The Complete Transcript
Dr. Lenkei Gábor's VIDEO is Below
Dr. Lenkei Gábor
Trapping us like this regarding
the Coronavirus Hysteria
that is based on lies, I find this outrageous.
Being a medical doctor, I wish to fight back with scientific tools and scientific facts.
This is why I have made this VIDEO.
With English Subtitle
More Videos by Dr. Lenkei Gábor
The Complete Transcript
Dr. Lenkei Gábor's VIDEO is Below
Dr. Lenkei Gábor
Trapping us like this regarding
the Coronavirus Hysteria
that is based on lies, I find this outrageous.
Being a medical doctor, I wish to fight back with scientific tools and scientific facts.
This is why I have made this VIDEO.
With English Subtitle
More Videos by Dr. Lenkei Gábor

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The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease
- Anything that can produce/cause disease
- A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
- Something that creates misery, e.g. disease
- Patho comes from Pathos(greek) = Misery
- Gen comes from Gennao (greek) = Create
The Germ (Pathogen) theory teaches us that many diseases are caused by various pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, ect. According to the theory, these have caused the major epidemics of the Middle Ages (such as the plague, smallpox, dysentery, cholera), the devastating Spanish flu after World War I, and also the epidemics of the last few decades, such as AIDS, Ebola, H1N1, or even the coronavirus epidemic.
Pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The diseases that they cause.
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease teaches the following:
Dangerous bacteria or viruses appear, pounce on unsuspecting innocent people, Sicken them, and wreak havoc. Almost everyone knows this to be the truth.
But if we look at the ignored scientific facts – which is what we are going to do – it turns out that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory is stating a falsehood. Unfortunately, people aren’t aware of this. They do not know that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is false. Thus, all of humanity is writhing in the trap of the misleading, deceptive Germ (Pathogen) Theory.
We have witnessed a coronavirus epidemic that was milder than the usual, seasonal flu outbreak and less damaging to health. There was an epidemic that may be considered mild and surrounding it was a worldwide incitement of mass hysteria that could not be called mild.
All of humanity has been trapped within the subject matter of pathogens, infectious diseases and epidemics. Not only when it comes to the coronavirus. This includes all epidemics, all pathogens. This is the most important thing to know. The “trap” itself. It is the basis of all subsequent events. Building upon this trap, people can be manipulated, led around by their noses, plunged into terror, and put under quarantine. Building upon this trap, they can be deprived of their basic human rights.
Interestingly, the facts that disprove the Germ (Pathogen) Theory which is underlying the generated hysteria can be found one by one in the official medical curriculum and other scientific works. They are described there and accessible to anyone. It is true that they are scattered about as pieces that seem independent of each other, but they are there in the textbooks.
Germ (Pathogen) Theory Has Become Obsolete
Very few know that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory, which serves as the basis for the generated hysteria, became obsolete well over a hundred years ago, shortly after its conception. The Theory comes from Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). He established the theory that infectious diseases are brought about by pathogenic bacteria. According to one of his biographers, Pasteur realized at the very end of his life that he was wrong and recanted his theory.
However, should this not have happened, should Pasteur not have recanted his teachings, we can still safely say that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory has long since been refuted. Independent of Pasteur, other scientists have also realized that this Germ (Pathogen) Theory is extremely superficial. It’s very spectacular, it seems plausible, but it’s extremely superficial and very misleading.
Scientists have realized that the REAL cause of an infectious disease, the root of the disease, is not a bacterium or a virus referred to as a pathogen, but something completely different. It is a factor that always precedes the emergence of the pathogen. The incontestable refutation of Germ (Pathogen) Theory can also be picked out in the medical curriculum. So this is the first piece of the puzzle. This particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory upon which a world-wide fear-mongering campaign can be built became obsolete more than a hundred years ago.
From Theory to Dogma
Thus the Germ (Pathogen) Theory has lost its validity a long time ago, but the misleading thought has persisted and is very much alive in the mind of virtually every human being. People firmly believe that a pathogen will emerge from somewhere that will then make them sick. The theory has become dogma.
The dictionary defines the meaning of “dogma” as follows: A scientific theory that is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. Likewise, the Germ (Pathogen) Theory is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. That is to say: a dogma.
The Truth Did Not Become Widely Known
So scientists have found that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is superficial and misleading. They realized that the theory was false, but the truth didn’t become widely known. But why not? Because, in the meantime, certain forces have taken control over our very concepts of health care and health whose interests would have been harmed if everyone had known the “real” causes of epidemics and infectious diseases. These people, who don’t necessarily have good intentions, have realized that through the perpetuation and sneaky application of Germ (Pathogen) Theory..
1. People can be kept in check.
2. Diseases can be maintained.
3. A lot of money can be made.
Today health care and our health-related concepts are governed by people whose wealth depends on keeping people ignorant and miserable.
What Is a Bacterium?
If people are unaware of what a bacterium is or what a virus is, it is much easier for them to walk into a trap. They think that these are some kind of mysterious, mystical evildoers to be feared. A bacterium, for example is not, despite the widespread misconception, a snarling, evil little monster, as depicted in disinfectant advertisements, for example. Of course, this is good business, as people who fall for manipulative advertising buy a lot more disinfectant to wipe out the bacteria portrayed as evildoers. However, bacteria are not evildoers at all.
What is a bacterium? A tiny, microscopic single-celled plant that is invisible to the naked eye. Its magnitude is measured in thousandths of a millimeter, a unit called a micrometer. The name bacterium comes from the Greek word “bacterium”, meaning “little stick”. This is because the scientist who saw these tiny stick-shaped plants for the first time under a microscope was the one to name them.
A bacterium is not trying to taken anyone’s life, nor does it wish to do away with anyone. It simply wants to grow and multiply. Just like any other plant, a bacteria also requires a medium in which to grow. Most of them are quite fussy, delicate, sensitive creatures. Keeping many of them alive at all is quite a challenge. Bacteria are tiny plants. There is about as much evil in them as in any other plant. It is not their intention to cause illness.
What Is a Virus?
It is quite amusing that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, that bank requested not to use cash if possible because the virus can survive on its surface for several days. Oh, the poor thing, it can’t survive since it never even lived. That is, a virus is not a living being. Its name is derived from the Latin word “virus” = toxin. This name toxin is also misleading because a virus is not a toxin; however, it is a fine reflection of the fact that those who named it were already aware that it is not a living thing.
So a virus is not a living being. It doesn’t need oxygen, water, nutrients; it doesn’t digest, it doesn’t grow, and by itself, it is not even able to procreate. It does nothing that living beings do. A virus is an extremely small, lifeless object, much smaller than a bacterium. If it were to be likened to something, it is most like a tiny DVD that is invisible to the naked eye, enclosed in a casing, and stores some kind of information.
A virus is a passive object. It is inert. It doesn’t do anything on its own. It doesn’t make anyone sick. Only living organisms can bring them to life, so to speak, and do something with it. Only a living organism is able to produce more viruses. So a virus does nothing on its own without the active support of a living organism.
The Basis of Life on Earth
People have been misled and are continuously being misled. They are given the feeling that a bacterium or a virus is equivalent to a pathogen. False. The truth is the exact opposite. Bacteria and viruses form the basis for life on Earth. If we were to destroy them, which we are making a serious effort to do these days, we would be destroying all further life on Earth.
There are millions of different bacteria and millions of different viruses. We only know very few of them real well. They are everywhere and that is exactly where they should be. For life on Earth as a whole every single bacterium and virus is useful. For life on Earth as a whole there is no such thing as destructive, harmful bacteria or viruses. Every single one of them has an important role to play. None of them are indispensable. This is the reality of it.
One could elaborate on it for days. Here are just three examples for the above to be more tangible.
Pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The diseases that they cause.
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease teaches the following:
Dangerous bacteria or viruses appear, pounce on unsuspecting innocent people, Sicken them, and wreak havoc. Almost everyone knows this to be the truth.
But if we look at the ignored scientific facts – which is what we are going to do – it turns out that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory is stating a falsehood. Unfortunately, people aren’t aware of this. They do not know that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is false. Thus, all of humanity is writhing in the trap of the misleading, deceptive Germ (Pathogen) Theory.
We have witnessed a coronavirus epidemic that was milder than the usual, seasonal flu outbreak and less damaging to health. There was an epidemic that may be considered mild and surrounding it was a worldwide incitement of mass hysteria that could not be called mild.
All of humanity has been trapped within the subject matter of pathogens, infectious diseases and epidemics. Not only when it comes to the coronavirus. This includes all epidemics, all pathogens. This is the most important thing to know. The “trap” itself. It is the basis of all subsequent events. Building upon this trap, people can be manipulated, led around by their noses, plunged into terror, and put under quarantine. Building upon this trap, they can be deprived of their basic human rights.
Interestingly, the facts that disprove the Germ (Pathogen) Theory which is underlying the generated hysteria can be found one by one in the official medical curriculum and other scientific works. They are described there and accessible to anyone. It is true that they are scattered about as pieces that seem independent of each other, but they are there in the textbooks.
Germ (Pathogen) Theory Has Become Obsolete
Very few know that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory, which serves as the basis for the generated hysteria, became obsolete well over a hundred years ago, shortly after its conception. The Theory comes from Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). He established the theory that infectious diseases are brought about by pathogenic bacteria. According to one of his biographers, Pasteur realized at the very end of his life that he was wrong and recanted his theory.
However, should this not have happened, should Pasteur not have recanted his teachings, we can still safely say that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory has long since been refuted. Independent of Pasteur, other scientists have also realized that this Germ (Pathogen) Theory is extremely superficial. It’s very spectacular, it seems plausible, but it’s extremely superficial and very misleading.
Scientists have realized that the REAL cause of an infectious disease, the root of the disease, is not a bacterium or a virus referred to as a pathogen, but something completely different. It is a factor that always precedes the emergence of the pathogen. The incontestable refutation of Germ (Pathogen) Theory can also be picked out in the medical curriculum. So this is the first piece of the puzzle. This particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory upon which a world-wide fear-mongering campaign can be built became obsolete more than a hundred years ago.
From Theory to Dogma
Thus the Germ (Pathogen) Theory has lost its validity a long time ago, but the misleading thought has persisted and is very much alive in the mind of virtually every human being. People firmly believe that a pathogen will emerge from somewhere that will then make them sick. The theory has become dogma.
The dictionary defines the meaning of “dogma” as follows: A scientific theory that is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. Likewise, the Germ (Pathogen) Theory is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. That is to say: a dogma.
The Truth Did Not Become Widely Known
So scientists have found that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is superficial and misleading. They realized that the theory was false, but the truth didn’t become widely known. But why not? Because, in the meantime, certain forces have taken control over our very concepts of health care and health whose interests would have been harmed if everyone had known the “real” causes of epidemics and infectious diseases. These people, who don’t necessarily have good intentions, have realized that through the perpetuation and sneaky application of Germ (Pathogen) Theory..
