Dr. Robert Mendelsohn, renowned pediatrician and author advises parents on home treatment and diagnosis of colds and flus, childhood illnesses, vision and hearing problems, allergies, and more.
PLUS, a complete section on picking the right doctor for your child, step-by-step instructions for knowing when to call a doctor, and much more.
PLUS, a complete section on picking the right doctor for your child, step-by-step instructions for knowing when to call a doctor, and much more.
How to Raise a Healthy Child …
In Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S. Mendelsohn
by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
How to Raise a Healthy Child … In Spite of Your Doctor / To Order the Book
Copyrighted 1984, this book is a real gem.
Surprisingly (or should I say, unsurprisingly), not much has changed in medicine since then. Yes, we have fancier treatments for illnesses, but the basics are still the same, and the same problems that were created by pediatricians in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s are still perpetuated by some doctors today. This book really speaks to my natural health leanings.
I appreciate its information on illnesses that a parents can reasonably take care of at home and how to do that, but also when to take a child for professional medical help. The best way to explain what this book is about is to share with you the table of contents with each chapter and its contents listed:
Dr. Mendelsohn is regarded today as a doctor ahead of his time. While some of the information in this book is a bit outdated, it’s stunning to realize how many of these topcs are still very relevant today. Interestingly, a few years after writing this book, Dr. Mendelsohn wrote another book called Confessions of a Medical Heretic. So, obviously writing his first book didn’t win him many friends. Yet so many of his ideas are becoming standard in parenting today, especially among parents who are trying to take a more natural approach to raising their children.
In Spite of Your Doctor by Robert S. Mendelsohn
by Robert S. Mendelsohn, M.D.
How to Raise a Healthy Child … In Spite of Your Doctor / To Order the Book
Copyrighted 1984, this book is a real gem.
Surprisingly (or should I say, unsurprisingly), not much has changed in medicine since then. Yes, we have fancier treatments for illnesses, but the basics are still the same, and the same problems that were created by pediatricians in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s are still perpetuated by some doctors today. This book really speaks to my natural health leanings.
I appreciate its information on illnesses that a parents can reasonably take care of at home and how to do that, but also when to take a child for professional medical help. The best way to explain what this book is about is to share with you the table of contents with each chapter and its contents listed:
- Most things get better by morning. Why most childhod illnesses do not require medical treatment, and needless treatment may do more harm than good.
- Parents and grandparents are wiser than doctors. Why you are a better guardian of your child’s health than your doctor is; how to tell when your child is really sick; how to know when to call a doctor.
- How doctors can make healthy kids sick. Shortcomings of pediatricians; damange done by unnecessary treatment; invalidity of standard growth charts; why you should avoid routine physical examinations and well-baby checkups.
- Protecting your children before they are born. Threats to your child’s health before he is conceived, during pregnancy, during labor, during delivery, and in the hospital nursery. (Yes, this man is a fan of natural childbirth!)
- Proper nutrition for health and growth. The importance of breastfeeding; when to introduce solid foods; the pre-adolescent diet; why you should choose natural foods, unprocessed and untainted by chemical additives. (Remember, this book came out almost 25 years ago! Does any of this sound familiar today?)
- What you should expect of your child. Why comparisons of physical and behavioral development don’t make sense; common parental concerns about physical development and childhood behavior; what you have the right to expect and what you don’t.
- Fever: Your body’s defense against disease. Exploring the myths about fever; what’s “too high;” should fevers be controlled?; fever and convulsions; fever and brain damage; the value of fever in fighting disease; Quick Reference Guide to Fever
- Headache: Usually emotional, but the pain is real. Causes of headaches; headaches as a symptom of disease; what treatment to give; when a doctor is needed. Quick Reference Guide to Headaches
- Mother, my tummy hurts! Causes of abdominal pain; when it requires treatment; emotional causes; allergies; appendicitis; poison. Quick Reference Guide to Abdominal Pain
- Coughs, sneezes, and runny noses. Facts about the common cold and influenze; overtreatment of symptoms; misuse of antibiotcs for viral infections; pneumonia; croup. Quick Reference Guide to Coughs, Colds, and Influenza
- The mythical menace of strep throat. Causes of sore throat; misconceptions about strep, rheumatic fever, and rheumatic heart disease; beware of tonsillectomies. Quick Reference Guide to Sore Throats
- Earaches: Painful, Yes; Dangerous, Rarely. Treatment of ear infections; objects in the ear; removing wax; use of antibiotics, tympanostomy (that’s tubes in the ears – that’s what I had as a kid); the once-feared mastoid; relieving pain; when to see a doctor. Quick Reference Guide to Earaches
- Protecting your child’s vision. Value of periodic eye exams; glasses for children; crossed eyes; lazy eyes; conjunctivitis (pink eye); styes; myths about eyes. Quick Reference Guide to Eye Problems
- Skin problems: the curse of adolescense. Diaper rash; heat rash; acne and Accutane; impetigo; eczema; ringworm. Quick Reference Guide to Skin Problems
- Skeletons in the orthopedic closet. Overtreatment of self-correcting conditions; flat feet, bowed legs, knock-knees, pigeon toes, congenital hip dysplasia, scoliosis; myths about shoes Quick Reference Guide to Orthopedic Problems
- Accidental Injuries: Medicine at its best. What to do when your child has an accident; cuts and abrasions; burns; head injuries; poisoning; sprains, strains, and fractures; choking; animal bites; frostbite; automobile accidents; household safety precautions Quick Reference Guide to Accidental Injuries and Household Safety Precautions
