What You Must Know About Negative Beliefs,
the Laws of Attraction & Polarity
Your negative beliefs are attracting more of the circumstances you do not want in your life, despite your best efforts to focus on what you actually want. By pitting your conscious mind against your deeply ingrained, subconscious negative beliefs, you are inadvertently setting yourself up to attract more of the same unwanted circumstances that you are trying to change. To understand why this happens and how to by-pass such negative beliefs when consciously creating your reality, you must first understand how the subconscious mind runs your life, and how the Laws of Attraction and Polarity work with your beliefs to create your circumstances.
The Role of Your Subconscious Mind: Your subconscious mind is responsible for executing the incredibly powerful mental programs that run every aspect of your life. These programs are automatically carried out by your subconscious, without any need for your conscious input. They are based on your deep seated positive and negative beliefs and are what determine your overall mindset, emotional vibration, habitual actions and ultimately, the circumstances of your life.
What are Negative Beliefs? Simply put, negative beliefs are those limiting beliefs about yourself or any aspect of life, that prevent you from achieving success. When consciously creating your reality, no single factor is more important than your beliefs. This is because thought power underlies the conscious creation process and so, it stands to reason, that the source of your habitual thoughts is the single most important determining factor of your reality. And what is the primary source of your habitual thoughts? It is your set of personal beliefs, with your positive beliefs contributing to your success, and your negative beliefs preventing it.
Is Your Subconscious Mind Serving Your Success? The subjective nature of the subconscious mind means that it does not distinguish between positive or negative beliefs, and hence does not distinguish between which programs serve your success or not. It dutifully carries out any program it is given; but it is also loathed to change a program once it is in place, irrespective of whether or not it is premised on a limiting belief. This does not mean that the subconscious mind cannot be re-programmed through various visualization and meditation techniques, but rather that doing so effectively with long-term results, can be difficult to achieve.
The good news is that you do not have to wait to re-program your subconscious mind before you can consciously create your reality. Instead, you can learn to by-pass those negative beliefs that hinder your success, by shifting your mental focus (but more on that later). Next, let us look at the relationship between your mental focus, limiting beliefs and the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction in Isolation: The Law of Attraction states that you attract that which you both focus on and are emotionally in vibrational harmony with. This makes perfect sense when you look at the existing circumstances in your life. For instance, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, the chances are that both your mental focus and emotional vibration, are aligned with financial difficulties; otherwise you would not be experiencing them.
The Problem of Using the Law of Attraction in the Face of Negative Beliefs: It is important to clarify that while your mental focus can be chosen at will by the conscious mind, your emotional vibration is mostly a function of the subconscious mind and hence is heavily influenced by your beliefs. The problem arises when you try to change your unwanted circumstances by using the Law of Attraction in the face of subconscious limiting beliefs. The problem is that mainstream advice tells you simply to focus on what you want; but, if what you want and hence focus on, is the "opposite" of what you have, then it contradicts what you are subconsciously still in vibrational harmony with.
Playing Mental Catch Up with Your Beliefs: It takes time and repeated effort for your subconscious emotional vibration to catch up to your new mental focus. For instance, just because you are thinking about having a lot of money, does not mean you are emotionally feeling it as well. Remember also, that a person who is already financially wealthy does not think of money all day because his (or her) money-program is being automatically run by his subconscious mind without any related negative money beliefs. To understand how your negative beliefs affect the Law of Attraction, we must next examine the role of the Law of Polarity in creating your circumstances.
The Importance of the Law of Polarity: The Law of Polarity is one of the Seven Universal Laws and tells us that everything is dual. This means that two things that appear to be opposites are varying degrees of the same thing and are inseparable. The simplest example is heat and cold. Although common sense tells us that they are opposites, they are in fact varying degrees of the same thing we call temperature and we cannot have the one without the potential of the other.
The same applies to everything you want or intend to manifest in your life. Everything you want is inseparable from its "opposite" which you do not want. In other words, dualities come in a single package that includes all the degrees of the spectrum between the extremes of that duality. For instance, you cannot attract financial abundance without the potential for lack; you cannot attract success without the potential for failure; you cannot attract a healthy body without the potential for an unhealthy one. You always attract the "complete duality package" since the two extremes, and all the degrees in between them, are inseparable.
How the Laws of Polarity and Attraction Work Together: Let us quickly recap. The Law of Attraction states that you attract to yourself that which you mentally focus on and are in vibrational harmony with. The Law of Polarity states that everything is dual and that the two extremes that appear to be opposites are in inseparable. This means that you attract to yourself the complete package of your mental focus and that which is manifested in your life out of that complete package, is whatever you are in vibrational harmony with.
