Irritable Bowel Syndrome
The Celery Juice Will Do the Miracle
The Celery Juice Will Do the Miracle
Leaky Gut Syndrome In Plain English –
And How To Fix It
Leaky Gut Syndrome In Plain English –
And How To Fix It
Leaky Gut can be so confusing, but it’s becoming more and more of an epidemic. Many of the causes and cures of Leaky Gut are widely debated, but Doctors are becoming more aware of the condition and ways to treat it.
This article is meant to shine some light on how to treat Leaky Gut Syndrome and why the SCD Diet is such a critical component to it.
Leaky Gut Explained The term Leaky Gut Syndrome is used to describe the condition of “Hyperpermeable Intestines,” a fancy medical term that means the intestinal lining has became more porous, with more holes developing that are larger in size and the screening out process is no longer functioning properly. The fallout results in larger, undigested food molecules and other “bad stuff” (yeast, toxins, and all other forms of waste) that your body normally doesn’t allow through, to flow freely into your bloodstream.
So now that we have the general essentially meaningless definition out of the way let’s find out what is really going on…
The intestinal lining is the first mechanism of defense for our immune system. The outer layers of intestinal cells (epithelial) are connected by structures called tight junctions. At the tips of these cells are the microvilli, which absorb properly digested nutrients and transport them through the epithelial cell and into the bloodstream. During the normal digestion process the tight junctions stay closed forcing all molecules to effectively be screened and only pass into the blood stream through the mucosa cells (think of them like bouncers at the front of a classy bar). For reasons we will discuss later, these tight junctions can become “open” or permeable allowing un-screened molecules to flow directly into the bloodstream (think of it like a fish net with very small holes).
Leaky Gut can be so confusing, but it’s becoming more and more of an epidemic. Many of the causes and cures of Leaky Gut are widely debated, but Doctors are becoming more aware of the condition and ways to treat it.
This article is meant to shine some light on how to treat Leaky Gut Syndrome and why the SCD Diet is such a critical component to it.
Leaky Gut Explained The term Leaky Gut Syndrome is used to describe the condition of “Hyperpermeable Intestines,” a fancy medical term that means the intestinal lining has became more porous, with more holes developing that are larger in size and the screening out process is no longer functioning properly. The fallout results in larger, undigested food molecules and other “bad stuff” (yeast, toxins, and all other forms of waste) that your body normally doesn’t allow through, to flow freely into your bloodstream.
So now that we have the general essentially meaningless definition out of the way let’s find out what is really going on…
The intestinal lining is the first mechanism of defense for our immune system. The outer layers of intestinal cells (epithelial) are connected by structures called tight junctions. At the tips of these cells are the microvilli, which absorb properly digested nutrients and transport them through the epithelial cell and into the bloodstream. During the normal digestion process the tight junctions stay closed forcing all molecules to effectively be screened and only pass into the blood stream through the mucosa cells (think of them like bouncers at the front of a classy bar). For reasons we will discuss later, these tight junctions can become “open” or permeable allowing un-screened molecules to flow directly into the bloodstream (think of it like a fish net with very small holes).
Graphic From: www.leakygutcure.com
So Then What Happens?
Graphic From: www.leakygutcure.com
So Then What Happens?
The first reaction your body has to these “foreign” bodies in your blood is to fight like hell. Initially, your Liver is called into action to work overtime and try to screen out all the particles that your intestinal lining was supposed to be taking care of. In most cases, the liver has no chance of keeping up with the constant flow of waste into your blood and all the toxins, undigested food molecules, yeast, and other pathogens start to accumulate in your body.
Now, the sleeping giant wakes up (your immune system) and it is not happy. It goes into full battle mode to fight the evil intruders and get them out of the body ASAP. More often than not, the body cannot keep up with the task at hand and the majority of these foreign bodies absorb into tissues throughout the body… causing them to inflame.
Inflammation is also an immune response and causes even more stress on your system. Now that your body is focused on fighting the large war, the little battles are starting to be ignored, like filtering out the blood, calming inflamed areas of the body, fighting bacteria, regulating the gut, etc. This process flow can lead to your body fighting itself and an array of autoimmune diseases such as Chronic Fatigue, MS, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, and Fibromyalgia.
Now, your body will begin to produce antibody soldiers designed to fight against these foreign objects (which can be things such as the Casein protein from the milk you’re drinking, or other proteins in nuts, grains, or eggs). Even chemicals normally found in foods such as Phenols and Glycerin can now trigger immune responses when they enter the body. For instance, I immediately react to diary of any kind. I get instant brain fog, a headache, sore throat, and horrible sinus drainage. A similar reaction happens when I eat foods high in phenols such as tomato juice. I am confident that it is all part of a reaction as a result of years with leaky gut from my Celiac Disease.
If you’re having sensitivities to more than a dozen foods, you likely have leaky gut. Any undigested foods that are absorbed into the blood stream are now considered enemies of the state, and your immune system will develop reactions to many of them, leading to food intolerances. When you have a Leaky Gut condition, the damaged microvilli along the intestinal lining cannot manufacture the digestive enzymes they need to break down the food for proper digestion. The resulting condition allows food molecules to flow into the bloodstream that have not been completely broken down into the nutrients your body needs.
Bottom Line: The foods that you’re eating are not the root of the problem; it’s the leaky gut letting the food molecules into your bloodstream. Of course, the caveat is severe food allergies such as gluten to a Celiac or deadly peanut allergies.
How Do I Know If I Have Leaky Gut Syndrome? Symptoms of Leaky Gut can vary from person to person depending on the level of damage and the tissues being affected. Multiple Food Sensitivities can be a sign that your immune system is developing antibodies to everything you’re eating. Nutritional deficiencies are a sign of lacking vitamins and minerals from the improper breakdown of food in your intestines. Chronic diarrhea and constipation are signs of inflammation of the intestinal walls from Leaky Gut.
Skin rashes are your body’s way of trying to dump the toxins through the skin perforations. A poor immune system will result from your body trying to wage war on itself and ignoring all the virus and bacteria we encounter on a daily basis, allowing you to get sick more often. Headaches, brain fog, memory loss, and excessive fatigue are a result of the inflammation of tissue and toxin build up. Yeast overgrowth (Candida) will cause cravings for sugar and carbs, gas, bloating, and anxiety. All of these things add up to a host of symptoms with a myriad of explanations… all leading back to one thing: the constant river of foreign objects being allowed to enter your bloodstream.
We’ve put together a 3-min leaky gut quiz, which will examine the most important risk factors in your body and provide a custom analysis of your likelihood of having a leaky gut.
You can take the quiz here: http://scdlifestyle.com/solving-leaky-gut-quiz
What Causes Leaky Gut? The cause of Leaky Gut is widely debated in the medical community. However, there is some level of consensus that the following are the basic contributors:
– Diet: Consuming high amounts of refined sugars, processed foods, preservatives, refined flours, and flavorings introduces massive amounts of chemicals into the body that is seen as toxic. If your body has a hard time keeping up the toxins start to build up and cause inflammation (like we talked about earlier).
– Chronic Stress: Chronic stress almost always results in a suppressed immune system. A weakened immune system cannot handle doing it’s normal job and gets overrun with pathogens very quickly. This increases overall gut inflammation leading to increased permeability of the intestinal lining.
– Inflammation: Any type of inflammation in the gut can lead to leaky gut. This can be brought on by low stomach acid (which passes undigested food into the small intestine irritating everything it passes by), yeast overgrowth (Candida), bacteria overgrowth, infection, parasites and excessive environmental toxins.
– Medications: Any medication prescriptions or even over-the-counter pain relievers with Aspirin or Acetaminophen irritate the intestinal lining and decrease the mucosal levels (a membrane produces mucus on the intestinal lining as a natural protective measure). This can start or help to continue the inflammation cycle (more bacteria, yeast, and digestion issues) and promotes an increase in permeability.
– Yeast: Yeast is found in normal gut flora but as soon as it begins to get out of hand it mutates into a multi-celled fungus (usually Candida) that grows tentacles to grab onto the intestinal lining and stay put, consequently making its own holes in the lining.
– Lack of Zinc: Zinc is a critical piece of maintaining a strong intestinal lining. A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to the mucosal lining losing strength and becoming more permeable. There are studies that show that supplementing with Zinc when it is deficient can dramatically improve intestinal lining integrity.
How To Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome… The medical community is also still rather divided about the methods used to alleviate leaky gut. Treating Leaky Gut is a multi-faceted approach that requires many different pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. If each one is utilized, the holes in the sinking ship will plug up and allow the body to return to a more normal state. Here are a few of the most agreed upon avenues and also where the SCD Diet comes into play:
- Diet Restrictions: Eliminating sugars, starches, grains, and any other irritating foods alleviates the inflammation and starves out the yeast overgrowth (this is where the SCD diet takes over the healing process). Reducing both of these allows the intestinal tract to slowly return to its normal permeability, stopping the flow of foreign objects into the blood, which will stop food intolerance symptoms and eventually help stop the vicious cycle just as the book described it. I would argue that the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is the foundation of curing leaky gut, but it does need some help from the next three pieces.
Here’s a free guide to get started on the Carbohydrate Diet:
“How To Start The SCD Diet In 24-Hours”
- Nutritional Supplementing: The conditions that lead to leaky gut can also cause mal-absorption and improper digestion, both of which are going to leave you with nutritional deficiencies. First and foremost: supplementing with a good multi-vitamin, large amounts of vitamin D, and Zinc will help the intestinal lining return to normal (assuming the irritants from the diet are removed by following the SCD diet). Essential fish oils have also been shown to really help improve the condition of the intestinal mucosal lining (omega-3’s greatly reduce inflammation among a host of other benefits).
