"The meaning of human life is the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth, and that means the replacement of the egotistical, hating, dictatorial, and irrational things with a Life of Brotherhood, Freedom and Reason." Leo Tolstoy
One of the most influential, inspiring, and encouraging documentaries from the past decade.
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (1080p) FULL MOVIE
Overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross was at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help, Joe traded in junk food and hit the road with a juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe had one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (1080p) FULL MOVIE
Overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross was at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help, Joe traded in junk food and hit the road with a juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe had one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
One of the most influential, inspiring, and encouraging documentaries from the past decade.
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (1080p) FULL MOVIE
Overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross was at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help, Joe traded in junk food and hit the road with a juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe had one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead (1080p) FULL MOVIE
Overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross was at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. With doctors and conventional medicine unable to help, Joe traded in junk food and hit the road with a juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe had one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
The definition of food is "substrate that contributes to either growth or burning of the organism." What if a substrate inhibits growth and burning? Is it food? No, it becomes poison. And that's ultra-processed food—because it hijacks the cellular pathways of growth and burning.
When consuming sugar, we are poisoning the mitochondria and generatating less chemical energy that our cells get powered by called ATP. It is the opposite of energy so when consuming sugar we are actually inhibiting our body's energy production.
Sugar poisons mitochondria. Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) found in the cells of most Eukaryotes (organisms whose cells have a nucleus), such as animals, plants and fungi. They generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
What foods damage mitochondria?
Foods containing gluten, as well as dairy products, eggs, processed meats containing nitrates, and anything sweetened with sugar. For those concerned of health, avoid all grains, legumes, peanuts, and soy.
More information on this topic: https://youtu.be/zXiQgTZZqPg
When consuming sugar, we are poisoning the mitochondria and generatating less chemical energy that our cells get powered by called ATP. It is the opposite of energy so when consuming sugar we are actually inhibiting our body's energy production.
Sugar poisons mitochondria. Mitochondria are membrane-bound cell organelles (mitochondrion, singular) found in the cells of most Eukaryotes (organisms whose cells have a nucleus), such as animals, plants and fungi. They generate most of the chemical energy needed to power the cell's biochemical reactions. Chemical energy produced by the mitochondria is stored in a small molecule called adenosine triphosphate (ATP).
What foods damage mitochondria?
Foods containing gluten, as well as dairy products, eggs, processed meats containing nitrates, and anything sweetened with sugar. For those concerned of health, avoid all grains, legumes, peanuts, and soy.
More information on this topic: https://youtu.be/zXiQgTZZqPg
"The fact is throughout history, human beings have followed one rule. First denounce everything and then claim everything. Prior and since the beginning of civilization, human beings got along without the know-it-alls – one who thinks they know everything and refuse to accept advice or information from others. We are born today with all the instinctive equipment required to live healthfully. We have begun the process of destroying this and substituting with false knowledge. We have what we call an educational system that is dedicated primarily to misinforming students. Mother Nature never turned out a sandwich. The know-it-alls will completely ignore or deny the value they are offering us their information. They will tell us that the human digestive tract is so designed that it can digest any possible mixture of food. After the fact, humans will take their word and suffer with indigestion, heartburn, heart palpitations, gas eruptions with foul stools, constipation, diarrhea, and these people will spend their money for palliative – medical “care” relieving symptom without dealing with the cause of the condition drugs. As long as we can be kept in ignorance, keep buying these drugs, then we can digest any combination of foods. " - Dr. Herbert Shelton
Dr Herbert M. Shelton (1895-1985) may be one of the least recognized persons advocating good health in the last century followed by Dr. Ivan Pawlov (1849 – 1936) who was first to discover "Do Not Eat Fat With Sugar" Sugar + Fat = High Blood Sugar (Too much fat in the blood impedes the movement of sugar out of the bloodstream. This results in an overall rise in blood sugar, as sugars continue to travel from the digestive tract)
Rule #1: Starches and acid foods separately
Rule #2: Starches and proteins separately
Rule #3: Sugars/Fats/Acids and proteins separately
Rule #4: Sugars and Fats separetely
Foods are digested both mechanically and chemically.
The human body has a series of digestive juices beginning with ptyalin found in the saliva and going on through hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells (oxyntic cells) within the stomach lining that lowers the pH of the stomach. There is also pancreatic juice consisting of alkaline (bicarbonate) fluid and enzymes. The enzymes, trypsin, lipase, and amylase are essential for digestion of most of the protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the meal. There is also intestinal juice (digestive juice) produced by the small intestine combining pancreatic juice and bile (fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder – breakdown fats into fatty acid) to complete digestion. The body completes the breakdown of proteins, and the final breakdown of starches produces glucose molecules that absorb into the blood. These substances can be circulated in the blood. This all together constitutes the process of nutrition that is the transformation of raw materials into flesh, blood, bone, glands, hair and nails.
