginning the Reform Diet, by Herbert Shelton
- Building the Teeth by Herbert Shelton
- Cancer-Baking Soda and Maple Syrup Treatment
- Cancer-Hemp: The Most Medicinal Plant In The World
- Candida-Oats for Gastrointestinal Health
- Cayenne Pepper
- Childhood Vaccinations
All parents to be should read this before vaccintating. - Chronic Fatigue - Patient and Family Responsibilities
This is a chapter from Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker Patient and Family Responsibilities As I indicated in an earlier chapter, few conditions in... - Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker
- Chronic Fatigue Unmasked, Gerald E Poesnecker
- Contagious Diseases and the Germ Theory
- Cure all Diseases, Hulda Clark
- Diabetes-How to Help HEAL It Without Drugs or Surgery
- Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding
by Herbert Shelton We have become so artificial in our habits of thinking that it almost invariably occurs that when a discovery of the value of some type of food is... - Diet Reform vs. Supplemental Feeding, by Herbert Shelton
- Dr Eck-Mineral Balancing
- Effects of Cooking, by Herbert Shelton
- Feeding Mothers
- Fluoride: The Deadly Legacy by Gary Null, Ph.D
There's nothing like a glass of cool, clear water to quench one's thirst. But the next time you or your child reaches for one, you might want to question whether... - Fruits, by Herbert Shelton
- Fulvic Acid Report
In the beginning the Earth was blessed with optimum organic growing conditions. The soil had a wealth of minerals, trace elements, and rich humus soil teaming with... - Fulvic Humic acids-The Black Gold
Humic & Fulvic acids based specialities, mainly deriving from Leonardite, are increasingly popular in organic farming of course but also in conventional... - Fulvic – The Miracle Molecule
Fulvic (not to be confused with folic acid) is rapidly being recognized as one of the key elements in many outstanding health and scientific breakthroughs of... - Genetically Modified Soy Linked to Sterility, Infant Mortality
"This study was just routine," said Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, in what could end up as the understatement of this century. Surov and his colleagues set... - Good Teeth From Birth to Death
with DR. GERARD F. JUDD, Ph.D. GOODBYE TO TOOTH CAVITIES! GUM INFECTION IS NOW ENDED! by Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Ph.D., Chemistry and Fluoride Researcher May 5, 2001 I now... - Gospel of Peace
- Hawaiian Spirulina
- Healing for the Age of Enlightenment by Stanley Burroughs
- How Diet Foods and Drinks Can Actually Cause, NOT Prevent Diabetes
- How we Become Acid
- Humic Acid Benefits
Introduction Humates are an accessible raw material that can be used in agriculture and animal husbandry in the form of a humate drink or dry feed as... - Humic Fulvic Substances Info
ABOUT HUMIC FULVIC SUBSTANCES Fulvic acids defined Fulvic ~word origin: [ful < Old English < full] full of, characterized by, having the qualities of, having the... - Humifulvate– A NATURAL ACTIVE INGREDIENT
The purpose of this paper is to provide a comprehensive, chemical and biological description – reflecting all that we know today – of a new active... - Hypo-Alkalinity, by Herbert Shelton
- Iodine and Chelation, Heavy Metals and Halogens
Chelation bears the government's seal of approval for detoxifying the body, most often after an industrial accident or environmental exposure to hazardous materials... - Iodine Deficiency Consequences
Further to: The Miracle Of Iodine And It's Nearly Free the miracles simply keep piling.... an essential nutrient to maintain health! "Many physicians would be... - Iodine for Greatest Mental and Physical Health- Dr Guy Abraham M.D., Dr. Jorge D Flechas M.D.
