Pyrroloquinoline quinone (PQQ)
is a compound known to influence multiple cellular pathways,
including the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).
By protecting neurons and stimulating nerve growth in the brain,
PQQ-10 also supports cognitive performance, including memory and attention.
is a compound known to influence multiple cellular pathways,
including the production of nerve growth factor (NGF).
By protecting neurons and stimulating nerve growth in the brain,
PQQ-10 also supports cognitive performance, including memory and attention.
Unleash 3 times more energy
Disease-busting breakthrough BAFFLES top researchers at Cambridge… Stanford… and more…
“Mystery Molecule” in Mother’s Milk
Makes Aging Cells Pump-Out
Child-Like Energy Again
UC Davis study confirms new molecular discovery results in 55%1 more energy by rejuvenating the “principal energy source of the cell”…
This is an unusual story…
A mysterious substance in mother’s milk is helping people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond reclaim the lost energy and vitality of youth.
It’s the only molecule shown in scientific research that has the unique ability to supercharge cells so they can pump out more energy.
It’s what gives babies energy to grow so fast, learn and play.
But there’s just one problem…
Scientists don’t know what to call it. For starters, it’s NOT a vitamin, mineral, or fatty-acid. Nor is it an enzyme, co-enzyme, or phytochemical.
It protects against free radicals (it’s 630% more potent than vitamin C). But it’s NOT an antioxidant.2
It’s better than ALL of them… because — unlike any other nutrient ever discovered — this “mystery molecule” multiplies and restores specific parts of aging cells that create power.
How much more power?
In one study, researchers from UC Davis gave this mystery molecule to mice.3
And compared to the placebo, their cells pumped out 55% more energy…
With some mice showing ZERO signs of aging, even though they were the equivalent of 80-year-olds!
In other words, this mystery molecule gave the mice enough energy to look and perform 5,10, or 20 years younger!
And It Can Turn Back the Clock for You Too!
Prestigious institutions like an Ivy League university, Stanford, and even NASA have conducted clinical trials.
And they’ve confirmed the extra energy made available by this miracle in mother’s milk invigorates every disease-fighting system in your body giving you…
Imagine if you were able to have the vitality usually associated with youth!
…helping you look, feel, and perform like you did decades ago.
I’ll share the details of these studies in a moment. But just to be clear, this has nothing to do with nervous or jittery energy (like you get from stimulants).
Imagine having a car with a big powerful engine…
You don’t HAVE to smash the pedal to the floor. You can drive at a leisurely pace. But if you NEED an extra boost of energy, well, you know the power is always on tap.
That’s what this mysterious molecule is proven to deliver:
Extra energy on demand without any unpredictable or undesirable side effects (after all, babies get up to 4 mg9 of it every day from mother’s milk).
And just to be perfectly clear this involves:
In fact, it’s so safe, powerful, and proven I recommend it to every patient who visits my Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. And in the pages of my daily email broadcast, Doctor’s House Call.
More than 260,000 people have followed my advice with amazing results:
That’s what 55% more energy surging through your heart, muscles, and mind can do.
It can give you energy to move and feel young and unstoppable again.
So It’s No Surprise Major Media Outlets
Are Starting to Take Notice…
Britain’s largest newspaper — citing a UC Irvine study — reported it supports a healthy response to:
“Inflammation in the liver… that heightens the risk of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, TYPE 2 DIABETES.”10
The largest selling English daily newspaper in the world, The Times of India, gave hope to diabetics and people struggling to lose weight when they wrote it:
“Regulates the levels of fructose and sucrose in the body.” Saying it “could well be A POTENTIAL CURE FOR OBESITY.”
Dr. Scott Mendelson writes in the Huff Post that this mystery molecule might support healthy:
But There’s Another, More Sinister Angle to This Story the Press Hasn’t… Or Won’t… Report On.
That sheds light on a deep, dark secret fueling the chronic fatigue… widespread obesity… and skyrocketing cases of all chronic disease you see all around you.
You see, emerging evidence reveals the power-generating sections of your cells that are rejuvenated by this mystery molecule…
…that create energy to power your heart, lungs, muscles, and mind…
…youthful-energy your body needs to support good health and look, feel, and act like a kid again…
…are KILLED-OFF by prescription drugs.
This may sound unbelievable, but Molecular Nutrition and Food Research discovered many common prescription drugs leave you tired… weak… and vulnerable to disease because they destroy the ability for your cells to generate power!12
Here are just a few:
Beta-blockers, cancer meds, antivirals, the list goes on…
Ivy League researchers found even common antibiotics steal your cellular thunder too, leading to “oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and membrane lipids.”13
In other words…
A Laundry List of Big Pharma Drugs ROB Your Body of the Energy It Needs to Fight Disease!
You’ll NEVER hear the story I’m about to share with you on the nightly news…
Big Pharma spends billions running drug ads on TV, the radio, and major newspapers and magazines.
Do you really think the mainstream media will run a story like this… and offend their biggest advertisers… and risk losing all of that money?
Of course not…
Prescription drugs rake in a mind-boggling $1.2 trillion in sales per year…
Can you see why Big Pharma has 1.2 trillion reasons why they don’t want this information published by the mainstream media?
But I can’t be bought by Big Pharma…
Which is why I’m writing you today. To expose Big Pharma’s shameless profiteering at the expense of your health.
And share with you the most important creation in all of Mother Nature… the miracle in mother’s milk that breathes life into every cell in a growing baby…
I’ll show you the science behind why this mystery molecule can give you 55% more sustained energy… and share more stories of my patients — some who were at death’s door — who’ve made full recoveries and went on to lead normal, happy lives because of it.
Plus, I’ll also show you what I discovered that complements and intensify its energy-boosting, health-rejuvenating powers.
I’m convinced if there was only one thing you could take to stay younger and healthier, this is it!
In 30 Years of Searching, I’ve Never Found Anything Better for Increasing Energy
Healthy aging is important if you want to retain your energy.
One of the most amazing people I’ve ever studied is 92-year-old Olga Kotelko.
Her nickname is the “Incredible Flying Nonagenarian” (meaning 90-year-old).
At an age when most people would be happy just to walk…
Olga competes in endurance, strength, and speed events at the World Masters Games, holding more than 30 world records.
Olga tells everyone she has “energy I had when I was 50” that lets her out-run and out-jump her competitors.
These decades of experience have convinced me modern medicine has it wrong.
Growing old doesn’t have to mean looking or feeling old.
And in all my years of searching, I’ve never found anything more effective at turning back the clock than this mysterious molecule.
Life-Giving Energy Only a Mother Can Provide
In the first year of life a baby triples their birth weight.
They grow so fast that at just two years old a child is already HALF of their adult height.