- Probiotics: Now that the Candida is being knocked down by your adherence to the SCD diet, mixing in a solid foundation of probiotics, and more specifically, the friendly bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a must. The diet gets rid of the bad bacteria and you need a constant feed of the good bacteria to replace it. Friendly bacteria stop the inhabitance of bad bacteria and yeast, heal the gut lining, help nutrients get absorbed, and keep the vicious cycle in check. Studies suggest that keeping a ratio of 85% good to bad bacteria in the gut will stop the cycle from starting back up. A good non-dairy SCD legal lactobacillus acidophilus will be very beneficial.
- Digestive Enzymes: Digestive enzymes are critical to properly breaking down the foods we eat. They are found naturally in the raw form of foods to help break them down, unfortunately, in the beginning stages of the SCD diet we have to cook all of our fruits and veggies, rendering them useless for enzymes. The have multi-faceted skills to help alleviate leaky gut. First, plant based enzymes will break down food into very small particles before it leaves the stomach, preventing large undigested molecules from irritating the intestinal lining and increasing nutritional uptake.
They also work through your intestines acting as garbage collectors by removing toxins, bacteria, and damaged cells of the mucosal lining. The whole process gives the gut a clean slate of healthy cells to rebuild with. While the leaky gut permeability remains, they do the same garbage collecting in the bloodstream if they are passed through the intestinal lining. The bromelain and papain enzymes are shown to reduce inflammation in the gut lining and throughout other tissues in the body, allowing the immune system and the liver some reprieve. Any SCD legal, plant based enzyme will make a world of difference here.
In good health,
– Jordan
P.S. – If you’d like to find out it you have leaky gut, we’ve put together an in-depth risk analysis for you. Click the the Website and go to the big orange box below to take the leaky gut quiz right now.,.
Now, the sleeping giant wakes up (your immune system) and it is not happy. It goes into full battle mode to fight the evil intruders and get them out of the body ASAP. More often than not, the body cannot keep up with the task at hand and the majority of these foreign bodies absorb into tissues throughout the body… causing them to inflame.
Inflammation is also an immune response and causes even more stress on your system. Now that your body is focused on fighting the large war, the little battles are starting to be ignored, like filtering out the blood, calming inflamed areas of the body, fighting bacteria, regulating the gut, etc. This process flow can lead to your body fighting itself and an array of autoimmune diseases such as Chronic Fatigue, MS, IBS, Ulcerative Colitis, and Fibromyalgia.
Now, your body will begin to produce antibody soldiers designed to fight against these foreign objects (which can be things such as the Casein protein from the milk you’re drinking, or other proteins in nuts, grains, or eggs). Even chemicals normally found in foods such as Phenols and Glycerin can now trigger immune responses when they enter the body. For instance, I immediately react to diary of any kind. I get instant brain fog, a headache, sore throat, and horrible sinus drainage. A similar reaction happens when I eat foods high in phenols such as tomato juice. I am confident that it is all part of a reaction as a result of years with leaky gut from my Celiac Disease.
If you’re having sensitivities to more than a dozen foods, you likely have leaky gut. Any undigested foods that are absorbed into the blood stream are now considered enemies of the state, and your immune system will develop reactions to many of them, leading to food intolerances. When you have a Leaky Gut condition, the damaged microvilli along the intestinal lining cannot manufacture the digestive enzymes they need to break down the food for proper digestion. The resulting condition allows food molecules to flow into the bloodstream that have not been completely broken down into the nutrients your body needs.
Bottom Line: The foods that you’re eating are not the root of the problem; it’s the leaky gut letting the food molecules into your bloodstream. Of course, the caveat is severe food allergies such as gluten to a Celiac or deadly peanut allergies.
How Do I Know If I Have Leaky Gut Syndrome? Symptoms of Leaky Gut can vary from person to person depending on the level of damage and the tissues being affected. Multiple Food Sensitivities can be a sign that your immune system is developing antibodies to everything you’re eating. Nutritional deficiencies are a sign of lacking vitamins and minerals from the improper breakdown of food in your intestines. Chronic diarrhea and constipation are signs of inflammation of the intestinal walls from Leaky Gut.
Skin rashes are your body’s way of trying to dump the toxins through the skin perforations. A poor immune system will result from your body trying to wage war on itself and ignoring all the virus and bacteria we encounter on a daily basis, allowing you to get sick more often. Headaches, brain fog, memory loss, and excessive fatigue are a result of the inflammation of tissue and toxin build up. Yeast overgrowth (Candida) will cause cravings for sugar and carbs, gas, bloating, and anxiety. All of these things add up to a host of symptoms with a myriad of explanations… all leading back to one thing: the constant river of foreign objects being allowed to enter your bloodstream.
We’ve put together a 3-min leaky gut quiz, which will examine the most important risk factors in your body and provide a custom analysis of your likelihood of having a leaky gut.
You can take the quiz here: http://scdlifestyle.com/solving-leaky-gut-quiz
What Causes Leaky Gut? The cause of Leaky Gut is widely debated in the medical community. However, there is some level of consensus that the following are the basic contributors:
– Diet: Consuming high amounts of refined sugars, processed foods, preservatives, refined flours, and flavorings introduces massive amounts of chemicals into the body that is seen as toxic. If your body has a hard time keeping up the toxins start to build up and cause inflammation (like we talked about earlier).
– Chronic Stress: Chronic stress almost always results in a suppressed immune system. A weakened immune system cannot handle doing it’s normal job and gets overrun with pathogens very quickly. This increases overall gut inflammation leading to increased permeability of the intestinal lining.
– Inflammation: Any type of inflammation in the gut can lead to leaky gut. This can be brought on by low stomach acid (which passes undigested food into the small intestine irritating everything it passes by), yeast overgrowth (Candida), bacteria overgrowth, infection, parasites and excessive environmental toxins.
– Medications: Any medication prescriptions or even over-the-counter pain relievers with Aspirin or Acetaminophen irritate the intestinal lining and decrease the mucosal levels (a membrane produces mucus on the intestinal lining as a natural protective measure). This can start or help to continue the inflammation cycle (more bacteria, yeast, and digestion issues) and promotes an increase in permeability.
– Yeast: Yeast is found in normal gut flora but as soon as it begins to get out of hand it mutates into a multi-celled fungus (usually Candida) that grows tentacles to grab onto the intestinal lining and stay put, consequently making its own holes in the lining.
– Lack of Zinc: Zinc is a critical piece of maintaining a strong intestinal lining. A deficiency of the vitamin can lead to the mucosal lining losing strength and becoming more permeable. There are studies that show that supplementing with Zinc when it is deficient can dramatically improve intestinal lining integrity.
How To Fix Leaky Gut Syndrome… The medical community is also still rather divided about the methods used to alleviate leaky gut. Treating Leaky Gut is a multi-faceted approach that requires many different pieces of the puzzle to fall into place. If each one is utilized, the holes in the sinking ship will plug up and allow the body to return to a more normal state. Here are a few of the most agreed upon avenues and also where the SCD Diet comes into play:
- Diet Restrictions: Eliminating sugars, starches, grains, and any other irritating foods alleviates the inflammation and starves out the yeast overgrowth (this is where the SCD diet takes over the healing process). Reducing both of these allows the intestinal tract to slowly return to its normal permeability, stopping the flow of foreign objects into the blood, which will stop food intolerance symptoms and eventually help stop the vicious cycle just as the book described it. I would argue that the Specific Carbohydrate Diet is the foundation of curing leaky gut, but it does need some help from the next three pieces.
Here’s a free guide to get started on the Carbohydrate Diet:
“How To Start The SCD Diet In 24-Hours”
- Nutritional Supplementing: The conditions that lead to leaky gut can also cause mal-absorption and improper digestion, both of which are going to leave you with nutritional deficiencies. First and foremost: supplementing with a good multi-vitamin, large amounts of vitamin D, and Zinc will help the intestinal lining return to normal (assuming the irritants from the diet are removed by following the SCD diet). Essential fish oils have also been shown to really help improve the condition of the intestinal mucosal lining (omega-3’s greatly reduce inflammation among a host of other benefits).
- Probiotics: Now that the Candida is being knocked down by your adherence to the SCD diet, mixing in a solid foundation of probiotics, and more specifically, the friendly bacteria Lactobacillus Acidophilus is a must. The diet gets rid of the bad bacteria and you need a constant feed of the good bacteria to replace it. Friendly bacteria stop the inhabitance of bad bacteria and yeast, heal the gut lining, help nutrients get absorbed, and keep the vicious cycle in check. Studies suggest that keeping a ratio of 85% good to bad bacteria in the gut will stop the cycle from starting back up. A good non-dairy SCD legal lactobacillus acidophilus will be very beneficial.
- Digestive Enzymes: Digestive enzymes are critical to properly breaking down the foods we eat. They are found naturally in the raw form of foods to help break them down, unfortunately, in the beginning stages of the SCD diet we have to cook all of our fruits and veggies, rendering them useless for enzymes. The have multi-faceted skills to help alleviate leaky gut. First, plant based enzymes will break down food into very small particles before it leaves the stomach, preventing large undigested molecules from irritating the intestinal lining and increasing nutritional uptake.
