“... they found that both
glyphosate and aluminum
work together
in ways that destroy healthy gut flora.
The study, which was published in Agricultural Sciences, states,
Glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile.
Its toxic product, p-cresol, is linked to autism in both human and mouse models.
p-Cresol enhances uptake of aluminum via transferrin.”
“Glyphosate chelates aluminium, allowing ingested aluminum to bypass the gut barrier. This leads to anemia-induced hypoxia, promoting neurotoxicity and damaging the pineal gland.
Both glyphosate and aluminium disrupt cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in melatonin metabolism. Furthermore, melatonin is derived from tryptophan, whose synthesis in plants and microbes is blocked by glyphosate.” / See Article Below
glyphosate and aluminum
work together
in ways that destroy healthy gut flora.
The study, which was published in Agricultural Sciences, states,
Glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile.
Its toxic product, p-cresol, is linked to autism in both human and mouse models.
p-Cresol enhances uptake of aluminum via transferrin.”
“Glyphosate chelates aluminium, allowing ingested aluminum to bypass the gut barrier. This leads to anemia-induced hypoxia, promoting neurotoxicity and damaging the pineal gland.
Both glyphosate and aluminium disrupt cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in melatonin metabolism. Furthermore, melatonin is derived from tryptophan, whose synthesis in plants and microbes is blocked by glyphosate.” / See Article Below
Is Aluminum Cookware Bad For You?
Helen Suh MacIntosh / Living / Culture
I've seen Asktreehugger articles on Treehugger.com and I'm very glad that you're doing this. I have a question about aluminum. I know the health risk aluminum can create for the body if one takes in too much as well as it's link to Alzheimers disease. I know that aluminum cookware, cans, and that antiperspirant can pose health risks.
My question is about aluminum "cookware". I've heard cooking acidic foods in aluminum cookware can cause the aluminum to leach out of the pan so I've avoided them. However, I've found a high quality cast aluminum manual juicer by Ra Chand and I'm wondering if this all aluminum juicer will pose a significant risk to my health.
Do you think the risk to my health will be high if I use it daily to squeeze oranges and other citrus fruits-especially because of their acidity? Could they cause enough leaching of aluminum for it to be a health risk? Or does the aluminum have to be exposed for a relative time period to the citrus for leaching to occur. What would you recommend?
Aluminum, a soft metal, is found nearly everywhere in the environment. Most exposures to aluminum occur through ingestion or eating and drinking, with daily intakes generally low, averaging between 30-50 mg. For the typical person, drinking water, medicines and other pharmaceuticals (such as antacids and antiperspirants) are the biggest contributors to aluminum exposures;
however, aluminum cookware is also a potential source.
As you note, aluminum exposures have raised some health concerns due to the effects of aluminum on the human nervous system and the much discussed (but inconclusive) linkages between aluminum exposures and Alzheimer's disease.
Aluminum exposures from cookware, of which more than half is made of aluminum, is not well studied, but is thought to be a relatively minor source of aluminum exposures. Exposures to aluminum through food can occur when aluminum leaches or otherwise dissolves from the cookware into the food. Leaching is most likely when the foods being cooked or stored are highly basic (like baking soda) or highly acidic (like tomato sauce, lemon juice, oranges, or vinegar).
For example, tomato sauce has been shown to contain 3-6 mg aluminum (per 100 g serving) after cooking in aluminum pans, which translates into about one-tenth of the typical daily intake. This leaching of aluminum with acidic foods does not happen with aluminum cookware that is anodized, or electro-chemically processed to seal the aluminum in the cookware.
Clemson University Extension’s Home and Garden Information Center tested different cookware types, and found anodized aluminum cookware to be safe. Regardless, it would probably be wise to store tomato sauce and other acidic foods in something other than an aluminum pot.
As for the juicer that you mention, I did a quick and non-exhaustive check of various websites, none of which said that the juicer is made of anodized aluminum. One site did say that it was made of acid-resistant aluminum and chrome, suggesting that the aluminum is somehow sealed and that leaching of aluminum will not occur during the juicing process. An easy way to check for this is to look at the juicer and see whether the aluminum becomes pitted or pock-marked after several uses. Since leaching takes time and juicing is a relatively quick process, this pitting would not occur immediately but would rather occur over time.
As a result, you should probably continue to check your juicer for pitting over time.
Previous Ask Treehugger columns can be found here.
Helen Suh MacIntosh is a professor in environmental health at Harvard University and studies how pollution behaves in the environment and how it affects people's health. Please keep in mind that her answers are just her interpretation of available information and should not be taken as the only viewpoint or solution to a problem. Use this column at your own risk. Having said this, please feel free to post any of your environmental health questions to [email protected].