- Iodine Kills Candida
In vitro susceptibility of Candida albicans to four disinfectants and their combinations. Waltimo TM, Orstavik D, Sirén EK, Haapasalo MP. Source NIOM,... - Iodine(Nascent) by Mark Sircus
"Iodine is utilized by every hormone receptor in the body. The absence of iodine causes a hormonal dysfunction that can be seen with practically every hormone... - Iodine-Clinical Experience
- Iodine-Dosages/Candida
- Iodine-How to take
The correct procedure for using Magnascent Iodine is as follows: Put one or two ounces of water in a glass and, using the dropper provided, drop the desired number of... - Iodine-Malaria
- Iodine-The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative
The End of Antibiotics and the Rise of Iodine as an Effective Alternative (NaturalNews) Eventually antibiotics are going to be seen as one of the worst things to ever... - Iodine-The Great Iodine Debate
- Iodine-The Universal & Holistic Super Mineral
- Iodine-What is Nascent Iodine?
"Iodine is a naturally occurring mineral found in seawater and soils. It is an essential trace element for life and is found in food and salt that the body requires... - Iodine: Its Role In Health and Disease, Michael B. Schachter, M.D.
Guy Abraham MD, former professor of obstetrics, gynecology and endocrinology at UCLA School of Medicine, has written a... - Iodine: the Forgotten Weapon Against Influenza Viruses
- Magnesium - The Principles and Practices of Transdermal Therapy
The Principles and Practices of Transdermal Therapy (NaturalNews) Transdermal medicine delivers medications to the exact site of injury/pain.... - Magnesium Chloride for Health & Rejuvenation
Magnesium Chloride for Health & Rejuvenation by Walter Last Magnesium is nothing short of a miracle mineral in its... - Magnesium Deficiency Syndrome
Magnesium Deficiency Syndrome There is little doubt that that many people have lost touch with nature, having been born into our modern "civilized" world... - Magnesium: The Lamp of Life
Magnesium: The Lamp of Life (NaturalNews) Inside chlorophyll is the lamp of life and that lamp is magnesium. The capture of light energy from the sun is magnesium... - Malaria Finally Defeated
The worst disease of mankind, malaria, a disease that has killed more humans than all the wars of mankind, was finally defeated and the defeat was proven a fact by... - Malaria Overcome
One the most important medical clinical trial to ever be conducted was started on the 11th of December 2012 and lasted 4 days. This one trial is likely to impact... - Microwaved Water - See What It Does To Plants
- MMS - citric acid mixing instructions
1 Pound Mixing Instructions for 28% Sodium Chlorite Solution Fill plastic container with 32 US ounces of warm water (100 to 150 F). While sprinkling in the entire... - MMS Directions
The Fundamentals for using MMS are These: Fundamental One: Repeated small doses are more effective than large morning and evening doses. It has been demonstrated more... - MMS-Fraud or Miracle
The Country of Spain Attacks MMS On 10/25/2012, Andreas Ludwig Kalcker, our MMS Bishop in Spain, was invited, via an internet contact, to give a talk in Spain for... - MMS-How to make
How to Make MMS in Your Kitchen MAKING 12.6 ounces of MMS: There are more than 1,412 doses of MMS in 12 ounces. That should last you and your family for a couple of... - MMS-On The Mechanisms Of Toxicity Of Chlorine Oxides Against Malarial Parasites - An Overview
The purpose of this article is to propose research. Nothing in this article is intended as medical advice. No claims, promises nor guarantees are made.... - Neem-A Tree For Solving Global Problems
- No Starch for Infants, by Herbert Shelton
- Nutrition and Physical Degeneration
Nutrition and Physical Degeneration A Comparison of Primitive and Modern Diets and Their Effects BY Weston A.... - Nutritional Drugs that Work
Finding new medicines is crucial for pharmaceutical companies because over time, they gradually lose patent protection on drugs. So imagine the disappointment when... - Nuts
President Obama is full of surprises. But even expectant reporters were taken aback when White House science adviser John Holdren used his first interview on April 18... - Oil Pulling
- Pantry Moths
- Raw Medicine-Hightimes
- Raw Oats for Gastrointestinal Health
- Remove Heavy Metals from Body
- Root Canals Contain Toxic Bacterium