And only mother’s milk is perfectly designed to fuel this growth. In fact, the American Pediatric Society studies prove formula-fed babies have LOWER IQ’s and have higher rates of obesity than breast-fed babies!
And scientists have now zeroed-in on the substance in mother’s milk that powers this explosive growth.
This mysterious molecule is called PPQ. Besides mother’s milk, there are trace amounts of it in fermented soybeans… green peppers… parsley… and kiwi fruit.
But scientists won’t classify it as a vitamin, mineral, fatty-acid, or normal nutrient for one simple reason. It is the ONLY nutrient known to science shown to multiply the parts of your cells that generate power.
Which is why it makes sense that mother’s milk has so much of it — babies get up to 4 mg per day from it — giving them the energy they need to grow so fast!
But here’s the thing…
It can do the same for you!
Like I mentioned previously, it helps every cell in your body produce 55% more energy. Extra energy extensive studies prove can give you…
Let me prove it to you…
Decrease Painful Inflammation
and Harmful Free Radicals
While studying to become a doctor I worked with gymnasts as a strength and conditioning coach. And I wish I had PQQ to fast-track healing in all the injuries I treated.
Here’s why…
As you age, you may find it harder to move, bend and flex due to pain and discomfort. Two pain-causing factors you must control are inflammation and free radicals.
PQQ helps you conquer both!
In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, healthy people who took 20 mg of PQQ experienced significant decreases in two key inflammation markets, C-reactive protein (by 45% in three weeks) and IL6.14
PQQ is also a powerful antioxidant, 630% more potent than vitamin C. It’s especially great at mopping up free radicals than can harm your brain cells.
PQQ Supercharges Your Memory and Mind
PQQ stimulates the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in your brain. NGF is so significant, its discovery was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1986.
In a study published in Food Style 21, PQQ is hailed as a nutrient that “improves high-level cerebral functions.”
Healthy adults who ate PQQ showed significant improvements in word memorization and recall tasks, far better than those who did not take PQQ.15
PQQ helps a baby’s brain double in size the first year. And it can do wonders for you too…
PQQ can boost the energy in your cells and improve your mental performance.
That’s what happened to 65-year-old Alan P. He started taking PQQ after experiencing mild “brain fog.” One month later he reports “better concentration” and feeling “less distracted.”16
Steve G. says “it gave me an energy boost upon ingestion and I could feel a sensation in my brain.”17
Cindy F. reports “I've been taking between 10 and 20 mg of PQQ for the past two months. I feel a lot better and have increased cognition.”18
But that’s not all…
Improve Your Sleep, Mood, Stress Relief and Vitality
In one open label study, 17 people with sleep or fatigue impairments took 20 mg of PQQ every day for eight weeks.
The results? Outstanding!
PQQ was able to significantly improve sleep quality and duration.
Improve the quality of your sleep.
No wonder babies sleep up to 15 hours a day!
It can even help you when you can’t get a full nights sleep. John J. reports, “PQQ obliterates any negatives I normally feel from sleep deprivation!”19
Susan F. writes it “Elevates energy levels and increases mood and concentration for me.”20
Even better, PQQ improved vigor, fatigue, tension-anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, and confusion.
But how exactly does PPQ create 55% more energy?
The answer is in your DNA…
DNA Study: The Shocking Difference
Between a 90-Year-Old and a 5-Year-Old
It’s not just age…
A study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences revealed why younger people have so much more energy than older folks.
They studied the muscle tissue of a 90-year-old man and compared it to that of a 5-year-old boy.
By age 90, as much as 95% of your mitochondrial DNA may be damaged.
The results? Shocking!
They discovered the mitochondrial DNA of the older man was 95% damaged. Yet the mitochondrial DNA of the 5-year-old boy was completely intact.21
This is important because mitochondria are the “principal energy source of the cell” — as reported by UC Davis scientists. You can think of them as “little engines” inside your cells that are the source of almost ALL of your body’s youthful energy. Without them your cells could not create energy and you would quickly die.
In other words, the less mitochondria you have… the OLDER you feel!
To put this into perspective…
An Ivy League Medical School discovered mitochondria “comprise fully one third of cardiac mass.”22 The journal Molecular Basis of Disease say mitochondria “Plays a pivotal role in neuronal cell survival or death.”23
In fact, the University of Washington Medical Center said “mitochondrial changes are at the center of a wide range of maladies, including diabetes, neurodegeneration and ageing-related dysfunctions” – University of Washington Medical Center. 24
The average cell has 200 of these tiny power plants. And cells for your most energy-hungry organs, like your heart and brain, can have more than 10,000 mitochondria.
But here’s the problem…
As you age, these tiny power plants become damaged and start to die off. And you LOSE your capacity to make energy!
The Mitochondria Research Society reports 50 million U.S. adults are suffering from health problems in which mitochondrial dysfunction is involved.
Ward Dean, MD in reports:
When that happens you feel tired and fatigued… followed by devastating health problems:
Which is why PQQ is so important!
It is the ONLY nutrient known to science to actually create NEW mitochondria in your cells… making your old cells pump out energy as if they were young again!
Which makes sense why it is in mother’s milk. Without it babies couldn’t grow so fast.
It’s like adding tens of thousands of new power plants into every cell in your body… supercharging your energy and vitality and boosting it to youthful-like levels.
You’ll FEEL the power of PQQ with energy to spare… to walk, jog or run… to travel around the world… to enjoy your favorite sport or hobby… and to savor the best of life.
Power Up and Protect Your Heart,
Starting with Healthier Cholesterol
Did you know that roughly one-third of your heart is made up of mitochondria, according to Current Pharmaceutical Design?
This is why PQQ powers up your heart by stimulating the spontaneous growth of new mitochondria within aging heart cells.
But that’s not all.
PQQ also helps boost your heart when there is poor blood flow… protects your heart from the dangers of oxidative stress… and safeguards your heart from serious damage of a heart “disaster,” even better than the strongest conventional treatment.
After all, when was the last time you heard of a baby developing heart problems like adults get?
Taking PQQ can mean a “significant decrease” in LDL cholesterol.
In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, healthy Japanese adults who took 20 mg of PQQ a day experienced healthier LDL cholesterol.
After 12 weeks, the PQQ group showed a significant benefit for supporting healthy LDL cholesterol within the normal range. Great news for your heart!25
Enjoy Healthier Blood Sugar
As you know, you need insulin in your body so your cells can use glucose (sugar) for energy.
But in many people, insulin fails to work as it should, leaving them “insulin resistant.” Left unchecked, it can cause serious blood sugar problems.
That’s why you’ll be glad to know PQQ helps decrease insulin resistance.
PQQ is shown to alleviate fat-induced insulin resistance by increasing new mitochondria in your muscle cells. This is similar to the benefits you get from exercise!