(Please use a descriptive email subject line and mention if you want to remain anonymous or not).
Helen Suh MacIntosh / Living / Culture
I've seen Asktreehugger articles on Treehugger.com and I'm very glad that you're doing this. I have a question about aluminum. I know the health risk aluminum can create for the body if one takes in too much as well as it's link to Alzheimers disease. I know that aluminum cookware, cans, and that antiperspirant can pose health risks.
My question is about aluminum "cookware". I've heard cooking acidic foods in aluminum cookware can cause the aluminum to leach out of the pan so I've avoided them. However, I've found a high quality cast aluminum manual juicer by Ra Chand and I'm wondering if this all aluminum juicer will pose a significant risk to my health.
Do you think the risk to my health will be high if I use it daily to squeeze oranges and other citrus fruits-especially because of their acidity? Could they cause enough leaching of aluminum for it to be a health risk? Or does the aluminum have to be exposed for a relative time period to the citrus for leaching to occur. What would you recommend?
Aluminum, a soft metal, is found nearly everywhere in the environment. Most exposures to aluminum occur through ingestion or eating and drinking, with daily intakes generally low, averaging between 30-50 mg. For the typical person, drinking water, medicines and other pharmaceuticals (such as antacids and antiperspirants) are the biggest contributors to aluminum exposures;
however, aluminum cookware is also a potential source.
As you note, aluminum exposures have raised some health concerns due to the effects of aluminum on the human nervous system and the much discussed (but inconclusive) linkages between aluminum exposures and Alzheimer's disease.
Aluminum exposures from cookware, of which more than half is made of aluminum, is not well studied, but is thought to be a relatively minor source of aluminum exposures. Exposures to aluminum through food can occur when aluminum leaches or otherwise dissolves from the cookware into the food. Leaching is most likely when the foods being cooked or stored are highly basic (like baking soda) or highly acidic (like tomato sauce, lemon juice, oranges, or vinegar).
For example, tomato sauce has been shown to contain 3-6 mg aluminum (per 100 g serving) after cooking in aluminum pans, which translates into about one-tenth of the typical daily intake. This leaching of aluminum with acidic foods does not happen with aluminum cookware that is anodized, or electro-chemically processed to seal the aluminum in the cookware.
Clemson University Extension’s Home and Garden Information Center tested different cookware types, and found anodized aluminum cookware to be safe. Regardless, it would probably be wise to store tomato sauce and other acidic foods in something other than an aluminum pot.
As for the juicer that you mention, I did a quick and non-exhaustive check of various websites, none of which said that the juicer is made of anodized aluminum. One site did say that it was made of acid-resistant aluminum and chrome, suggesting that the aluminum is somehow sealed and that leaching of aluminum will not occur during the juicing process. An easy way to check for this is to look at the juicer and see whether the aluminum becomes pitted or pock-marked after several uses. Since leaching takes time and juicing is a relatively quick process, this pitting would not occur immediately but would rather occur over time.
As a result, you should probably continue to check your juicer for pitting over time.
Previous Ask Treehugger columns can be found here.
Helen Suh MacIntosh is a professor in environmental health at Harvard University and studies how pollution behaves in the environment and how it affects people's health. Please keep in mind that her answers are just her interpretation of available information and should not be taken as the only viewpoint or solution to a problem. Use this column at your own risk. Having said this, please feel free to post any of your environmental health questions to [email protected].
(Please use a descriptive email subject line and mention if you want to remain anonymous or not).
By Dr. Watkins
You may have read or heard of news articles about aluminum being a possible cause of Alzheimer' s disease, paranoia and learning disabilities. Alzheimer's disease robs one of memory and life. It has to be one of the most terrible and dehumanizing things that torments our modern society.
Aluminum has a special affinity or liking for the brain and nervous system and heads straight for them. This pollutes and interrupts their function. Herbal practitioners have also confirmed that the glandular functions of many men and women have been restored when aluminum contamination is flushed from the body. Many baffling and confusing conditions that have not responded to anything all of a sudden clear up.
You may ask, "Where does all this aluminum contamination come from?"
That is a fair question. Here are a few of the most common sources: soda pop, beer, etc. in aluminum cans, baking powder used in our baked goods, aluminum drying agents in powdered food to prevent caking, aluminum cookware, baked potatoes and other foods baked in aluminum, over-the-counter preparations for upset stomach that contain aluminum-hydroxide, industrial manufacturing processes that dump aluminum into our air and water. . . and don't forget one of the worst things for a woman's body, underarm antiperspirants made with aluminum-chlorohydrate.