They also work through your intestines acting as garbage collectors by removing toxins, bacteria, and damaged cells of the mucosal lining. The whole process gives the gut a clean slate of healthy cells to rebuild with. While the leaky gut permeability remains, they do the same garbage collecting in the bloodstream if they are passed through the intestinal lining. The bromelain and papain enzymes are shown to reduce inflammation in the gut lining and throughout other tissues in the body, allowing the immune system and the liver some reprieve. Any SCD legal, plant based enzyme will make a world of difference here.
In good health,
– Jordan
P.S. – If you’d like to find out it you have leaky gut, we’ve put together an in-depth risk analysis for you. Click the the Website and go to the big orange box below to take the leaky gut quiz right now.,.
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What Is Leaky Gut?
What Is Leaky Gut?
Leaky gut syndrome is not generally recognized by conventional physicians, but evidence is accumulating that it is a real condition that affects the lining of the intestines. The theory is that leaky gut syndrome (also called increased intestinal permeability), is the result of damage to the intestinal lining, making it less able to protect the internal environment as well as to filter needed nutrients and other biological substances. As a consequence, some bacteria and their toxins, incompletely digested proteins and fats, and waste not normally absorbed may "leak" out of the intestines into the blood stream.
This triggers an autoimmune reaction, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity. The cause of this syndrome may be chronic inflammation, food sensitivity, damage from taking large amounts of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), cytotoxic drugs and radiation or certain antibiotics, excessive alcohol consumption, or compromised immunity.
Leaky gut syndrome may trigger or worsen such disorders as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma.
My colleague, pediatrician Sandy Newmark, M.D., who deals with leaky gut syndrome in children, tells me that it isn't clear how many people have this disorder or exactly what problems can be attributed to it. Dr. Newmark says that it has been established that a significant percentage of children with autism have increased intestinal permeability, but it isn't known whether this is a cause or an effect of food sensitivities and an underlying metabolic problem.
Some alternative medicine practitioners blame such unrelated problems as migraines, bad breath and insomnia on leaky gut syndrome and recommend buying home test kits purportedly capable of measuring intestinal permeability. I doubt it. For treatment, some of these practitioners recommend an assortment of dietary supplements.
I would be wary of any diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome if you don't have inflammatory bowel conditions (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome), rheumatoid arthritis, or asthma.
The leaky gut treatment I recommend involves avoiding alcohol and NSAIDS as well as any foods that you're allergic to. Make sure you're eating plenty of fiber. Take Culturelle or another probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus GG. I would also recommend eatingan anti-inflammatory diet, including essential fatty acids like fish oil and GLA. In addition, you might try supplementing with glutamine, an amino acid that helps maintain intestinal metabolism and function and seems to benefit patients who have had intestinal injury from chemotherapy and radiation.
Andrew Weil, M.D.
This triggers an autoimmune reaction, which can lead to gastrointestinal problems such as abdominal bloating, excessive gas and cramps, fatigue, food sensitivities, joint pain, skin rashes, and autoimmunity. The cause of this syndrome may be chronic inflammation, food sensitivity, damage from taking large amounts of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS), cytotoxic drugs and radiation or certain antibiotics, excessive alcohol consumption, or compromised immunity.
Leaky gut syndrome may trigger or worsen such disorders as Crohn's disease, celiac disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and asthma.
My colleague, pediatrician Sandy Newmark, M.D., who deals with leaky gut syndrome in children, tells me that it isn't clear how many people have this disorder or exactly what problems can be attributed to it. Dr. Newmark says that it has been established that a significant percentage of children with autism have increased intestinal permeability, but it isn't known whether this is a cause or an effect of food sensitivities and an underlying metabolic problem.
Some alternative medicine practitioners blame such unrelated problems as migraines, bad breath and insomnia on leaky gut syndrome and recommend buying home test kits purportedly capable of measuring intestinal permeability. I doubt it. For treatment, some of these practitioners recommend an assortment of dietary supplements.
I would be wary of any diagnosis of leaky gut syndrome if you don't have inflammatory bowel conditions (Crohn's disease, celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome), rheumatoid arthritis, or asthma.
The leaky gut treatment I recommend involves avoiding alcohol and NSAIDS as well as any foods that you're allergic to. Make sure you're eating plenty of fiber. Take Culturelle or another probiotic supplement containing Lactobacillus GG. I would also recommend eatingan anti-inflammatory diet, including essential fatty acids like fish oil and GLA. In addition, you might try supplementing with glutamine, an amino acid that helps maintain intestinal metabolism and function and seems to benefit patients who have had intestinal injury from chemotherapy and radiation.
Andrew Weil, M.D.
Healing the Gut – With Dr. Tom O’Bryan
“Dr. Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN is an Internationally recognized speaker in Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease. He is a clinician par excellence in treating chronic disease and metabolic disorders from a Functional Medicine Perspective. He holds a teaching Faculty position with the Institute for Functional Medicine.”
“Dr. Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN is an Internationally recognized speaker in Gluten Sensitivity and Celiac Disease. He is a clinician par excellence in treating chronic disease and metabolic disorders from a Functional Medicine Perspective. He holds a teaching Faculty position with the Institute for Functional Medicine.”
Rebuild Your Digestive System
and Stopping Annoying Health Complaints for Good
Rebuild Your Digestive System
and Stopping Annoying Health Complaints for Good
Could the hidden cause of chronic illness really be something that medical science hardly recognized until recently? Something that can masquerade as fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive symptoms, weight problems, and other serious conditions…
Something that’s been found in association with chronic diseases including: asthma, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel, kidney disease, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and heart failure…
And even with all the latest technology and over 10,000+ research papers on it, this hidden epidemic is still often referred to as the “Disease Your Doctor Can’t Diagnose…”
Modern medicine continues to ignore the growing leaky gut epidemic while chronic disease skyrockets…
Many doctors are haven’t even heard of it because this isn’t something they learned back in medical school. Researchers discovered it by accident in the 1980’s but despite proven medical tests for it and links to almost every known chronic disease, it’s not talked about at the prominent clinics or leading universities.
If you or a loved one are struggling with chronic illness, this might be the most important thing you’ll ever read.
Could the hidden cause of chronic illness really be something that medical science hardly recognized until recently? Something that can masquerade as fatigue, anxiety, depression, digestive symptoms, weight problems, and other serious conditions…
Something that’s been found in association with chronic diseases including: asthma, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, irritable bowel, kidney disease, psoriasis, chronic fatigue syndrome, and heart failure…
And even with all the latest technology and over 10,000+ research papers on it, this hidden epidemic is still often referred to as the “Disease Your Doctor Can’t Diagnose…”
Modern medicine continues to ignore the growing leaky gut epidemic while chronic disease skyrockets…
Many doctors are haven’t even heard of it because this isn’t something they learned back in medical school. Researchers discovered it by accident in the 1980’s but despite proven medical tests for it and links to almost every known chronic disease, it’s not talked about at the prominent clinics or leading universities.
If you or a loved one are struggling with chronic illness, this might be the most important thing you’ll ever read.
It’s Making People Sick
Every Single Day What it does to you is this: it allows TOXIC food particles, environmental chemicals, and bacterial waste to leak through your digestive tract and into your body – once inside, these foreign particles travel to different areas of your body and trigger an immune response, promoting inflammation and jumpstarting the development of chronic disease.
Instead of keeping the bad stuff out, the delicate lining of your intestine is letting all the bad stuff in, and your body is breaking down from the inside out.
The real name of this hidden epidemic is: Increased Intestinal Permeability, or “Leaky Gut.”
But that’s not the scariest thing about it.
Nor is the fact that millions of people are being diagnosed with chronic illnesses associated with leaky gut right now.
No… the scariest thing about Leaky Gut Syndrome is that it could be destroying your health.
Every Single Day What it does to you is this: it allows TOXIC food particles, environmental chemicals, and bacterial waste to leak through your digestive tract and into your body – once inside, these foreign particles travel to different areas of your body and trigger an immune response, promoting inflammation and jumpstarting the development of chronic disease.
Instead of keeping the bad stuff out, the delicate lining of your intestine is letting all the bad stuff in, and your body is breaking down from the inside out.
The real name of this hidden epidemic is: Increased Intestinal Permeability, or “Leaky Gut.”
But that’s not the scariest thing about it.
Nor is the fact that millions of people are being diagnosed with chronic illnesses associated with leaky gut right now.
No… the scariest thing about Leaky Gut Syndrome is that it could be destroying your health.
And modern medicine isn’t doing anything about it…
But why is this happening? Some say it’s the Standard American Diet. All the sugar and processed junk food. Or the new ‘Dwarf Wheat.’ Or all the medications and antibiotics we take.
Others say it’s because we’re so stressed and getting 25% less sleep.
Then there’s those that argue against GMO’s and environmental toxins.
There’s so much information out there about what’s going WRONG with our health that it’s hard to make sense about what’s actually going to help make us feel better.
But why is this happening? Some say it’s the Standard American Diet. All the sugar and processed junk food. Or the new ‘Dwarf Wheat.’ Or all the medications and antibiotics we take.
Others say it’s because we’re so stressed and getting 25% less sleep.
Then there’s those that argue against GMO’s and environmental toxins.
There’s so much information out there about what’s going WRONG with our health that it’s hard to make sense about what’s actually going to help make us feel better.
But What if ALL These Theories
About Why We’re Sick Are Right?
