- 🌿 W H E A T / E T C .
- 🌿 G L U T E N F R E E
- --------------------------------
- Extreme Dangers
- Is Wheat Poison?
- Is Quinoa Gluten Free?
- Is Corn Gluten-Free?
- Leaky Guts Syndrome
- Mental Health & Gluten
- Wheat Belly
- Wheat’s Dark Side
- Worst Food # 1
- Food for Faster Aging
- Rice / High in Arsenic
- --------------------------------
- Dangers of Night Shade
- --------------------------------
Hybrid Foods / See the Articles ... End of this Page
The Hybrid Rice
Rice contains cyanide and high level of starch.
Starch is a chemical that the body converts into carbonic acid when consumed.
It burns and destroys cells and weakening the mucous membranes.
Starch is the cause of mineral deficiencies, which leads to all kind of diseases such as diabetes, anemia, impaired vision, paralysis, cancer, arthritis, fibroids, etc.
Starch is not food it is poison that is high on the Glycemic Index.
All types of rice with the exception of Wild Rice is hybrid.
Replace our consumption of rice with the grains below, they are alkaline electric food.
Hybrid rice cannot assimilate with us because it does not contain carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen.
If our food does not contain the CHO elements then we have an acid substance,
which is against life its self.
When we boil Wild Rice or any other alkaline grain in a glass pot, we can see that they
bounce / jump around inside the boiling water because they contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but when we cook any other hybrid rice it just sits there at the bottom of the pot
and doesn’t move. It is dead.
Only nature can create food that contains life.
Man cannot play mother natures role.
Rice contains cyanide and high level of starch.
Starch is a chemical that the body converts into carbonic acid when consumed.
It burns and destroys cells and weakening the mucous membranes.
Starch is the cause of mineral deficiencies, which leads to all kind of diseases such as diabetes, anemia, impaired vision, paralysis, cancer, arthritis, fibroids, etc.
Starch is not food it is poison that is high on the Glycemic Index.
All types of rice with the exception of Wild Rice is hybrid.
Replace our consumption of rice with the grains below, they are alkaline electric food.
Hybrid rice cannot assimilate with us because it does not contain carbon,
hydrogen and oxygen.
If our food does not contain the CHO elements then we have an acid substance,
which is against life its self.
When we boil Wild Rice or any other alkaline grain in a glass pot, we can see that they
bounce / jump around inside the boiling water because they contain carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but when we cook any other hybrid rice it just sits there at the bottom of the pot
and doesn’t move. It is dead.
Only nature can create food that contains life.
Man cannot play mother natures role.
Science shows that the human body is carbon based ...
... and because the human body is carbon based the substance that is to compliment that carbon based body has to be carbon based.
When a substance is carbon based there is electricity and we are electrical.
An electric body needs electric food.
Whatever we put in your body must be compatible with our biology in order for it to assimilate.
This is chemical affinity. Dr. Sebi / Honduras
Eat to live, not to die.
... and because the human body is carbon based the substance that is to compliment that carbon based body has to be carbon based.
When a substance is carbon based there is electricity and we are electrical.
An electric body needs electric food.
Whatever we put in your body must be compatible with our biology in order for it to assimilate.
This is chemical affinity. Dr. Sebi / Honduras
Eat to live, not to die.
Listing of Grains
Tritical (a hybrid of wheat and rye)
Wheat has several names and varieties. Bulgur, semolina, spelt, frumento, durum (also spelled duram), kamut, einkorn, farina, couscous, seitan, matzoh, matzah and matzo.
Tritical (a hybrid of wheat and rye)
Wheat has several names and varieties. Bulgur, semolina, spelt, frumento, durum (also spelled duram), kamut, einkorn, farina, couscous, seitan, matzoh, matzah and matzo.
Alternative Grains
These are the grains (they’re not really all grains, but people call them that).
Wild Rice
These are the grains (they’re not really all grains, but people call them that).
Wild Rice
From "Diet by Design / Reduced Version of the 80 / 10 / 10"
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Food Alerts
● FOOD ALERT: Chlorella – is not natural. It is a hybrid.
● FOOD ALERT: Parsley – A hybrid plant. Cilantro is OK.
● FOOD ALERT: Almond – It has cyanide, use it sparingly.
● FOOD ALERT: Lemongrass – It will raise your blood pressure high very quickly. It’s a hybrid. Asian people use a lot of it in their soups. Thai people use a lot of it as well.
● FOOD ALERT: String Beans – Avoid it. Acid enough to be considered detrimental.
● FOOD ALERT: Maca – It’s a hybrid plant.
● FOOD ALERT: Maple Syrup – Formaldehyde is known to be used to make maple syrup. It is used to keep the hole open in the maple tree. It’s a chemical that really does damage to the body.
● FOOD ALERT: Black Rice – Chinese made the black rice. It is not a natural rice, it is a starch.
● FOOD ALERT: Broccoli – Broccoli is hybrid, unnatural, incomplete molecular structure.
It’s an acid based vegetable. / http://www.ponderweasel.com/broccoli-man-made-food/
● FOOD ALERT: Cauliflower – It has no carbon. / A mutant gene that is responsible for generating cauliflower-like heads in the model laboratory plant Arabidopsis has been cloned, and the same gene has been shown to be mutant in edible cauliflowers. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7627548
● FOOD ALERT: Garlic – is an oxide of allyl. It’s dangerous and doesn’t allow wounds to heal. It is 3.3 on the ph. level chart. It burns cells and destroys cells and weakens the membrane. While garlic does lower blood pressure, it has a tendency to destroy the membrane.
● FOOD ALERT: Carrot – It is man-made from combining the “Yarrow” which is the Queen Anne’s Lace and wild yam. It is starch. Carrot: #1, #2, #3, #4
● FOOD ALERT: Rice – Contains cyanide and high levels of starch. Rice will compromise the mucous membrane. It is also high on the Glycemic index.
● FOOD ALERT: Acid / Hybrid foods & Herbs – Foxgloves, Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile, Comfrey, Rose hips, Echinacea, Golden seal, Licorice stick (has 50 times more sugar than sugar itself, and has glycyrrhizic acid –1) Peppermint, Spearmint, Aloe vera, Vitamin A and E.
● FOOD ALERT: Milk – It is 6.0 on the ph level chart.
● FOOD ALERT: Starch – Spaghetti, Rice, Bean, Potatoes, Cane juice (highest concentration of starch) Starch is a binder. It is a chemical. To tie two unequal chemicals you have to use a starch.
● FOOD ALERT: Corn and soybeans are two types of crops that have undergone genetic engineering. GMO.
● FOOD ALERT: Soy products – soy is a complex starch that creates sulfide in the body. It’s inorganic silica.
● FOOD ALERT: Cossava – the popular african dish. Not natural, it is hybrid and has cyanide.
● FOOD ALERT: Spinach – Acid, has a Ph level below 7.0, it is not alkaline although it may have beneficial substances. Spinach has a starch base. It also blocks iron and calcium absorption.
● FOOD ALERT: Cumin – It is hybrid. It’ has artificial chromosome.
● FOOD ALERT: Parsley – A hybrid plant. Cilantro is OK.
● FOOD ALERT: Almond – It has cyanide, use it sparingly.