Be aware that salt has not been required to list its ingredients and yet may contain aluminum. Other products may list aluminum as alum or as a compound such as silicoaluminate. This may be deceiving you into thinking you have found safer food solutions.
Using aluminum pots and pans, or cooking and storing food using aluminum foil increases the amount of aluminum that your body ingests, also many city water purification processes use aluminum sulfate to clarify the very water that you drink! You have to figure whatever you put under your arm will wind up in the breasts and other parts of the body. You can see this is especially bad for women, and imagine the problems it can cause with the breasts. Put another way, we can safely say that most cancers in the body are caused by poisons.
Perhaps a little aluminum now and then does no great harm, but constant use of it, especially from so many man-made resources, can constitute a health threat. You hear much these days about bones not being able to retain enough calcium. It may interest you to know that aluminum competes with calcium for absorption in the body and lowers the female hormone, estrogen.
It is not just people who suffer from aluminum poisoning. Our dogs and cats fall prey to this aluminum contamination as well. Manufacturers of pet food, especially the dry type in bits, commonly use aluminum to keep it dry. If you notice that your pet has dry lusterless hair, is listless, has no energy, chewing wallboards and such and attempting to catch unseen things in the air, suspect aluminum poisoning.
Their blood tests quite often show, along with aluminum, pancreas, liver and kidney damage. Home-made dog foods can help a lot.
Interestingly enough, despite all the piles of scientific evidence from animal hair and skin analyses, our Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute for Health have shown no interest in investigating this situation.
For people and pets, the use of sea vegetables, especially one known as Bladderwrack, does wonders for flushing aluminum out of the body. This can be added to one's diet rather easily. For a person, 10 to 40 drops of a type of algae, liquid Bladderwrack (known as an extract) or one to four capsules per meal. And for a pet, depending on size, one to ten drops per meal or one to four capsules per day.
By Dr. Watkins
You may have read or heard of news articles about aluminum being a possible cause of Alzheimer' s disease, paranoia and learning disabilities. Alzheimer's disease robs one of memory and life. It has to be one of the most terrible and dehumanizing things that torments our modern society.
Aluminum has a special affinity or liking for the brain and nervous system and heads straight for them. This pollutes and interrupts their function. Herbal practitioners have also confirmed that the glandular functions of many men and women have been restored when aluminum contamination is flushed from the body. Many baffling and confusing conditions that have not responded to anything all of a sudden clear up.
You may ask, "Where does all this aluminum contamination come from?"
That is a fair question. Here are a few of the most common sources: soda pop, beer, etc. in aluminum cans, baking powder used in our baked goods, aluminum drying agents in powdered food to prevent caking, aluminum cookware, baked potatoes and other foods baked in aluminum, over-the-counter preparations for upset stomach that contain aluminum-hydroxide, industrial manufacturing processes that dump aluminum into our air and water. . . and don't forget one of the worst things for a woman's body, underarm antiperspirants made with aluminum-chlorohydrate.
Be aware that salt has not been required to list its ingredients and yet may contain aluminum. Other products may list aluminum as alum or as a compound such as silicoaluminate. This may be deceiving you into thinking you have found safer food solutions.
Using aluminum pots and pans, or cooking and storing food using aluminum foil increases the amount of aluminum that your body ingests, also many city water purification processes use aluminum sulfate to clarify the very water that you drink! You have to figure whatever you put under your arm will wind up in the breasts and other parts of the body. You can see this is especially bad for women, and imagine the problems it can cause with the breasts. Put another way, we can safely say that most cancers in the body are caused by poisons.
Perhaps a little aluminum now and then does no great harm, but constant use of it, especially from so many man-made resources, can constitute a health threat. You hear much these days about bones not being able to retain enough calcium. It may interest you to know that aluminum competes with calcium for absorption in the body and lowers the female hormone, estrogen.
It is not just people who suffer from aluminum poisoning. Our dogs and cats fall prey to this aluminum contamination as well. Manufacturers of pet food, especially the dry type in bits, commonly use aluminum to keep it dry. If you notice that your pet has dry lusterless hair, is listless, has no energy, chewing wallboards and such and attempting to catch unseen things in the air, suspect aluminum poisoning.
Their blood tests quite often show, along with aluminum, pancreas, liver and kidney damage. Home-made dog foods can help a lot.
Interestingly enough, despite all the piles of scientific evidence from animal hair and skin analyses, our Food and Drug Administration and the National Institute for Health have shown no interest in investigating this situation.
For people and pets, the use of sea vegetables, especially one known as Bladderwrack, does wonders for flushing aluminum out of the body. This can be added to one's diet rather easily. For a person, 10 to 40 drops of a type of algae, liquid Bladderwrack (known as an extract) or one to four capsules per meal. And for a pet, depending on size, one to ten drops per meal or one to four capsules per day.