1. People can be kept in check.
2. Diseases can be maintained.
3. A lot of money can be made.
Today health care and our health-related concepts are governed by people whose wealth depends on keeping people ignorant and miserable.
What Is a Bacterium?
If people are unaware of what a bacterium is or what a virus is, it is much easier for them to walk into a trap. They think that these are some kind of mysterious, mystical evildoers to be feared. A bacterium, for example is not, despite the widespread misconception, a snarling, evil little monster, as depicted in disinfectant advertisements, for example. Of course, this is good business, as people who fall for manipulative advertising buy a lot more disinfectant to wipe out the bacteria portrayed as evildoers. However, bacteria are not evildoers at all.
What is a bacterium? A tiny, microscopic single-celled plant that is invisible to the naked eye. Its magnitude is measured in thousandths of a millimeter, a unit called a micrometer. The name bacterium comes from the Greek word “bacterium”, meaning “little stick”. This is because the scientist who saw these tiny stick-shaped plants for the first time under a microscope was the one to name them.
A bacterium is not trying to taken anyone’s life, nor does it wish to do away with anyone. It simply wants to grow and multiply. Just like any other plant, a bacteria also requires a medium in which to grow. Most of them are quite fussy, delicate, sensitive creatures. Keeping many of them alive at all is quite a challenge. Bacteria are tiny plants. There is about as much evil in them as in any other plant. It is not their intention to cause illness.
What Is a Virus?
It is quite amusing that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, that bank requested not to use cash if possible because the virus can survive on its surface for several days. Oh, the poor thing, it can’t survive since it never even lived. That is, a virus is not a living being. Its name is derived from the Latin word “virus” = toxin. This name toxin is also misleading because a virus is not a toxin; however, it is a fine reflection of the fact that those who named it were already aware that it is not a living thing.
So a virus is not a living being. It doesn’t need oxygen, water, nutrients; it doesn’t digest, it doesn’t grow, and by itself, it is not even able to procreate. It does nothing that living beings do. A virus is an extremely small, lifeless object, much smaller than a bacterium. If it were to be likened to something, it is most like a tiny DVD that is invisible to the naked eye, enclosed in a casing, and stores some kind of information.
A virus is a passive object. It is inert. It doesn’t do anything on its own. It doesn’t make anyone sick. Only living organisms can bring them to life, so to speak, and do something with it. Only a living organism is able to produce more viruses. So a virus does nothing on its own without the active support of a living organism.
The Basis of Life on Earth
People have been misled and are continuously being misled. They are given the feeling that a bacterium or a virus is equivalent to a pathogen. False. The truth is the exact opposite. Bacteria and viruses form the basis for life on Earth. If we were to destroy them, which we are making a serious effort to do these days, we would be destroying all further life on Earth.
There are millions of different bacteria and millions of different viruses. We only know very few of them real well. They are everywhere and that is exactly where they should be. For life on Earth as a whole every single bacterium and virus is useful. For life on Earth as a whole there is no such thing as destructive, harmful bacteria or viruses. Every single one of them has an important role to play. None of them are indispensable. This is the reality of it.
One could elaborate on it for days. Here are just three examples for the above to be more tangible.
- There is a very large amount of extremely diverse bacteria living in the soil. For the soil to be able to provide nutrients to other plants, this is how it must be. If due to the use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides the number of bacteria – tiny plants – living in the soil plummet below a certain amount the soil becomes lifeless and infertile. And in time it will become a desert. This sort of devastated, dead soil is being created more and more in Europe and elsewhere.
- There are many types of bacteria in our natural bodies of water too. If we destroy them, which we are doing these days quite vigorously by discharging bactericidal cleaning and disinfecting agents into the drains, sooner or later the seas and oceans will also become lifeless
- The surface, as well as the inside of the human body, especially our guts are home to a very large number of bacteria and viruses of very diverse nature. Normally. The amount of them for a single human body can be measured in kilograms. This is normal. This is how it must be. In order for a human body to stay healthy, this diversity and amount of bacteria and viruses need to be on-going present at all times. If we destroyed them, the human body would no longer be able to function. A human body free of bacteria and viruses would simply perish.
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The Complete Transcript of the VIDEO
Scientific Medical Facts in Place of Coronavirus ...
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The Complete Transcript of the VIDEO
Scientific Medical Facts in Place of Coronavirus ...
This is a worldwide phenomenon.
What is below was inspired by Dr. Lenkei Gábor by the generated global coronavirus hysteria campaign.
What he talks about is the reassuring topics oriented towards a better future that concern every one of Earth’s inhabitants. What he has to say is not based on hearsay or rumors, but on irrefutable scientific facts. He serves only science and science alone. As a doctor who serves every single person, he keeps his distance from any political engagements. He serves for a brighter and safer future with the instrument of science.
In connection with the worldwide incitement of mass hysteria using the coronaravirus epidemic as a pretext, crimes have been committed against humanity that must never happen again. The knowledge that he has passed onto us, we can prevent mankind from becoming entrapped again.
As a first step, we should be familiar with a certain concept.
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease
What is below was inspired by Dr. Lenkei Gábor by the generated global coronavirus hysteria campaign.
What he talks about is the reassuring topics oriented towards a better future that concern every one of Earth’s inhabitants. What he has to say is not based on hearsay or rumors, but on irrefutable scientific facts. He serves only science and science alone. As a doctor who serves every single person, he keeps his distance from any political engagements. He serves for a brighter and safer future with the instrument of science.
In connection with the worldwide incitement of mass hysteria using the coronaravirus epidemic as a pretext, crimes have been committed against humanity that must never happen again. The knowledge that he has passed onto us, we can prevent mankind from becoming entrapped again.
As a first step, we should be familiar with a certain concept.
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease
- Anything that can produce/cause disease
- A bacterium, virus, or other microorganism that can cause disease.
- Something that creates misery, e.g. disease
- Patho comes from Pathos(greek) = Misery
- Gen comes from Gennao (greek) = Create
The Germ (Pathogen) theory teaches us that many diseases are caused by various pathogenic bacteria, viruses, fungi, ect. According to the theory, these have caused the major epidemics of the Middle Ages (such as the plague, smallpox, dysentery, cholera), the devastating Spanish flu after World War I, and also the epidemics of the last few decades, such as AIDS, Ebola, H1N1, or even the coronavirus epidemic.Pathogenic bacteria and viruses. The diseases that they cause.
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease teaches the following:
Dangerous bacteria or viruses appear, pounce on unsuspecting innocent people, Sicken them, and wreak havoc. Almost everyone knows this to be the truth.
But if we look at the ignored scientific facts – which is what we are going to do – it turns out that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory is stating a falsehood. Unfortunately, people aren’t aware of this. They do not know that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is false. Thus, all of humanity is writhing in the trap of the misleading, deceptive Germ (Pathogen) Theory.
We have witnessed a coronavirus epidemic that was milder than the usual, seasonal flu outbreak and less damaging to health. There was an epidemic that may be considered mild and surrounding it was a worldwide incitement of mass hysteria that could not be called mild.
All of humanity has been trapped within the subject matter of pathogens, infectious diseases and epidemics. Not only when it comes to the coronavirus. This includes all epidemics, all pathogens. This is the most important thing to know. The “trap” itself. It is the basis of all subsequent events. Building upon this trap, people can be manipulated, led around by their noses, plunged into terror, and put under quarantine. Building upon this trap, they can be deprived of their basic human rights.
Interestingly, the facts that disprove the Germ (Pathogen) Theory which is underlying the generated hysteria can be found one by one in the official medical curriculum and other scientific works. They are described there and accessible to anyone. It is true that they are scattered about as pieces that seem independent of each other, but they are there in the textbooks.
Germ (Pathogen) Theory Has Become Obsolete
Very few know that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory, which serves as the basis for the generated hysteria, became obsolete well over a hundred years ago, shortly after its conception. The Theory comes from Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). He established the theory that infectious diseases are brought about by pathogenic bacteria. According to one of his biographers, Pasteur realized at the very end of his life that he was wrong and recanted his theory.
However, should this not have happened, should Pasteur not have recanted his teachings, we can still safely say that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory has long since been refuted. Independent of Pasteur, other scientists have also realized that this Germ (Pathogen) Theory is extremely superficial. It’s very spectacular, it seems plausible, but it’s extremely superficial and very misleading.
Scientists have realized that the REAL cause of an infectious disease, the root of the disease, is not a bacterium or a virus referred to as a pathogen, but something completely different. It is a factor that always precedes the emergence of the pathogen. The incontestable refutation of Germ (Pathogen) Theory can also be picked out in the medical curriculum. So this is the first piece of the puzzle. This particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory upon which a world-wide fear-mongering campaign can be built became obsolete more than a hundred years ago.
From Theory to Dogma
Thus the Germ (Pathogen) Theory has lost its validity a long time ago, but the misleading thought has persisted and is very much alive in the mind of virtually every human being. People firmly believe that a pathogen will emerge from somewhere that will then make them sick. The theory has become dogma.
The dictionary defines the meaning of “dogma” as follows: A scientific theory that is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. Likewise, the Germ (Pathogen) Theory is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. That is to say: a dogma.
The Truth Did Not Become Widely Known
So scientists have found that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is superficial and misleading. They realized that the theory was false, but the truth didn’t become widely known. But why not? Because, in the meantime, certain forces have taken control over our very concepts of health care and health whose interests would have been harmed if everyone had known the “real” causes of epidemics and infectious diseases. These people, who don’t necessarily have good intentions, have realized that through the perpetuation and sneaky application of Germ (Pathogen) Theory..
1. People can be kept in check.
2. Diseases can be maintained.
3. A lot of money can be made.
Today health care and our health-related concepts are governed by people whose wealth depends on keeping people ignorant and miserable.
What Is a Bacterium?
If people are unaware of what a bacterium is or what a virus is, it is much easier for them to walk into a trap. They think that these are some kind of mysterious, mystical evildoers to be feared. A bacterium, for example is not, despite the widespread misconception, a snarling, evil little monster, as depicted in disinfectant advertisements, for example. Of course, this is good business, as people who fall for manipulative advertising buy a lot more disinfectant to wipe out the bacteria portrayed as evildoers. However, bacteria are not evildoers at all.
What is a bacterium? A tiny, microscopic single-celled plant that is invisible to the naked eye. Its magnitude is measured in thousandths of a millimeter, a unit called a micrometer. The name bacterium comes from the Greek word “bacterium”, meaning “little stick”. This is because the scientist who saw these tiny stick-shaped plants for the first time under a microscope was the one to name them.
A bacterium is not trying to taken anyone’s life, nor does it wish to do away with anyone. It simply wants to grow and multiply. Just like any other plant, a bacteria also requires a medium in which to grow. Most of them are quite fussy, delicate, sensitive creatures. Keeping many of them alive at all is quite a challenge. Bacteria are tiny plants. There is about as much evil in them as in any other plant. It is not their intention to cause illness.
What Is a Virus?