The problem of mentally focusing on something that is simply the "opposite" of your existing negative beliefs should now be getting obvious. Staying with the example of finances, someone who is experiencing financial lack due to their negative beliefs, who then chooses to consciously focus on financial abundance, will attract to himself the complete package of financial-lack-to-abundance, and since his subconscious emotional vibration is one of lack, he will simply create MORE of the same in his life.
The Net Effect of the Laws of Polarity and Attraction: The net effect of the Law of Polarity and the Law of Attraction in the face of subconscious negative beliefs, is that at best your circumstances are left unchanged and that at worst you attract more of what you do not want. If you are attracting more of the same circumstances that you do not want, despite your best efforts to focus on what you do want, then the chances are that a negative belief rather than your mental focus is determining your outcome.
It may seem like there is little chance of consciously creating your intended outcome without first changing your negative subconscious beliefs but this is not the case. There is a very simple method of mental focus that can help you by-pass your negative beliefs and free your subconscious mind to attract and create those circumstances you actually want to experience.
"Place your mental focus on what you want at the exclusion of all else". Sound familiar? You are likely to have heard this advice a countless number of times stated in different ways. On the surface, this may sound like good, solid advice about how to consciously create your reality but, dig a little deeper, and you may find that it is the very reason you fail to do so. This is not because the advice itself is wrong, but rather because the circumstances under which it is prescribed, are unsuitable.
The secret to effective mental focus lies in knowing how to distinguish between when to focus on what you want and when not to; and in the case of the latter, knowing what to focus on instead. There is a very simple method of mental focus that can help by-pass existing negative beliefs and align you with the Laws of Polarity and Attraction in such a way that you create what you want, instead of more of what you do not want. Before examining this method, let us take a look at when you should focus on what you want.
When to Focus on What You Want: Feel free to mentally focus directly on what you want, when it is something you do not have an already existing negative subconsciousbelief about. How can you tell? Well, if you currently have the "opposite" of what you want in your life, then the chances are, that you have an existing negative belief related to what you want.
The "Magic" of Beginners Luck: Beginners luck is little more than having no negative beliefs associated with what you are doing for the first time. When doing something for the first time, a so-called beginner has absolutely no experience or negative belief about what he or she is doing and usually no attachment to the outcome either. This means that there is nothing to stand in the way of his or her efforts.
The Power of Positive Beliefs: Of course, feel free to focus on what you want when your related, subconscious beliefs are positive and hence, by virtue of the Laws of Attraction and Polarity, bring you more of what you want. For instance, if you are fit and healthy and want to run the marathon then you can focus on yourself running and completing the marathon; if you have a successful business and want to increase sales, you can place your mental focus on the feeling of increasing your sales; or if you are an avid traveller and want to experience a great traveling adventure, you can mentally focus on your next exciting destination.
When Not to Focus on What You Want: It stands to reason that, if you should focus onwhat you want when your underlying belief is positive; then you should not focus on what you want when the underlying belief is negative. The problem is, that we tend to mentally focus on and want those things that we currently have the "opposite" of, and this usually means that there is a negative subconscious belief underlying our current experience. An obvious question then is, if you should not focus on what you want, then what should you focus on?
Effective Mental Focus - The By-Product Method: There is a very simple yet powerful mental focus method that you can use to by-pass a negative belief when consciously creating your reality. It is called Effective Mental Focus - The By-Product Method. The trick is to place your mental focus on something that is a by-product of what you want but notspecifically what you want. In other words, mentally focus on something that you do not have a specific negative belief about but, that in order to experience it, you must also have that which you actually want. This may sound complicated but it is really very simple.
Think big and keep away from the specifics. As long as your subconscious mind does not have an existing negative or opposite belief to contradict that by-product image, then it will not fight or "sabotage" your attempts. In other words, it is a way of granting yourself beginners luck and is even more effective when the by-product image is based on an existing positive belief. The by-product that you choose to focus on should resonate with you. The less it is related to your existing negative belief, the better it is. Here are some examples for illustrative purposes.
If you have a problem with trust in a relationship, then instead of specifically focusing on a trustworthy partner, focus on having a loving family with your partner and children. Focus on playing games with your partner and children, having fun, laughing and feeling totally confident and at peace. You can go further and see yourself totally at ease as you go about your day-to-day tasks and looking forward to seeing your partner later during the day. The only way you could experience this scene in reality is if you trusted your partner but you are not mentally focusing on the specifics of a trustworthy partner. Instead you are focusing on a by-product of having a partner you totally trust, without having your subconscious mind fight your attempts.