- Asthma and allergies; try diet, not drugs. (Boy, isn’t THIS all over the alternative health world these days!) Allergies as the cause of illness; types of allegies; diagnosing allergic causes; use of elimination diets; hazards of drugs used in treatment; controlling asthma Quick Reference Guide to Allergies
- The child who never sits still. Overdiagnosis of hyperactivity; dangers of drug treatments; dietary control of overactivity; sense and nonsense about learning disabilities; the inadequacy of psychological and psychiatric counseling
- Immunization against disease: a medical time bomb? (Boy, isn’t this SUPER relevant today?) The risks of immunization; is immunization beneficial and necessary?; when to seek treatment for childhood diseases; symptoms and home treatment of chicken pox, mumps, measles, rubella, whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever, meningitis, tuberculosis, SIDS, poliomyelitis, infections mononucleosis
- Hospitals: where patients go to get sick! Why you should avoid hospitalization of your child if possible; the frequency of hospital-caused illnesses; the emotional trauma of hospitalized children; how to protect your child in the hospital; needless surgery
- How to select the right doctor for your child. The threat posed by an excess of pediatricians; a doctor’s psychological and financial incentives to overtreat patients; the hallmarks of a competent, conscientious pediatrician
Dr. Mendelsohn is regarded today as a doctor ahead of his time. While some of the information in this book is a bit outdated, it’s stunning to realize how many of these topcs are still very relevant today. Interestingly, a few years after writing this book, Dr. Mendelsohn wrote another book called Confessions of a Medical Heretic. So, obviously writing his first book didn’t win him many friends. Yet so many of his ideas are becoming standard in parenting today, especially among parents who are trying to take a more natural approach to raising their children.
A lecture by Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn MD (1926 - 1988)
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn dedicated his life to demystifying the medical profession, both as a renowned paediatrician and as a widely read author.
He was the national director of project Headstart's Medical Consultation Service, chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois, and associate professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois.
Dr. Mendelsohn has received numerous awards for excellence in medicine and medical instruction.
Related links:
How to stay healthy... in spite of your doctor - Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD. 1/2
Every parent should have two copies of Dr. Mendelsohn's wonderful book - one as a reference and the other to lend to other parents:
'How to raise a healthy child ... in spite of your doctor'
His book
'Confessions of a Medical Heretic' can be downloaded for free from various sites including this one:
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD.
The following videos can also be watched on YouTube:
Dr.. Robert Mendelsohn on Pregnancy and the Dangers of Ultrasound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfaUQC...
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn on How to Talk to Your Doctor
Vivisection According To Dr Robert Mendelsohn
Learn the truth about vaccines at http://www.vaccinationinformationnetw...
Original clip is located at http://www.vaccinationinformationnetw...
Link to this clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuGEB...
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn dedicated his life to demystifying the medical profession, both as a renowned paediatrician and as a widely read author.
He was the national director of project Headstart's Medical Consultation Service, chairman of the Medical Licensing Committee for the State of Illinois, and associate professor of Preventive Medicine and Community Health in the School of Medicine of the University of Illinois.
Dr. Mendelsohn has received numerous awards for excellence in medicine and medical instruction.
Related links:
How to stay healthy... in spite of your doctor - Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD. 1/2
Every parent should have two copies of Dr. Mendelsohn's wonderful book - one as a reference and the other to lend to other parents:
'How to raise a healthy child ... in spite of your doctor'
His book
'Confessions of a Medical Heretic' can be downloaded for free from various sites including this one:
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn MD.
The following videos can also be watched on YouTube:
Dr.. Robert Mendelsohn on Pregnancy and the Dangers of Ultrasound http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YfaUQC...
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn on How to Talk to Your Doctor
Vivisection According To Dr Robert Mendelsohn
Learn the truth about vaccines at http://www.vaccinationinformationnetw...
Original clip is located at http://www.vaccinationinformationnetw...
Link to this clip on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuGEB...
How to stay healthy ...in spite of your doctor - Dr Robert Mendelsohn MD 2/2by Vaccination Information Network- 1 year ago
A lecture by Dr Robert S Mendelsohn MD (1926 - 1988) Dr Robert Mendelsohndedicated his life to demystifying the medical ...- HD
Vaccinationby Vaccination
Vaccination - The Cure For Over-Population (Part 1)by Hasan Newman- 5 years ago
"No batch of vaccine can be proved safe before it is given to children." -- Surgeon General of the United States, Leonard Scheele, ...
Dr Robert Mendelsohn on How to Talk to Your Doctorby PoleShift- 3 years ago
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn on Pregnancy and the Dangers of Ultrasoundby LongLifeWellness- 5 years ago
Dr. Robert Mendelsohn Video Series - "Moments with Mendelsohn" with presentation by Esther Thaler. This video covers the ...
Vivisection According To Dr Robert Mendelsohnby VeganTruthist1- 7 years ago
Dr Robert Mendelsohn received his Doctor of Medicine degree from the University of Chicago in 1951. For 12 years he was an ...