It is quite amusing that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, that bank requested not to use cash if possible because the virus can survive on its surface for several days. Oh, the poor thing, it can’t survive since it never even lived. That is, a virus is not a living being. Its name is derived from the Latin word “virus” = toxin. This name toxin is also misleading because a virus is not a toxin; however, it is a fine reflection of the fact that those who named it were already aware that it is not a living thing.
So a virus is not a living being. It doesn’t need oxygen, water, nutrients; it doesn’t digest, it doesn’t grow, and by itself, it is not even able to procreate. It does nothing that living beings do. A virus is an extremely small, lifeless object, much smaller than a bacterium. If it were to be likened to something, it is most like a tiny DVD that is invisible to the naked eye, enclosed in a casing, and stores some kind of information.
A virus is a passive object. It is inert. It doesn’t do anything on its own. It doesn’t make anyone sick. Only living organisms can bring them to life, so to speak, and do something with it. Only a living organism is able to produce more viruses. So a virus does nothing on its own without the active support of a living organism.
The Basis of Life on Earth
People have been misled and are continuously being misled. They are given the feeling that a bacterium or a virus is equivalent to a pathogen. False. The truth is the exact opposite. Bacteria and viruses form the basis for life on Earth. If we were to destroy them, which we are making a serious effort to do these days, we would be destroying all further life on Earth.
There are millions of different bacteria and millions of different viruses. We only know very few of them real well. They are everywhere and that is exactly where they should be. For life on Earth as a whole every single bacterium and virus is useful. For life on Earth as a whole there is no such thing as destructive, harmful bacteria or viruses. Every single one of them has an important role to play. None of them are indispensable. This is the reality of it.
One could elaborate on it for days. Here are just three examples for the above to be more tangible.
Normal Flora – Part 1
There is a technical term for the bacteria that continue to live with us. It is normal flora. The word “normal” in this case means: in accordance with expectations. These bacteria are essential for our body to survive, so they are expected to be where they are. If they are not where they are supposed to be, we are in big trouble. The term “flora” comes from the Latin word “floris,” meaning flower. The aggregate of plants living in any given area is called flora. Remember, bacteria are tiny plants.
The aggregate of bacteria living on the surface of the human body and inside the human body is called bacterial flora. Since they are expected to be there, scientists also added the word “normal” before the word “flora”. Normal bacterial flora. Normal flora, therefore, is the aggregate of bacteria that HAVE TO be on the surface of our body or inside our body. They HAVE TO be there. If we destroy the normal flora, we kill the person.
Just as a footnote that these days we are doing a great deal to make this happen. Disinfectants, antibiotics, antiseptic toiletries, preservative agents, mass-marketing cosmetics containing harmful chemicals will do this for us. We use a lot of chemicals that kill the bacteria of the normal flora. People – at least those who have been misled – believe that the fewer the bacteria around them, the safer they will be. They are mistaken.
Normal Flora – Part 2
It’s not just the body that has normal flora. An apartment, a home, a kindergarten and a workplace also have a normal flora: the aggregate of the bacteria that live there. Even a geographical region, a country has its own normal flora. It is one thing in Europe and another in the tropics. In fact, food also has a normal flora, and so does wine. If it is damaged, the wine will spoil and become vinegary. Cheeses also have a normal flora. Each has a different one, which is what makes them different from one another. The normal flora of a particular kind of cheese is part of its secret recipe. This so-called inoculation medium, which provides for a certain normal flora, is carefully protected. As we see normal flora is an indispensable part of life.
Why Is Normal Flora Valuable to Humans?
One could speak about it for days. Here are just a few examples.
Our Friends
Bacteria and viruses are not our enemies, but our friends. Just like bees, without them, there can be no life on Earth.
Here are a few thoughts about why viruses are indispensable and useful. They play a key role in sustaining life on Earth. Viruses – as we know – are tiny, lifeless objects that carry information. They are most comparable with tiny DVDs enclosed in casings. Viruses play a key role in transmitting valuable information from person to person, from person to animal and from animal to human by wandering from organism to organism.
With this transmission of information – which uses viruses for messengers – different species help and support one another by sharing valuable information with each other through the transmission of viruses, the various species are constantly developing, enriching and refreshing the genetic pool of the entire living world. This is how viruses, acting as messengers, help to raise the viability of the entire living world to a higher level.
The body feels good when…
The human body feels good when it encounters a very wide variety of bacteria and viruses. If it encounters a small number of them, sooner or later it is going to be in trouble. The fewer it encounters, the faster it ends up in trouble and the greater the trouble gets. Places where few bacteria and viruses are found are dangerous to humans. The more sterile the place is the worse and the more dangerous the situation becomes. A good example of this is what medical science refers to as a nosocomial infection. The expression comes from the Greek word “nosokomeio” meaning hospital or a hospital-acquired infection. We all know that hospitals are vigorously cleaned, and a lot of disinfectants are used. In hospitals the variety and quantity of viruses and bacteria are way down in comparison.
We already know that the human body feels good when encounters a very wide variety of bacteria and viruses. If it encounters a small number of them, sooner or later it is going to be in trouble. The fewer it encounters, the faster it ends up in trouble and the greater the trouble gets. Indeed, it does end up in trouble. It gets sick. It will end up with a nosocomial, that is, communicable disease acquired in an environment that is too deficient in bacteria and viruses. It will end up with a communicable disease that would not occur in an environment rich with bacteria and viruses.
The Wise Medical Professor
When Dr. Lenkei Gábor worked as a young doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology clinic in the early ‘90s of the last century. The story is about the brilliance of an English obstetricians and gynecologist professor. The professor was seriously concerned by the nosocomial infections that were extremely common among premature infants placed in incubators. The word incubator has two meanings according to the dictionary.
One: an apparatus kept at a constant temperature to sustain the lives of premature infants. The other, an agriculture meaning: an apparatus used to hatch eggs. This becomes immediately apparent when we look at the origin of the Latin word. “Incubare” means “to sit on eggs.” It sits on eggs to hatch them. We know that incubators are disinfected extremely often, so the premature infants were being kept in close to sterile environment, almost completely free of bacteria and viruses.
This was the case until the professor was struck by a common-sense idea to put a lot of bacteria close to the babies. He had the mothers bring in whatever fuzzy objects they had at home; a blanket, a stuffed animal, or something such thing. This is because many more bacteria can latch on to a fuzzy surface.
These objects, rich in bacteria, were placed next to the babies in the incubator; in other words, they were “infected” with bacteria. “infected” in quotes as a result of misinformation, we are now unreasonably anxious about “pathogens,” overly afraid of becoming “infected,” believe that the fewer the bacteria in our homes, the safer we are. Well, no. Life proved the wise professor correct. In this new, bacteria-rich environment, with as much greater semblance to real life, far fewer premature infants caught any sort of infectious disease.
Inoculated Rather Than Infected
Now that we are familiar with the story’s positive ending, I suggest that we introduce a new term to replace the unsettling word “infected”. Here’s what I suggest: “Inoculated”. Those who have seen how cheese is made, they know that milk is, “inoculated” with bacteria, to use a technical term. It is then put in a warm place so that the bacteria can multiply. Then the proliferating bacteria do the job of turning milk into cheese, which would never happen without them. We could as well say that the milk was “infected” with bacteria, but that’s not common language. It was inoculated. The wise professor also “inoculated” the incubators with life-supporting bacteria. And he won.
Whining Wimps
The dogma of Germ (Pathogen) Theory has distorted our thinking so much that most people today are no longer able to consider it natural to encounter bacteria or viruses. They’re afraid of “becoming infected”. The phrase “become infected” has a very negative connotation. It is almost synonymous with “the first step to disease”.
Nowadays, people misled and manipulated by dogma view the world as if encountering bacteria or viruses could only be dangerous. “I got infected, yuck!”Doctors use the Latin-based word “infection”. It means: infection, contagion; but it also means: pollution. The term infection comes from the Latin word “inficere,” which means to pollute. For too many people these days, encountering bacteria or viruses is the same as “becoming polluted”.
Asserting and propagating the Germ (Pathogen) Theory dogma lead to our being torn away from our coexistence and fraternity with nature. We are afraid of and disgusted by what is natural and useful to us. This is how we were made into fussy countesses who take prodigious care not to touch something they consider inferior, “infectious”. This is how we were made into whining wimps. We can do ourselves a favor; give up the phrase “I’m infected”. Instead, say this: I’ve encountered a bacterium or virus.
Trusting in Nature…
If we look at bacteria and viruses, as if they were our enemies and try to avoid or, God forbid, eradicate them, sooner or later we are bound to get into trouble. This is because natural principles were formed in such a way that the human body is truly stable when it comes into contact with many bacteria and viruses. Lots of handshakes, lots of contact with others, lots of hugs, petting the dog, grabbing the handrail on the tram that many people have already touched. LIVING!
Being right in the thick of it! Not being fussy. Not being afraid that we might pick up some germs. Not obsessively disinfecting, but LIVING! Bravely! Trusting in nature, trusting in ourselves. The laws of the living world were created in such a way that bacteria and viruses could migrate freely from person to person, from person to animal, and from animal to person. Far and wide. This is a natural part of living roaring life.
If We Enforce Social Distancing…
If we introduce distancing, if people don’t shake hands with each other, if they don’t hug and kiss each other, if they take care not to get too close to one another, if, God forbid, they go about with their face covered, if they protect themselves by gloves from touching things, if they obsessively wash and disinfect their hands… well, this is working against the natural order. If we do this, we weaken people. We increase their susceptibility and with it the incidence of so-called infectious diseases.
Puny Weaklings
The truth of the previous statement is confirmed by the overprotected, compulsively scrubbed, puny weaklings who fall ill much more often than smeared street kids. You surely have seen mothers almost fanatically stopping their children from touching what they thought were dangerous. “Yuck! Dirty!” “Don’t’ touch that!” “Don’t put that in your mouth!” “That’s full of germs!” “You’re going to get sick!” If they manage to duly isolate the children from nature, they sure are going to. They will catch colds, get infections, and have all sorts of ailments. They are cut off from living roaring life. Of course, they will be more delicate than their peers who eat a bit of sand, chew on a few worms, and pick up the cracker that fell on the floor and continue munching on it, and who mess around with their grimy hands in their mouths.
It is also noticeable that overprotected weaklings will be much more likely to have some kind of allergy than rowdy little troublemakers that roll around in dirt. The immune system cannot build up in a sterile environment. Allergies are but manifestations of a weak immune system. In order to have robust health, we need to throw ourselves into roaring life and not isolate ourselves from it!
Remember the incubators inoculated by the fuzzy blankets that made premature babies stronger and more resilient! The professor did nothing but introduce a bit of real life into the neonatal ward. I know that these days, perhaps the majority of people think the exact opposite. That’s just too bad. We can see what kind of brainwashing people are exposed to.
Don’t Be Afraid of Life!