Root Canals Contain Toxic Bacterium For Immediate Release New DNA study confirms decades old research that root canals contain toxic bacterium that may be the "... - Spirulina Info
Spirulina Benefits Spirulina has all the health benefits of any nutritious whole food. It is packed with protein, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals. It’s... - Sprouting Benefits
Roasted, Raw or Sprouted? Most nuts come from the seeds or dried fruits of trees and have an outer shell that is nature’s perfect way of protecting the nut kernel... - Sunlight by Zane R. Kime
- Synthetic Vitamins and Minerals
You've probably noticed that you can buy vitamins and minerals at your local supermarket and your local drugstore as well as at health food stores. You may have... - The Essene Gospel of Peace-Book One
The Original Hebrew and Aramaic Texts Translated and edited by EDMOND BORDEAUX SZEKELY MCMLXXXI INTERNATIONAL BIOGENIC SOCIETY Book Design by Golondrina Graohics ... - The Flu (Our Friend)
- The hidden ingredient in engineered food - The Milk Diet
Dr Porter treated 1800 patients with milk. Remarkable permanent cures have been credited to the Porter Method contained within this book. - Tocotrienol-Effects of Supplementation on Hair Growth in Human Volunteers
- Tocotrienols and Breast Cancer
- Universal Immunization
Readable by the layperson; fully-documented. The practice of childhood immunization is exposed as a dangerous fraud. Obomsawin points to nutrition and soil fertility as... - Vitamin E, By Theodore M. Rudolph
- Vitamin E—Understanding Tocopherols and Tocotrienols
- We develop Swine Flu When We Eat Like a Pig
- Why Butter Is Better
Article writen by Sally Fallon and Mary G. Enig, PhD When the fabricated food folks and apologists for the corporate farm realized that they couldn't block... - You Can Heal Your Child's Teeth!
- You Can Heal Your Life, Louise L. Hay
- Zeolite-Natural Cellular Defense
Natural Cellular Defense is a natural zeolite-based substance that is being increasingly studied for its near-miraculous ability to bind with heavy metals and... - Zeolite-New Horizons
Zeolite: Powerful New Supplement from Volcanic Rock Detoxifies Heavy Metals, Restores Alkaline pH, Stops Diarrhea, Reduces Hepatitis Symptoms, Controls...
The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.
Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry
Vita-Gem - Home of the Master Cleanse and Vita-Flex therapy
Clymer Healing Center, Specializing In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Compassionate Care for the Chronic Fatigue Community
(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s “really” going on in our world by following the money upstream – uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Soil and Health Library
This is a free public library offering full-texts of books on alternative agriculture, holistic health, longevity, self-sufficient living, personal and spiritual development.
Williams Online - lots of info on chemtrails and other health dangers
The Institute For Responsible Technology deals with the dangers of Soy, GMO and many other issues:
Candida Treatment:
Lufenuron: Liver-safe Candida-killer between "natural" and "chemical"
Vibrant Health and Energy. Raw retreats, coaching, detox in Kelowna, BC with Guylaine
Guide to Cleansing with Molly Brooks
The Independent Cancer Research Foundation, Inc.
Take Control of Your Health and Escape the Sickness Industry
Vita-Gem - Home of the Master Cleanse and Vita-Flex therapy
Clymer Healing Center, Specializing In Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Compassionate Care for the Chronic Fatigue Community
(Official Movie) THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s “really” going on in our world by following the money upstream – uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Soil and Health Library
This is a free public library offering full-texts of books on alternative agriculture, holistic health, longevity, self-sufficient living, personal and spiritual development.
Williams Online - lots of info on chemtrails and other health dangers
The Institute For Responsible Technology deals with the dangers of Soy, GMO and many other issues:
Candida Treatment:
Lufenuron: Liver-safe Candida-killer between "natural" and "chemical"
Vibrant Health and Energy. Raw retreats, coaching, detox in Kelowna, BC with Guylaine
Guide to Cleansing with Molly Brooks