● FOOD ALERT: Lemongrass – It will raise your blood pressure high very quickly. It’s a hybrid. Asian people use a lot of it in their soups. Thai people use a lot of it as well.
● FOOD ALERT: String Beans – Avoid it. Acid enough to be considered detrimental.
● FOOD ALERT: Maca – It’s a hybrid plant.
● FOOD ALERT: Maple Syrup – Formaldehyde is known to be used to make maple syrup. It is used to keep the hole open in the maple tree. It’s a chemical that really does damage to the body.
● FOOD ALERT: Black Rice – Chinese made the black rice. It is not a natural rice, it is a starch.
● FOOD ALERT: Broccoli – Broccoli is hybrid, unnatural, incomplete molecular structure.
It’s an acid based vegetable. / http://www.ponderweasel.com/broccoli-man-made-food/
● FOOD ALERT: Cauliflower – It has no carbon. / A mutant gene that is responsible for generating cauliflower-like heads in the model laboratory plant Arabidopsis has been cloned, and the same gene has been shown to be mutant in edible cauliflowers. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/7627548
● FOOD ALERT: Garlic – is an oxide of allyl. It’s dangerous and doesn’t allow wounds to heal. It is 3.3 on the ph. level chart. It burns cells and destroys cells and weakens the membrane. While garlic does lower blood pressure, it has a tendency to destroy the membrane.
● FOOD ALERT: Carrot – It is man-made from combining the “Yarrow” which is the Queen Anne’s Lace and wild yam. It is starch. Carrot: #1, #2, #3, #4
● FOOD ALERT: Rice – Contains cyanide and high levels of starch. Rice will compromise the mucous membrane. It is also high on the Glycemic index.
● FOOD ALERT: Acid / Hybrid foods & Herbs – Foxgloves, Cayenne Pepper, Chamomile, Comfrey, Rose hips, Echinacea, Golden seal, Licorice stick (has 50 times more sugar than sugar itself, and has glycyrrhizic acid –1) Peppermint, Spearmint, Aloe vera, Vitamin A and E.
● FOOD ALERT: Milk – It is 6.0 on the ph level chart.
● FOOD ALERT: Starch – Spaghetti, Rice, Bean, Potatoes, Cane juice (highest concentration of starch) Starch is a binder. It is a chemical. To tie two unequal chemicals you have to use a starch.
● FOOD ALERT: Corn and soybeans are two types of crops that have undergone genetic engineering. GMO.
● FOOD ALERT: Soy products – soy is a complex starch that creates sulfide in the body. It’s inorganic silica.
● FOOD ALERT: Cossava – the popular african dish. Not natural, it is hybrid and has cyanide.
● FOOD ALERT: Spinach – Acid, has a Ph level below 7.0, it is not alkaline although it may have beneficial substances. Spinach has a starch base. It also blocks iron and calcium absorption.
● FOOD ALERT: Cumin – It is hybrid. It’ has artificial chromosome.
Cruciferous Raw Vegetables
Arugula, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, collard greens, bok choy,
brussels sprouts, radish, rutabaga, and watercress.
brussels sprouts, radish, rutabaga, and watercress.
Eating them on a frequent basis can even
contribute to inflammatory arthritis and lupus!
contribute to inflammatory arthritis and lupus!
Bad news, cruciferous vegetables contain chemicals that BLOCK the production of thyroid hormone in your body! Considering that 2 out of every 3 Westerners are either overweight or obese and this is projected to jump to 75% by 2020, this is of particular importance as folks struggling with weight usually suffer from borderline to full blown hypothyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is a condition where the thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone, so someone suffering from this condition surely does not want to be eating foods that will block what little thyroid hormone is being produced in the first place!
Symptoms of hypothyroidism include cold hands and feet, thinning hair, fatigue, reduced or nonexistent libido, coarse dry hair, constipation, difficulty losing weight, and depression among many others.
Fermented crucifers such as sauerkraut are typically eaten as a condiment and, hence, in small amounts, consumption is fine if the diet is rich in iodine.
Here is the list of common cruciferous vegetables that you do not want to be eating raw if you want to protect your thyroid gland!
Arugula, broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, collard greens, bok choy, brussels sprouts, radish, rutabaga, and watercress.
Notice that many of these vegetables are commonly included in fresh veggie juice blends or in salads. While an occasional arugula salad or cup of coleslaw is not going to do harm to most folks, it would be wise not to make a habit of eating/drinking any of these vegetables in raw form.
Raw Vegetable Greens
Some veggie greens contain a chemical called oxalic acid. Oxalic acid is a very irritating substance to the mouth and intestinal tract. It also blocks iron and calcium absorption and may contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
Veggies containing oxalic acid include spinach, chard, parsley, chives, purslane and beet greens.
Spinach is known for being high in iron, yet eating it raw will not necessarily give you the iron you want because of the oxalic acid?
Other Raw Vegetable Cautions
Other vegetables that are best to avoid eating raw include:
Raw potatoes contain hemagglutinins that disrupt red blood cell function.
Raw sweet potatoes will give you gas.
Raw, edible mushrooms such as the common white mushroom contain toxic substances such as agaritine, a suspected carcinogen. These substances are heat sensitive and are neutralized by cooking.
Alfalfa sprouts are mildly toxic and inhibit the immune system. Eating them on a frequent basis can even contribute to inflammatory arthritis and lupus!
Recommended Foods
“Dr. Sebi has recommended the foods that are listed here for the reversal of disease
for over 30 years.
If your favorite food is missing from the list, our research and results have proven that it has no nutritional value and may be detrimental to your health.”
for over 30 years.
If your favorite food is missing from the list, our research and results have proven that it has no nutritional value and may be detrimental to your health.”
Fruits (No canned or seedless fruits)
Herbal Teas
Spices and Seasonings / Mild Flavors
Pungent and Spicy Flavors
Salty Flavors
Sweet Flavors
Alternative Grains
Nuts and Seeds – (Includes Nut and Seed Butters)
Also, drinking plenty of fluids to flush out toxins is crucial.
Dr. Sebi recommends consuming a full gallon of purified water a day. He also advises against using the microwave.