But What if ALL These Theories
About Why We’re Sick Are Right?
They each might have more in common that you think.
What if there’s something that ties them all together when we look at the body as a whole?
The problem is modern medicine has lost its view of the entire body, instead focusing on each part by itself. And this focus has led to the greatest chronic health crisis mankind has ever faced.
Because if you zoom out, the scientific research shows they are ALL common triggers of leaky gut… here are just a few examples from the research to support this:
"All Disease Begins in the Gut" Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates became the first person to believe that disease was caused naturally.
He's also considered the Father of western medicine and the author of the Hippocratic Oath, a sacred doctrine every single practitioner of modern medicine has to swear by before practicing.
But we’ve lost that wisdom over the years…
Now, modern medicine focuses on getting a specific diagnosis and specialized treatment. If someone suffers from anxiety, modern medicine focuses on making drugs for the brain. If someone has arthritis, modern medicine focuses on making drugs for the joints. This shift in medical thought since Hippocrates’ day has caused a serious problem…
Today, modern medicine is blind to the hidden epidemic behind these exploding disease statistics. It has almost completely stopped looking holistically at the entire body…
It’s not your fault, but you may suffer from headaches, skin problems, joint pain, or IBS – and get treatment – but it may be the WRONG treatment focused on the WRONG part of the body.
It’s not your fault, but nobody has explained why a so-called “balanced” diet may be causing your gut to leak.
Or why it may be as true for you, as it has with many, that changing your diet alone isn’t enough to get at the root cause of chronic illness.
It’s not your fault, but nobody has given you information about leaky gut and how it’s connected to the rest of your body, and that you probably didn’t even know leaky gut was a problem for you.
What if there’s something that ties them all together when we look at the body as a whole?
The problem is modern medicine has lost its view of the entire body, instead focusing on each part by itself. And this focus has led to the greatest chronic health crisis mankind has ever faced.
Because if you zoom out, the scientific research shows they are ALL common triggers of leaky gut… here are just a few examples from the research to support this:
"All Disease Begins in the Gut" Over 2000 years ago Hippocrates became the first person to believe that disease was caused naturally.
He's also considered the Father of western medicine and the author of the Hippocratic Oath, a sacred doctrine every single practitioner of modern medicine has to swear by before practicing.
But we’ve lost that wisdom over the years…
Now, modern medicine focuses on getting a specific diagnosis and specialized treatment. If someone suffers from anxiety, modern medicine focuses on making drugs for the brain. If someone has arthritis, modern medicine focuses on making drugs for the joints. This shift in medical thought since Hippocrates’ day has caused a serious problem…
Today, modern medicine is blind to the hidden epidemic behind these exploding disease statistics. It has almost completely stopped looking holistically at the entire body…
It’s not your fault, but you may suffer from headaches, skin problems, joint pain, or IBS – and get treatment – but it may be the WRONG treatment focused on the WRONG part of the body.
It’s not your fault, but nobody has explained why a so-called “balanced” diet may be causing your gut to leak.
Or why it may be as true for you, as it has with many, that changing your diet alone isn’t enough to get at the root cause of chronic illness.
It’s not your fault, but nobody has given you information about leaky gut and how it’s connected to the rest of your body, and that you probably didn’t even know leaky gut was a problem for you.
Are You Part of the ‘Common Suffering’ That’s Robbing Joy and Fun From Life?
The saddest part of all of this is there are so many strong people who are suffering from leaky gut, just struggling to get through the day. You might be married to one or even know some of these people…
Kevin The New Dad Whose Body is Failing
He’s a new dad in his early 40’s. He doesn’t want to talk about his stomach issues, but his wife won’t stop talking about how bad he smells. He's about ready to give up trying to get rid of the spare tire above his pants and is wondering if he has diabetes.
As each year passes he’s ashamed to admit his body is failing him. His Doctor plays down his symptoms and says there common he's told pre-diabetic, IBS and heartburn. He receives pills and pat on the back.
Brenda The Single Struggling Professional
She’s 30, living the big city life, but despite all the nice clothes and make-up she feels dead inside. Her confidence is gone and she’s worried her health problems might scare men away, destroying her dreams of children.
Her friends and family DON’T want to be around her when it’s that time of the month. And she knows her Gynecologist on a first name basis due to her frequent UTI’s. She’s frustrated with her lack of libido and ashamed that she can’t do anything about it.
Katie The Family Caretaker Slowly Losing Her Life
She's approaching 50 but it feels like 70. Her 3 kids and husband can't believe how much she does and how strong she is. She cleans and runs the house, hoping they don't notice how hard it is for her.
Waking up is a daily struggle, there's no energy left in her body. She hardly looks in the mirror these days. The luster in her hair is gone and her clothes just don't fit like they used too. She's longing for energy, radiant skin and losing 15 pounds.
The saddest part of all of this is there are so many strong people who are suffering from leaky gut, just struggling to get through the day. You might be married to one or even know some of these people…
Kevin The New Dad Whose Body is Failing
He’s a new dad in his early 40’s. He doesn’t want to talk about his stomach issues, but his wife won’t stop talking about how bad he smells. He's about ready to give up trying to get rid of the spare tire above his pants and is wondering if he has diabetes.
As each year passes he’s ashamed to admit his body is failing him. His Doctor plays down his symptoms and says there common he's told pre-diabetic, IBS and heartburn. He receives pills and pat on the back.
Brenda The Single Struggling Professional
She’s 30, living the big city life, but despite all the nice clothes and make-up she feels dead inside. Her confidence is gone and she’s worried her health problems might scare men away, destroying her dreams of children.
Her friends and family DON’T want to be around her when it’s that time of the month. And she knows her Gynecologist on a first name basis due to her frequent UTI’s. She’s frustrated with her lack of libido and ashamed that she can’t do anything about it.
Katie The Family Caretaker Slowly Losing Her Life
She's approaching 50 but it feels like 70. Her 3 kids and husband can't believe how much she does and how strong she is. She cleans and runs the house, hoping they don't notice how hard it is for her.
Waking up is a daily struggle, there's no energy left in her body. She hardly looks in the mirror these days. The luster in her hair is gone and her clothes just don't fit like they used too. She's longing for energy, radiant skin and losing 15 pounds.
Do you know anyone like this?
Have you felt any of these people’s sadness?
Don’t worry because there’s hope. In fact, keep reading to find out how each of these people reversed their leaky gut and now enjoy a life of health they previously only wished for. And the best part is you can do it too.
I’m no longer bed ridden, cut my anxiety medication down and am sleeping better!
I went to functional medicine doctors for six years and they didn't do anything for my digestive problems. I was complaining of stomach aches and going to the bathroom 10 to 15 times per day. Before I joined “Solving Leaky Gut” I was bed ridden. Now I go to the bathroom 1 to 3 times per day and have stage 5 stools. I've cut down on my anxiety medication and I’m sleeping better. I can even do light housework and grocery shop.
Wendy - Solving Leaky Gut Customer
Long ago my mom told me how I was unique snowflake and as I grew up I began to see it. I walk, talk and think differently than everyone else. My DNA is different. I am different from Brenda, Katie and Kevin.
BUT, the snow flake mentality can trap us. It pits us against each other. While we are busy pointing out our unique problems and differences we forget we are still 99.9% the same.
Just like modern medicine forgot about the Gut-Disease connection. So while modern medicine is concerned with creating specialties, our digestive tract is the keystone of health for all of us.
Long ago, practitioners knew this but we’ve lost our way in the past 100 years.
Back then they used an engineering mentality that has disappeared from modern medicine. They realized that everything in the body is connected and that the gut was the center of the body. In order to fix all health problems, they started by focusing on one common location.
Unfortunately, modern medicine turned away from these ideas and now we are paying the price with many of us suffering from chronic disease or watching a loved one in pain.
Have you felt any of these people’s sadness?
Don’t worry because there’s hope. In fact, keep reading to find out how each of these people reversed their leaky gut and now enjoy a life of health they previously only wished for. And the best part is you can do it too.
I’m no longer bed ridden, cut my anxiety medication down and am sleeping better!
I went to functional medicine doctors for six years and they didn't do anything for my digestive problems. I was complaining of stomach aches and going to the bathroom 10 to 15 times per day. Before I joined “Solving Leaky Gut” I was bed ridden. Now I go to the bathroom 1 to 3 times per day and have stage 5 stools. I've cut down on my anxiety medication and I’m sleeping better. I can even do light housework and grocery shop.
Wendy - Solving Leaky Gut Customer
Long ago my mom told me how I was unique snowflake and as I grew up I began to see it. I walk, talk and think differently than everyone else. My DNA is different. I am different from Brenda, Katie and Kevin.
BUT, the snow flake mentality can trap us. It pits us against each other. While we are busy pointing out our unique problems and differences we forget we are still 99.9% the same.
Just like modern medicine forgot about the Gut-Disease connection. So while modern medicine is concerned with creating specialties, our digestive tract is the keystone of health for all of us.
Long ago, practitioners knew this but we’ve lost our way in the past 100 years.
Back then they used an engineering mentality that has disappeared from modern medicine. They realized that everything in the body is connected and that the gut was the center of the body. In order to fix all health problems, they started by focusing on one common location.
Unfortunately, modern medicine turned away from these ideas and now we are paying the price with many of us suffering from chronic disease or watching a loved one in pain.