Take for instance a gypsy settlement living in extreme poverty. They have grime-covered kids in dirty clothes, perplexed, how come they don’t get sick much more often than their peers who are scrubbed clean every evening, and who live in much more hygienic conditions. Many have not been educated along the perverse medical principles disseminated by the Rockefeller Institute. Much of an old mind set has been passed down from generation to generation.
“In order for someone to grow up into a healthy adult, they need to eat at least a bushel of dirt as a child.”A bushel is an old Hungarian unit of measure no longer used today, but is about 25-30 liters. This brings back a scientific maxim that was introduced earlier into plain language. For the human body to feel good it has to come into contact with a great variety of bacteria and viruses. In short: Don’t be afraid of life!
Don’t Get Me Wrong…
In the above, it does not mean to say we shouldn’t bathe, or there is no need for hygiene, that we should live on top of garbage dumps, reeking and covered in filth. We don’t need to go around like fanatics wearing space suits in order to protect ourselves from those nasty germs and viruses. There are situations in which we need strict rules. This is the case, for example, when someone needs to have surgery. Just think about it.
We have someone who is already sick in the first place. They know they are going to have surgery soon. Do you think they are afraid? You bet. This puts an additional burden on them. Say, the surgeon is going to cut their belly open, reach inside, and maybe even cut something out of it. It’s a very stressful situation! In such an event we protect the person from additional unnecessary burdens by having the surgeon wash their hands thoroughly and operate in sterile rubber gloves under sterile conditions.
It does not mean no precautions are necessary in a period we still refer to by its old-fashioned name, “epidemic”. It does not mean that given the outdated methods we use today there is no need to separate the sick from the healthy, productive and non-harmful manner. We cannot ignore the fact that there are frail, vulnerable people around us. However, we must also take care not to become hysterical and fanatical, not even under the pressure of the Germ (Pathogen) Theory, and not become slaves to exaggerated precautions.
Much More Effective Ways
We need to know that there are excellent and effective ways to prevent getting fragile and vulnerable. Or: to handle the causes of such fragile conditions, if they have already set in. Fragility and vulnerability can therefore be prevented or handled. All the necessary knowledge and tools are available. As we proceed, we will gain an even deeper understanding of that. If we want to live in a better, more civilized world without such hysteria campaigns, we need to make use of these tools.
Not Invaders
The message is simple. We need to use our common sense. We must, of course, keep an eye on people who are already helpless, vulnerable, frail people and not expose them to further situations that may be unbearable and stressful for them. However, either can we forget that bacteria and viruses are not mysterious enemies from other planets, but natural and indispensable parts of the living world. Yes, they are extremely tiny and invisible to the naked eye. It may even evoke in us a sense of mysteriousness about them.
However, our own cells are also invisible to the naked eye, yet we do not think of them as enemies. Bacteria and viruses form natural parts of the living world. Just like birds, oak trees, ants, giraffes, horses, moss growing on tree trunks and so on. If we could see them with the naked eye, they might seem less mysterious. Bacteria and viruses are regular constituents of the human body. They are not strangers, not invaders, but indispensable housemates.
Coexistence, Entwinement
The human body is a complex thing. It is made up of:
This is the makeup and it only functions in this configuration. There’s a term that’s wroth being familiar with: symbiosis. It means coexistence but it also means entwinement. It was compounded from the Greek words “syn”, meaning “together”, and “bio”, meaning “living”. The human body can only survive if this symbiosis is established.
Are There Pathogenic Germs at All?
The big mystery! Do pathogens exist at all? Nowadays, almost everyone still thinks that they exist. No problem, it will pass. There was a time, before the early 1600s when everyone thought the Earth was motionless, was the center of the universe, with the Sun revolving around it. But the telescopes that Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) peered into showed something else. It is the medical curriculum where the fundamentals were found, albeit by now completely ignored truths, radiant stars of knowledge whose light led to the question what everyone considers true, to use a poetic analogy.
Pathogen or not pathogen? Let’s take a look at a few concrete examples for illustration.
Let’s consider the herpes virus. It’s a well-known pathogen, right? It causes herpes. At least that’s what we think. Many don’t know that the herpes virus is present in virtually every person. Continuously, it resides in the body constantly. And yet not everyone will get herpes.
A lot of people won’t even get it once. Others will, but they won’t have it continuously, just sometimes. Periodically, the herpes virus resides in them constantly. It dwells in the body. Isn’t there some sort of contradiction here? If the Germ (Pathogen) Theory were true, every single person would be constantly herpes-stricken with no exception.
It Wasn’t the One to Have Changed
So there is an essentially harmless agent that resides in the body of virtually every person – the herpes virus in our case – that in most people never cause trouble, and even the unfortunate ones it does only sometimes. So does this essentially harmless factor suddenly become harmful in reaction to some impact? What is going on? It wasn’t the one to have changed. It – in our case, the herpes virus – is exactly the same when it is not causing the trouble as when we blame it for having caused an illness. It wasn’t the one to have changed.
Something else had to have changed. And this “something” is much more important than some virus or bacterium or anything else referred to as a pathogen. Because it is this certain overlooked “something” that triggers the disease, not the falsely accused virus.
There is no claim that the herpes virus is not present in a herpes rash. There is no claim that it has no role at all in herpes. It does. But it has only a secondary role. It can only harm us after we personally have already done harm to ourselves. We lay the groundwork for it; we serve it lobs. We create the favorable conditions that make it look like a pathogen.
The Circumstances Matter
The pathogen therefore has only a secondary role. Bacterium was experimented with that is part of the normal flora of human skin, considered an ally that never causes any trouble or disease. Experimental (test) mice were inoculated with this notoriously gentle, harmless bacterium. Here is in short: Conditions were created whereby even this immensely gentle, guaranteed harmless bacterium could sicken poor test mice. The mice became sick with… well, nothing, really.
With a bacterium that is more harmless than harmless. What made them sick? It was the circumstances, really, not the bacterium. If anything, even the most innocuous thing, could become a “pathogen”, depending on the circumstance, it was only the circumstances that matters. Not the “pathogen” trait. It is not important to analyze the “pathogen” trait as thoroughly as possible from this study.
The Man Who Drank Cholera
Here is a good story. It’s about a great scientist. Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1903) lived and worked in the 19th century. At that time, a disease known as cholera was considered one of the most important problems. Other scientists had come up with the explanation that the disease was caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. Pettenkofer didn’t share this view.
He was convinced that it was not the bacterium but some other factor that was causing the dreaded disease. To prove he as right he drank a glass of cholera bacillus before an audience at a university lecture hall. Pettenkofer did not get sick with cholera. He drank the pathogen. And plenty of it. Still he didn’t get sick. Oops! How come? Well is it a pathogen or is it not a pathogen?
What Does Medical Science Teach?
Let’s see what the medical discipline known as public health teaches us about this. It’s the discipline that deals with, among other things, the nature of epidemics. The textbook says: “The presence of the pathogen alone does not imply disease, only in those who are susceptible to it.”This is really valuable information. If this is so (and indeed it is), then anything can be a pathogen, and nothing can be pathogen. After all, what happens depends on susceptibility. If this is so (and indeed it is), then it is not the pathogen that matters, but susceptibility.
Then, in turn, susceptibility should be examined more closely. We should find out what brings about susceptibility. It does make sense, does it not? I we could figure this one out, we could prevent people from becoming susceptible and we could make light of pathogens. We could drink a glass of cholera bacilli, or even lie in a bathtub full of coronavirus. After all, medical science itself teaches that without any susceptibility, the “pathogen” can do no harm.
Here is the puzzling question: Do pathogens exist at all? When it comes to how to prevent susceptibility from developing or how to address susceptibility that has already developed, there is no useful information in the medical curriculum. Medical science, which itself has fallen victim to the false misleading dogma of the Germ (Pathogen) theory simply does not address the core issue of how to explore and prevent the root causes of susceptibility. No, indeed. This is because medical science is slave to the influence of forces that do not want this to happen.
Epidemics – Three Important Things to Know
The Father of Germ (Pathogen) Theory
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was an ingenious chemist. A brilliant mind. A great man who was capable of seeing the truth and was also capable of acknowledging when he was wrong. He came to the conclusion that food spoils because of bacteria. He was right to some degree. But just that: to some degree. Pasteur believed that food spoilage was comparable to disease. He believed that diseases were also the result of a kind of spoilage. From this, he concluded that diseases are also caused by bacteria. So he named them pathogens. Thus a new theory was born explaining the origin of diseases, the so-called Germ (Pathogen) Theory.
According to some biographical sources, Pasteur realized towards the very end of his life, that the proliferation of bacteria that causes food spoilage is preceded by the improper storage and handling of the food. He realized that improper handling or storage makes the food susceptible. This precedes the spoilage. The proliferation of bacteria that can be linked to human disease MUST also be preceded by some form of improper treatment. This improper treatment renders the human body susceptible. Without it that certain something that was believed to be a pathogen and referred to as a pathogen cannot multiply in the body.
So the bacterium is not the primary cause of the problem. Before it could multiply, something had to have happened that brought about the susceptibility. And it is this susceptibility that permitted the undesirable proliferation of the bacterium. If the biographer is to be believed, then, in the end, the ingenious Pasteur also acknowledged that the real cause of the conditions referred to as infectious diseases is a change in the internal environment, not pathogens coming from outside. But, for the reasons described earlier, this was not given much publicity.
Rudolf Virchow
Many other scientists have also expressed views refuting the validity of Germ (Pathogen) Theory. It would take a long time to review them all. Here are two examples.
Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) – Like Pasteur, he had an extraordinary scientific mind. Initially, he also maintained the Germ (Pathogen) Theory, but, then he came to realize he was wrong. Here is how he put it: “If I could start again, I would devote my life to proving that pathogens seek a natural habitat: a diseased tissue rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” Due to its importance, a more detailed explanation of this proposition will be provided, “pathogens seek a natural habitat:”
“Pathogens seek a natural habit: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.”- Rudolf Virchow
Let’s get acquainted with the ideas of another luminary scientist. All of these attest to the fact that Germ (Pathogen) Theory – despite being very impressive and seemingly quite plausible – is extremely superficial and misleading. In short: false.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
The other great scientist, among the many great thinkers, is Professor Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986) who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1937 in recognition of, among other things, his research on vitamin C. He expressed his views on the subject as follows, “If someone catches a cold due to malnutrition and dies of pneumonia, the diagnosis will be pneumonia and not malnutrition. And his medical doctor had probably only treated the pneumonia.” Very concisely put. Let’s make sense of it.
We now know that the trigger is malnutrition. The consequence is susceptibility and the resulting cold. This will lead to pneumonia, which may even end up being fatal. So, there is something that precedes susceptibility, as well. Something that brings up susceptibility. As the Nobel Laurate medical scientist put it, this something is the following, “The abuse and ill treatment of our bodies.” And perhaps the most important manifestation of this is malnutrition.” And this, even though a fundamental reason is not treated by the medical doctor.