Learn more about Dr. Sebi’s healing method here. / [source]
- Amaranth greens – same as Callaloo, a variety of Spinach
- Avocado
- Bell Peppers
- Chayote (Mexican Squash)
- Cucumber
- Dandelion greens
- Garbanzo beans
- Green banana
- Izote – cactus flower/ cactus leaf – grows naturally in California
- Kale
- Lettuce (all, except Iceberg)
- Mushrooms (all, except Shiitake)
- Nopales – Mexican Cactus
- Okra
- Olives
- Onions
- Poke salad – greens
- Purslane (Verdolaga)
- Sea Vegetables (wakame/dulse/arame/hijiki/nori)
- Squash
- Tomato – cherry and plum only
- Tomatillo
- Turnip greens
- Watercress
- Zucchini
Fruits (No canned or seedless fruits)
- Apples
- Bananas – the smallest one or the Burro/mid-size (original banana)
- Berries – all varieties- Elderberries in any form – no cranberries
- Cantaloupe
- Cherries
- Currants
- Dates
- Figs
- Grapes- seeded
- Limes (key limes preferred with seeds)
- Mango
- Melons- seeded
- Orange (Seville or sour preferred, difficult to find)
- Papayas
- Peaches
- Pear
- Plums
- Prickly Pear (Cactus Fruit)
- Prunes
- Raisins –seeded
- Soft Jelly Coconuts
- Soursops – (Latin or West Indian markets)
- Tamarind
Herbal Teas
- Allspice
- Anise
- Burdock
- Chamomile
- Elderberry
- Fennel
- Ginger
- Raspberry
- Tila
Spices and Seasonings / Mild Flavors
- Basil
- Bay leaf
- Cloves
- Dill
- Oregano
- Parsley
- Savory
- Sweet Basil
Pungent and Spicy Flavors
- Achiote
- Cayenne/ African Bird Pepper
- Coriander (Cilantro)
- Habanero
- Onion Powder
- Sage
Salty Flavors
- Pure Sea Salt
- Powdered Granulated Seaweed (Kelp/Dulce/Nori – has “sea taste”)
Sweet Flavors
- Raw Maple Syrup
- Date Sugar
Alternative Grains
- Amaranth
- Fonio
- Kamut
- Quinoa
- Spelt
- Teff
- Millet
- Wild Rice
Nuts and Seeds – (Includes Nut and Seed Butters)
- Hemp Seed
- Raw Sesame Seeds
- Raw Sesame Tahini Butter
- Walnuts
- Brazil Nuts
- Pine Nuts
- Olive Oil (Do not cook)
- Coconut Oil (Do not cook)
- Grape seed Oil
- Sesame Oil
- Hempseed Oil
- Avocado Oil
Also, drinking plenty of fluids to flush out toxins is crucial.
Dr. Sebi recommends consuming a full gallon of purified water a day. He also advises against using the microwave.
Learn more about Dr. Sebi’s healing method here. / [source]
Extreme Dangers
Is Wheat Poison?
Leaky Guts Syndrome
Mental Health & Gluten
Wheat Belly
Wheat’s Dark Side
Worst Food # 1
Is Wheat Poison?
Leaky Guts Syndrome
Mental Health & Gluten
Wheat Belly
Wheat’s Dark Side
Worst Food # 1
12 Side Effects Of Aloe Vera Juice You Should Be Aware Of
Broccoli is hybrid, unnatural, incomplete molecular structure. It’s an acid based vegetable.
Did You Know That Broccoli is a Man - made Food?
There is No Such Thing as Wild Broccoli
Broccoli is a human innovation, a man-made food, and a result of a mutation selected and
cultivated by man throughout history. Known for its green hue and resemblance to a tiny tree, broccoli has been the bane of kid’s existence since it was first introduced in the Mediterranean almost 1,000 years ago.
Broccoli is a result of the selective breeding of wild cabbage plants starting around the 6th century BC. Its name, from the Italian broccolo, relates to the flowering top of a cabbage – a tribute to its heritage. Since the Roman Empire, broccoli has been regarded a valuable man-made food and source of nutrition among the people of Italy and was eventually introduced to England and America in the 1700s. It took until the 1920s for broccoli to gain in popularity in the United States.
There is No Such Thing as Wild Broccoli
Broccoli is a human innovation, a man-made food, and a result of a mutation selected and
cultivated by man throughout history. Known for its green hue and resemblance to a tiny tree, broccoli has been the bane of kid’s existence since it was first introduced in the Mediterranean almost 1,000 years ago.
Broccoli is a result of the selective breeding of wild cabbage plants starting around the 6th century BC. Its name, from the Italian broccolo, relates to the flowering top of a cabbage – a tribute to its heritage. Since the Roman Empire, broccoli has been regarded a valuable man-made food and source of nutrition among the people of Italy and was eventually introduced to England and America in the 1700s. It took until the 1920s for broccoli to gain in popularity in the United States.
Carrots are hybrid. They lack electricity and are high in sugar and starch.
It is called hybrid because it was made by splicing the genes of two natural vegetables.
The Queen Anne’s Lace & the Wild Yam.
When consumed it is converted into carbonic acid.
It is called hybrid because it was made by splicing the genes of two natural vegetables.
The Queen Anne’s Lace & the Wild Yam.
When consumed it is converted into carbonic acid.
The Origin of Carrots
Wild carrots originated about 5,000 years ago in what is now Afghanistan. Both Egyptians and Greeks used the wild green, purple, white, yellow and black-rooted plants medicinally.
Although originally cultivated in the pre-Christian era, carrots weren’t a significant crop until the 10th century when purple varieties were grown in India, Europe, and the Middle East. Germany and France cultivated a diverse palette of the enlarged taproots in the 13th century, and by the 15th century, they had made their way to both southern Europe and England.
But the history of the orange vegetables that are so familiar to us today began in 16th century Holland during the rule of The House of Orange. No, it’s not a coincidence.
Dutch farmers developed orange carrots (a cross of purple and yellow varieties) in an act of patriotism. After this development, Holland became the premier carrot-breeding country. Using both Dutch varieties and the modern wild carrot (Queen Anne’s Lace), the contemporary carrot was developed by a French horticulturist in the 1800s.
If this history lesson isn’t motivation enough, let’s talk about taste. In the fall and winter root vegetables are at their absolute sweetest because cold air and soil temperatures encourage the conversion of starches to sugars.
Crops harvested from cooler regions of the state are mostly “clip-tops” because their delicate
above-ground parts have frozen off, while carrots grown in more temperate regions might still be connected to their stems and leaves. / Source #1, #2, #3, #4
Although originally cultivated in the pre-Christian era, carrots weren’t a significant crop until the 10th century when purple varieties were grown in India, Europe, and the Middle East. Germany and France cultivated a diverse palette of the enlarged taproots in the 13th century, and by the 15th century, they had made their way to both southern Europe and England.
But the history of the orange vegetables that are so familiar to us today began in 16th century Holland during the rule of The House of Orange. No, it’s not a coincidence.
Dutch farmers developed orange carrots (a cross of purple and yellow varieties) in an act of patriotism. After this development, Holland became the premier carrot-breeding country. Using both Dutch varieties and the modern wild carrot (Queen Anne’s Lace), the contemporary carrot was developed by a French horticulturist in the 1800s.
If this history lesson isn’t motivation enough, let’s talk about taste. In the fall and winter root vegetables are at their absolute sweetest because cold air and soil temperatures encourage the conversion of starches to sugars.
Crops harvested from cooler regions of the state are mostly “clip-tops” because their delicate
above-ground parts have frozen off, while carrots grown in more temperate regions might still be connected to their stems and leaves. / Source #1, #2, #3, #4
Hybrid Foods
Hybrid foods will not grow in nature. They are crossbreed food which must be nurtured and protected by humans or else they will be overcome by birds, insects worms, fungi and bacteria.
Some common hybrid fruits are: seedless apples, several date varieties like kiwis, seedless pineapples, seedless citrus fruit, seedless grapes & seedless watermelons.
Common hybrid vegetables include: beets, corn, potatoes, celery and cauliflower. Common hybrid nuts, seeds and beans include: cashews, oats, white & brown rice, wheat, wheat grass, soy, legumes, and most beans.
Common hybrid herbs include: golden seal, ginseng, echinacea, don quay, aloe vera, nutmeg, comfrey, garlic.