Gut - Disease Connection You Need to Know About
Gut - Disease Connection You Need to Know About
Even though modern medicine continues to ignore leaky gut, it’s commonly known among the real experts who’ve uncovered this hidden epidemic in their work.
New York Times Bestselling Authors are also writing more and more about leaky gut every single day:
Chris Kresser - NYT Bestselling Author of “Your Personal Paleo Code”
Many, if not most, autoimmune diseases - including celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease - are characterized by abnormally high levels of zonulin and a permeable gut barrier (leaky gut).
Dr. Mark Hyman - Eight-time New York Times Bestseller
Allison was 57 years old and had been suffering from severe, unrelenting eczema for eight years. She ate a high-sugar diet and had a history of frequent vaginal yeast infections.
When I saw her, I checked her gut and found she had a leaky gut – that one-cell thick lining in her intestines was breached and wasn’t working properly. She had developed 24 IgG food allergies, and her stool had no healthy bacteria and an overgrowth of yeast from years of taking antibiotics. She also had very high blood levels of antibodies against yeast.
So I helped her heal her gut.... The result?
Her eczema disappeared for the first time in eight years – and it stayed away!
Dr. Joseph Mercola - Two-time New York Times Bestseller
New research from Sweden has uncovered a novel connection between intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut) and visceral fat. Women with higher markers of leaky gut also had higher levels of visceral fat and liver fat, and larger waist circumference, which suggests that this condition may promote the accumulation of visceral fat, as well as impact the related metabolic dysfunction.
Hidden Signs Leaky Gut is Slowly Destroying Your Body from the Inside Out
Leaky Gut is tricky problem, the pain it causes depends on WHERE the bad stuff leaking into your body decides to wreak havoc in your body. The confusing part is everyone can be different.
These TOXINS could end up anywhere and make the immune system angry, kick starting the inflammation process, which leads to the disease process, all of which can make you feel miserable.
That’s why it’s hidden. That’s why is so mysterious. That’s why it’s so hard to “diagnose.”
So do you have any of these signs and symptoms leaky gut is destroying your body?
New York Times Bestselling Authors are also writing more and more about leaky gut every single day:
Chris Kresser - NYT Bestselling Author of “Your Personal Paleo Code”
Many, if not most, autoimmune diseases - including celiac disease, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease - are characterized by abnormally high levels of zonulin and a permeable gut barrier (leaky gut).
Dr. Mark Hyman - Eight-time New York Times Bestseller
Allison was 57 years old and had been suffering from severe, unrelenting eczema for eight years. She ate a high-sugar diet and had a history of frequent vaginal yeast infections.
When I saw her, I checked her gut and found she had a leaky gut – that one-cell thick lining in her intestines was breached and wasn’t working properly. She had developed 24 IgG food allergies, and her stool had no healthy bacteria and an overgrowth of yeast from years of taking antibiotics. She also had very high blood levels of antibodies against yeast.
So I helped her heal her gut.... The result?
Her eczema disappeared for the first time in eight years – and it stayed away!
Dr. Joseph Mercola - Two-time New York Times Bestseller
New research from Sweden has uncovered a novel connection between intestinal permeability (aka leaky gut) and visceral fat. Women with higher markers of leaky gut also had higher levels of visceral fat and liver fat, and larger waist circumference, which suggests that this condition may promote the accumulation of visceral fat, as well as impact the related metabolic dysfunction.
Hidden Signs Leaky Gut is Slowly Destroying Your Body from the Inside Out
Leaky Gut is tricky problem, the pain it causes depends on WHERE the bad stuff leaking into your body decides to wreak havoc in your body. The confusing part is everyone can be different.
These TOXINS could end up anywhere and make the immune system angry, kick starting the inflammation process, which leads to the disease process, all of which can make you feel miserable.
That’s why it’s hidden. That’s why is so mysterious. That’s why it’s so hard to “diagnose.”
So do you have any of these signs and symptoms leaky gut is destroying your body?
Which One of These Problems / Is Making Your Life Miserable?
Are you Tired, Fatigued, and Dependent on Caffeine?
Fatigue is the 2nd most common complaint in Doctor’s offices around the United States right now. If you’re relying on coffee to get through the day or struggling with the afternoon crash, you know how much this can slow down your life and make things miserable.
There's a lot of different ways that we make energy in the body, but one of the key control systems for energy production is the hormonal system itself. But it's very rare that the hormones just fall apart on their own. They are generally responding to some kind of stress, most commonly the inflammatory and leaky gut stressors hidden in the gut that most people aren't aware of. When your intestinal tract or stomach are inflamed and leaking, the hormonal system response can be just as hard on your hormones as a stressful marriage or a job you hate.
Are you Far Too Overweight?
If you’re not comfortable with how your body looks and feels, you’re not alone. Whether it’s those skinny jeans that never fit, or the “spare tire” that just won’t go away… almost 62% of Americans are overweight.
There’s so much scammy information out there about it from a modern medicine perspective… and yet again, let’s go back to the gut. The gut plays a huge role in your weight and how well your metabolism is burning or storing fat. In many cases, changes in healthy gut bacteria are found to increase appetite and the rate at which we store calories as fat. It might seem counterintuitive, but if you’re struggling with weight problems, leaky gut might be a problem for you.
Are You Crippled by Stomach Pain or Digestive Problems?
I used to have diarrhea 10-15 times a day so I know how miserable it can be to struggle with gut symptoms. Whether you’re like I was and afraid to get more than 10 feet away from the bathroom, or you have horrible gas, bloating, and constipation… Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) is now affecting up to 10-15% of the US population and the 2nd most common reason for missed work days behind the common cold.
IBS is commonly associated with leaky gut, as are digestive complaints like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. 70% of those with leaky gut have overt digestive problems like this and it’s one of the most common red flags you have leaky gut.
Do Your Hormones Make You Crazy?
PMS and sex hormone problems are not normal… yet in 2001, over 45 Million prescriptions were written in the US for hormone replacement therapy medications!
Low sex drive and erectile dysfunction in men as well as cramping, bloating, PCOS, and other female hormone problems are ruining lives.
But the truth is: sex hormones don’t just spontaneously bottom out on a person. We are designed for survival and reproduction and everything in your body is oriented towards having good sex hormone levels. So if the sex hormones are dropping it's because something happened to them. Your testosterone just doesn't wake up one morning and crash. And for PMS type problems the ovaries don't conspire against a woman and all of a sudden her progesterone and estrogen level drop, there's always an underlying cause.
And what it almost always is, is that we're under stress, most commonly the inflammatory and leaky gut stessors hidden in the gut that most people aren't aware of. When your intestinal track or stomach are inflamed and leaking, it can have the same hormonal system response to losing a loved one. If your hormones are making you crazy, leaky gut could be a problem for you.
Are you Tired, Fatigued, and Dependent on Caffeine?
Fatigue is the 2nd most common complaint in Doctor’s offices around the United States right now. If you’re relying on coffee to get through the day or struggling with the afternoon crash, you know how much this can slow down your life and make things miserable.
There's a lot of different ways that we make energy in the body, but one of the key control systems for energy production is the hormonal system itself. But it's very rare that the hormones just fall apart on their own. They are generally responding to some kind of stress, most commonly the inflammatory and leaky gut stressors hidden in the gut that most people aren't aware of. When your intestinal tract or stomach are inflamed and leaking, the hormonal system response can be just as hard on your hormones as a stressful marriage or a job you hate.
Are you Far Too Overweight?
If you’re not comfortable with how your body looks and feels, you’re not alone. Whether it’s those skinny jeans that never fit, or the “spare tire” that just won’t go away… almost 62% of Americans are overweight.
There’s so much scammy information out there about it from a modern medicine perspective… and yet again, let’s go back to the gut. The gut plays a huge role in your weight and how well your metabolism is burning or storing fat. In many cases, changes in healthy gut bacteria are found to increase appetite and the rate at which we store calories as fat. It might seem counterintuitive, but if you’re struggling with weight problems, leaky gut might be a problem for you.
Are You Crippled by Stomach Pain or Digestive Problems?
I used to have diarrhea 10-15 times a day so I know how miserable it can be to struggle with gut symptoms. Whether you’re like I was and afraid to get more than 10 feet away from the bathroom, or you have horrible gas, bloating, and constipation… Irritable Bowel Syndrome (or IBS) is now affecting up to 10-15% of the US population and the 2nd most common reason for missed work days behind the common cold.
IBS is commonly associated with leaky gut, as are digestive complaints like gas, bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. 70% of those with leaky gut have overt digestive problems like this and it’s one of the most common red flags you have leaky gut.
Do Your Hormones Make You Crazy?
PMS and sex hormone problems are not normal… yet in 2001, over 45 Million prescriptions were written in the US for hormone replacement therapy medications!
Low sex drive and erectile dysfunction in men as well as cramping, bloating, PCOS, and other female hormone problems are ruining lives.
But the truth is: sex hormones don’t just spontaneously bottom out on a person. We are designed for survival and reproduction and everything in your body is oriented towards having good sex hormone levels. So if the sex hormones are dropping it's because something happened to them. Your testosterone just doesn't wake up one morning and crash. And for PMS type problems the ovaries don't conspire against a woman and all of a sudden her progesterone and estrogen level drop, there's always an underlying cause.
And what it almost always is, is that we're under stress, most commonly the inflammatory and leaky gut stessors hidden in the gut that most people aren't aware of. When your intestinal track or stomach are inflamed and leaking, it can have the same hormonal system response to losing a loved one. If your hormones are making you crazy, leaky gut could be a problem for you.