In fact, it makes sense that a body which is deficient in nutrients, which is under-or poorly nourished or stuffed with foods and drinks that stress it in some manner becomes much more susceptible to disease.
There are two ways a diet can become a strain and a source of susceptibility.
“A vitamin is a substance that makes us sick if we do not consume it.”
Whitty remark made by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
According to the Medical Textbook
The medical subject referred to as public health teaches us the following:
“Susceptibility is a characteristic typical of the individual.”
This means that we ourselves bring about the susceptibility. Mostly involuntarily, out of ignorance or negligence. If one believes that vaccination solves this problem, it is called “self-deceit”.
“This characteristic makes it possible for a pathogen that enters the body to multiply in it and cause disease.”So if we do not bring about the susceptibility ourselves, the “patho-gen” cannot multiply and cannot cause disease. If we do not create the susceptibility ourselves, then the “patho-gen” is not a pathogen. If we want to be honest with ourselves, we have to face the fact that actually WE are the ones who generate the pathosis and not some kind of evil little bacterium or virus or anything else. WE OURSELVES are the true pathogens.
Remember that public health also teaches the following:
“The presence of the pathogen alone does not cause disease, only in those who are susceptible to it.”
Also, a thorough study of the medical curriculum has proven – over and over and over again – that the germ = pathogen is not really important. So the Germ (Pathogen) Theory is false. Even according to the teachings of medical science.
What is truly important is susceptibility, which we ourselves bring about.
Healthy Tissue, Diseased Tissue
Let’s have another glance at the ingenious teachings of Rudolf Virchow.
Pathogens are looking for a natural habitat, that is to say, diseased tissue. In order to get a deeper understanding, as a first step, let’s clarify the meaning of the word “tissue”.
There are many types of cells in our body.
Nerve cells, muscle cells, liver cells ect. If our brain were made up of a single nerve cell, it alone would not be able to process the wealth of information pouring in from every part of our body. It requires many of them. A single tiny muscle cell would not be able to flex the arm. It requires many of them. A lot of muscle cells together can get the job done. An ensemble of such cells, interwoven and performing a common function is called tissue. Nerve tissue, muscle tissue, liver tissue.
This way of thinking is very similar to the idea we use in textiles. A single piece of thread alone will not cover our body. A bunch of threads woven together form what is called a tissue or textile. Incidentally, the word “textile” is derived from the Latin word “textum”, that is to say, “to weave”.
This term is even used in medical parlance.
There is a branch of medicine known as the study of tissues, or histology, in medical terminology. Histology. This discipline deals with the study of living tissues (nerve tissue, muscle tissue, liver tissue, etc.) It is noteworthy that the name “histology” is derived from the Greek word “histos”, meaning “loom”.
Let’s take an example of healthy tissue on the left and diseased tissue on the right. Let’s put a “pathogenic” bacterium onto them. What does the “pathogenic” bacterium do? Recall that is a tiny plant that requires breeding ground. A place where it can grow and reproduce undisturbed. This is what it is looking for. It looks around. It sees the healthy tissue and there is no breeding ground. It comes across the diseased tissue.
This settles on the diseased tissue and begins to use the already damaged tissue for its own aims. Snacks on what it finds around, it grows, it multiplies and all this gives the impression it is the one causing the damage. But in the healthy tissue, where it does not even settle down, it does not cause any trouble. It was no problem for the luminary scientist to condense all that knowledge into a single sentence:
“IF I could start over again, I would devote my life to proving that germs (pathogens) seek out a diseased tissue for natural habitat, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” – Rudolf Virchow
What makes tissues diseased? Mistreatment. Here are a few common examples.
Recall the wise words of Professor Szent-Gyorgyi. “A vitamin is a substance that makes us sick if we do not consume it.”
For example, the damage caused by the consumption of sugar which nowadays seems to be evident to consume for almost everyone.
That is in excess of temperate moderation.
We cannot guarantee that potential pathogens will never get near anyone. After all, we already know that depending on the circumstances, anything can become a pathogen. Even a bacterium that is even more harmless than harmless. So we need to focus on things that are much more important than this. Such as the fact that susceptibility is preventable. Or the fact that chances are it can be eliminated even if it has already been established for some reason. I cannot emphasize enough that all the necessary knowledge and all the necessary tools are available to do this.
What Is a Human Being?
If we want to understand the other drivers of the phenomena referred to as epidemics in medicine, there is something that we need to be aware of. And this is the following. Human beings are not merely their bodies. Human beings are spiritual beings, souls that dwell in bodies. Only with this knowledge can the next piece of the puzzle really be understood.
The Drivers of Pandemics
If one is not too narrow-minded, it is easy find the main point in medical textbooks. Conditions referred to as infectious diseases by medicine are largely or entirely psychosomatic diseases. The term was formed from two Greek words.
“Psyche”, that is “soul” and “soma”, that is “body.
The dictionary defines psychosomatic diseases as a disease that has physical manifestation, but can be traced back to spiritual causes. It is important for us to understand that in addition to these physical causes – such as eating habits that put a strain on the body – there is another factor playing a consumedly significant part, invariably, without exception and that is the psychosomatic reason.
Perhaps there’s no one who hasn’t heard of the infamous Spanish flu. It was a flu pandemic claiming the lives of many millions of people, according to records. Was the pathogen really so aggressive? Was the flu virus’s pathogenicity really so bad? Let’s highlight the exact point in time when the Spanish flu hit because this is not usually emphasized.
When Did the Pandemic Break Out?
After four years of worldwide cataclysm. After World War I, in 1918. People had been starving for years. Families lost their primary wage earner. There were burnt, destroyed villages and cities. Misery and suffering ran rampant. Woman who had been raped and didn’t know how to put food on the table for their crying little ones. Men who returned home crippled from the battlefield or from the misery of POW camps.
Even those who survived the war returned home as murderers. Carrying the anguish in their hearts of having killed fathers fighting on the other side, making widows out of their wives and orphans out of their children. Europe lied in ruins. Both physically and spiritually. Was the pandemic abnormally severe? Yes. Is it any wonder?
If we intend to consider this as a factor, we can then learn from medical textbooks that every major devastating epidemic was preceded by some creeping catastrophe. War, famine, fear and spiritual terror were already rampant during the period leading up to the epidemic. In the Napoleonic army, the epidemic typhus breakout only became massive when they started retreating from Russia. They were fleeing, starving, freezing and were morally broken. It was the defeated army found themselves in trouble.
Let’s point out that the Germ (Pathogen) Theory dogma has so heavily blinded us that when it comes to the truly serious epidemics, we ignore the actual causes that had preceded them, and we are merely spinning scary stories about killer pathogens.
Spiritual Terror
Fear, insecurity, a lack of stable handholds, a shaken vision of the future, and spiritual terror are the most important drivers of epidemics. This is why it does make a difference how the media reacts to an epidemic, for example. It does make a difference how official health spokespersons inform the public. And it does make a difference what measures governments take. It does make a difference whether they frighten people or reassure them.
It does make a difference whether they inundate the public with talk about the terrible power and danger of the pathogen or draw their attention to the tools that significantly reduce susceptibility and are available to anyone. Humans are spiritual beings. Souls. They deserve to be treated with due respect.
Even if there is no war or worldwide cataclysm, a single individual can still be subjected to spiritual harassment.
Vaccines = Maze
Vaccines – with all the beneficial effect they might have – do much more harm than good by diverting attention away from what matters.
If we try to handle the situation with vaccination instead of preventing and handling susceptibility, we will end up in a false world. In a maze from which there will never be a way out. This is attested to by the ever increasing number of vaccines. How many vaccines do we want to deliver to a person!?
It’s Not Possible!
There are millions of different bacteria and viruses around us. We can see that. More and more supposed pathogens are appearing on the horizon. We know since the media shouts at the top of their lungs into our ears when it happens: “Another deadly disease!” It is time to wake up at long last! It’s not possible to vaccinate humanity against all alleged or potential pathogens instead of preventing or handling susceptibility. That would require hundreds, thousands or even millions of vaccines. We would need to get 10, 20, 30 or more vaccines a day. It would kill us. You can be sure of that.
A vaccine may provide some sort of protection against a specific pathogen. But are we aware of the costs? In doing so, it does not reduce the person’s overall susceptibility of a very small amount to all other possible pathogens. The person will not be stronger. A potential pathogen against which the person hasn’t been vaccinated may still knock them off their feet. Their overall susceptibility has not decreased. The person was not made stronger – on the contrary. They became weaker. Each and every vaccine weakens overall resilience and increases overall susceptibility. That’s the truth. If anyone else tells you anything else, they’re lying.
Possibly Life Threatening
As a medical doctor, it is a duty to inform us that when it comes to vaccines’ promise to protect, a hitherto insufficiently understood phenomenon has to be reckoned with, one that can be life threatening. It’s best not to elaborate on the scientific background of the subject, but we have to know about a factor resulting from vaccination referred to as an excessively strong immune response. This excessively strong immune response is very dangerous and can even be life threatening.
This “excessively strong immune response” causes the following. When a person receives a vaccine, their body seems to react with a very nice, very strong immune response, which gives the impression of a strong immunity having developed. But it’s not so! The person will actually be more delicate and vulnerable than ever before. IF this excessively strong immune response develops and the person is repeatedly exposed to the pathogen that they are supposed to be protected against, they may react so fiercely that it may kill them. In this case, there will be far more deaths among those vaccinated than among those who weren’t vaccinated.
Hastily Developed…
The hitherto insufficiently understood, excessively strong immune response resulting from vaccination can increase the mortality rate among those vaccinated by 10-fold, or even 100-fold according to certain studies, as in relation to those who are not vaccinated. This risk factor cannot be ruled out in the case of the coronavirus vaccine, which is currently being hastily developed and not thoroughly tested for safety in a satisfactory manner.
We should know that today vaccine testing for safety is far-far-far from being as sound and as rigorous as it should be. Just recall the blitz-like arrival of the H1N1-flu vaccine sometime ago. It was obvious that, due to the short amount of allotted time the vaccine simply could not undergo thorough safety tests. This omission was obvious. The H1N1 flu pandemic was one of the mildest flu pandemics of all time. Sales of vaccines, on the other hand, peaked.
Plucky Doctors
Fortunately, there is another side to this as well. It is respectable that a multitude of medical doctors and other professionals have revolted against the blatantly unscientific hysteria surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that people were being misinformed. Don’t let the media silence on this mislead us. The internet was flooded with protest videos from medical doctors and other professionals. Fortunately, this is not a new phenomenon. At the time, a gutsy health minister in Europe, Ewa Kopacz of Poland, refused on behalf of an entire country to use an H1N1 vaccine speedily developed and not adequately tested for safety.
In the great speech before the Polish Parliament, the brave doctor said that it was her duty to keep the Hippocratic oath, and to the one of the most important, ancient rules of the medical profession: “Primum nil nocere!”First do no harm. In this framework, she said, it was her duty to protect the Polish people from hazards. We have reason to be optimistic once again. Already, a great many medical doctors and other professionals have raised their voices publicly in defense of misled people and against coronavirus vaccination some wish to force on us.