Hybrid foods are missing vital electrics, they are unnatural and high in both sugar and starch. They are devoid of proper mineral balance that all wild foods contain. So when we eat a lot of hybrid fruit and vegetables that lead to mineral deficiencies, they cause the body to bring heavy minerals from the bones into the blood to buffer the sugar. This hybrid sugar is not completely recognized by the liver and pancreas. The minerals and sugar are then spilled off into the urine. Hybrid sweet fruit and sweet starchy vegetables can over stimulate you and cause you to lose minerals.
Hybrid foods are taken out of their natural content and will not assimilate in the body completely,
and instead store as a toxin. They will also damage the mucus membranes.
99% of the food available to us today are hybrid , high in starch and sugar and carry traces of cyanide poison. 50% of these hybrids are more detrimental than others, see the acid/alkaline chart for a complete nutritional guide of the foods that are less harmful and detrimental to the body.
Crossbreeding and hybridizing was started in the ancient world. This is the practice of creating a new plant or animal from two or more different wild species.
The new species has the characteristics of its dissimilar parents but is also unique. This became a way of creating domestic plants and animals that could be cultivated or controlled. The new species can survive in places and under conditions that the parents could not.
Modern day wheat was created this way, people began to live in cities and the original plant didn’t yield enough to feed large populations. This plant was crossed with another and the end product yielded lots of grain. The new plants were also bred so they could resist certain pests and could be planted all over the world.
The original grain that it was made from was not high in starch. By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts.
Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it.
This new creature can also be very destructive to the environment like dairy cows crossed from buffalo and oxen. Cows can not digest food well, they create methane gas and is the number one polluters of air in the USA.
Modern Corn crops are very hybridized and pull all the minerals out of the soil and nothing else will grow. This created the mid-western dust bowl. Corn is also high in starch or carbonic acid.
One way to tell a hybrid plant is if it does not make a seed that can be germinated it has a high probability of being a hybrid. If its an animal and does not procreate on it’s own without mans intervention, and does not live wild in nature the probability is high of being a crossbreed.
These sciences may not be considered gene splicing but it is genetic manipulation, now that gene splicing is the norm we are creating.
“Franken-foods” which is now in the dictionary. Many modern diseases came about after we began to play with the natural order of plant and animal life. There is always a down side for tampering with Mother Nature, especially for pure profit and greed.
It is because of mutation factors and blood borne disease that commercial flesh products are not recommended at all, yes not even the so-called organic meats. Organic plants are not suppose to be genetically altered some are because the genetic structure was changed long ago.
Even though some are not the original plants, organic is still the best choice for balanced nutrition. It is up to each one of us to make educated choices when it comes to our wellness, we must be more conscious and respectful of the natural order of things.
Did you know the domestic pig is unnatural, it is a product of science. The modern pig or swine are known to have been developed by Imhotep AKA Aesculapius the father of science and medicine. He crossbred the animal for king Zoser in KMT AKA Egypt to eat the garbage and the dead bodies after wars. The Garlic was produced also by the Egyptian for embalming the mummies.
It is known that the pig is crossed with an African dog, cat and a wild African rat. It eats everything and anything including feces. It has no sweat glands or conventional circulatory system so it is always in a state of disease. Worms like the trichinosis or Trichinella make there home in the pig, this unnatural animal is unfit to eat.
Some of the parasites and their eggs found in swine are not killed by cooking. Some parasites can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees. Throughout ancient Egypt the pig was known as a transmitter of Leprosy. Moses declared the animal unclean.
(Leviticus 11:7-8) it was not even to be touched. By far the greatest variety of parasites afflicting the present population of the Western world comes from animal foods. Almost every commercial meat available is loaded with parasites of one form or another. Also parasites are present in tainted water sources.
Garlic - is an oxide of allyl. It's dangerous and doesn't allow wounds to heal. It is 3.3 on the ph level chart. It burns cells and destroys cells and weakens the membrane.
Carrots - It is man-made from combining the Queen Anne's Lace and wild yam. It is starch.
Hybrid Rice - Contains cyanide and high levels of starch. Rice will compromise the mucous membrane. It is also high on the Glycemic index.
Acid / Hybrid foods & Herbs - Comfrey, Rose hips, Echinacea, Golden seal, Licorice stick (has 50 times more sugar than sugar itself, and has glucuronic acid) Pepper mint, Spear mint, Comfrey, Aloe vera, Vitamin A and E.
Cow Milk - It is 6.0 on the ph level chart.
Starch Food - Spaghetti, Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Cane juice (highest concentration of starch) Starch is a binder. It is a chemical. To tie two unequal chemicals you have to use a starch.
Corn and Soybeans are two types of crops that have undergone genetic engineering.
Soy products - Soy is a complex starch that creates sulfide in the body, it in turn eats up the iron and oxygen. It's inorganic silica.
Cassava - the popular "African" dish is not natural and has cyanide!
Dr.Sebi's take on how plant geneticists create hybrids.
"He takes like in a vegetable, the wild yam and the Queen Anne lace, and cross-pollinates them. He opens a sliver of the plant, which is in the stem, and in there he places some of the pollen of another plant, which is the Queen Anne lace and the end product is a carrot. Generally, plants would only pollinate with one of its own kind. And for you to make a third product that was not made by nature, you have to force this other plant to produce a product that it was not designed to do."
Is the carrot a starch?
"A carrot has nothing but starch. If you grate carrot and grind it and you just grind the juice and let it sit, and look what happened at the bottom of the carrot, nothing but starch. It's thick."
Hybrid foods will not grow in nature. They are crossbreed food which must be nurtured and protected by humans or else they will be overcome by birds, insects worms, fungi and bacteria.
Some common hybrid fruits are: seedless apples, several date varieties like kiwis, seedless pineapples, seedless citrus fruit, seedless grapes & seedless watermelons.
Common hybrid vegetables include: beets, corn, potatoes, celery and cauliflower. Common hybrid nuts, seeds and beans include: cashews, oats, white & brown rice, wheat, wheat grass, soy, legumes, and most beans.
Common hybrid herbs include: golden seal, ginseng, echinacea, don quay, aloe vera, nutmeg, comfrey, garlic.
Hybrid foods are missing vital electrics, they are unnatural and high in both sugar and starch. They are devoid of proper mineral balance that all wild foods contain. So when we eat a lot of hybrid fruit and vegetables that lead to mineral deficiencies, they cause the body to bring heavy minerals from the bones into the blood to buffer the sugar. This hybrid sugar is not completely recognized by the liver and pancreas. The minerals and sugar are then spilled off into the urine. Hybrid sweet fruit and sweet starchy vegetables can over stimulate you and cause you to lose minerals.
Hybrid foods are taken out of their natural content and will not assimilate in the body completely,
and instead store as a toxin. They will also damage the mucus membranes.
99% of the food available to us today are hybrid , high in starch and sugar and carry traces of cyanide poison. 50% of these hybrids are more detrimental than others, see the acid/alkaline chart for a complete nutritional guide of the foods that are less harmful and detrimental to the body.
Crossbreeding and hybridizing was started in the ancient world. This is the practice of creating a new plant or animal from two or more different wild species.
The new species has the characteristics of its dissimilar parents but is also unique. This became a way of creating domestic plants and animals that could be cultivated or controlled. The new species can survive in places and under conditions that the parents could not.