Is Autoimmune Disease Destroying Your Body?
I can speak from experience that being diagnosed with autoimmune disease is scary. It’s literally a situation where your body is destroying itself. It leaves you wondering, what can you do to turn this off? Will it be like this forever? More shocking that: autoimmune disease is now more prevalent in the US than cancer with over 24 million people diagnosed.
But the groundbreaking work of Dr. Allessio Fasano’s “Leaky Gut Theory of Autoimmunity” he found that the 1st step in the development of autoimmune disease is leaky gut… and in the event we can reverse the leaky gut, the possibility of shutting off the autoimmune response becomes real. Of course, the gut has to stay sealed up, but it provides promise for cases like mine, where I don’t have any active signs of autoimmunity since healing my gut (assuming I continue to avoid leaky gut triggers that made me sick in the first place, like Gluten). So if you have autoimmune disease, leaky gut is probably what caused it, but also the first place to start reversing it.
Does Your Skin Make You Hide From Cameras?
My acne used to be so bad I didn’t want anyone to take my picture. Modern medicine prescribed me drug after drug, including the ill-fated “Accutane.” There’s nothing else that can steal your self-esteem than waking up with red, angry skin.
And the gut-skin connection has strong research behind it. In fact, one of the most common red flags for leaky gut is acne, psoriasis, rosacea, rashes, and eczema. Intestinal permeability (a.k.a. “leaky gut”) causes both systemic and local inflammation, which in turn contributes to skin disease. In fact, ever heard of “Leaky Skin?” Sounded crazy to me the first time I read about it, but the main function of the skin is to act as a physical, chemical and antimicrobial defense system. Studies have shown that both stress and gut inflammation can impair the integrity and protective function of the epidermal barrier.
So if you have chronic skin problems, leaky gut is likely the culprit.
Are you troubled with Anxiety, Depression, or Even Serious Mental Symptoms?
I used to have panic attacks hit out of nowhere and I’d run outside in a cold sweat, even in the middle of the snowy winters. Not only that, but serious depression swings that left me suicidal.
Depression is now the leading cause of disability, affecting more than 120 million people worldwide and 21 Million Americans. When there’s a problem with the brain, the first place to look is the gut.
We’ve all heard about people having GI problems when their nervous… like those that have diarrhea or throw up before a big performance. But it works the other way around too, the gut has a huge impact on the brain.
The research is very clear that inflammation in the gut can alter mood and cause depression and leaky gut is commonly associated in children on the ASD spectrum, as well as those with severe depression and anxiety. So if you have problems with either, leaky gut is the first place to start looking for a holistic solution.
Look What Happened To Us When We Focused On Healing the Gut!
Steve Wright Beat IBS
“Now when I look in the mirror I smile at my clear skin and flat stomach. But most of my life it wasn’t like this, in fact I had some very embarrassing days. Like getting in trouble at work for my embarrassing farts (I was nicknamed “gas man” by my family) or splitting my suit pants all the way in half at a wedding because I was overweight. But to be honest, what hurt my pride the most over the year was my large, painful acne cysts covering my face.
I was ashamed of how I looked 60 pounds overweight, with bad acne, constant bloating and stinky farts. At its worst, it spiraled out of control into never ending cravings and depression. The doctors told me I wasn’t sick enough, that I was going to be like this forever and to suck it up. Boy were they wrong.
Today, I have clear skin, and I don’t need coffee to feel great in the morning. I even let people take my picture without my shirt on. I can control what food I eat and I have great bowel movements every day. And my gut is strong enough to let me travel around the world and not get sick.
I had no idea that I could feel this good and that this is how other’s experienced life.”
Jordan Reasoner overcame Celiac DiseaseI went on a 3 day, 18 mile Elk Hunt alone in the Montana backcountry last fall. Four years ago I never imagined I’d do something like that, let alone watch my 2 kids grow up.
I was the person people whispered about, wondering if I had a eating disorder, saying that I looked “sickly’ because I was so underweight. Secretly, I wondered it too.
Things got so bad, one night I sat up late in tears and wrote my last will. At that point, I’d had diarrhea for 4 years straight, was stuck in dark cloud of fear, and could hardly keep my job… let alone take care of my 1 year old son.
I think back to those times when I’m hiking 11,000 foot peaks and working 12 hour days while taking care of 2 amazing kids. I really don’t know how I got through it. I’m most grateful when I realize that my anxiety is gone, my poop is normal, and when I look in the mirror I know that I’ll be around long after my kids grow up and start their own lives.
The ‘Pleiotropic Approach’ to Fixing Leaky Gut
Pleiotropic (pli-e-trop-ik) is a fancy idea that comes from Chinese medicine. It means “multiple ways.” Doctors have been using this idea for 1000′s of years and it’s the idea that there’s multiple ways or methods that work together to fix a complex problem, just like there’s multiple ways or methods our health can fall apart.
In 1929 when modern medicine saw the results of the first antibiotic (Penicillin) they quickly forgot about the ancient wisdom that had been handed down for 1,000′s of years.
However, the good news is that scientists are realizing this MASSIVE mistake and if we combine their new research, the old wisdom about the gut, and some modern engineering, we can take advantage of the best of both worlds and begin to fix people again.
To start feeling your best, you need to heal your gut first. There’s a critical 3 step “Pleiotropic” approach to fixing leaky gut and finally put a stop to the cycle of chronic disease.
Remove Leaky Gut Triggers
Rebuild Your Gut
Fix the Root Causes
Let’s dive into how you can apply this simple 3-step process.
STEP 1: Remove the Triggers
The first step is kind of silly, but it’s to actually STOP creating it.
Over the last 6 months, our research team found 19 common leaky gut triggers among the over 10,000 published papers on “Intestinal Permeability.”
The most shocking of which was the fact that 30% of those people with Leaky Gut don’t even have overt GI symptoms. So they may have no idea what they’re doing to their gut is affecting the rest of their body.
I thought many of these triggers were the right things to eat and do. Was even told by doctors that they were safe and good. Unfortunately not all doctors actually keep up with the latest science after they graduate.
Here’s the top 3 triggers that could be making you sicker right now…
TRIGGER 1: Eating Holes In Your Gut
Have you heard of Gluten? It’s a protein that is part of wheat. And it’s been shown to cause your gut to leak all over the place. You might have noticed all the Gluten-free signs on food and in the supermarkets.
But there are other parts of wheat that might be even more dangerous. Gliadin is a toxic part of wheat that is now thought to be EVEN worse than gluten.
Yes, I’m talking about the “whole grain” wheat that just 7 years ago was a supposed health superfood. It turns out this message from the media and doctors was a bit premature as you can see from the study below.
So should you start eating a wheat-free diet? Yes, but that’s typically not enough.
See the problem with that “diet” is that when you have leaky gut you could actually be reacting to ANY food you are eating. The best thing to do when you have a leaky gut is to eat the safest anti-inflammatory food while you work on Steps 2 and 3 below.
TRIGGER 2: Popping Pills that Poke Holes in Your Gut
Who hasn’t reached for an Advil or Motrin in times of pain? I know I used to all the time. I used to get 2-3 headaches a week. Then a couple years ago I learned about how Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) cause your gut to start leaking.
It’s not likely that one single dose is enough to crush your gut, but the research paints a clear and nasty picture if you use it for several days. I don’t know about you, but most of the time when I was reaching for these pills it wasn’t for just an afternoon, I used them all the time.
The worst part is MANY doctors have prescribed me to take these kinds of pills for weeks and NEVER told me what I was doing to my gut.
The research is clear if you’re going to take NSAIDS, especially the stronger kind are used to treat autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, you will be putting your gut health at risk.
TRIGGER 3: Stressing Your Gut Apart
I’m sure you’ve heard before that you should reduce your stress levels. It’s a pretty well known idea. But most of us including myself have a hard time actually doing anything about it.
One of the reasons I had a hard time caring was I honestly didn’t think it was REAL. I kind of thought it was just a good idea and not that big of deal. Then, as I was trying to fix my health I actually went and researched it. What I found shocked me…
There was actually many research papers about how bad stress was for gut health. But I still didn’t want to accept it. Until one day, I found direct research like the study below that showed there was no doubt that stress causes your gut to leak:
This forced me to take the idea of stress seriously and I hope you do too. Because if you don’t, it will cause gut and hormone problems that can make your gut leaky.
The biggest myth is that reducing stress has to take hours a day or be hard. The truth is that just simple things like writing in a journal each day can really help.
That’s the first step I try to get everyone to do. Just write about your life each day and start to feel your stress reduce.
STEP 2: Rebuild the Gut
Remember, the secret sauce to rebuilding your gut is what’s called a Pleiotropic Approach. As I mentioned this not a new idea, it’s actually a powerful approach to fixing health that modern medicine forgot along the way. And when we combine it with modern technology it’s pretty successful… unless you make a big mistake.
The #1 Mistake people make is thinking diet is the only thing that matters for fixing a leaky gut.
At this point you probably have already stopped eating hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup and might even have given up gluten. But while there’s no doubt this will help you, it’s also not the answer.
The research shows at least 19 different things could cause a leaky gut. Therefore, it would only make sense then that we should use as many different ways to fix it as we can.
The best way to rebuild the gut so that it never breaks again is to adopt a pleiotropic approach. Using multiple ways to fix the gut:
Lifestyle Changes
Each of these ideas can be powerful by itself. And you’ve probably already tried several of them, like avoiding toxic foods, taking supplements, and hopefully reducing your stress.