We Need to Wake up at Long Last!
It is time to wake up at long last. We need to understand at long last that vaccination does not lead to any progress when it comes to overall susceptibility. In fact, they only make matters worse. Humanity can only be led out of the trap by methods that drastically reduce overall susceptibility to disease, that is to say, to any kind of disease. If we really want to help people, we ought to address the factors that raise overall resilience that is resilience to any kind of disease, to a higher level than ever before.
The appropriate methods already exist and would be available to anyone. Overall susceptibility, that is, susceptibility to any kind of disease, could be drastically reduced. And overall resilience, that is, resilience to any kind of disease, could be raised tremendously. We have at our disposal all the knowledge and all the tools to handle this problem once and for all. There is only one remaining issue. It is simply not in the interest of the entity that took control of health care more than a hundred years ago to let this happen.
False Terminology
Because of the false but deep-seated Germ (Pathogen) Theory every expression, every phrase we use is misleading. Pathogens! Infectious disease! Epidemics! Vaccines! All of these terms are false and set traps for us. Using them is on par with our ignorant ancestors believing that the Earth was motionless and the center of the universe, and the Sun revolves around the Earth. Instead of using these trap-laying, misleading expressions, we should only be talking about susceptibility and resilience.
About preventing susceptibility, handling already induced susceptibility, and raising resilience to a higher level than ever before. This would be a New Health Culture truly worthy of Man, the magnificent. And it will be, there is not the faintest doubt that this New Health Culture is much closer to us than we might think.
New Health Culture
In this New Health Culture, we will think and express ourselves in a completely different way. According to our current Stone Age way of thinking, we will talk about influenza, coronavirus, AIDS, and other epidemics. Today, we still think in terms of germs as pathogens, infectious diseases, epidemics caused by pathogens and vaccines. In the New Health Culture people will only wave their hand when hearing such nonsense upon meeting a caveman who in this modern age still tries to start a fire with flint.
People will find it funny and exchange a wink and a smile. People of this New Health Culture will be precisely aware of what they see. Some people will get sick from, say, the coronavirus. This means there still susceptible, vulnerable to people around us who get sick from basically nothing. Here’s another epidemic of susceptibility-vulnerability. This means our disease prevention system needs further development. There are still cracks in the system. Let’s fill these cracks!
The Hamster Wheel
The false Germ (Pathogen) Theory dogma has distorted our way of thinking. It is this distorted way of thinking that has placed us in a hamster wheel. We all know what a hamster wheel is…We just run round and round and round and round…And we never get anywhere. In what way does this particular distorted thinking present itself? Let us take these things referred to as a pathogen! Bacteria, viruses, fungi, anything. Based on this distorted thinking we put the pathogen above ourselves. We empower the pathogen.
We convince ourselves that the pathogen is the cause of what is happening. We convince ourselves that we are only enduring what is happening. We convince ourselves that we are victims. Well, this is the real hamster wheel. WE just run round and round and round and round…And we never get anywhere. We need to finally realize that it is not the pathogen we should empower. Instead of blaming the pathogen, we should uproot the basic reason behind all sickness. And this root is nothing else but the lack of resilience. In other words, susceptibility.
It’s time to face the truth. Not even any outstanding, brilliant, well-meaning doctor can patch up those who, albeit unwittingly, weaken or even ruin themselves out of ignorance or negligence and in so doing, develop susceptibility. Was it the doctor who created the susceptibility? If so, then it really is their job to fix it. And alone, too. “But if the susceptibility was not created by the doctor, how could he be expected to lift it single-handedly without the person getting very busy and efficient cooperating?
What Do We See in the Mirror?
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory caused the most damage by labeling the wrong factor as trouble source, thus creating a false image in our minds. We have no reason to be afraid of viruses or any other mysterious cause of disease. It is not viruses, bacteria and the like that we should be afraid of. In the morning, when we get up and stand in front of the bathroom mirror, we will see the only factor that can get us into trouble: ourselves. If we try to ignore this, we will never get out of the hamster wheel.
In the New Health Culture that is already emerging, we will not spread our arms helplessly like victims, and we will not deceive ourselves by saying: “That blasted virus took me out!” In the New Health Culture, we will realize that we can only take control of our lives and destinies by taking a look at what we ourselves have done or not done that then led to susceptibility. We’re going to look at what we ourselves brought about and we’re not going to whine about what that blasted virus or anything else will have done.
In the New Health Culture, we can take control of our health in the following way.
We look at what we did that we shouldn’t have done.
We look at what we didn’t do that we should have done.
And we correct that which we need to correct. This is how free and proud humans function who wish to be master of their own destiny.
Today we have all the necessary knowledge and tolls to live this way. Perhaps there isn’t a single person who doesn’t want to know what sort of future destiny has in store for them. Let’s have a look at this too.
What Future Awaits Us?
In ancient Greece, there was an oracle in Delphi, a place considered to be the center of the world at the time. Commoners and kings equally made pilgrimages there to find out what sort of future destiny had in store for them. Perhaps if they had carefully read the script on the stone façade of the building, they might no longer have considered it important to see the oracle. For this is what was written o the stone: “Gnothi seauton!” – Know thyself!
This message means that each of us will be able to control our destiny and predict what future awaits for one self including the needs of the body and the tools for the proper treatment of the body. One will be able to create their own fate to the extent that they know themselves, and to the extent that they know and use the tools for strengthening their resilience and preventing the development of susceptibility.
Know thyself, Learn a lot more about our self! Learn a lot more about the tools we can use to take control of our health, our life and thus our destiny to a much greater extent. What sort of destiny, what sort of future would each of us like to have? The question can also be put this way: What knowledge and tools do we need in order to create a much brighter future for our self?
What makes tissues diseased? Mistreatment. Here are just a few common examples.
Recall the wise words of Professor Szent-Gyorgy, “A vitamin is a substance that makes us sick if we do not consume it.”
The damage caused by the consumption of sugar, which nowadays seems to be evident to consume for almost everyone.
We cannot guarantee that potential pathogens will never get near anyone. After all, we already know that depending on the circumstances, anything can become a pathogen. Even a bacterium that is more harmless than harmless. So we need to focus on things that are much more important than this such as the fact that susceptibility is preventable. Or the fact that chances are it can be eliminated even if it has already been established for some reason. I cannot emphasize enough that all the necessary knowledge and all the necessary tools are available to do this.
Final Thoughts
All the knowledge and all the tools are available with which all of humanity can get rid of the misery of diseases once and for all. Health care today is still in the hands of the forces that are getting rich at the cost of keeping people in ignorance and misery. However it won’t always be like this. The forces are bound to fail.
The light of the New Health Culture has already begun to shine into even the darkest corners. If we acquire the necessary knowledge and we begin to use the multitude of tools that are available, we can immediately free our self from the clutches those who exploit ignorance and misery. We still have many difficulties and obstacles to overcome before we achieve fully victory, one that will rescue the whole of Humanity. If we persevere, we can only win.
There’s one thing that we can always be sure of. The truth, while sometimes taking an extremely winding path and often at the cost of much unnecessary torment, in the long run, sooner or later always triumphs.
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory of disease teaches the following:
Dangerous bacteria or viruses appear, pounce on unsuspecting innocent people, Sicken them, and wreak havoc. Almost everyone knows this to be the truth.
But if we look at the ignored scientific facts – which is what we are going to do – it turns out that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory is stating a falsehood. Unfortunately, people aren’t aware of this. They do not know that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is false. Thus, all of humanity is writhing in the trap of the misleading, deceptive Germ (Pathogen) Theory.
We have witnessed a coronavirus epidemic that was milder than the usual, seasonal flu outbreak and less damaging to health. There was an epidemic that may be considered mild and surrounding it was a worldwide incitement of mass hysteria that could not be called mild.
All of humanity has been trapped within the subject matter of pathogens, infectious diseases and epidemics. Not only when it comes to the coronavirus. This includes all epidemics, all pathogens. This is the most important thing to know. The “trap” itself. It is the basis of all subsequent events. Building upon this trap, people can be manipulated, led around by their noses, plunged into terror, and put under quarantine. Building upon this trap, they can be deprived of their basic human rights.
Interestingly, the facts that disprove the Germ (Pathogen) Theory which is underlying the generated hysteria can be found one by one in the official medical curriculum and other scientific works. They are described there and accessible to anyone. It is true that they are scattered about as pieces that seem independent of each other, but they are there in the textbooks.
Germ (Pathogen) Theory Has Become Obsolete
Very few know that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory, which serves as the basis for the generated hysteria, became obsolete well over a hundred years ago, shortly after its conception. The Theory comes from Louis Pasteur (1822-1895). He established the theory that infectious diseases are brought about by pathogenic bacteria. According to one of his biographers, Pasteur realized at the very end of his life that he was wrong and recanted his theory.
However, should this not have happened, should Pasteur not have recanted his teachings, we can still safely say that this particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory has long since been refuted. Independent of Pasteur, other scientists have also realized that this Germ (Pathogen) Theory is extremely superficial. It’s very spectacular, it seems plausible, but it’s extremely superficial and very misleading.
Scientists have realized that the REAL cause of an infectious disease, the root of the disease, is not a bacterium or a virus referred to as a pathogen, but something completely different. It is a factor that always precedes the emergence of the pathogen. The incontestable refutation of Germ (Pathogen) Theory can also be picked out in the medical curriculum. So this is the first piece of the puzzle. This particular Germ (Pathogen) Theory upon which a world-wide fear-mongering campaign can be built became obsolete more than a hundred years ago.
From Theory to Dogma
Thus the Germ (Pathogen) Theory has lost its validity a long time ago, but the misleading thought has persisted and is very much alive in the mind of virtually every human being. People firmly believe that a pathogen will emerge from somewhere that will then make them sick. The theory has become dogma.
The dictionary defines the meaning of “dogma” as follows: A scientific theory that is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. Likewise, the Germ (Pathogen) Theory is proclaimed and considered to be indisputable. That is to say: a dogma.
The Truth Did Not Become Widely Known
So scientists have found that Germ (Pathogen) Theory is superficial and misleading. They realized that the theory was false, but the truth didn’t become widely known. But why not? Because, in the meantime, certain forces have taken control over our very concepts of health care and health whose interests would have been harmed if everyone had known the “real” causes of epidemics and infectious diseases. These people, who don’t necessarily have good intentions, have realized that through the perpetuation and sneaky application of Germ (Pathogen) Theory..
1. People can be kept in check.
2. Diseases can be maintained.
3. A lot of money can be made.
Today health care and our health-related concepts are governed by people whose wealth depends on keeping people ignorant and miserable.
What Is a Bacterium?