These juices alternate between alkaline and acids. Every true digestive juice contains one or more substances known as enzymes. They are the active agencies in instigating the necessary chemical changes in the food substances to reduce them to simpler substances that can be taken into the blood stream. Each enzyme acts only upon a particular type of food.
The enzyme in saliva of mouth (known as ptyalin acts only upon starch). It has no action on sugar. It has no action on proteins. It has no action on fat. It acts only on starch. It converts that starch into sugar when the sugar reaches the small intestine, it reduces to the simplest of sugars that enters the bloodstream.
We take sugar into the mouth and there is outpouring of saliva, but no ptyalin enzyme because it does not act upon sugar.
We take starch into the mouth. Chew it, swallow it, we in salivate it with ptyalin that acts upon the starch. The saliva we digest the starch we swallow gets into the stomach. There is no gastric juice that is poured out upon the starch. The pepsin of the stomach or the gastric juice acts on only proteins.
There are two other enzymes in the juice of the stomach. One during babyhood and the other is gastric lipase. It acts upon fats without presence of strong acid.
When we eat our fats usually with protein, we destroy our lipids (organic compounds that are fatty acids – naturally occurring molecules used to store energy), signaling, and acting as structural components of cell membranes. We end up not digesting the fat in the stomach.
Ptyalin which acts upon starches is destroyed by a mild acid from food such as oranges, grapefruit, limes, pineapple, vinegar, acid drugs given by the physician, or the gastric juice of the stomach.
This acid with starch will prevent the digestion of starch.
Rule #1: Starches and acid foods separately
When protein is eaten, acid gastric juice is poured into the stomach to assist in digestion of the protein and that acid destroys the ptyalin.
Rule #2: Starches and proteins separately
It is quite probable that the practice of eating starches and proteins and starches and acids separately was common to mankind all over the earth at one time just as we know from the study of eating habits of animals that if they’re given their choice if their foods are not mixed for them, they will separate their proteins and their starches and eat them at separate meals. Birds, chickens, and other animals will do it. Carnivores lives on a diet of meat or flesh.
There are foods however combining proteins and starches. Wheat has 8-10% protein and 30% starch.
Eating a food that is a starch protein combination is one thing.
Eating foods that are starches and proteins is another that does not digest well.
The substances that are wholesome substances, sugar, acid, and fats inhibit or check the secretion of gastric juice. They retire the digestion of protein: You don’t need to take fats into the stomach to have them retard protein digestion.
Few spoonfuls of olive oil injected in the rectum in the form of an enemy will result in the checking of the secretion of gastric juice into the stomach for two hours.
When we take sugars (syrups, honey, cakes, pies, dates, figs, raisins) and proteins, these sugars check the flow of gastric juice. They check the muscular activities of the stomach. They retard protein digestion meaning decomposition, indigestion, and trouble.
Rule #3: Sugars/Fats/Acids and proteins separately
Oil and acid inhibit the outpouring of gastric acid
Fats sugars and acids check or inhibit the secretion of gastric juices and retard protein digestion.
Eat proteins separately from sugars, fats, and acids.
Mother nature herself mix proteins and fats including nuts, avocados, and olives. She mixes sugars and fats in the dates. If we eat these foods themselves without wrongly combining them with other substances that interfere, there is the possibility of adjusting the digestive juices to the digestive requirements of that food. In order to get your strongest digestive juice in the fourth hour of digestion if you eat nuts.
If we eat proteins alone or if we eat them with an abundance of green vegetables which do not interfere with their digestion and which has the effect of counteracting the inhibiting effect of fat upon the gastric secretions, then we will have better digestion.
The same with Starches – They should never be combined with acids which interefere with digestion. Not with sugars which interfere with outpouring of Ptyalin in the mouth. Not with protein which causes the outpouring of highly acid gastric juice in the stomach and suspend gastric juice digestion, but with green vegetables, raw cooked or both, but plenty of green vegetables. A big salad tub full of it should form the most important part of at least one meal a day. One meal a day should be of fruit on its own.
Dr Herbert M. Shelton (1895-1985) may be one of the least recognized persons advocating good health in the last century followed by Dr. Ivan Pawlov (1849 – 1936) who was first to discover "Do Not Eat Fat With Sugar" Sugar + Fat = High Blood Sugar (Too much fat in the blood impedes the movement of sugar out of the bloodstream. This results in an overall rise in blood sugar, as sugars continue to travel from the digestive tract)
Rule #1: Starches and acid foods separately
Rule #2: Starches and proteins separately
Rule #3: Sugars/Fats/Acids and proteins separately
Rule #4: Sugars and Fats separetely
Foods are digested both mechanically and chemically.
The human body has a series of digestive juices beginning with ptyalin found in the saliva and going on through hydrochloric acid produced by the parietal cells (oxyntic cells) within the stomach lining that lowers the pH of the stomach. There is also pancreatic juice consisting of alkaline (bicarbonate) fluid and enzymes. The enzymes, trypsin, lipase, and amylase are essential for digestion of most of the protein, fat, and carbohydrate in the meal. There is also intestinal juice (digestive juice) produced by the small intestine combining pancreatic juice and bile (fluid that is made and released by the liver and stored in the gallbladder – breakdown fats into fatty acid) to complete digestion. The body completes the breakdown of proteins, and the final breakdown of starches produces glucose molecules that absorb into the blood. These substances can be circulated in the blood. This all together constitutes the process of nutrition that is the transformation of raw materials into flesh, blood, bone, glands, hair and nails.