Modern day wheat was created this way, people began to live in cities and the original plant didn’t yield enough to feed large populations. This plant was crossed with another and the end product yielded lots of grain. The new plants were also bred so they could resist certain pests and could be planted all over the world.
The original grain that it was made from was not high in starch. By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts.
Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it.
This new creature can also be very destructive to the environment like dairy cows crossed from buffalo and oxen. Cows can not digest food well, they create methane gas and is the number one polluters of air in the USA.
Modern Corn crops are very hybridized and pull all the minerals out of the soil and nothing else will grow. This created the mid-western dust bowl. Corn is also high in starch or carbonic acid.
One way to tell a hybrid plant is if it does not make a seed that can be germinated it has a high probability of being a hybrid. If its an animal and does not procreate on it’s own without mans intervention, and does not live wild in nature the probability is high of being a crossbreed.
These sciences may not be considered gene splicing but it is genetic manipulation, now that gene splicing is the norm we are creating.
“Franken-foods” which is now in the dictionary. Many modern diseases came about after we began to play with the natural order of plant and animal life. There is always a down side for tampering with Mother Nature, especially for pure profit and greed.
It is because of mutation factors and blood borne disease that commercial flesh products are not recommended at all, yes not even the so-called organic meats. Organic plants are not suppose to be genetically altered some are because the genetic structure was changed long ago.
Even though some are not the original plants, organic is still the best choice for balanced nutrition. It is up to each one of us to make educated choices when it comes to our wellness, we must be more conscious and respectful of the natural order of things.
Did you know the domestic pig is unnatural, it is a product of science. The modern pig or swine are known to have been developed by Imhotep AKA Aesculapius the father of science and medicine. He crossbred the animal for king Zoser in KMT AKA Egypt to eat the garbage and the dead bodies after wars. The Garlic was produced also by the Egyptian for embalming the mummies.
It is known that the pig is crossed with an African dog, cat and a wild African rat. It eats everything and anything including feces. It has no sweat glands or conventional circulatory system so it is always in a state of disease. Worms like the trichinosis or Trichinella make there home in the pig, this unnatural animal is unfit to eat.
Some of the parasites and their eggs found in swine are not killed by cooking. Some parasites can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees. Throughout ancient Egypt the pig was known as a transmitter of Leprosy. Moses declared the animal unclean.
(Leviticus 11:7-8) it was not even to be touched. By far the greatest variety of parasites afflicting the present population of the Western world comes from animal foods. Almost every commercial meat available is loaded with parasites of one form or another. Also parasites are present in tainted water sources.
Garlic - is an oxide of allyl. It's dangerous and doesn't allow wounds to heal. It is 3.3 on the ph level chart. It burns cells and destroys cells and weakens the membrane.
Carrots - It is man-made from combining the Queen Anne's Lace and wild yam. It is starch.
Hybrid Rice - Contains cyanide and high levels of starch. Rice will compromise the mucous membrane. It is also high on the Glycemic index.
Acid / Hybrid foods & Herbs - Comfrey, Rose hips, Echinacea, Golden seal, Licorice stick (has 50 times more sugar than sugar itself, and has glucuronic acid) Pepper mint, Spear mint, Comfrey, Aloe vera, Vitamin A and E.
Cow Milk - It is 6.0 on the ph level chart.
Starch Food - Spaghetti, Rice, Beans, Potatoes, Cane juice (highest concentration of starch) Starch is a binder. It is a chemical. To tie two unequal chemicals you have to use a starch.
Corn and Soybeans are two types of crops that have undergone genetic engineering.
Soy products - Soy is a complex starch that creates sulfide in the body, it in turn eats up the iron and oxygen. It's inorganic silica.
Cassava - the popular "African" dish is not natural and has cyanide!
Dr.Sebi's take on how plant geneticists create hybrids.
"He takes like in a vegetable, the wild yam and the Queen Anne lace, and cross-pollinates them. He opens a sliver of the plant, which is in the stem, and in there he places some of the pollen of another plant, which is the Queen Anne lace and the end product is a carrot. Generally, plants would only pollinate with one of its own kind. And for you to make a third product that was not made by nature, you have to force this other plant to produce a product that it was not designed to do."
Is the carrot a starch?
"A carrot has nothing but starch. If you grate carrot and grind it and you just grind the juice and let it sit, and look what happened at the bottom of the carrot, nothing but starch. It's thick."
Source: Dr. Sebi, Dr. B. Sirius & David Wolf
Crossbreeding and hybridizing was started in the ancient world. This is the practice of creating a new plant or animal from two or more different wild species. The new species has the characteristics of its dissimilar parents but is also unique. This became a way of creating domestic plants and animals that could be cultivated or controlled. The new species can survive in places and under conditions that the parents could not.
Modern day wheat was created this way, people began to live in cities and the original plant didn’t yield enough to feed large populations. This plant was crossed with another and the end product yielded lots of grain. The new plants were also bred so they could resist certain pests and could be planted all over the world. The original grain that it was made from was not high in starch.
By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts. Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it. This new creature can also be very destructive to the environment like dairy cows crossed from buffalo and oxen. Cows can not digest food well, they create methane gas and is the number one polluters of air in the USA.
Modern Corn crops are very hybridized and pull all the minerals out of the soil and nothing else will grow. This created the mid-western dust bowl. Corn is also high in starch or carbonic acid. One way to tell a hybrid plant is if it does not make a seed that can be germinated it has a high probability of being a hybrid. If its an animal and does not procreate on it’s own without mans intervention, and does not live wild in nature the probability is high of being a crossbreed.
These sciences may not be considered gene splicing but it is genetic manipulation, now that gene splicing is the norm we are creating.
“Franken-foods” which is now in the dictionary. Many modern diseases came about after we began to play with the natural order of plant and animal life. There is always a down side for tampering with Mother Nature, especially for pure profit and greed. It is because of mutation factors and blood borne disease that commercial flesh products are not recommended at all, yes not even the so-called organic meats.
Organic plants are not suppose to be genetically altered some are because the genetic structure was changed long ago. Even though some are not the original plants, organic is still the best choice for balanced nutrition. It is up to each one of us to make educated choices when it comes to our wellness, we must be more conscious and respectful of the natural order of things.
Did you know the domestic pig is unnatural, it is a product of science. The modern pig or swine are known to have been developed by the great scientist named Imhotep AKA Aesculapius the father of science and medicine.
He crossbred the animal for king Zoser in KMT AKA Egypt to eat the garbage and the dead bodies after wars. The Garlic was produced also by the Egyptian for embleming the mummies. It is known that the pig is crossed with an African dog, cat and a wild African rat and does its job well. It eats everything and anything including feces.
It has no sweat glands or conventional circulatory system so it is always in a state of disease. Worms like the trichinous or Trichinella make there home in the pig, this unnatural animal is unfit to eat. Some of the parasites and their eggs found in swine are not killed by cooking. Some parasites can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees.
Throughout ancient Egypt the pig was known as a transmitter of Leprosy. Moses declared the animal unclean. (Leviticus 11:7-8) it was not even to be touched. By far the greatest variety of parasites afflicting the present population of the Western world comes from animal foods. Almost every variely of commercial meat available is loaded with parasites of one form or another. Also parasites are present in tainted water sources.