Proven at 19,341 Feet Above Sea Level
My increased energy levels helped me fulfill of a lifelong dream – climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
As I mentioned, I’ve set foot on over 30 countries on six continents to investigate… research… and test the most powerful therapies in the world. Therapies unknown to Western medicine.
That includes hiking up to the 19,341 foot summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (the tallest mountain in Africa).
Leading up to the trip, I supplemented heavily with PQQ to build up my mitochondria and made it to the top unassisted.
But it was my Sherpa’s who did the heavy lifting.
They hauled hundreds of pounds of gear up the mountain — up to twice their body weight — without breaking a sweat! And at that altitude, you only breathe in HALF as much oxygen with each breathe!
How do Sherpas thrive on so little oxygen?
The world extreme medicine expo in London revealed the answer: Sherpa’s mitochondria are much more efficient at using oxygen than typical people!
It may be WHY some people live so long…
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Aging found long-lived people (aged up to 100) had mitochondria that are more efficient. In other words, they are capable of producing more energy with less oxygen like Sherpas.26
The research is clear:
The journal Experimental and Molecular Medicine outlined 12 major health benefits when you support healthy mitochondria. They are:27
Before PPQ there were no nutrients that could restore mitochondrial function or create new mitochondria lost to aging.
That’s why I made PPQ the key ingredient in my proprietary proven energy formula Ultra Accel II.
But I’ve taken it a step further…
Because as important as mitochondria are… without the “raw fuel” to run these cellular engines... they are about as useful as a Ferrari with an empty tank of gas!
So I’ve added the highest-octane “raw fuel” mitochondria can burn.
It’s a well-known nutrient so powerful it won the Nobel Prize.
With a 21st century upgrade that makes it 8 times more powerful.
Let me explain…
Nobel Prize Energy Discovery
Made 8 Times More Powerful
Thirty-nine years ago a previously unknown scientist cracked the code on how cells in your body create energy.
It was a monumental discovery.
He won the Nobel Prize.
Soon after the world’s first “energy pill” came to market.
It’s been the best-selling energy pill in the United States ever since. And for good reason.
Just one pill floods every single cell in your body with the “raw fuel” your mitochondria need to make energy.
Multiple studies, spanning decades, prove this extra energy invigorates multiple systems in your body that keep you healthy and feeling young, and can:
Ivy League doctors found it “exerts neuroprotective effects.”28 Cambridge scientists report it “prevents accelerated cardiac aging.”29 And one University of California biochemist says it “gives you a metabolic tune-up”.
Leading to what Stanford University research described as an all-around “an anti-aging benefit.”30
These are scientists with impeccable credentials, from top schools, reporting in the most respected medical journals published.
Of course, the raw fuel I’m talking about is CoQ10.
But in spite of all CoQ10’s health benefits, scientists have discovered that it has one drawback:
It’s very difficult for your body to absorb.
So if you supplement with CoQ10, much of it goes to waste.
The good news is Ultra Accel II contains an upgraded form of CoQ10 that is 8X more powerful than old, poorly absorbed CoQ10.
The 1-2 punch of PPQ and this higher-powered CoQ10 is the best I’ve ever seen for helping my patients and me stay younger and healthier.
That’s because your cells can be packed to the gills with mitochondria. But if you don’t have enough of CoQ10 cellular “raw fuel”, your body becomes like a car that’s sputtering, running on fumes. This lack of energy especially drains your heart, brain and vitality.
When I first started using CoQ10 back in the early 1990s, I tested my patients and found out that a shocking 87% of them had low levels of CoQ10.
Why? Because CoQ10 levels plummet as you age.
As this chart shows, between ages 20 and 80, CoQ10 levels in your body drop dramatically.
In your liver, CoQ10 drops by 17%
In your kidneys, CoQ10 drops by 34.7%
In your lungs, CoQ10 drops by 49.3%
In your heart, CoQ10 drops by 57.1%
In your heart wall muscle, CoQ10 drops by 72%
So my patients started taking CoQ10, and many of them had excellent results.
But still, some of my patients didn’t get the kind of natural energy and health boost they expected from CoQ10.
That all changed when I met a pioneer in CoQ10 research, Dr. Tatsumasa Mae from Japan.
Dr. Tatsumasa Mae and me at my clinic as he revealed his CoQ10 breakthrough.
Dr. Mae came to my clinic and unveiled his innovative CoQ10-H2 — a super-charged version of CoQ10 that’s the only one I take and the only one I recommend. It makes all other CoQ10s obsolete.
There are two ways a “Reduced” form of CoQ10 proves superior.
As you may know, traditional CoQ10 is known as ubiquinone. But once it gets into your body, it must be converted to the reduced form, ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is the only form of CoQ10 that can work miracles.
After age 45, your body’s ability to convert CoQ10 from ubiquinone into ubiquinol is diminished, proven in a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society. 31 So traditional CoQ10 doesn’t give you the full disease-fighting, health-boosting power of CoQ10 ubiquinol.
Fortunately, Dr. Mae and his team discovered a new delivery system that’s a reliable way to skip this conversion process. The result? You take CoQ10 ubiquinol straight on its own. So powerful was this discovery, Dr. Mae’s company patented it and licenses production of it to just a handful of manufacturers.
By taking this special new form, known as CoQ10-H2, you gain two huge advantages over typical CoQ10…
You Get Eight Times Greater Absorption Of CoQ10 for Superior Age-Fighting and Disease Reversal.
According to a study published in the journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 150 mg of the new CoQ10-H2 raised blood levels to a degree that would take 1,200 mg of CoQ10 ubiquinone.
And if you double the dose of CoQ10-H2 to 300 mg — the ideal dose for disease reversal…’d have to take a whopping 2,400 mg of traditional CoQ10 to equal that power.
This proves the new CoQ10-H2 is eight times more powerful than the traditional form of CoQ10 when it comes to absorption. And this means you can take less and still get more of the full power of CoQ10 in Ultra Accel II.
Super-charged CoQ10-H2 remains in your blood at a 3.75-fold greater concentration.
Another flaw of traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone is it peaks at a much lower level after you take it and dramatically decreases over the following eight hours.
Not So with My Recommended CoQ10-H2
In one study using mice, 100 mg of traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone dropped to a low level (just 1.2 micrograms/milliliter) after eight hours — a level too low to have an effective disease-fighting or anti-aging effect.
But 100 mg of CoQ10-H2 ubiquinol were still in the blood at a 3.75-fold greater concentration after eight hours — with a blood level of 4.5 micrograms/milliliter.
And this high concentration staying in your system for eight hours is a key to unleashing CoQ10’s full healing potential. This is why this special form of CoQ10 is the only one used in Ultra Accel II.