If you want to shed some extra weight, then instead of specifically focusing on yourself being slim, pick a physical activity that you would like to complete and mentally focus on that instead. For instance, place your mental focus on completing a half-marathon. Training to run a half-marathon of course would most likely get you to shed that unwanted weight, without it being your mental focus and hence, without the back-lash of your subconscious mind. This is because your subconscious mind is unlikely to have a specific belief around your running a half-marathon and will be more readily willing to accept this image, even though it is logically more difficult to successfully complete a half-marathon than to simply shed some extra kilos.
If you want to improve your finances, instead of specifically focusing on having more money, see yourself giving it away, whether it means placing your mental focus on donating to different charities or giving expensive gifts to family and friends that they really want. In order to do this of course, you must first have money (and probably much more of it than you need to cover just your basics), but since your specific mental focus is not on having money, your subconscious mind is unlikely to fight you.
A By-Product Image Can Help Change Your Negative Beliefs: The Law of Polarity (as explained in part one) also applies to your beliefs. Within each of your negative beliefs, there is also the potential of its equivalent positive and "opposite" belief. The great news is, that by consistently placing your mental focus on a by-product image without focusing on any specific aspect of that which you actually want, your subconscious mind will more readily and easily allow for the transmutation of an existing negative belief into its positive equivalent. Basically, you keep your subconscious mind pre-occupied with an image it has no negative belief about, while indirectly transforming those negative beliefs that do not match the new, positive by-product image.
In a nutshell, the subject of your mental focus is the key to determining what you attract and create in your life. Simply focusing on what you want, however, can derail your attempts to consciously create your reality, specifically when you have a negative belief underlying what you want. The Law of Attraction and Polarity may work together to bring you what you want but, as long as you focus on something you have a negative belief about, the chances are you will get more of the same.
The secret to effective mental focus in the face of a negative belief, is to place your focus on something that is a by-product of what you want but not specifically what you want. This keeps your subconscious mind from fighting your conscious mental focus and ensures the creation of your intended outcome, while also helping to transmute your negative beliefs into their positive equivalent.
Your negative beliefs are attracting more of the circumstances you do not want in your life, despite your best efforts to focus on what you actually want. By pitting your conscious mind against your deeply ingrained, subconscious negative beliefs, you are inadvertently setting yourself up to attract more of the same unwanted circumstances that you are trying to change. To understand why this happens and how to by-pass such negative beliefs when consciously creating your reality, you must first understand how the subconscious mind runs your life, and how the Laws of Attraction and Polarity work with your beliefs to create your circumstances.
The Role of Your Subconscious Mind: Your subconscious mind is responsible for executing the incredibly powerful mental programs that run every aspect of your life. These programs are automatically carried out by your subconscious, without any need for your conscious input. They are based on your deep seated positive and negative beliefs and are what determine your overall mindset, emotional vibration, habitual actions and ultimately, the circumstances of your life.
What are Negative Beliefs? Simply put, negative beliefs are those limiting beliefs about yourself or any aspect of life, that prevent you from achieving success. When consciously creating your reality, no single factor is more important than your beliefs. This is because thought power underlies the conscious creation process and so, it stands to reason, that the source of your habitual thoughts is the single most important determining factor of your reality. And what is the primary source of your habitual thoughts? It is your set of personal beliefs, with your positive beliefs contributing to your success, and your negative beliefs preventing it.
Is Your Subconscious Mind Serving Your Success? The subjective nature of the subconscious mind means that it does not distinguish between positive or negative beliefs, and hence does not distinguish between which programs serve your success or not. It dutifully carries out any program it is given; but it is also loathed to change a program once it is in place, irrespective of whether or not it is premised on a limiting belief. This does not mean that the subconscious mind cannot be re-programmed through various visualization and meditation techniques, but rather that doing so effectively with long-term results, can be difficult to achieve.
The good news is that you do not have to wait to re-program your subconscious mind before you can consciously create your reality. Instead, you can learn to by-pass those negative beliefs that hinder your success, by shifting your mental focus (but more on that later). Next, let us look at the relationship between your mental focus, limiting beliefs and the Law of Attraction.
The Law of Attraction in Isolation: The Law of Attraction states that you attract that which you both focus on and are emotionally in vibrational harmony with. This makes perfect sense when you look at the existing circumstances in your life. For instance, if you are experiencing financial difficulties, the chances are that both your mental focus and emotional vibration, are aligned with financial difficulties; otherwise you would not be experiencing them.