If people are unaware of what a bacterium is or what a virus is, it is much easier for them to walk into a trap. They think that these are some kind of mysterious, mystical evildoers to be feared. A bacterium, for example is not, despite the widespread misconception, a snarling, evil little monster, as depicted in disinfectant advertisements, for example. Of course, this is good business, as people who fall for manipulative advertising buy a lot more disinfectant to wipe out the bacteria portrayed as evildoers. However, bacteria are not evildoers at all.
What is a bacterium? A tiny, microscopic single-celled plant that is invisible to the naked eye. Its magnitude is measured in thousandths of a millimeter, a unit called a micrometer. The name bacterium comes from the Greek word “bacterium”, meaning “little stick”. This is because the scientist who saw these tiny stick-shaped plants for the first time under a microscope was the one to name them.
A bacterium is not trying to taken anyone’s life, nor does it wish to do away with anyone. It simply wants to grow and multiply. Just like any other plant, a bacteria also requires a medium in which to grow. Most of them are quite fussy, delicate, sensitive creatures. Keeping many of them alive at all is quite a challenge. Bacteria are tiny plants. There is about as much evil in them as in any other plant. It is not their intention to cause illness.
What Is a Virus?
It is quite amusing that in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, that bank requested not to use cash if possible because the virus can survive on its surface for several days. Oh, the poor thing, it can’t survive since it never even lived. That is, a virus is not a living being. Its name is derived from the Latin word “virus” = toxin. This name toxin is also misleading because a virus is not a toxin; however, it is a fine reflection of the fact that those who named it were already aware that it is not a living thing.
So a virus is not a living being. It doesn’t need oxygen, water, nutrients; it doesn’t digest, it doesn’t grow, and by itself, it is not even able to procreate. It does nothing that living beings do. A virus is an extremely small, lifeless object, much smaller than a bacterium. If it were to be likened to something, it is most like a tiny DVD that is invisible to the naked eye, enclosed in a casing, and stores some kind of information.
A virus is a passive object. It is inert. It doesn’t do anything on its own. It doesn’t make anyone sick. Only living organisms can bring them to life, so to speak, and do something with it. Only a living organism is able to produce more viruses. So a virus does nothing on its own without the active support of a living organism.
The Basis of Life on Earth
People have been misled and are continuously being misled. They are given the feeling that a bacterium or a virus is equivalent to a pathogen. False. The truth is the exact opposite. Bacteria and viruses form the basis for life on Earth. If we were to destroy them, which we are making a serious effort to do these days, we would be destroying all further life on Earth.
There are millions of different bacteria and millions of different viruses. We only know very few of them real well. They are everywhere and that is exactly where they should be. For life on Earth as a whole every single bacterium and virus is useful. For life on Earth as a whole there is no such thing as destructive, harmful bacteria or viruses. Every single one of them has an important role to play. None of them are indispensable. This is the reality of it.
One could elaborate on it for days. Here are just three examples for the above to be more tangible.
- There is a very large amount of extremely diverse bacteria living in the soil. For the soil to be able to provide nutrients to other plants, this is how it must be. If due to the use of fertilizers, pesticides and insecticides the number of bacteria – tiny plants – living in the soil plummet below a certain amount the soil becomes lifeless and infertile. And in time it will become a desert. This sort of devastated, dead soil is being created more and more in Europe and elsewhere.
- There are many types of bacteria in our natural bodies of water too. If we destroy them, which we are doing these days quite vigorously by discharging bactericidal cleaning and disinfecting agents into the drains, sooner or later the seas and oceans will also become lifeless
- The surface, as well as the inside of the human body, especially our guts are home to a very large number of bacteria and viruses of very diverse nature. Normally. The amount of them for a single human body can be measured in kilograms. This is normal. This is how it must be. In order for a human body to stay healthy, this diversity and amount of bacteria and viruses need to be on-going present at all times. If we destroyed them, the human body would no longer be able to function. A human body free of bacteria and viruses would simply perish.
Normal Flora – Part 1
There is a technical term for the bacteria that continue to live with us. It is normal flora. The word “normal” in this case means: in accordance with expectations. These bacteria are essential for our body to survive, so they are expected to be where they are. If they are not where they are supposed to be, we are in big trouble. The term “flora” comes from the Latin word “floris,” meaning flower. The aggregate of plants living in any given area is called flora. Remember, bacteria are tiny plants.
The aggregate of bacteria living on the surface of the human body and inside the human body is called bacterial flora. Since they are expected to be there, scientists also added the word “normal” before the word “flora”. Normal bacterial flora. Normal flora, therefore, is the aggregate of bacteria that HAVE TO be on the surface of our body or inside our body. They HAVE TO be there. If we destroy the normal flora, we kill the person.
Just as a footnote that these days we are doing a great deal to make this happen. Disinfectants, antibiotics, antiseptic toiletries, preservative agents, mass-marketing cosmetics containing harmful chemicals will do this for us. We use a lot of chemicals that kill the bacteria of the normal flora. People – at least those who have been misled – believe that the fewer the bacteria around them, the safer they will be. They are mistaken.
Normal Flora – Part 2
It’s not just the body that has normal flora. An apartment, a home, a kindergarten and a workplace also have a normal flora: the aggregate of the bacteria that live there. Even a geographical region, a country has its own normal flora. It is one thing in Europe and another in the tropics. In fact, food also has a normal flora, and so does wine. If it is damaged, the wine will spoil and become vinegary. Cheeses also have a normal flora. Each has a different one, which is what makes them different from one another. The normal flora of a particular kind of cheese is part of its secret recipe. This so-called inoculation medium, which provides for a certain normal flora, is carefully protected. As we see normal flora is an indispensable part of life.
Why Is Normal Flora Valuable to Humans?
One could speak about it for days. Here are just a few examples.
- The bacteria living in the mouth are extremely important. Among other things, they protect our teeth from decay. The much-advertised, antibacterial toothpastes do the exact opposite of what they promise. They are very harmful.
- Every dentist knows that the multitude of bacteria living in the mouth makes it possible for wounds, such as a damaged socket following a tooth extraction, which is actually equivalent to a compound fracture, to heal very quickly and without complications. If we exterminate the bacteria protecting us inside our mouths, for example with antimicrobial toothpastes or mouthwashes, we are really cheating ourselves. Namely, we are weakening our own defense system, a key element of which is the bacteria of the mouth’s normal flora. As a result, our breath will smell bad and our teeth will decay much faster.
- Intestinal bacteria produce vitamin K for us, among other things. If we disturb or damage the normal bacterial flora of the gut with antibiotics for example, we end up with digestive problems. That is to say, we cannot properly digest the food we eat and this results in weight gain, getting fat, which is the exact opposite of what we expect to happen. Without the multitude of bacteria in the gut, we will never have a strong immune system. This is because normal gut flora is perhaps the single most important supportive element of a sound and strong immune system. All antibiotic treatments wreak havoc in the normal gut flora, which, in turn will damage the immune system, thus increasing the risk of further infections.
- The multitude of bacteria that live on the skin is simply essential to preserving its beauty and health. If we do them harm, by way of hand sanitizers, antibacterial body washes or mass-produced cosmetics most people use today, the skin will be dry, sensitive, itchy, easily cracking, prone to fungal infections, eczema and all kinds of allergic reactions, and the list goes on about the damage caused by the destruction of the normal flora.
- If the normal flora of food changes as a result of improper storage or improper handling, the food will spoil. It is in the interest of the food industry that its products remain on the shelves for a long time and can be sold for a long time. So they try to eradicate all the bacteria residing in the foods. By pasteurization or some other means. The normal flora of food is invaluable and would help maintain our health. A calf if fed pasteurized milk would sooner or later die. This is because the multitude of bacteria in untreated milk contributes to the health and growth of the calf.
- The food industry needs products that are free of bacteria. Therefore, as an alternative, they add preservatives to the foods that will prevent the growth of or directly kill bacteria. It’s just that we ingest these and send them down into our guts among the normal flora bacteria that live there. However, for us to stay healthy, the micro biome needs to stay alive and reproduce. These treatments are good for the food industry. What about us? What we need is “living” food to be healthy. What the food industry needs is “dead” food. In the end, the food industry does not want to eat its products, it wants to sell them.
Our Friends
Bacteria and viruses are not our enemies, but our friends. Just like bees, without them, there can be no life on Earth.
Here are a few thoughts about why viruses are indispensable and useful. They play a key role in sustaining life on Earth. Viruses – as we know – are tiny, lifeless objects that carry information. They are most comparable with tiny DVDs enclosed in casings. Viruses play a key role in transmitting valuable information from person to person, from person to animal and from animal to human by wandering from organism to organism.
With this transmission of information – which uses viruses for messengers – different species help and support one another by sharing valuable information with each other through the transmission of viruses, the various species are constantly developing, enriching and refreshing the genetic pool of the entire living world. This is how viruses, acting as messengers, help to raise the viability of the entire living world to a higher level.
The body feels good when…
The human body feels good when it encounters a very wide variety of bacteria and viruses. If it encounters a small number of them, sooner or later it is going to be in trouble. The fewer it encounters, the faster it ends up in trouble and the greater the trouble gets. Places where few bacteria and viruses are found are dangerous to humans. The more sterile the place is the worse and the more dangerous the situation becomes. A good example of this is what medical science refers to as a nosocomial infection. The expression comes from the Greek word “nosokomeio” meaning hospital or a hospital-acquired infection. We all know that hospitals are vigorously cleaned, and a lot of disinfectants are used. In hospitals the variety and quantity of viruses and bacteria are way down in comparison.
We already know that the human body feels good when encounters a very wide variety of bacteria and viruses. If it encounters a small number of them, sooner or later it is going to be in trouble. The fewer it encounters, the faster it ends up in trouble and the greater the trouble gets. Indeed, it does end up in trouble. It gets sick. It will end up with a nosocomial, that is, communicable disease acquired in an environment that is too deficient in bacteria and viruses. It will end up with a communicable disease that would not occur in an environment rich with bacteria and viruses.
The Wise Medical Professor
When Dr. Lenkei Gábor worked as a young doctor in the obstetrics and gynecology clinic in the early ‘90s of the last century. The story is about the brilliance of an English obstetricians and gynecologist professor. The professor was seriously concerned by the nosocomial infections that were extremely common among premature infants placed in incubators. The word incubator has two meanings according to the dictionary.
One: an apparatus kept at a constant temperature to sustain the lives of premature infants. The other, an agriculture meaning: an apparatus used to hatch eggs. This becomes immediately apparent when we look at the origin of the Latin word. “Incubare” means “to sit on eggs.” It sits on eggs to hatch them. We know that incubators are disinfected extremely often, so the premature infants were being kept in close to sterile environment, almost completely free of bacteria and viruses.
This was the case until the professor was struck by a common-sense idea to put a lot of bacteria close to the babies. He had the mothers bring in whatever fuzzy objects they had at home; a blanket, a stuffed animal, or something such thing. This is because many more bacteria can latch on to a fuzzy surface.