What’s More, This Super Potent CoQ10-H2
Slows the Aging Process An Extra 51%
After Dr. Mae showed me the results of absorption tests of his new CoQ10-H2, I was intrigued to say the least. But when he showed me his “anti-aging” study, I was floored!
Dr. Mae’s company did an extensive 15-month long study to determine the power of CoQ10-H2 on the health and longevity of mice. Would it really make a difference?
One group of mice received a standard lab diet with no CoQ10. The second got the same diet with traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone. And the final group got the same diet with the new form of CoQ10-H2.
At one year of age — the point that’s equivalent to late middle age for humans — the mice who took the new CoQ10-H2 aged at a rate that was 22% slower than those taking regular CoQ10 and a whopping 51% slower than the mice taking no CoQ10.
Sounded good, but I still wasn’t sure how that translates into healthier, longer living. But it became crystal clear to me when Dr. Mae showed me a video of these mice. The differences were jaw dropping!
If that’s not enough, the stamina of the mice taking this super absorbable CoQ10-H2 was measured, and guess what? They were able to run continuously on their treadmills two and a half times longer than the mice taking conventional CoQ10.
They not only had super health — they had super stamina!32
In Fact, Here’s Research That Proves CoQ10
Can Give You…
A Healthier Heart
Enjoy the benefits of a healthy heart.
At least 100 studies at major universities and hospitals link CoQ10 deficiency with heart problems.
But once you start taking CoQ10, you can protect and strengthen your heart like nothing else I’ve seen. For example, in one clinical study conducted in Italy, patients with congestive heart concerns took 50-100 mg of CoQ10 a day for three months… with astonishing results.
These patients experienced improvements in heartbeats… breathing capacity… and the body’s response to inflammation.33
A Supercharged Brain
CoQ10 boosts brain health.
Accumulated oxidative stress has been linked to memory loss and neurodegeneration. Yet CoQ10 has been shown to slow oxidative damage, thus reducing the damage amyloid B-peptide proteins can do to your brain cells.34
In addition, a study using animals revealed that CoQ10 supplementation reverses age- related impairments in learning. Researchers concluded that in individuals with age-associated cognitive decline, high CoQ10 intake is beneficial.35
Sharper Vision
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science reports remarkable results of those who took CoQ10 for one year. They reported seeing more clearly.36
Smoother Skin
CoQ10 can work on the outside, too. A German study documents that CoQ10 helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and helps protect the skin from the damaging effects of our environment.37
Easier Breathing
Allergy journal reports CoQ10 promotes bronchial health, according to researchers in Texas.38
Healthier Gums
Gum problems affect many people over age 50. But you’ll be glad to know CoQ10 helps improve gum and oral health, according to Japanese researchers.39
Super Immunity
Research by Dr. Karl Folkers, one of the pioneers in CoQ10 research, reveals that CoQ10 is a “key factor in the optimum immune system functioning.” 40
These Are Very Important Health-Boosting Benefits. CoQ10 Also Boosts Mitochondrial Function and Extends Lifespan Beyond Expectations.
Here are some eye-opening facts about CoQ10 and longevity most people and doctors don’t know.
CoQ10 is essential for the production and transfer of energy in your mitochondria
If you are deficient in CoQ10, mitochondrial stress increases and mitochondrial dysfunction skyrockets. The end result? Aging accelerates.
Yet if you supplement your body with CoQ10, the aging process slows down to a crawl and your lifespan is extended.
A study published in Experimental Gerontology reveals the age-defying power of CoQ10.
In this study, rats that were given CoQ10 experienced an 11.7% increase in average lifespan and a whopping 24% increase in maximum life span.
Using the Centers for Disease Control statistics that show the average human life expectancy is 78.5 years, this translates to a potential of additional nine years of lifespan!41
In a study presented at the 6th Conference of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association, it was shown that heart patients who took CoQ10 ubiquinol (like that found in Ultra Accel II) had a heart pumping power of 47.8%. This was 15.5% higher than those taking traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone.
More Blood Pumping Out Of Your Heart Indicates
A Stronger, Healthier Heart.42
Just one soft gel a day to help regain youthful energy and vitality.
Now imagine the results you’ll get when you take the super powered form of CoQ10 in Ultra Accel II.
The best news of all is…
For the first time, it’s now possible for you to take one supplement that…
Increases the amount of energy (jet fuel) your cells produce with CoQ10-H2, and…
Increases the number of mitochondria (jet engines) you have to burn that fuel with PQQ.
For me, PQQ and this special, high-powered CoQ10-H2 found in Ultra Accel II have revolutionized my health and energy.
At age 62, I have the energy to work out in the morning… jump in my car, put in a full day at my anti-aging clinic and still have plenty in the tank to keep up with my teenaged sons, go out with friends and hop on a plane at a moment’s notice for a business trip or getaway.
Same thing with my patients.
They tell me when they take PQQ and super absorbing CoQ10-H2 in Ultra Accel II, they feel a rush of youthful energy and vitality like they enjoyed decades ago.
Now, you can take this same potent and unique combination of PQQ and super powered CoQ10-H2in Ultra Accel II — and increase your “health-span.”
Remarkably, you can unleash the full age-fighting, disease-reversing power of Ultra Accel II in just one soft gel a day.
The PQQ and high-powered CoQ10-H2 are super concentrated in Ultra Accel IIso you only need to take one small soft gel a day.
No more swallowing 3 – 4 pills or capsules a day. No more breaking the bank on one supplement for anti-aging, one for better memory, one for a stronger heart and one more boundless energy. Just take one soft gel of Ultra Accel II a day… and let the remarkable energizing and rejuvenating results begin.
Plus, to give you even more motivation to try Ultra Accel II today, we’ve made it more convenient, affordable and effective than ever…
Disease-busting breakthrough BAFFLES top researchers at Cambridge… Stanford… and more…
“Mystery Molecule” in Mother’s Milk
Makes Aging Cells Pump-Out
Child-Like Energy Again
UC Davis study confirms new molecular discovery results in 55%1 more energy by rejuvenating the “principal energy source of the cell”…
This is an unusual story…
A mysterious substance in mother’s milk is helping people in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond reclaim the lost energy and vitality of youth.
It’s the only molecule shown in scientific research that has the unique ability to supercharge cells so they can pump out more energy.
It’s what gives babies energy to grow so fast, learn and play.
But there’s just one problem…
Scientists don’t know what to call it. For starters, it’s NOT a vitamin, mineral, or fatty-acid. Nor is it an enzyme, co-enzyme, or phytochemical.