But the problem with most programs is that they try to demonize certain foods. When the truth is that you could be reacting to ANY food you eat when you have a leaky gut.
Not to mention most don’t give clinically successful supplement programs that work synergistically to help the whole body heal the gut. They typically just recommend basic supplements like L glutamine, Colostrum, or B vitamins.
The key to feeling great, losing weight and healing your gut is to use ALL of these principles at the same time. Focus on lowering stress, eating a better diet and using high quality – proven – supplements to help with leaky gut.
Now if that overwhelms you, you’re not alone. Trust me it can be done, with custom step-by-step instructions to make the process all work with your body’s natural ability to heal. Stay tuned as I tell you more about that in bit.
STEP 3: Fix the Root Causes
The “root cause” expression comes from my engineering days of problem solving multi-million dollar robotic machines the size of football fields. As an engineer, I had to figure out the source of the problem and remove it. It’s only then that these broken systems would be able to run again.
Modern medicine doesn’t get this… But I don’t blame them, it’s the modern medicine machine that’s the problem. They don’t even teach this stuff to doctors in schools. Instead, much of the focus is on drugs and surgery. Which saves lives but doesn’t even come close to fixing chronic health.
You just can’t cut people open and pop pills until these problems go away.
Instead, focus on the root causes of gut problems that can keep us sick regardless of a healthy diet. And the most common root cause we see is actually GI infections. Dr. Tom O’Bryan reports that 70-80% of his patients test positive for some type of gut infection that must be killed before they can return to great health.
There’s two other really common root causes of leaky gut to be aware of: 1) hormone problems and 2) detoxification issues.
However, without a doubt the #1 issue that the top chronic health practitioners in the world report is GI infections.
And unless you connect the dots of your symptoms to root causes with the help of a trained practitioner or reliable test results, the pleiotropic approach will only get you so far.
However, using today’s technology and simple engineering ideas it’s easier to correct these root causes than it’s ever been.
The Results Of Following Step-by-Step
Action Guides and Addressing The Root Cause
Remember our 3 friends from earlier who weren’t very happy with their lives? Well, I told you to not lose hope because their problems (and yours) can be fixed. Using the 3-step process to solve leaky gut, their lives can look and feel like this…
Kevin Is happy that his wife is no longer complaining about how bad he smells. But the best part is he no longer burps or has afternoon energy crashes. He’s not afraid to take his shirt off in public and finally has the energy to keep up with the kids.
It turned out Kevin had a GI infection called H. Pylori. He also needed some hormone support. He started being more active and now goes on daily walks. Along with a different diet, he feels great. The key for him was killing the infection in his stomach.
BrendaIt's so much easier to date when she can look in the mirror and can't help but dance. Now that Brenda's hormones are rocking she's back and happily dating. UTI's are a thing of the past and she's very confident she could get pregnant right away.
She needed to get serious about her sleep, completely give up grains because she has Celiac Disease, and kill off a parasite that she likely picked up on spring break back in college.
The amazing thing for her is that she thought it would be hard to eat out and stay on her diet. But she was surprised at how most places she went knew about food allergies and how easy it was to cook delicious meals for friends and family.
Katie Lost 15 pounds, stopped losing her hair and now has all day energy. She did have to make several changes that at first, were very different than how she lived. She started by eating the Solving Leaky Gut Rebuild diet which is based on the most nutritious and anti-inflammatory meats, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. She found out that she had low stomach acid and needed to supplement to correct it and that her adrenal glands were in need of some serious support.
She got an immediate boost in energy with the adrenal support and stomach acid supplementation. And over the next few months, she added lots of foods back in like nuts, eggs, potatoes and dairy.
It’s amazing to see people transform. Especially when they begin to tell you about how they’re now able to be present at home with their kids, get promotions at work because they’re so inspired, and how they can take care of those around them.See, the one thing that most people with chronic health complaints can’t see is just how much joy and excitement is missing from their lives. And everyone who knows you can tell something is wrong with you. But they are afraid to say something. You know when that feeling you get when they’re whispering about you…
Well, I’m here to tell you that those people want you to feel great and that your body will start rewarding you with the health you’ve been craving when you apply these principles.
It Feels So Good When...
Your Body Begins To Heal…What happens when your body begins to heal from the inside out is rather remarkable. You’ll be well on your way to feeling amazing like these people…
The body has a built in natural ability to heal and once we stop damaging it with the way we’re living our lives, the gut can begin to do what it was designed for and keep the bad stuff out. When that happens, the body can do some amazing things.
Many people notice things like…
I can speak from experience that being diagnosed with autoimmune disease is scary. It’s literally a situation where your body is destroying itself. It leaves you wondering, what can you do to turn this off? Will it be like this forever? More shocking that: autoimmune disease is now more prevalent in the US than cancer with over 24 million people diagnosed.
But the groundbreaking work of Dr. Allessio Fasano’s “Leaky Gut Theory of Autoimmunity” he found that the 1st step in the development of autoimmune disease is leaky gut… and in the event we can reverse the leaky gut, the possibility of shutting off the autoimmune response becomes real. Of course, the gut has to stay sealed up, but it provides promise for cases like mine, where I don’t have any active signs of autoimmunity since healing my gut (assuming I continue to avoid leaky gut triggers that made me sick in the first place, like Gluten). So if you have autoimmune disease, leaky gut is probably what caused it, but also the first place to start reversing it.
Does Your Skin Make You Hide From Cameras?
My acne used to be so bad I didn’t want anyone to take my picture. Modern medicine prescribed me drug after drug, including the ill-fated “Accutane.” There’s nothing else that can steal your self-esteem than waking up with red, angry skin.
And the gut-skin connection has strong research behind it. In fact, one of the most common red flags for leaky gut is acne, psoriasis, rosacea, rashes, and eczema. Intestinal permeability (a.k.a. “leaky gut”) causes both systemic and local inflammation, which in turn contributes to skin disease. In fact, ever heard of “Leaky Skin?” Sounded crazy to me the first time I read about it, but the main function of the skin is to act as a physical, chemical and antimicrobial defense system. Studies have shown that both stress and gut inflammation can impair the integrity and protective function of the epidermal barrier.
So if you have chronic skin problems, leaky gut is likely the culprit.
Are you troubled with Anxiety, Depression, or Even Serious Mental Symptoms?
I used to have panic attacks hit out of nowhere and I’d run outside in a cold sweat, even in the middle of the snowy winters. Not only that, but serious depression swings that left me suicidal.
Depression is now the leading cause of disability, affecting more than 120 million people worldwide and 21 Million Americans. When there’s a problem with the brain, the first place to look is the gut.
We’ve all heard about people having GI problems when their nervous… like those that have diarrhea or throw up before a big performance. But it works the other way around too, the gut has a huge impact on the brain.
The research is very clear that inflammation in the gut can alter mood and cause depression and leaky gut is commonly associated in children on the ASD spectrum, as well as those with severe depression and anxiety. So if you have problems with either, leaky gut is the first place to start looking for a holistic solution.
Look What Happened To Us When We Focused On Healing the Gut!
Steve Wright Beat IBS
“Now when I look in the mirror I smile at my clear skin and flat stomach. But most of my life it wasn’t like this, in fact I had some very embarrassing days. Like getting in trouble at work for my embarrassing farts (I was nicknamed “gas man” by my family) or splitting my suit pants all the way in half at a wedding because I was overweight. But to be honest, what hurt my pride the most over the year was my large, painful acne cysts covering my face.
I was ashamed of how I looked 60 pounds overweight, with bad acne, constant bloating and stinky farts. At its worst, it spiraled out of control into never ending cravings and depression. The doctors told me I wasn’t sick enough, that I was going to be like this forever and to suck it up. Boy were they wrong.
Today, I have clear skin, and I don’t need coffee to feel great in the morning. I even let people take my picture without my shirt on. I can control what food I eat and I have great bowel movements every day. And my gut is strong enough to let me travel around the world and not get sick.
I had no idea that I could feel this good and that this is how other’s experienced life.”
Jordan Reasoner overcame Celiac DiseaseI went on a 3 day, 18 mile Elk Hunt alone in the Montana backcountry last fall. Four years ago I never imagined I’d do something like that, let alone watch my 2 kids grow up.
I was the person people whispered about, wondering if I had a eating disorder, saying that I looked “sickly’ because I was so underweight. Secretly, I wondered it too.
Things got so bad, one night I sat up late in tears and wrote my last will. At that point, I’d had diarrhea for 4 years straight, was stuck in dark cloud of fear, and could hardly keep my job… let alone take care of my 1 year old son.
I think back to those times when I’m hiking 11,000 foot peaks and working 12 hour days while taking care of 2 amazing kids. I really don’t know how I got through it. I’m most grateful when I realize that my anxiety is gone, my poop is normal, and when I look in the mirror I know that I’ll be around long after my kids grow up and start their own lives.
The ‘Pleiotropic Approach’ to Fixing Leaky Gut
Pleiotropic (pli-e-trop-ik) is a fancy idea that comes from Chinese medicine. It means “multiple ways.” Doctors have been using this idea for 1000′s of years and it’s the idea that there’s multiple ways or methods that work together to fix a complex problem, just like there’s multiple ways or methods our health can fall apart.
In 1929 when modern medicine saw the results of the first antibiotic (Penicillin) they quickly forgot about the ancient wisdom that had been handed down for 1,000′s of years.