The Problem of Using the Law of Attraction in the Face of Negative Beliefs: It is important to clarify that while your mental focus can be chosen at will by the conscious mind, your emotional vibration is mostly a function of the subconscious mind and hence is heavily influenced by your beliefs. The problem arises when you try to change your unwanted circumstances by using the Law of Attraction in the face of subconscious limiting beliefs. The problem is that mainstream advice tells you simply to focus on what you want; but, if what you want and hence focus on, is the "opposite" of what you have, then it contradicts what you are subconsciously still in vibrational harmony with.
Playing Mental Catch Up with Your Beliefs: It takes time and repeated effort for your subconscious emotional vibration to catch up to your new mental focus. For instance, just because you are thinking about having a lot of money, does not mean you are emotionally feeling it as well. Remember also, that a person who is already financially wealthy does not think of money all day because his (or her) money-program is being automatically run by his subconscious mind without any related negative money beliefs. To understand how your negative beliefs affect the Law of Attraction, we must next examine the role of the Law of Polarity in creating your circumstances.
The Importance of the Law of Polarity: The Law of Polarity is one of the Seven Universal Laws and tells us that everything is dual. This means that two things that appear to be opposites are varying degrees of the same thing and are inseparable. The simplest example is heat and cold. Although common sense tells us that they are opposites, they are in fact varying degrees of the same thing we call temperature and we cannot have the one without the potential of the other.
The same applies to everything you want or intend to manifest in your life. Everything you want is inseparable from its "opposite" which you do not want. In other words, dualities come in a single package that includes all the degrees of the spectrum between the extremes of that duality. For instance, you cannot attract financial abundance without the potential for lack; you cannot attract success without the potential for failure; you cannot attract a healthy body without the potential for an unhealthy one. You always attract the "complete duality package" since the two extremes, and all the degrees in between them, are inseparable.
How the Laws of Polarity and Attraction Work Together: Let us quickly recap. The Law of Attraction states that you attract to yourself that which you mentally focus on and are in vibrational harmony with. The Law of Polarity states that everything is dual and that the two extremes that appear to be opposites are in inseparable. This means that you attract to yourself the complete package of your mental focus and that which is manifested in your life out of that complete package, is whatever you are in vibrational harmony with.
The problem of mentally focusing on something that is simply the "opposite" of your existing negative beliefs should now be getting obvious. Staying with the example of finances, someone who is experiencing financial lack due to their negative beliefs, who then chooses to consciously focus on financial abundance, will attract to himself the complete package of financial-lack-to-abundance, and since his subconscious emotional vibration is one of lack, he will simply create MORE of the same in his life.
The Net Effect of the Laws of Polarity and Attraction: The net effect of the Law of Polarity and the Law of Attraction in the face of subconscious negative beliefs, is that at best your circumstances are left unchanged and that at worst you attract more of what you do not want. If you are attracting more of the same circumstances that you do not want, despite your best efforts to focus on what you do want, then the chances are that a negative belief rather than your mental focus is determining your outcome.
It may seem like there is little chance of consciously creating your intended outcome without first changing your negative subconscious beliefs but this is not the case. There is a very simple method of mental focus that can help you by-pass your negative beliefs and free your subconscious mind to attract and create those circumstances you actually want to experience.
"Place your mental focus on what you want at the exclusion of all else". Sound familiar? You are likely to have heard this advice a countless number of times stated in different ways. On the surface, this may sound like good, solid advice about how to consciously create your reality but, dig a little deeper, and you may find that it is the very reason you fail to do so. This is not because the advice itself is wrong, but rather because the circumstances under which it is prescribed, are unsuitable.
The secret to effective mental focus lies in knowing how to distinguish between when to focus on what you want and when not to; and in the case of the latter, knowing what to focus on instead. There is a very simple method of mental focus that can help by-pass existing negative beliefs and align you with the Laws of Polarity and Attraction in such a way that you create what you want, instead of more of what you do not want. Before examining this method, let us take a look at when you should focus on what you want.
When to Focus on What You Want: Feel free to mentally focus directly on what you want, when it is something you do not have an already existing negative subconsciousbelief about. How can you tell? Well, if you currently have the "opposite" of what you want in your life, then the chances are, that you have an existing negative belief related to what you want.