It protects against free radicals (it’s 630% more potent than vitamin C). But it’s NOT an antioxidant.2
It’s better than ALL of them… because — unlike any other nutrient ever discovered — this “mystery molecule” multiplies and restores specific parts of aging cells that create power.
How much more power?
In one study, researchers from UC Davis gave this mystery molecule to mice.3
And compared to the placebo, their cells pumped out 55% more energy…
With some mice showing ZERO signs of aging, even though they were the equivalent of 80-year-olds!
In other words, this mystery molecule gave the mice enough energy to look and perform 5,10, or 20 years younger!
And It Can Turn Back the Clock for You Too!
Prestigious institutions like an Ivy League university, Stanford, and even NASA have conducted clinical trials.
And they’ve confirmed the extra energy made available by this miracle in mother’s milk invigorates every disease-fighting system in your body giving you…
- A supercharged mind and memory so you outwit the younger generation
- Healthier cholesterol4
- Better sleep and moods5
- A powered-up heart that can help you avoid a cardio “disaster”6
- Healthier blood sugar and insulin7
- Soothing relief from painful inflammation8
Imagine if you were able to have the vitality usually associated with youth!
…helping you look, feel, and perform like you did decades ago.
I’ll share the details of these studies in a moment. But just to be clear, this has nothing to do with nervous or jittery energy (like you get from stimulants).
Imagine having a car with a big powerful engine…
You don’t HAVE to smash the pedal to the floor. You can drive at a leisurely pace. But if you NEED an extra boost of energy, well, you know the power is always on tap.
That’s what this mysterious molecule is proven to deliver:
Extra energy on demand without any unpredictable or undesirable side effects (after all, babies get up to 4 mg9 of it every day from mother’s milk).
And just to be perfectly clear this involves:
- No prescriptions
- No dangerous side effects
- No caffeine
- No jittery energy
- No energy crash
In fact, it’s so safe, powerful, and proven I recommend it to every patient who visits my Sears Institute for Anti-Aging Medicine. And in the pages of my daily email broadcast, Doctor’s House Call.
More than 260,000 people have followed my advice with amazing results:
That’s what 55% more energy surging through your heart, muscles, and mind can do.
It can give you energy to move and feel young and unstoppable again.
So It’s No Surprise Major Media Outlets
Are Starting to Take Notice…
Britain’s largest newspaper — citing a UC Irvine study — reported it supports a healthy response to:
“Inflammation in the liver… that heightens the risk of CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE, TYPE 2 DIABETES.”10
The largest selling English daily newspaper in the world, The Times of India, gave hope to diabetics and people struggling to lose weight when they wrote it:
“Regulates the levels of fructose and sucrose in the body.” Saying it “could well be A POTENTIAL CURE FOR OBESITY.”
Dr. Scott Mendelson writes in the Huff Post that this mystery molecule might support healthy:
But There’s Another, More Sinister Angle to This Story the Press Hasn’t… Or Won’t… Report On.
That sheds light on a deep, dark secret fueling the chronic fatigue… widespread obesity… and skyrocketing cases of all chronic disease you see all around you.
You see, emerging evidence reveals the power-generating sections of your cells that are rejuvenated by this mystery molecule…
…that create energy to power your heart, lungs, muscles, and mind…
…youthful-energy your body needs to support good health and look, feel, and act like a kid again…
…are KILLED-OFF by prescription drugs.
This may sound unbelievable, but Molecular Nutrition and Food Research discovered many common prescription drugs leave you tired… weak… and vulnerable to disease because they destroy the ability for your cells to generate power!12
Here are just a few:
- Common pain relievers such as aspirin, Tylenol, and naproxen
- Antidepressants like Prozac and Asendis
- Heart and cholesterol medications like Cordarone, cholestyramine, and most statins
- Anxiety drugs like Xanax and valium
- Diabetes medications like metformin
Beta-blockers, cancer meds, antivirals, the list goes on…
Ivy League researchers found even common antibiotics steal your cellular thunder too, leading to “oxidative damage to DNA, proteins, and membrane lipids.”13
In other words…
A Laundry List of Big Pharma Drugs ROB Your Body of the Energy It Needs to Fight Disease!
You’ll NEVER hear the story I’m about to share with you on the nightly news…
Big Pharma spends billions running drug ads on TV, the radio, and major newspapers and magazines.
Do you really think the mainstream media will run a story like this… and offend their biggest advertisers… and risk losing all of that money?
Of course not…
Prescription drugs rake in a mind-boggling $1.2 trillion in sales per year…
Can you see why Big Pharma has 1.2 trillion reasons why they don’t want this information published by the mainstream media?
But I can’t be bought by Big Pharma…
Which is why I’m writing you today. To expose Big Pharma’s shameless profiteering at the expense of your health.
And share with you the most important creation in all of Mother Nature… the miracle in mother’s milk that breathes life into every cell in a growing baby…
I’ll show you the science behind why this mystery molecule can give you 55% more sustained energy… and share more stories of my patients — some who were at death’s door — who’ve made full recoveries and went on to lead normal, happy lives because of it.
Plus, I’ll also show you what I discovered that complements and intensify its energy-boosting, health-rejuvenating powers.
I’m convinced if there was only one thing you could take to stay younger and healthier, this is it!
In 30 Years of Searching, I’ve Never Found Anything Better for Increasing Energy
Healthy aging is important if you want to retain your energy.
One of the most amazing people I’ve ever studied is 92-year-old Olga Kotelko.
Her nickname is the “Incredible Flying Nonagenarian” (meaning 90-year-old).
At an age when most people would be happy just to walk…
Olga competes in endurance, strength, and speed events at the World Masters Games, holding more than 30 world records.
Olga tells everyone she has “energy I had when I was 50” that lets her out-run and out-jump her competitors.
These decades of experience have convinced me modern medicine has it wrong.
Growing old doesn’t have to mean looking or feeling old.
And in all my years of searching, I’ve never found anything more effective at turning back the clock than this mysterious molecule.
Life-Giving Energy Only a Mother Can Provide
In the first year of life a baby triples their birth weight.
They grow so fast that at just two years old a child is already HALF of their adult height.
And only mother’s milk is perfectly designed to fuel this growth. In fact, the American Pediatric Society studies prove formula-fed babies have LOWER IQ’s and have higher rates of obesity than breast-fed babies!
And scientists have now zeroed-in on the substance in mother’s milk that powers this explosive growth.
This mysterious molecule is called PPQ. Besides mother’s milk, there are trace amounts of it in fermented soybeans… green peppers… parsley… and kiwi fruit.
But scientists won’t classify it as a vitamin, mineral, fatty-acid, or normal nutrient for one simple reason. It is the ONLY nutrient known to science shown to multiply the parts of your cells that generate power.
Which is why it makes sense that mother’s milk has so much of it — babies get up to 4 mg per day from it — giving them the energy they need to grow so fast!