However, the good news is that scientists are realizing this MASSIVE mistake and if we combine their new research, the old wisdom about the gut, and some modern engineering, we can take advantage of the best of both worlds and begin to fix people again.
To start feeling your best, you need to heal your gut first. There’s a critical 3 step “Pleiotropic” approach to fixing leaky gut and finally put a stop to the cycle of chronic disease.
Remove Leaky Gut Triggers
Rebuild Your Gut
Fix the Root Causes
Let’s dive into how you can apply this simple 3-step process.
STEP 1: Remove the Triggers
The first step is kind of silly, but it’s to actually STOP creating it.
Over the last 6 months, our research team found 19 common leaky gut triggers among the over 10,000 published papers on “Intestinal Permeability.”
The most shocking of which was the fact that 30% of those people with Leaky Gut don’t even have overt GI symptoms. So they may have no idea what they’re doing to their gut is affecting the rest of their body.
I thought many of these triggers were the right things to eat and do. Was even told by doctors that they were safe and good. Unfortunately not all doctors actually keep up with the latest science after they graduate.
Here’s the top 3 triggers that could be making you sicker right now…
TRIGGER 1: Eating Holes In Your Gut
Have you heard of Gluten? It’s a protein that is part of wheat. And it’s been shown to cause your gut to leak all over the place. You might have noticed all the Gluten-free signs on food and in the supermarkets.
But there are other parts of wheat that might be even more dangerous. Gliadin is a toxic part of wheat that is now thought to be EVEN worse than gluten.
Yes, I’m talking about the “whole grain” wheat that just 7 years ago was a supposed health superfood. It turns out this message from the media and doctors was a bit premature as you can see from the study below.
So should you start eating a wheat-free diet? Yes, but that’s typically not enough.
See the problem with that “diet” is that when you have leaky gut you could actually be reacting to ANY food you are eating. The best thing to do when you have a leaky gut is to eat the safest anti-inflammatory food while you work on Steps 2 and 3 below.
TRIGGER 2: Popping Pills that Poke Holes in Your Gut
Who hasn’t reached for an Advil or Motrin in times of pain? I know I used to all the time. I used to get 2-3 headaches a week. Then a couple years ago I learned about how Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) cause your gut to start leaking.
It’s not likely that one single dose is enough to crush your gut, but the research paints a clear and nasty picture if you use it for several days. I don’t know about you, but most of the time when I was reaching for these pills it wasn’t for just an afternoon, I used them all the time.
The worst part is MANY doctors have prescribed me to take these kinds of pills for weeks and NEVER told me what I was doing to my gut.
The research is clear if you’re going to take NSAIDS, especially the stronger kind are used to treat autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, you will be putting your gut health at risk.
TRIGGER 3: Stressing Your Gut Apart
I’m sure you’ve heard before that you should reduce your stress levels. It’s a pretty well known idea. But most of us including myself have a hard time actually doing anything about it.
One of the reasons I had a hard time caring was I honestly didn’t think it was REAL. I kind of thought it was just a good idea and not that big of deal. Then, as I was trying to fix my health I actually went and researched it. What I found shocked me…
There was actually many research papers about how bad stress was for gut health. But I still didn’t want to accept it. Until one day, I found direct research like the study below that showed there was no doubt that stress causes your gut to leak:
This forced me to take the idea of stress seriously and I hope you do too. Because if you don’t, it will cause gut and hormone problems that can make your gut leaky.
The biggest myth is that reducing stress has to take hours a day or be hard. The truth is that just simple things like writing in a journal each day can really help.
That’s the first step I try to get everyone to do. Just write about your life each day and start to feel your stress reduce.
STEP 2: Rebuild the Gut
Remember, the secret sauce to rebuilding your gut is what’s called a Pleiotropic Approach. As I mentioned this not a new idea, it’s actually a powerful approach to fixing health that modern medicine forgot along the way. And when we combine it with modern technology it’s pretty successful… unless you make a big mistake.
The #1 Mistake people make is thinking diet is the only thing that matters for fixing a leaky gut.
At this point you probably have already stopped eating hydrogenated oils, high fructose corn syrup and might even have given up gluten. But while there’s no doubt this will help you, it’s also not the answer.
The research shows at least 19 different things could cause a leaky gut. Therefore, it would only make sense then that we should use as many different ways to fix it as we can.
The best way to rebuild the gut so that it never breaks again is to adopt a pleiotropic approach. Using multiple ways to fix the gut:
Lifestyle Changes
Each of these ideas can be powerful by itself. And you’ve probably already tried several of them, like avoiding toxic foods, taking supplements, and hopefully reducing your stress.
But the problem with most programs is that they try to demonize certain foods. When the truth is that you could be reacting to ANY food you eat when you have a leaky gut.
Not to mention most don’t give clinically successful supplement programs that work synergistically to help the whole body heal the gut. They typically just recommend basic supplements like L glutamine, Colostrum, or B vitamins.
The key to feeling great, losing weight and healing your gut is to use ALL of these principles at the same time. Focus on lowering stress, eating a better diet and using high quality – proven – supplements to help with leaky gut.
Now if that overwhelms you, you’re not alone. Trust me it can be done, with custom step-by-step instructions to make the process all work with your body’s natural ability to heal. Stay tuned as I tell you more about that in bit.
STEP 3: Fix the Root Causes
The “root cause” expression comes from my engineering days of problem solving multi-million dollar robotic machines the size of football fields. As an engineer, I had to figure out the source of the problem and remove it. It’s only then that these broken systems would be able to run again.
Modern medicine doesn’t get this… But I don’t blame them, it’s the modern medicine machine that’s the problem. They don’t even teach this stuff to doctors in schools. Instead, much of the focus is on drugs and surgery. Which saves lives but doesn’t even come close to fixing chronic health.
You just can’t cut people open and pop pills until these problems go away.
Instead, focus on the root causes of gut problems that can keep us sick regardless of a healthy diet. And the most common root cause we see is actually GI infections. Dr. Tom O’Bryan reports that 70-80% of his patients test positive for some type of gut infection that must be killed before they can return to great health.
There’s two other really common root causes of leaky gut to be aware of: 1) hormone problems and 2) detoxification issues.
However, without a doubt the #1 issue that the top chronic health practitioners in the world report is GI infections.
And unless you connect the dots of your symptoms to root causes with the help of a trained practitioner or reliable test results, the pleiotropic approach will only get you so far.
However, using today’s technology and simple engineering ideas it’s easier to correct these root causes than it’s ever been.
The Results Of Following Step-by-Step
Action Guides and Addressing The Root Cause
Remember our 3 friends from earlier who weren’t very happy with their lives? Well, I told you to not lose hope because their problems (and yours) can be fixed. Using the 3-step process to solve leaky gut, their lives can look and feel like this…
Kevin Is happy that his wife is no longer complaining about how bad he smells. But the best part is he no longer burps or has afternoon energy crashes. He’s not afraid to take his shirt off in public and finally has the energy to keep up with the kids.
It turned out Kevin had a GI infection called H. Pylori. He also needed some hormone support. He started being more active and now goes on daily walks. Along with a different diet, he feels great. The key for him was killing the infection in his stomach.
BrendaIt's so much easier to date when she can look in the mirror and can't help but dance. Now that Brenda's hormones are rocking she's back and happily dating. UTI's are a thing of the past and she's very confident she could get pregnant right away.
She needed to get serious about her sleep, completely give up grains because she has Celiac Disease, and kill off a parasite that she likely picked up on spring break back in college.
The amazing thing for her is that she thought it would be hard to eat out and stay on her diet. But she was surprised at how most places she went knew about food allergies and how easy it was to cook delicious meals for friends and family.
Katie Lost 15 pounds, stopped losing her hair and now has all day energy. She did have to make several changes that at first, were very different than how she lived. She started by eating the Solving Leaky Gut Rebuild diet which is based on the most nutritious and anti-inflammatory meats, fruits, vegetables, herbs and spices. She found out that she had low stomach acid and needed to supplement to correct it and that her adrenal glands were in need of some serious support.
She got an immediate boost in energy with the adrenal support and stomach acid supplementation. And over the next few months, she added lots of foods back in like nuts, eggs, potatoes and dairy.
It’s amazing to see people transform. Especially when they begin to tell you about how they’re now able to be present at home with their kids, get promotions at work because they’re so inspired, and how they can take care of those around them.See, the one thing that most people with chronic health complaints can’t see is just how much joy and excitement is missing from their lives. And everyone who knows you can tell something is wrong with you. But they are afraid to say something. You know when that feeling you get when they’re whispering about you…
Well, I’m here to tell you that those people want you to feel great and that your body will start rewarding you with the health you’ve been craving when you apply these principles.
It Feels So Good When...
Your Body Begins To Heal…What happens when your body begins to heal from the inside out is rather remarkable. You’ll be well on your way to feeling amazing like these people…
The body has a built in natural ability to heal and once we stop damaging it with the way we’re living our lives, the gut can begin to do what it was designed for and keep the bad stuff out. When that happens, the body can do some amazing things.
Many people notice things like…
- Energy that lasts all day
- Pain free joints
- Mental clarity to get work done fast
- Skin that glows
- A reliable and happy digestion system
- Smile on their face as they admire their body in the mirror
- Normal, healthy body weight
- Muscles, actual strong muscles
- Bursts of joy and laughter, like being a kid again
- And more!