The "Magic" of Beginners Luck: Beginners luck is little more than having no negative beliefs associated with what you are doing for the first time. When doing something for the first time, a so-called beginner has absolutely no experience or negative belief about what he or she is doing and usually no attachment to the outcome either. This means that there is nothing to stand in the way of his or her efforts.
The Power of Positive Beliefs: Of course, feel free to focus on what you want when your related, subconscious beliefs are positive and hence, by virtue of the Laws of Attraction and Polarity, bring you more of what you want. For instance, if you are fit and healthy and want to run the marathon then you can focus on yourself running and completing the marathon; if you have a successful business and want to increase sales, you can place your mental focus on the feeling of increasing your sales; or if you are an avid traveller and want to experience a great traveling adventure, you can mentally focus on your next exciting destination.
When Not to Focus on What You Want: It stands to reason that, if you should focus onwhat you want when your underlying belief is positive; then you should not focus on what you want when the underlying belief is negative. The problem is, that we tend to mentally focus on and want those things that we currently have the "opposite" of, and this usually means that there is a negative subconscious belief underlying our current experience. An obvious question then is, if you should not focus on what you want, then what should you focus on?
Effective Mental Focus - The By-Product Method: There is a very simple yet powerful mental focus method that you can use to by-pass a negative belief when consciously creating your reality. It is called Effective Mental Focus - The By-Product Method. The trick is to place your mental focus on something that is a by-product of what you want but notspecifically what you want. In other words, mentally focus on something that you do not have a specific negative belief about but, that in order to experience it, you must also have that which you actually want. This may sound complicated but it is really very simple.
Think big and keep away from the specifics. As long as your subconscious mind does not have an existing negative or opposite belief to contradict that by-product image, then it will not fight or "sabotage" your attempts. In other words, it is a way of granting yourself beginners luck and is even more effective when the by-product image is based on an existing positive belief. The by-product that you choose to focus on should resonate with you. The less it is related to your existing negative belief, the better it is. Here are some examples for illustrative purposes.
If you have a problem with trust in a relationship, then instead of specifically focusing on a trustworthy partner, focus on having a loving family with your partner and children. Focus on playing games with your partner and children, having fun, laughing and feeling totally confident and at peace. You can go further and see yourself totally at ease as you go about your day-to-day tasks and looking forward to seeing your partner later during the day. The only way you could experience this scene in reality is if you trusted your partner but you are not mentally focusing on the specifics of a trustworthy partner. Instead you are focusing on a by-product of having a partner you totally trust, without having your subconscious mind fight your attempts.
If you want to shed some extra weight, then instead of specifically focusing on yourself being slim, pick a physical activity that you would like to complete and mentally focus on that instead. For instance, place your mental focus on completing a half-marathon. Training to run a half-marathon of course would most likely get you to shed that unwanted weight, without it being your mental focus and hence, without the back-lash of your subconscious mind. This is because your subconscious mind is unlikely to have a specific belief around your running a half-marathon and will be more readily willing to accept this image, even though it is logically more difficult to successfully complete a half-marathon than to simply shed some extra kilos.
If you want to improve your finances, instead of specifically focusing on having more money, see yourself giving it away, whether it means placing your mental focus on donating to different charities or giving expensive gifts to family and friends that they really want. In order to do this of course, you must first have money (and probably much more of it than you need to cover just your basics), but since your specific mental focus is not on having money, your subconscious mind is unlikely to fight you.
A By-Product Image Can Help Change Your Negative Beliefs: The Law of Polarity (as explained in part one) also applies to your beliefs. Within each of your negative beliefs, there is also the potential of its equivalent positive and "opposite" belief. The great news is, that by consistently placing your mental focus on a by-product image without focusing on any specific aspect of that which you actually want, your subconscious mind will more readily and easily allow for the transmutation of an existing negative belief into its positive equivalent. Basically, you keep your subconscious mind pre-occupied with an image it has no negative belief about, while indirectly transforming those negative beliefs that do not match the new, positive by-product image.
In a nutshell, the subject of your mental focus is the key to determining what you attract and create in your life. Simply focusing on what you want, however, can derail your attempts to consciously create your reality, specifically when you have a negative belief underlying what you want. The Law of Attraction and Polarity may work together to bring you what you want but, as long as you focus on something you have a negative belief about, the chances are you will get more of the same.
The secret to effective mental focus in the face of a negative belief, is to place your focus on something that is a by-product of what you want but not specifically what you want. This keeps your subconscious mind from fighting your conscious mental focus and ensures the creation of your intended outcome, while also helping to transmute your negative beliefs into their positive equivalent.
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