Aluminum and the Slave Race of the Matrix
The inception of slavery
By Arno Pienaar
Dream Catcher Reality
Aluminum is a prime receiver for electromagnetic signals from information technology, and it’s being used to maintain a slave race dedicated to the matrix.
The foundation of flourishing on this planet without the need to actually depending on the planet and the supporting structures on it, is to regain your earth element.
Those who have their earth element are connected to cosmic consciousness and divine laws, not man’s/god’s laws and trinity consciousness (mind, body, spirit).
When oneself’s foundation is reconnected, then there is only one soul center, no more division, all is one with you and responds accordingly.
Wars are instigated and pushed forward by the ruling elite. They know that the general fear, sufferance and death generated by wars serves the purpose of retorting any hopes of liberty back to slavery. The best way to rob mankind of its earth element is to start a war.
The byproduct of war is trauma which is experienced by all that get trapped in the middle of it: soldiers, men, women and children — all had suffered through wars and got trapped in time and, in so doing, lost their power in the now and caused relativity to the primary matrix that has been enforced upon the world.
Many old folklore stories of spirits that can be seen still enacting scenes on historic battlefields are indeed parts of souls that are trapped on the time-track. Whether you believe in disembodied souls or not, I have come across so many people telling me of this phenomena that I do believe and it totally makes sense.
These spirits are testament to the effect war has on consciousness: it basically breaks consciousness, dividing a being.
That is indeed its agenda, so that the bankers and ruling elite can maintain their hold on the soulless masses that are very easily controlled without a foundation and roots for manifestation in physicality.
Once you are fragmented, you lose your connection to the absolute nature and power that the soul has over anything 3D, and become subject to man’s laws and constraints.
You may believe that chemtrails and HAARP affect everyone, but the fact is that they only affect the slave race, the drones, the soulless. Those that are disconnected are under control by information technology that has the sole goal to uphold the matrix through the millions of vehicles that slave away inside the big cities.
Aluminum receives Information Technology
Aluminum is the main atomic element that is used to maintain the slave program. This element is a prime receiver of electromagnetic signals and this can been proved by merely noticing what material an aerial on the radio is made from — aluminium, of course.
What is the main element being sprayed everywhere via chemtrails? Aluminium, of course.
What is the main elemental byproduct of soy processing that is virtually inside all commercial chocolate, that millions of beings indulge in? Aluminium, of course.
Soy products contain high levels of aluminium, leached from the aluminium tanks in which they are acid washed and processed at high temperatures.
The fact that most, if not all, drug capsules contain soy as an ingredient, should be a huge red flag for everyone.
Are you starting to get the picture of how widely this weapon has been deployed?
Even worse, 99% of soy on the planet is also genetically modified.
Glyphosate, the main ingredient in genetically modified foods, actually stimulates the body to accept and absorb aluminium, this revelation is indeed eye-opening and should serve a movement against aluminium as to help relieve the hold of information technology on the millions of drones on the planet.
Doctor Stephanie Senef, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has come to a few startling conclusions through her research. Her studies are making a strong case that glyphosate and aluminum work together to deliver a double-whammy to brain and gut health.
“Furthermore, they found that both glyphosate and aluminum work together in ways that destroy healthy gut flora. The study, which was published in Agricultural Sciences, states, Glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile. Its toxic product, p-cresol, is linked to autism in both human and mouse models. p-Cresol enhances uptake of aluminum via transferrin.”
“Glyphosate chelates aluminium, allowing ingested aluminum to bypass the gut barrier. This leads to anemia-induced hypoxia, promoting neurotoxicity and damaging the pineal gland. Both glyphosate and aluminium disrupt cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in melatonin metabolism. Furthermore, melatonin is derived from tryptophan, whose synthesis in plants and microbes is blocked by glyphosate.”
Resolutions from the Hold
I have spent the last three months in the city of Bangkok and have experienced first-hand the incredible amount of disruptive foreign imagery and thoughts in my psyche, from urges to spend money, to massive restlessness causing me to do things that I rationally do not want to do.
Feelings, compulsions, urges and thoughts are all implanted into the psyche via HAARP technology and Wi-Fi that has an effect on everything inorganic around in scope, such as aluminium deposits in the body, which serve as a receivers/ transmitters in the brain’s pineal gland.
Consequently, the mind can be influenced and controlled to a degree by information streaming from technology.
Being in an area that is highly technological one can experience many disruptions in the psyche, alien in origin.