What are hybrid foods?
Hybrid foods will not grow in nature. They are crossbreed food which must be nurtured and protected by humans or else they will be overcome by birds, insects worms, fungi and bacteria. Some common hybrid fruits are: seedless apples, several date varieties like kiwis, seedless pineapples, seedless citrus fruit, seedless grapes, seedless persimmons, seedless watermelons.
Common hybrid vegetables include: beets, carrots, corn, potatoes, celery, and cauliflower. Common hybrid nuts, seeds and beans include: cashews, oats, rice, wheat, wheat grass, soy, legumes, and most beans. Common bybrid herbs include: Goldenseal, Ginseng, Echinacea, Chamomile, DonQuay, Aloe Vera, Nut Meg, Comfrey, Garlic.
Hybrid foods are “missing vital electrics, they are unnatural and high in both sugar and starch. They are devoid of proper mineral balance that all wild foods contain. So when we eat a lot of bybrid fruit and vegetables that lead to mineral deficiencies, they cause the body to bring heavy minerals from the bones into the blood to buffer the sugar. This hybrid sugar is not completely recognized by the liver and pancreas. The minerals and sugar are then spilled off into the urine. Hybrid sweet fruit and sweet starchy vegetales can over stimulate you and cause you to lose minerals.
Hybrid foods are taken out of their natural content and will not assimilate in the body completely, and instead store as a toxin. They will also damage the mucus membranes.
Hybrid foods can feed fungal conditions like Candida whereas non-hybrid or wild fruit will not lead to such a condition.
99% of the food available to us today are hybrid , high in starch and sugar and carry traces of cyanide poison. 50% of these hybrids are more detrimental than others, see the acid/alkaline chart for a complete nutritianal guide of the foods that are less harmful and detrimental to the body.
Resources for Hybrids and Crossbreeding can be found by Dr. B. Sirius and David Wolfe's new book called SunFood Diet for the success system.
Call Dr. Aqasikesat for a complete list of Hybrid foods coming from the teachings of Dr. Sebi of the Usha Institue. 617-696-5505
Other resources can be found on the FDA website, check this subject out for yourself.
Sea Moss
Sea Moss is a seaweed or red alga, purple to green when fresh but dried to yellow brown translucent forked fronds or thalli, 5-25cm long. Sea moss is found on the Atlantic coasts of Ireland, Europe, and the United States Medicinal- Sea moss contains many vital minerals and vitamins such as polysaccharide complexes (carrageenans), protein, iodine, bromine, iron sulphur and other mineral salts. Sea moss is also rich in vitamins A and B1 and contains up to 80% mucilage.
The large quantity of mucilage in Sea moss makes it a valuable remedy for the treatment of digestive conditions where a demulcent is required, such as gastritis and ulceration of the stomach and duodenum. Carrageenan is reported to reduce gastric secretions. Sea moss can also be used in cases of inflammations of the urinary system.
What’s Left to Eat?
The process of hybridization of food began when humans first began to cultivate the wild foods that grew in their environments. Hybridization became more sophisticated over the years as humans noticed certain traits in foods and in order to enhance those traits began to selectively breed plants with other plants, within the same genus. (This process was also occurring in the animal kingdom. Most of the animals that surround human lifestyles are domesticated from their wild cousins: cows, dogs, chickens, cats, turkeys, etc.)
Desirable traits in plants often include greater and more consistent size, sweeter, more pronounced taste, smaller or no seeds, brighter colors. Most of the foods that we consume today have been through the selective breeding process to produce familiar foods. These include most vegetables, like potatoes, corn, tomatoes, apples, carrots, broccoli, rice, all greens, cauliflower, as well as most of the animal foods consumed.
The process of selective breeding for desirable traits began the subtle alteration of the DNA of the foods. Minor changes in gene sequence and structure that allows for the desirable traits activate or deactivate the genes for the traits of the occurrence of the organism in nature.
The subtle alteration of the DNA of the food that humans consume will affect subtle alteration of the DNA of those consuming the food. This happens when the food is broken down into cellular and subcellular components and then in some cases is restructured to the configuration that the body can use. In other cases the cellular and subcellular components are easily bioassimilable.
When these components are less than optimal, they may be usable by the body, but important components are missing. This causes the cells to mitosis daughter cells that look identical but have subtle flaws in their gene sequences. Thus begins the slow decline, the degeneration or devolution of a people into a less conscious, less connected, less aware state.
In this state of disconnection from self and environment – which is microcosm and macrocosm, internal and external – the devolution of consciousness causes fear to be the prime motivator with resulting attempts to control energy in all its forms, rather than to use focused energy and intention to create and flow with observed outcomes.
These disconnected ones, in fear of the environment, fearing organisms, “germs, viruses, bacteria, molds,” developed food irradiation as a means of eliminating “pathogens” from foods. The disconnected ones in their greed state, unable or unwilling to sense the subtle shift in the energy of the irradiated food, purported to bamboozle the consumers into consuming more and more dead genetically selected, radioactive food. Consumers in the classic “double-think” fear-state could not re-cognize the term “radiation” in food “irradiation” and also unable to see or sense the subtle shifts in energy patterns of the foods, continue, lazily oblivious, to ingest radioactive food.
Completely disconnected, with altered DNA, in a fear state and irradiated, the consumers in the U.S. have now been ingesting transgenic food for 10 years. Trans-genic food, commonly termed “genetically modified” is yet the most insidious form of DNA manipulation occurring to date. Genetically modified organisms cross classification, genus, and even species that arose in the evolution of the myriad of life forms on the planet, to combine gene sequences in ways that violate the laws of evolution and creation out of which all life forms have arisen – until now.
With the same selective breeding mentality that brought about hybridization, albeit with greater technology, the idea of selecting certain desired traits continues. However, with the advent of gene mapping, researchers can now isolate the gene that contains the desired trait. With the use of a rather relatively unsophisticated technology, known as a “gene gun”, the desired genes are “fired” into the sequence of the DNA of the cells of the target organism.
The result, strawberries with fish genes, tomatoes with potato genes, sheep with monkey genes and other such combinations as befit the fancy of the funders of the research. More often, the traits of single celled organisms are fired into the gene sequences of the target organisms.
Genetical engineering crosses the phenotype barrier to genotype. Phenotype is the appearance or manifestation of the gene sequence, whereas genotype relates to the actual gene structure. Hybridization of foods still followed certain laws of nature because it allowed whole series of genes to be transmitted between plants within the same genus. For example, a white rose could be bred with a red rose to produce a pink rose. We are still talking about plant to plant transmission, within the same family, rosae (check spelling).
There is a whole series of genes that is transmitted to the offspring from both parents. Whereas with genetic engineering, only one gene or a snippet of a gene is introduced into the target organism, without knowledge of what that one gene inserted into an already existing sequence will produce. Thus the gene is inserted without the accompaniment of other genes or gene sequences with which that gene has existed for millennia. With genetic engineering we cross species barriers in performance of experiments that have not occurred in this cycle of existence. Perhaps we have forgotten that tampering with natural and physical laws have brought about the end of all of the other great cycles on earth?