These juices alternate between alkaline and acids. Every true digestive juice contains one or more substances known as enzymes. They are the active agencies in instigating the necessary chemical changes in the food substances to reduce them to simpler substances that can be taken into the blood stream. Each enzyme acts only upon a particular type of food.
The enzyme in saliva of mouth (known as ptyalin acts only upon starch). It has no action on sugar. It has no action on proteins. It has no action on fat. It acts only on starch. It converts that starch into sugar when the sugar reaches the small intestine, it reduces to the simplest of sugars that enters the bloodstream.
We take sugar into the mouth and there is outpouring of saliva, but no ptyalin enzyme because it does not act upon sugar.
We take starch into the mouth. Chew it, swallow it, we in salivate it with ptyalin that acts upon the starch. The saliva we digest the starch we swallow gets into the stomach. There is no gastric juice that is poured out upon the starch. The pepsin of the stomach or the gastric juice acts on only proteins.
There are two other enzymes in the juice of the stomach. One during babyhood and the other is gastric lipase. It acts upon fats without presence of strong acid.
When we eat our fats usually with protein, we destroy our lipids (organic compounds that are fatty acids – naturally occurring molecules used to store energy), signaling, and acting as structural components of cell membranes. We end up not digesting the fat in the stomach.
Ptyalin which acts upon starches is destroyed by a mild acid from food such as oranges, grapefruit, limes, pineapple, vinegar, acid drugs given by the physician, or the gastric juice of the stomach.
This acid with starch will prevent the digestion of starch.
Rule #1: Starches and acid foods separately
When protein is eaten, acid gastric juice is poured into the stomach to assist in digestion of the protein and that acid destroys the ptyalin.
Rule #2: Starches and proteins separately
It is quite probable that the practice of eating starches and proteins and starches and acids separately was common to mankind all over the earth at one time just as we know from the study of eating habits of animals that if they’re given their choice if their foods are not mixed for them, they will separate their proteins and their starches and eat them at separate meals. Birds, chickens, and other animals will do it. Carnivores lives on a diet of meat or flesh.
There are foods however combining proteins and starches. Wheat has 8-10% protein and 30% starch.
Eating a food that is a starch protein combination is one thing.
Eating foods that are starches and proteins is another that does not digest well.
The substances that are wholesome substances, sugar, acid, and fats inhibit or check the secretion of gastric juice. They retire the digestion of protein: You don’t need to take fats into the stomach to have them retard protein digestion.
Few spoonfuls of olive oil injected in the rectum in the form of an enemy will result in the checking of the secretion of gastric juice into the stomach for two hours.
When we take sugars (syrups, honey, cakes, pies, dates, figs, raisins) and proteins, these sugars check the flow of gastric juice. They check the muscular activities of the stomach. They retard protein digestion meaning decomposition, indigestion, and trouble.
Rule #3: Sugars/Fats/Acids and proteins separately
Oil and acid inhibit the outpouring of gastric acid
Fats sugars and acids check or inhibit the secretion of gastric juices and retard protein digestion.
Eat proteins separately from sugars, fats, and acids.
Mother nature herself mix proteins and fats including nuts, avocados, and olives. She mixes sugars and fats in the dates. If we eat these foods themselves without wrongly combining them with other substances that interfere, there is the possibility of adjusting the digestive juices to the digestive requirements of that food. In order to get your strongest digestive juice in the fourth hour of digestion if you eat nuts.
If we eat proteins alone or if we eat them with an abundance of green vegetables which do not interfere with their digestion and which has the effect of counteracting the inhibiting effect of fat upon the gastric secretions, then we will have better digestion.
The same with Starches – They should never be combined with acids which interefere with digestion. Not with sugars which interfere with outpouring of Ptyalin in the mouth. Not with protein which causes the outpouring of highly acid gastric juice in the stomach and suspend gastric juice digestion, but with green vegetables, raw cooked or both, but plenty of green vegetables. A big salad tub full of it should form the most important part of at least one meal a day. One meal a day should be of fruit on its own.
Steven Fenoglio
This is what my chiropractor and wonderful friend teaches in his clinic. Actually most of what you post has been mentioned or handed out in the clinic. https://youtube.com/@VictoryHealthTV he has quite a bit he’s working on. He’s trying to just put out information on YouTube. It’s tough with the censorship.
This is what my chiropractor and wonderful friend teaches in his clinic. Actually most of what you post has been mentioned or handed out in the clinic. https://youtube.com/@VictoryHealthTV he has quite a bit he’s working on. He’s trying to just put out information on YouTube. It’s tough with the censorship.