The Anastasia Ringing Cedars Fantasy Series...
"These messages are coming from Anastasia, a beautiful young woman, discoved by a trader in 1995, living alone, deep in the wild forests of Siberia. She is considerded to be a surviving member of an ancient Vedic civilization whose exraordinary powers and knowledge FAR EXCEED anything known today."
This fantasy book series, (no, Anastasia is not real, sorry,) is entertainment at its finest for someone into vegetarian living and is struggling to understand how to solve the problems of civilization.
The books challenge the concept that our ancestors were naked, animal hunting cave-men, with lives that were nasty, brutish, and short and provide the startling idea that perhaps our ancestors could have been a peaceful, vegetarian, god-loving culture.
For more alternative ideas about human evolution and ancestory, read Michael A. Cremo's books Human Devolution and Forbidden Archeology.
The Anastasia series of books will cause you to question everything you think you know, and could possibly cause you to look for a new history and new meaning for our race.
Once upon a time there really was a Paradise on Earth according to Anastasia, and we were the co-creators of it. Don't miss out on this incredible book series!
Bookstores for the Ringing Cedars Series
The Ringing Cedars Press
I do not make any money sharing this link with you and I think it is one of the best places to get the books. They have the full series in both the original and new editions, as well as individual books, and also all of the DVD's surrounding the subject matter of the books.
- Barnes and Noble
- If you like doing your shopping online, then this can be a good place to get the books, especially if looking for used copies.
- You will pretty much have to purchase all nine books individually if you get them used. I love getting books used, however, in this case, considering most people end up wanting to have the whole series, and, considering buying the whole series together is pretty comparable to buying them used, you may just want to splurge and get them all new as a set above. However... search for used copies here if you just want to try it out and buy a book or two...
1:03:23New Earth Destiny - An Anastasia Inspired Documentary FilmCanadian Academy of Success- 3 years ago
NEW EARTH DESTINY - An Anastasia Inspired Grassroots Documentary Film by Mikael King & Igor Revenko. Musical soundtrack ...
59VIDEOSAnastasia & Ringing Cedarsby spaceoflove
9:5911-06-15 - ANASTASIA & RINGING CEDARS AUTHOR VLADIMIR MEGREparadoxman316- 6 months ago
One person making a comment on a recent video called Anastasia fiction. Obviously, he never read the books. Already 10 years ...
6:16Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars of Russia—message for Deep Green ResistanceKemble Walker- 7 months ago
Message for the people of Deep Green Resistance about Anastasia, the Ringing Cedars of Russia and the awakening Vedruss ...
0:56Power of Thought - Anastasia The Ringing CedarsNaturallyAlive- 5 years ago
"Through thought alone it is possible to grow a flower on the Moon, create an atmosphere capable of supporting human life, plant ...
11:50The REAL "Anastasia" of the Ringing CedarsHumptydumptytribe- 3 years ago
In this rant, I offer a reality check to any clueless bliss ninny believing that Anastasia of the Ringing Cedars is who author Vladmir ...
7:35Anastasia, Ringing Cedars, and AwakeningTheseEyesGod- 6 years ago
2010-02-23 3rd Journal TRANSCRIPT: http://www.scribd.com/doc/31563785/Anastasia-Ringing-Ceda... ...
5VIDEOSVladimir Megre - Anastasiaby Dragg Youare
14:31Anastasia Returns Part 1Enlitenment007- 4 years ago
An Astonishing Story of Enlightenment--from the Ringing Cedars Find out how to create a new world, www.bayaba.com.
7VIDEOSTekos, Schetinin, Anastasia, Ringing Cedarsby Xulu
1:24:20AV3 - Leonid Sharashkin - The Return of AnastasiaAlternative View- 1 year ago
The Return of Anastasia: Ringing Cedars' Silent Revolution Leonid Sharashkin Anastasia (Greek for 'resurrection') was at the ...
2:50The Ringing Cedars - Anastasia's Vegan SpiritOneness Evolution- 4 years ago
"There is a direct connection between love and Man's first consumption of meat. A Man living in love is incapable of killing.
6:12The Ringing Cedars Books--Anastasiawatersignwater- 5 years ago
Ringing Cedar Book--Anastasia by Vladimir Megre Hi Everyone! My book is now on eBook form for only $3.99! The book is very ...
3:12flying girl in the russian wood is Anastasia .wmvDARKORIJEKA- 4 years ago
Levitating girl on this tape is Anastasia(Anasta) the daugter of Anastasia from a siberian taiga. Her father is Vladimir ...
34:42Rita´s family homestead in RussiaOneness Evolution- 4 months ago
In August 2015, Stefan interviewed Rita, who lives, together with her husband, in Russia on their family homestead. Rita revealed ...
9:13The Ringing Cedar Series books, Anastasiavoiceofindigo- 6 years ago
The Ringing Cedar Series, Anastasia Book review Amazing Book Link to read this book on line: http://vladimirmegre.narod2.ru/
13:22Anastasia The Ringing Cedars Series Book ReviewBayou Serenity- 3 years ago
Anastasia The Ringing Cedars Series by Vladimir Megre Book Review.
0:51anastasia the ringing cedars of russia secrets seriesbiggerhitsinc- 1 year ago
anastasia the ringing cedars of russia secrets series.
3:34Anastasia and the Ringing CedarsTheWisingMeadow- 7 years ago
A book that I am finding very moving and want to recommend: Anastasia and the Ringing Cedars.
18VIDEOSVladimir Megre - English Videosby vmegrecom
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