But here’s the thing…
It can do the same for you!
Like I mentioned previously, it helps every cell in your body produce 55% more energy. Extra energy extensive studies prove can give you…
- A supercharged mind and memory so you outwit the younger generation
- Healthier cholesterol
- Better sleep and moods
- A powered-up heart that can help you avoid a cardio “disaster”
- Healthier blood sugar and insulin
- Soothing relief from painful inflammation
Let me prove it to you…
Decrease Painful Inflammation
and Harmful Free Radicals
While studying to become a doctor I worked with gymnasts as a strength and conditioning coach. And I wish I had PQQ to fast-track healing in all the injuries I treated.
Here’s why…
As you age, you may find it harder to move, bend and flex due to pain and discomfort. Two pain-causing factors you must control are inflammation and free radicals.
PQQ helps you conquer both!
In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, healthy people who took 20 mg of PQQ experienced significant decreases in two key inflammation markets, C-reactive protein (by 45% in three weeks) and IL6.14
PQQ is also a powerful antioxidant, 630% more potent than vitamin C. It’s especially great at mopping up free radicals than can harm your brain cells.
PQQ Supercharges Your Memory and Mind
PQQ stimulates the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in your brain. NGF is so significant, its discovery was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1986.
In a study published in Food Style 21, PQQ is hailed as a nutrient that “improves high-level cerebral functions.”
Healthy adults who ate PQQ showed significant improvements in word memorization and recall tasks, far better than those who did not take PQQ.15
PQQ helps a baby’s brain double in size the first year. And it can do wonders for you too…
PQQ can boost the energy in your cells and improve your mental performance.
That’s what happened to 65-year-old Alan P. He started taking PQQ after experiencing mild “brain fog.” One month later he reports “better concentration” and feeling “less distracted.”16
Steve G. says “it gave me an energy boost upon ingestion and I could feel a sensation in my brain.”17
Cindy F. reports “I've been taking between 10 and 20 mg of PQQ for the past two months. I feel a lot better and have increased cognition.”18
But that’s not all…
Improve Your Sleep, Mood, Stress Relief and Vitality
In one open label study, 17 people with sleep or fatigue impairments took 20 mg of PQQ every day for eight weeks.
The results? Outstanding!
PQQ was able to significantly improve sleep quality and duration.
Improve the quality of your sleep.
No wonder babies sleep up to 15 hours a day!
It can even help you when you can’t get a full nights sleep. John J. reports, “PQQ obliterates any negatives I normally feel from sleep deprivation!”19
Susan F. writes it “Elevates energy levels and increases mood and concentration for me.”20
Even better, PQQ improved vigor, fatigue, tension-anxiety, depression, anger, hostility, and confusion.
But how exactly does PPQ create 55% more energy?
The answer is in your DNA…
DNA Study: The Shocking Difference
Between a 90-Year-Old and a 5-Year-Old
It’s not just age…
A study published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences revealed why younger people have so much more energy than older folks.
They studied the muscle tissue of a 90-year-old man and compared it to that of a 5-year-old boy.
By age 90, as much as 95% of your mitochondrial DNA may be damaged.
The results? Shocking!
They discovered the mitochondrial DNA of the older man was 95% damaged. Yet the mitochondrial DNA of the 5-year-old boy was completely intact.21
This is important because mitochondria are the “principal energy source of the cell” — as reported by UC Davis scientists. You can think of them as “little engines” inside your cells that are the source of almost ALL of your body’s youthful energy. Without them your cells could not create energy and you would quickly die.
In other words, the less mitochondria you have… the OLDER you feel!
To put this into perspective…
An Ivy League Medical School discovered mitochondria “comprise fully one third of cardiac mass.”22 The journal Molecular Basis of Disease say mitochondria “Plays a pivotal role in neuronal cell survival or death.”23
In fact, the University of Washington Medical Center said “mitochondrial changes are at the center of a wide range of maladies, including diabetes, neurodegeneration and ageing-related dysfunctions” – University of Washington Medical Center. 24
The average cell has 200 of these tiny power plants. And cells for your most energy-hungry organs, like your heart and brain, can have more than 10,000 mitochondria.
But here’s the problem…
As you age, these tiny power plants become damaged and start to die off. And you LOSE your capacity to make energy!
The Mitochondria Research Society reports 50 million U.S. adults are suffering from health problems in which mitochondrial dysfunction is involved.
Ward Dean, MD in reports:
When that happens you feel tired and fatigued… followed by devastating health problems:
- The Annual Review of Nutrition reports, “Mitochondria dysfunction has been implicated in nearly all disease conditions.”
- Molecular Nutrition and Food Research adds that mitochondrial dysfunction plays a role in disease affecting the heart, brain, nerves, joints and liver.
- Current Aging Science reports that “A wealth of experimental data suggests that mitochondria are involved in both the aging process and in regulating lifespan.
- Clinical Science (London) adds, “Among the numerous theories that explain the aging process, the mitochondrial theory of aging has received the most attention.”
- Pflügers Archiv reports, “…age-related declines in mitochondrial content and function play a major role in regulating lifespan.”
Which is why PQQ is so important!
It is the ONLY nutrient known to science to actually create NEW mitochondria in your cells… making your old cells pump out energy as if they were young again!
Which makes sense why it is in mother’s milk. Without it babies couldn’t grow so fast.
It’s like adding tens of thousands of new power plants into every cell in your body… supercharging your energy and vitality and boosting it to youthful-like levels.
You’ll FEEL the power of PQQ with energy to spare… to walk, jog or run… to travel around the world… to enjoy your favorite sport or hobby… and to savor the best of life.
Power Up and Protect Your Heart,
Starting with Healthier Cholesterol
Did you know that roughly one-third of your heart is made up of mitochondria, according to Current Pharmaceutical Design?
This is why PQQ powers up your heart by stimulating the spontaneous growth of new mitochondria within aging heart cells.
But that’s not all.
PQQ also helps boost your heart when there is poor blood flow… protects your heart from the dangers of oxidative stress… and safeguards your heart from serious damage of a heart “disaster,” even better than the strongest conventional treatment.
After all, when was the last time you heard of a baby developing heart problems like adults get?
Taking PQQ can mean a “significant decrease” in LDL cholesterol.
In a study published in the Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, healthy Japanese adults who took 20 mg of PQQ a day experienced healthier LDL cholesterol.
After 12 weeks, the PQQ group showed a significant benefit for supporting healthy LDL cholesterol within the normal range. Great news for your heart!25
Enjoy Healthier Blood Sugar
As you know, you need insulin in your body so your cells can use glucose (sugar) for energy.