Hence why I have found the mantra “It is Not it” (i.e. Information technology is Not information technology) to aid myself.
By Arno Pienaar
Dream Catcher Reality
Aluminum is a prime receiver for electromagnetic signals from information technology, and it’s being used to maintain a slave race dedicated to the matrix.
The foundation of flourishing on this planet without the need to actually depending on the planet and the supporting structures on it, is to regain your earth element.
Those who have their earth element are connected to cosmic consciousness and divine laws, not man’s/god’s laws and trinity consciousness (mind, body, spirit).
When oneself’s foundation is reconnected, then there is only one soul center, no more division, all is one with you and responds accordingly.
Wars are instigated and pushed forward by the ruling elite. They know that the general fear, sufferance and death generated by wars serves the purpose of retorting any hopes of liberty back to slavery. The best way to rob mankind of its earth element is to start a war.
The byproduct of war is trauma which is experienced by all that get trapped in the middle of it: soldiers, men, women and children — all had suffered through wars and got trapped in time and, in so doing, lost their power in the now and caused relativity to the primary matrix that has been enforced upon the world.
Many old folklore stories of spirits that can be seen still enacting scenes on historic battlefields are indeed parts of souls that are trapped on the time-track. Whether you believe in disembodied souls or not, I have come across so many people telling me of this phenomena that I do believe and it totally makes sense.
These spirits are testament to the effect war has on consciousness: it basically breaks consciousness, dividing a being.
That is indeed its agenda, so that the bankers and ruling elite can maintain their hold on the soulless masses that are very easily controlled without a foundation and roots for manifestation in physicality.
Once you are fragmented, you lose your connection to the absolute nature and power that the soul has over anything 3D, and become subject to man’s laws and constraints.
You may believe that chemtrails and HAARP affect everyone, but the fact is that they only affect the slave race, the drones, the soulless. Those that are disconnected are under control by information technology that has the sole goal to uphold the matrix through the millions of vehicles that slave away inside the big cities.
Aluminum receives Information Technology
Aluminum is the main atomic element that is used to maintain the slave program. This element is a prime receiver of electromagnetic signals and this can been proved by merely noticing what material an aerial on the radio is made from — aluminium, of course.
What is the main element being sprayed everywhere via chemtrails? Aluminium, of course.
What is the main elemental byproduct of soy processing that is virtually inside all commercial chocolate, that millions of beings indulge in? Aluminium, of course.
Soy products contain high levels of aluminium, leached from the aluminium tanks in which they are acid washed and processed at high temperatures.
The fact that most, if not all, drug capsules contain soy as an ingredient, should be a huge red flag for everyone.
Are you starting to get the picture of how widely this weapon has been deployed?
Even worse, 99% of soy on the planet is also genetically modified.
Glyphosate, the main ingredient in genetically modified foods, actually stimulates the body to accept and absorb aluminium, this revelation is indeed eye-opening and should serve a movement against aluminium as to help relieve the hold of information technology on the millions of drones on the planet.
Doctor Stephanie Senef, a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, has come to a few startling conclusions through her research. Her studies are making a strong case that glyphosate and aluminum work together to deliver a double-whammy to brain and gut health.
“Furthermore, they found that both glyphosate and aluminum work together in ways that destroy healthy gut flora. The study, which was published in Agricultural Sciences, states, Glyphosate disrupts gut bacteria, leading to an overgrowth of Clostridium difficile. Its toxic product, p-cresol, is linked to autism in both human and mouse models. p-Cresol enhances uptake of aluminum via transferrin.”
“Glyphosate chelates aluminium, allowing ingested aluminum to bypass the gut barrier. This leads to anemia-induced hypoxia, promoting neurotoxicity and damaging the pineal gland. Both glyphosate and aluminium disrupt cytochrome P450 enzymes, which are involved in melatonin metabolism. Furthermore, melatonin is derived from tryptophan, whose synthesis in plants and microbes is blocked by glyphosate.”
Resolutions from the Hold
I have spent the last three months in the city of Bangkok and have experienced first-hand the incredible amount of disruptive foreign imagery and thoughts in my psyche, from urges to spend money, to massive restlessness causing me to do things that I rationally do not want to do.
Feelings, compulsions, urges and thoughts are all implanted into the psyche via HAARP technology and Wi-Fi that has an effect on everything inorganic around in scope, such as aluminium deposits in the body, which serve as a receivers/ transmitters in the brain’s pineal gland.
Consequently, the mind can be influenced and controlled to a degree by information streaming from technology.
Being in an area that is highly technological one can experience many disruptions in the psyche, alien in origin.
Hence why I have found the mantra “It is Not it” (i.e. Information technology is Not information technology) to aid myself.