The dangers of genetically modifying organisms has been underplayed and it is not in the interest of the agrochemical companies that produce these combinations to disclose. In fact, there are currently no labeling requirements for genetically modified foods. In the U.S., if the food is not labeled, “non-GMO,” then it is safe to assume that it is genetically modified. This process started quietly in 1995 when Americans were distracted by the Gulf War and “Monica Lewinsky” (check dates).
Meanwhile, around the world, most other countries vehemently protested and defrayed the attempts of Monsanto, Novaris (check name), Dow and others to push gmos down their throats. The agrochemical companies quietly lobbied, wooed, seduced and bedded their counterparts in Congress. And in fact there is a revolving door policy between the government and these big chemical companies. For example, Donald Rumsfeld, current Secretary of Defense, held the
position of ... at Monsanto from ... to .... (check dates)
Moreover, the genetic modification of food assures, unless there is a successful counter movement, the elimination of genetic diversity that has existed on this planet for millennia. Since all that we have to consume is genetically altered food, how is that affecting us?
It has been proven that genetically modified organisms, through the natural propagation processes of plants, infects, supersedes and eliminates non-gmo foods in the field. Also, there is a concerted effort by the agrochemical companies to eliminate heirloom seeds. In the past several years, aggressive grassroots movements have arisen around the globe to preserve heirloom seeds and thus all of our genetic heritage.
So, what’s left to eat?
Well, essentially the advice remains the same. Eat the less tampered with food. Eat organic. Even with the contamination of gmo foods into the organic sector, the intentionality, love, focus and reverence with which most organic farmers grow their food puts it at a higher vibratory rate and subtly easier for the body to assimilate. Next, consciously raise the vibration of your food and your water, by placing your hands on it or close to it, and intending its raise to a greater subtlety.
Grow your own food!
There are heirloom seeds still available. Reconnect with Mother Earth. Get to know your yard, find a good place to plant. If you don’t have a yard, grow in pots. Connect with people who grow. In the U.S. and abroad, there are support groups in every state and county or parish of people who grow their own food or plant gardens. There is a lot of free information out there. Pass the love of the earth along to your children and grandchildren. Play in the earth! It’s time to come home!
Source: Dr. Sebi, Dr. B. Sirius & David Wolf
Crossbreeding and hybridizing was started in the ancient world. This is the practice of creating a new plant or animal from two or more different wild species. The new species has the characteristics of its dissimilar parents but is also unique. This became a way of creating domestic plants and animals that could be cultivated or controlled. The new species can survive in places and under conditions that the parents could not.
Modern day wheat was created this way, people began to live in cities and the original plant didn’t yield enough to feed large populations. This plant was crossed with another and the end product yielded lots of grain. The new plants were also bred so they could resist certain pests and could be planted all over the world. The original grain that it was made from was not high in starch.
By changing the genetic order the new plant is high in starch which is corrosive to human tissues. There are many people who are allergic to wheat and are not aware of these facts. Changing the genetic order of wild life forms and creates genetic mineral and chemical imbalances and mutations in the new species and all that eats it. This new creature can also be very destructive to the environment like dairy cows crossed from buffalo and oxen. Cows can not digest food well, they create methane gas and is the number one polluters of air in the USA.
Modern Corn crops are very hybridized and pull all the minerals out of the soil and nothing else will grow. This created the mid-western dust bowl. Corn is also high in starch or carbonic acid. One way to tell a hybrid plant is if it does not make a seed that can be germinated it has a high probability of being a hybrid. If its an animal and does not procreate on it’s own without mans intervention, and does not live wild in nature the probability is high of being a crossbreed.
These sciences may not be considered gene splicing but it is genetic manipulation, now that gene splicing is the norm we are creating.
“Franken-foods” which is now in the dictionary. Many modern diseases came about after we began to play with the natural order of plant and animal life. There is always a down side for tampering with Mother Nature, especially for pure profit and greed. It is because of mutation factors and blood borne disease that commercial flesh products are not recommended at all, yes not even the so-called organic meats.
Organic plants are not suppose to be genetically altered some are because the genetic structure was changed long ago. Even though some are not the original plants, organic is still the best choice for balanced nutrition. It is up to each one of us to make educated choices when it comes to our wellness, we must be more conscious and respectful of the natural order of things.
Did you know the domestic pig is unnatural, it is a product of science. The modern pig or swine are known to have been developed by the great scientist named Imhotep AKA Aesculapius the father of science and medicine.
He crossbred the animal for king Zoser in KMT AKA Egypt to eat the garbage and the dead bodies after wars. The Garlic was produced also by the Egyptian for embleming the mummies. It is known that the pig is crossed with an African dog, cat and a wild African rat and does its job well. It eats everything and anything including feces.
It has no sweat glands or conventional circulatory system so it is always in a state of disease. Worms like the trichinous or Trichinella make there home in the pig, this unnatural animal is unfit to eat. Some of the parasites and their eggs found in swine are not killed by cooking. Some parasites can withstand temperatures up to 1500 degrees.
Throughout ancient Egypt the pig was known as a transmitter of Leprosy. Moses declared the animal unclean. (Leviticus 11:7-8) it was not even to be touched. By far the greatest variety of parasites afflicting the present population of the Western world comes from animal foods. Almost every variely of commercial meat available is loaded with parasites of one form or another. Also parasites are present in tainted water sources.
What are hybrid foods?
Hybrid foods will not grow in nature. They are crossbreed food which must be nurtured and protected by humans or else they will be overcome by birds, insects worms, fungi and bacteria. Some common hybrid fruits are: seedless apples, several date varieties like kiwis, seedless pineapples, seedless citrus fruit, seedless grapes, seedless persimmons, seedless watermelons.
Common hybrid vegetables include: beets, carrots, corn, potatoes, celery, and cauliflower. Common hybrid nuts, seeds and beans include: cashews, oats, rice, wheat, wheat grass, soy, legumes, and most beans. Common bybrid herbs include: Goldenseal, Ginseng, Echinacea, Chamomile, DonQuay, Aloe Vera, Nut Meg, Comfrey, Garlic.
Hybrid foods are “missing vital electrics, they are unnatural and high in both sugar and starch. They are devoid of proper mineral balance that all wild foods contain. So when we eat a lot of bybrid fruit and vegetables that lead to mineral deficiencies, they cause the body to bring heavy minerals from the bones into the blood to buffer the sugar. This hybrid sugar is not completely recognized by the liver and pancreas. The minerals and sugar are then spilled off into the urine. Hybrid sweet fruit and sweet starchy vegetales can over stimulate you and cause you to lose minerals.
Hybrid foods are taken out of their natural content and will not assimilate in the body completely, and instead store as a toxin. They will also damage the mucus membranes.
Hybrid foods can feed fungal conditions like Candida whereas non-hybrid or wild fruit will not lead to such a condition.
99% of the food available to us today are hybrid , high in starch and sugar and carry traces of cyanide poison. 50% of these hybrids are more detrimental than others, see the acid/alkaline chart for a complete nutritianal guide of the foods that are less harmful and detrimental to the body.
Resources for Hybrids and Crossbreeding can be found by Dr. B. Sirius and David Wolfe's new book called SunFood Diet for the success system.
Call Dr. Aqasikesat for a complete list of Hybrid foods coming from the teachings of Dr. Sebi of the Usha Institue. 617-696-5505
Other resources can be found on the FDA website, check this subject out for yourself.