But in many people, insulin fails to work as it should, leaving them “insulin resistant.” Left unchecked, it can cause serious blood sugar problems.
That’s why you’ll be glad to know PQQ helps decrease insulin resistance.
PQQ is shown to alleviate fat-induced insulin resistance by increasing new mitochondria in your muscle cells. This is similar to the benefits you get from exercise!
Proven at 19,341 Feet Above Sea Level
My increased energy levels helped me fulfill of a lifelong dream – climbing Mount Kilimanjaro.
As I mentioned, I’ve set foot on over 30 countries on six continents to investigate… research… and test the most powerful therapies in the world. Therapies unknown to Western medicine.
That includes hiking up to the 19,341 foot summit of Mount Kilimanjaro (the tallest mountain in Africa).
Leading up to the trip, I supplemented heavily with PQQ to build up my mitochondria and made it to the top unassisted.
But it was my Sherpa’s who did the heavy lifting.
They hauled hundreds of pounds of gear up the mountain — up to twice their body weight — without breaking a sweat! And at that altitude, you only breathe in HALF as much oxygen with each breathe!
How do Sherpas thrive on so little oxygen?
The world extreme medicine expo in London revealed the answer: Sherpa’s mitochondria are much more efficient at using oxygen than typical people!
It may be WHY some people live so long…
A 2014 study published in the Journal of Aging found long-lived people (aged up to 100) had mitochondria that are more efficient. In other words, they are capable of producing more energy with less oxygen like Sherpas.26
The research is clear:
The journal Experimental and Molecular Medicine outlined 12 major health benefits when you support healthy mitochondria. They are:27
- Energy
- Muscle tissue
- Brain Health
- Overall Strength
- Nerve health
- Memory
- Kidney Health
- Liver health
- Blood sugar balance
- Vision
- Mood
- Hearing
Before PPQ there were no nutrients that could restore mitochondrial function or create new mitochondria lost to aging.
That’s why I made PPQ the key ingredient in my proprietary proven energy formula Ultra Accel II.
But I’ve taken it a step further…
Because as important as mitochondria are… without the “raw fuel” to run these cellular engines... they are about as useful as a Ferrari with an empty tank of gas!
So I’ve added the highest-octane “raw fuel” mitochondria can burn.
It’s a well-known nutrient so powerful it won the Nobel Prize.
With a 21st century upgrade that makes it 8 times more powerful.
Let me explain…
Nobel Prize Energy Discovery
Made 8 Times More Powerful
Thirty-nine years ago a previously unknown scientist cracked the code on how cells in your body create energy.
It was a monumental discovery.
He won the Nobel Prize.
Soon after the world’s first “energy pill” came to market.
It’s been the best-selling energy pill in the United States ever since. And for good reason.
Just one pill floods every single cell in your body with the “raw fuel” your mitochondria need to make energy.
Multiple studies, spanning decades, prove this extra energy invigorates multiple systems in your body that keep you healthy and feeling young, and can:
- Reverse memory robbing brain plaque
- Keep your blood vessels open for a healthier heart
- Balance your blood pressure to healthy levels
- Reduce oxidative stress and slow down the aging process
- And, reduce skin roughness and the appearance of wrinkles.
Ivy League doctors found it “exerts neuroprotective effects.”28 Cambridge scientists report it “prevents accelerated cardiac aging.”29 And one University of California biochemist says it “gives you a metabolic tune-up”.
Leading to what Stanford University research described as an all-around “an anti-aging benefit.”30
These are scientists with impeccable credentials, from top schools, reporting in the most respected medical journals published.
Of course, the raw fuel I’m talking about is CoQ10.
But in spite of all CoQ10’s health benefits, scientists have discovered that it has one drawback:
It’s very difficult for your body to absorb.
So if you supplement with CoQ10, much of it goes to waste.
The good news is Ultra Accel II contains an upgraded form of CoQ10 that is 8X more powerful than old, poorly absorbed CoQ10.
The 1-2 punch of PPQ and this higher-powered CoQ10 is the best I’ve ever seen for helping my patients and me stay younger and healthier.
That’s because your cells can be packed to the gills with mitochondria. But if you don’t have enough of CoQ10 cellular “raw fuel”, your body becomes like a car that’s sputtering, running on fumes. This lack of energy especially drains your heart, brain and vitality.
When I first started using CoQ10 back in the early 1990s, I tested my patients and found out that a shocking 87% of them had low levels of CoQ10.
Why? Because CoQ10 levels plummet as you age.
As this chart shows, between ages 20 and 80, CoQ10 levels in your body drop dramatically.
In your liver, CoQ10 drops by 17%
In your kidneys, CoQ10 drops by 34.7%
In your lungs, CoQ10 drops by 49.3%
In your heart, CoQ10 drops by 57.1%
In your heart wall muscle, CoQ10 drops by 72%
So my patients started taking CoQ10, and many of them had excellent results.
But still, some of my patients didn’t get the kind of natural energy and health boost they expected from CoQ10.
That all changed when I met a pioneer in CoQ10 research, Dr. Tatsumasa Mae from Japan.
Dr. Tatsumasa Mae and me at my clinic as he revealed his CoQ10 breakthrough.
Dr. Mae came to my clinic and unveiled his innovative CoQ10-H2 — a super-charged version of CoQ10 that’s the only one I take and the only one I recommend. It makes all other CoQ10s obsolete.
There are two ways a “Reduced” form of CoQ10 proves superior.
As you may know, traditional CoQ10 is known as ubiquinone. But once it gets into your body, it must be converted to the reduced form, ubiquinol. Ubiquinol is the only form of CoQ10 that can work miracles.
After age 45, your body’s ability to convert CoQ10 from ubiquinone into ubiquinol is diminished, proven in a study published in the Journal of the American Geriatric Society. 31 So traditional CoQ10 doesn’t give you the full disease-fighting, health-boosting power of CoQ10 ubiquinol.
Fortunately, Dr. Mae and his team discovered a new delivery system that’s a reliable way to skip this conversion process. The result? You take CoQ10 ubiquinol straight on its own. So powerful was this discovery, Dr. Mae’s company patented it and licenses production of it to just a handful of manufacturers.
By taking this special new form, known as CoQ10-H2, you gain two huge advantages over typical CoQ10…
You Get Eight Times Greater Absorption Of CoQ10 for Superior Age-Fighting and Disease Reversal.
According to a study published in the journal Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology, 150 mg of the new CoQ10-H2 raised blood levels to a degree that would take 1,200 mg of CoQ10 ubiquinone.
And if you double the dose of CoQ10-H2 to 300 mg — the ideal dose for disease reversal…’d have to take a whopping 2,400 mg of traditional CoQ10 to equal that power.
This proves the new CoQ10-H2 is eight times more powerful than the traditional form of CoQ10 when it comes to absorption. And this means you can take less and still get more of the full power of CoQ10 in Ultra Accel II.
Super-charged CoQ10-H2 remains in your blood at a 3.75-fold greater concentration.
Another flaw of traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone is it peaks at a much lower level after you take it and dramatically decreases over the following eight hours.
Not So with My Recommended CoQ10-H2
In one study using mice, 100 mg of traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone dropped to a low level (just 1.2 micrograms/milliliter) after eight hours — a level too low to have an effective disease-fighting or anti-aging effect.
But 100 mg of CoQ10-H2 ubiquinol were still in the blood at a 3.75-fold greater concentration after eight hours — with a blood level of 4.5 micrograms/milliliter.
And this high concentration staying in your system for eight hours is a key to unleashing CoQ10’s full healing potential. This is why this special form of CoQ10 is the only one used in Ultra Accel II.
What’s More, This Super Potent CoQ10-H2
Slows the Aging Process An Extra 51%
After Dr. Mae showed me the results of absorption tests of his new CoQ10-H2, I was intrigued to say the least. But when he showed me his “anti-aging” study, I was floored!
Dr. Mae’s company did an extensive 15-month long study to determine the power of CoQ10-H2 on the health and longevity of mice. Would it really make a difference?
One group of mice received a standard lab diet with no CoQ10. The second got the same diet with traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone. And the final group got the same diet with the new form of CoQ10-H2.
At one year of age — the point that’s equivalent to late middle age for humans — the mice who took the new CoQ10-H2 aged at a rate that was 22% slower than those taking regular CoQ10 and a whopping 51% slower than the mice taking no CoQ10.
Sounded good, but I still wasn’t sure how that translates into healthier, longer living. But it became crystal clear to me when Dr. Mae showed me a video of these mice. The differences were jaw dropping!
If that’s not enough, the stamina of the mice taking this super absorbable CoQ10-H2 was measured, and guess what? They were able to run continuously on their treadmills two and a half times longer than the mice taking conventional CoQ10.
They not only had super health — they had super stamina!32
In Fact, Here’s Research That Proves CoQ10
Can Give You…
A Healthier Heart
Enjoy the benefits of a healthy heart.
At least 100 studies at major universities and hospitals link CoQ10 deficiency with heart problems.
But once you start taking CoQ10, you can protect and strengthen your heart like nothing else I’ve seen. For example, in one clinical study conducted in Italy, patients with congestive heart concerns took 50-100 mg of CoQ10 a day for three months… with astonishing results.
These patients experienced improvements in heartbeats… breathing capacity… and the body’s response to inflammation.33
A Supercharged Brain
CoQ10 boosts brain health.
Accumulated oxidative stress has been linked to memory loss and neurodegeneration. Yet CoQ10 has been shown to slow oxidative damage, thus reducing the damage amyloid B-peptide proteins can do to your brain cells.34
In addition, a study using animals revealed that CoQ10 supplementation reverses age- related impairments in learning. Researchers concluded that in individuals with age-associated cognitive decline, high CoQ10 intake is beneficial.35
Sharper Vision
Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science reports remarkable results of those who took CoQ10 for one year. They reported seeing more clearly.36
Smoother Skin
CoQ10 can work on the outside, too. A German study documents that CoQ10 helps reduce the appearance of wrinkles and helps protect the skin from the damaging effects of our environment.37
Easier Breathing
Allergy journal reports CoQ10 promotes bronchial health, according to researchers in Texas.38
Healthier Gums
Gum problems affect many people over age 50. But you’ll be glad to know CoQ10 helps improve gum and oral health, according to Japanese researchers.39
Super Immunity
Research by Dr. Karl Folkers, one of the pioneers in CoQ10 research, reveals that CoQ10 is a “key factor in the optimum immune system functioning.” 40
These Are Very Important Health-Boosting Benefits. CoQ10 Also Boosts Mitochondrial Function and Extends Lifespan Beyond Expectations.
Here are some eye-opening facts about CoQ10 and longevity most people and doctors don’t know.
CoQ10 is essential for the production and transfer of energy in your mitochondria
If you are deficient in CoQ10, mitochondrial stress increases and mitochondrial dysfunction skyrockets. The end result? Aging accelerates.
Yet if you supplement your body with CoQ10, the aging process slows down to a crawl and your lifespan is extended.
A study published in Experimental Gerontology reveals the age-defying power of CoQ10.
In this study, rats that were given CoQ10 experienced an 11.7% increase in average lifespan and a whopping 24% increase in maximum life span.
Using the Centers for Disease Control statistics that show the average human life expectancy is 78.5 years, this translates to a potential of additional nine years of lifespan!41
In a study presented at the 6th Conference of the International Coenzyme Q10 Association, it was shown that heart patients who took CoQ10 ubiquinol (like that found in Ultra Accel II) had a heart pumping power of 47.8%. This was 15.5% higher than those taking traditional CoQ10 ubiquinone.
More Blood Pumping Out Of Your Heart Indicates
A Stronger, Healthier Heart.42
Just one soft gel a day to help regain youthful energy and vitality.
Now imagine the results you’ll get when you take the super powered form of CoQ10 in Ultra Accel II.
The best news of all is…
For the first time, it’s now possible for you to take one supplement that…
Increases the amount of energy (jet fuel) your cells produce with CoQ10-H2, and…
Increases the number of mitochondria (jet engines) you have to burn that fuel with PQQ.
For me, PQQ and this special, high-powered CoQ10-H2 found in Ultra Accel II have revolutionized my health and energy.
At age 62, I have the energy to work out in the morning… jump in my car, put in a full day at my anti-aging clinic and still have plenty in the tank to keep up with my teenaged sons, go out with friends and hop on a plane at a moment’s notice for a business trip or getaway.
Same thing with my patients.
They tell me when they take PQQ and super absorbing CoQ10-H2 in Ultra Accel II, they feel a rush of youthful energy and vitality like they enjoyed decades ago.
Now, you can take this same potent and unique combination of PQQ and super powered CoQ10-H2in Ultra Accel II — and increase your “health-span.”
Remarkably, you can unleash the full age-fighting, disease-reversing power of Ultra Accel II in just one soft gel a day.
The PQQ and high-powered CoQ10-H2 are super concentrated in Ultra Accel IIso you only need to take one small soft gel a day.
No more swallowing 3 – 4 pills or capsules a day. No more breaking the bank on one supplement for anti-aging, one for better memory, one for a stronger heart and one more boundless energy. Just take one soft gel of Ultra Accel II a day… and let the remarkable energizing and rejuvenating results begin.
Plus, to give you even more motivation to try Ultra Accel II today, we’ve made it more convenient, affordable and effective than ever…