Sea Moss
Sea Moss is a seaweed or red alga, purple to green when fresh but dried to yellow brown translucent forked fronds or thalli, 5-25cm long. Sea moss is found on the Atlantic coasts of Ireland, Europe, and the United States Medicinal- Sea moss contains many vital minerals and vitamins such as polysaccharide complexes (carrageenans), protein, iodine, bromine, iron sulphur and other mineral salts. Sea moss is also rich in vitamins A and B1 and contains up to 80% mucilage.
The large quantity of mucilage in Sea moss makes it a valuable remedy for the treatment of digestive conditions where a demulcent is required, such as gastritis and ulceration of the stomach and duodenum. Carrageenan is reported to reduce gastric secretions. Sea moss can also be used in cases of inflammations of the urinary system.
What’s Left to Eat?
The process of hybridization of food began when humans first began to cultivate the wild foods that grew in their environments. Hybridization became more sophisticated over the years as humans noticed certain traits in foods and in order to enhance those traits began to selectively breed plants with other plants, within the same genus. (This process was also occurring in the animal kingdom. Most of the animals that surround human lifestyles are domesticated from their wild cousins: cows, dogs, chickens, cats, turkeys, etc.)
Desirable traits in plants often include greater and more consistent size, sweeter, more pronounced taste, smaller or no seeds, brighter colors. Most of the foods that we consume today have been through the selective breeding process to produce familiar foods. These include most vegetables, like potatoes, corn, tomatoes, apples, carrots, broccoli, rice, all greens, cauliflower, as well as most of the animal foods consumed.
The process of selective breeding for desirable traits began the subtle alteration of the DNA of the foods. Minor changes in gene sequence and structure that allows for the desirable traits activate or deactivate the genes for the traits of the occurrence of the organism in nature.
The subtle alteration of the DNA of the food that humans consume will affect subtle alteration of the DNA of those consuming the food. This happens when the food is broken down into cellular and subcellular components and then in some cases is restructured to the configuration that the body can use. In other cases the cellular and subcellular components are easily bioassimilable.
When these components are less than optimal, they may be usable by the body, but important components are missing. This causes the cells to mitosis daughter cells that look identical but have subtle flaws in their gene sequences. Thus begins the slow decline, the degeneration or devolution of a people into a less conscious, less connected, less aware state.
In this state of disconnection from self and environment – which is microcosm and macrocosm, internal and external – the devolution of consciousness causes fear to be the prime motivator with resulting attempts to control energy in all its forms, rather than to use focused energy and intention to create and flow with observed outcomes.
These disconnected ones, in fear of the environment, fearing organisms, “germs, viruses, bacteria, molds,” developed food irradiation as a means of eliminating “pathogens” from foods. The disconnected ones in their greed state, unable or unwilling to sense the subtle shift in the energy of the irradiated food, purported to bamboozle the consumers into consuming more and more dead genetically selected, radioactive food. Consumers in the classic “double-think” fear-state could not re-cognize the term “radiation” in food “irradiation” and also unable to see or sense the subtle shifts in energy patterns of the foods, continue, lazily oblivious, to ingest radioactive food.
Completely disconnected, with altered DNA, in a fear state and irradiated, the consumers in the U.S. have now been ingesting transgenic food for 10 years. Trans-genic food, commonly termed “genetically modified” is yet the most insidious form of DNA manipulation occurring to date. Genetically modified organisms cross classification, genus, and even species that arose in the evolution of the myriad of life forms on the planet, to combine gene sequences in ways that violate the laws of evolution and creation out of which all life forms have arisen – until now.
With the same selective breeding mentality that brought about hybridization, albeit with greater technology, the idea of selecting certain desired traits continues. However, with the advent of gene mapping, researchers can now isolate the gene that contains the desired trait. With the use of a rather relatively unsophisticated technology, known as a “gene gun”, the desired genes are “fired” into the sequence of the DNA of the cells of the target organism.
The result, strawberries with fish genes, tomatoes with potato genes, sheep with monkey genes and other such combinations as befit the fancy of the funders of the research. More often, the traits of single celled organisms are fired into the gene sequences of the target organisms.
Genetical engineering crosses the phenotype barrier to genotype. Phenotype is the appearance or manifestation of the gene sequence, whereas genotype relates to the actual gene structure. Hybridization of foods still followed certain laws of nature because it allowed whole series of genes to be transmitted between plants within the same genus. For example, a white rose could be bred with a red rose to produce a pink rose. We are still talking about plant to plant transmission, within the same family, rosae (check spelling).
There is a whole series of genes that is transmitted to the offspring from both parents. Whereas with genetic engineering, only one gene or a snippet of a gene is introduced into the target organism, without knowledge of what that one gene inserted into an already existing sequence will produce. Thus the gene is inserted without the accompaniment of other genes or gene sequences with which that gene has existed for millennia. With genetic engineering we cross species barriers in performance of experiments that have not occurred in this cycle of existence. Perhaps we have forgotten that tampering with natural and physical laws have brought about the end of all of the other great cycles on earth?
The dangers of genetically modifying organisms has been underplayed and it is not in the interest of the agrochemical companies that produce these combinations to disclose. In fact, there are currently no labeling requirements for genetically modified foods. In the U.S., if the food is not labeled, “non-GMO,” then it is safe to assume that it is genetically modified. This process started quietly in 1995 when Americans were distracted by the Gulf War and “Monica Lewinsky” (check dates).
Meanwhile, around the world, most other countries vehemently protested and defrayed the attempts of Monsanto, Novaris (check name), Dow and others to push gmos down their throats. The agrochemical companies quietly lobbied, wooed, seduced and bedded their counterparts in Congress. And in fact there is a revolving door policy between the government and these big chemical companies. For example, Donald Rumsfeld, current Secretary of Defense, held the
position of ... at Monsanto from ... to .... (check dates)
Moreover, the genetic modification of food assures, unless there is a successful counter movement, the elimination of genetic diversity that has existed on this planet for millennia. Since all that we have to consume is genetically altered food, how is that affecting us?
It has been proven that genetically modified organisms, through the natural propagation processes of plants, infects, supersedes and eliminates non-gmo foods in the field. Also, there is a concerted effort by the agrochemical companies to eliminate heirloom seeds. In the past several years, aggressive grassroots movements have arisen around the globe to preserve heirloom seeds and thus all of our genetic heritage.
So, what’s left to eat?
Well, essentially the advice remains the same. Eat the less tampered with food. Eat organic. Even with the contamination of gmo foods into the organic sector, the intentionality, love, focus and reverence with which most organic farmers grow their food puts it at a higher vibratory rate and subtly easier for the body to assimilate. Next, consciously raise the vibration of your food and your water, by placing your hands on it or close to it, and intending its raise to a greater subtlety.
Grow your own food!
There are heirloom seeds still available. Reconnect with Mother Earth. Get to know your yard, find a good place to plant. If you don’t have a yard, grow in pots. Connect with people who grow. In the U.S. and abroad, there are support groups in every state and county or parish of people who grow their own food or plant gardens. There is a lot of free information out there. Pass the love of the earth along to your children and grandchildren. Play in the earth! It’s time to come home!