These objects, rich in bacteria, were placed next to the babies in the incubator; in other words, they were “infected” with bacteria. “infected” in quotes as a result of misinformation, we are now unreasonably anxious about “pathogens,” overly afraid of becoming “infected,” believe that the fewer the bacteria in our homes, the safer we are. Well, no. Life proved the wise professor correct. In this new, bacteria-rich environment, with as much greater semblance to real life, far fewer premature infants caught any sort of infectious disease.
Inoculated Rather Than Infected
Now that we are familiar with the story’s positive ending, I suggest that we introduce a new term to replace the unsettling word “infected”. Here’s what I suggest: “Inoculated”. Those who have seen how cheese is made, they know that milk is, “inoculated” with bacteria, to use a technical term. It is then put in a warm place so that the bacteria can multiply. Then the proliferating bacteria do the job of turning milk into cheese, which would never happen without them. We could as well say that the milk was “infected” with bacteria, but that’s not common language. It was inoculated. The wise professor also “inoculated” the incubators with life-supporting bacteria. And he won.
Whining Wimps
The dogma of Germ (Pathogen) Theory has distorted our thinking so much that most people today are no longer able to consider it natural to encounter bacteria or viruses. They’re afraid of “becoming infected”. The phrase “become infected” has a very negative connotation. It is almost synonymous with “the first step to disease”.
Nowadays, people misled and manipulated by dogma view the world as if encountering bacteria or viruses could only be dangerous. “I got infected, yuck!”Doctors use the Latin-based word “infection”. It means: infection, contagion; but it also means: pollution. The term infection comes from the Latin word “inficere,” which means to pollute. For too many people these days, encountering bacteria or viruses is the same as “becoming polluted”.
Asserting and propagating the Germ (Pathogen) Theory dogma lead to our being torn away from our coexistence and fraternity with nature. We are afraid of and disgusted by what is natural and useful to us. This is how we were made into fussy countesses who take prodigious care not to touch something they consider inferior, “infectious”. This is how we were made into whining wimps. We can do ourselves a favor; give up the phrase “I’m infected”. Instead, say this: I’ve encountered a bacterium or virus.
Trusting in Nature…
If we look at bacteria and viruses, as if they were our enemies and try to avoid or, God forbid, eradicate them, sooner or later we are bound to get into trouble. This is because natural principles were formed in such a way that the human body is truly stable when it comes into contact with many bacteria and viruses. Lots of handshakes, lots of contact with others, lots of hugs, petting the dog, grabbing the handrail on the tram that many people have already touched. LIVING!
Being right in the thick of it! Not being fussy. Not being afraid that we might pick up some germs. Not obsessively disinfecting, but LIVING! Bravely! Trusting in nature, trusting in ourselves. The laws of the living world were created in such a way that bacteria and viruses could migrate freely from person to person, from person to animal, and from animal to person. Far and wide. This is a natural part of living roaring life.
If We Enforce Social Distancing…
If we introduce distancing, if people don’t shake hands with each other, if they don’t hug and kiss each other, if they take care not to get too close to one another, if, God forbid, they go about with their face covered, if they protect themselves by gloves from touching things, if they obsessively wash and disinfect their hands… well, this is working against the natural order. If we do this, we weaken people. We increase their susceptibility and with it the incidence of so-called infectious diseases.
Puny Weaklings
The truth of the previous statement is confirmed by the overprotected, compulsively scrubbed, puny weaklings who fall ill much more often than smeared street kids. You surely have seen mothers almost fanatically stopping their children from touching what they thought were dangerous. “Yuck! Dirty!” “Don’t’ touch that!” “Don’t put that in your mouth!” “That’s full of germs!” “You’re going to get sick!” If they manage to duly isolate the children from nature, they sure are going to. They will catch colds, get infections, and have all sorts of ailments. They are cut off from living roaring life. Of course, they will be more delicate than their peers who eat a bit of sand, chew on a few worms, and pick up the cracker that fell on the floor and continue munching on it, and who mess around with their grimy hands in their mouths.
It is also noticeable that overprotected weaklings will be much more likely to have some kind of allergy than rowdy little troublemakers that roll around in dirt. The immune system cannot build up in a sterile environment. Allergies are but manifestations of a weak immune system. In order to have robust health, we need to throw ourselves into roaring life and not isolate ourselves from it!
Remember the incubators inoculated by the fuzzy blankets that made premature babies stronger and more resilient! The professor did nothing but introduce a bit of real life into the neonatal ward. I know that these days, perhaps the majority of people think the exact opposite. That’s just too bad. We can see what kind of brainwashing people are exposed to.
Don’t Be Afraid of Life!
Take for instance a gypsy settlement living in extreme poverty. They have grime-covered kids in dirty clothes, perplexed, how come they don’t get sick much more often than their peers who are scrubbed clean every evening, and who live in much more hygienic conditions. Many have not been educated along the perverse medical principles disseminated by the Rockefeller Institute. Much of an old mind set has been passed down from generation to generation.
“In order for someone to grow up into a healthy adult, they need to eat at least a bushel of dirt as a child.”A bushel is an old Hungarian unit of measure no longer used today, but is about 25-30 liters. This brings back a scientific maxim that was introduced earlier into plain language. For the human body to feel good it has to come into contact with a great variety of bacteria and viruses. In short: Don’t be afraid of life!
Don’t Get Me Wrong…
In the above, it does not mean to say we shouldn’t bathe, or there is no need for hygiene, that we should live on top of garbage dumps, reeking and covered in filth. We don’t need to go around like fanatics wearing space suits in order to protect ourselves from those nasty germs and viruses. There are situations in which we need strict rules. This is the case, for example, when someone needs to have surgery. Just think about it.
We have someone who is already sick in the first place. They know they are going to have surgery soon. Do you think they are afraid? You bet. This puts an additional burden on them. Say, the surgeon is going to cut their belly open, reach inside, and maybe even cut something out of it. It’s a very stressful situation! In such an event we protect the person from additional unnecessary burdens by having the surgeon wash their hands thoroughly and operate in sterile rubber gloves under sterile conditions.
It does not mean no precautions are necessary in a period we still refer to by its old-fashioned name, “epidemic”. It does not mean that given the outdated methods we use today there is no need to separate the sick from the healthy, productive and non-harmful manner. We cannot ignore the fact that there are frail, vulnerable people around us. However, we must also take care not to become hysterical and fanatical, not even under the pressure of the Germ (Pathogen) Theory, and not become slaves to exaggerated precautions.
Much More Effective Ways
We need to know that there are excellent and effective ways to prevent getting fragile and vulnerable. Or: to handle the causes of such fragile conditions, if they have already set in. Fragility and vulnerability can therefore be prevented or handled. All the necessary knowledge and tools are available. As we proceed, we will gain an even deeper understanding of that. If we want to live in a better, more civilized world without such hysteria campaigns, we need to make use of these tools.
Not Invaders
The message is simple. We need to use our common sense. We must, of course, keep an eye on people who are already helpless, vulnerable, frail people and not expose them to further situations that may be unbearable and stressful for them. However, either can we forget that bacteria and viruses are not mysterious enemies from other planets, but natural and indispensable parts of the living world. Yes, they are extremely tiny and invisible to the naked eye. It may even evoke in us a sense of mysteriousness about them.
However, our own cells are also invisible to the naked eye, yet we do not think of them as enemies. Bacteria and viruses form natural parts of the living world. Just like birds, oak trees, ants, giraffes, horses, moss growing on tree trunks and so on. If we could see them with the naked eye, they might seem less mysterious. Bacteria and viruses are regular constituents of the human body. They are not strangers, not invaders, but indispensable housemates.
Coexistence, Entwinement
The human body is a complex thing. It is made up of:
- Cells referred to as the body’s own cells
- Cells referred to as bacteria
- Viruses
This is the makeup and it only functions in this configuration. There’s a term that’s wroth being familiar with: symbiosis. It means coexistence but it also means entwinement. It was compounded from the Greek words “syn”, meaning “together”, and “bio”, meaning “living”. The human body can only survive if this symbiosis is established.
Are There Pathogenic Germs at All?
The big mystery! Do pathogens exist at all? Nowadays, almost everyone still thinks that they exist. No problem, it will pass. There was a time, before the early 1600s when everyone thought the Earth was motionless, was the center of the universe, with the Sun revolving around it. But the telescopes that Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) peered into showed something else. It is the medical curriculum where the fundamentals were found, albeit by now completely ignored truths, radiant stars of knowledge whose light led to the question what everyone considers true, to use a poetic analogy.
Pathogen or not pathogen? Let’s take a look at a few concrete examples for illustration.
Let’s consider the herpes virus. It’s a well-known pathogen, right? It causes herpes. At least that’s what we think. Many don’t know that the herpes virus is present in virtually every person. Continuously, it resides in the body constantly. And yet not everyone will get herpes.
A lot of people won’t even get it once. Others will, but they won’t have it continuously, just sometimes. Periodically, the herpes virus resides in them constantly. It dwells in the body. Isn’t there some sort of contradiction here? If the Germ (Pathogen) Theory were true, every single person would be constantly herpes-stricken with no exception.
It Wasn’t the One to Have Changed
So there is an essentially harmless agent that resides in the body of virtually every person – the herpes virus in our case – that in most people never cause trouble, and even the unfortunate ones it does only sometimes. So does this essentially harmless factor suddenly become harmful in reaction to some impact? What is going on? It wasn’t the one to have changed. It – in our case, the herpes virus – is exactly the same when it is not causing the trouble as when we blame it for having caused an illness. It wasn’t the one to have changed.
Something else had to have changed. And this “something” is much more important than some virus or bacterium or anything else referred to as a pathogen. Because it is this certain overlooked “something” that triggers the disease, not the falsely accused virus.
There is no claim that the herpes virus is not present in a herpes rash. There is no claim that it has no role at all in herpes. It does. But it has only a secondary role. It can only harm us after we personally have already done harm to ourselves. We lay the groundwork for it; we serve it lobs. We create the favorable conditions that make it look like a pathogen.
The Circumstances Matter
The pathogen therefore has only a secondary role. Bacterium was experimented with that is part of the normal flora of human skin, considered an ally that never causes any trouble or disease. Experimental (test) mice were inoculated with this notoriously gentle, harmless bacterium. Here is in short: Conditions were created whereby even this immensely gentle, guaranteed harmless bacterium could sicken poor test mice. The mice became sick with… well, nothing, really.
With a bacterium that is more harmless than harmless. What made them sick? It was the circumstances, really, not the bacterium. If anything, even the most innocuous thing, could become a “pathogen”, depending on the circumstance, it was only the circumstances that matters. Not the “pathogen” trait. It is not important to analyze the “pathogen” trait as thoroughly as possible from this study.
The Man Who Drank Cholera
Here is a good story. It’s about a great scientist. Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1903) lived and worked in the 19th century. At that time, a disease known as cholera was considered one of the most important problems. Other scientists had come up with the explanation that the disease was caused by a bacterium called Vibrio cholera. Pettenkofer didn’t share this view.
He was convinced that it was not the bacterium but some other factor that was causing the dreaded disease. To prove he as right he drank a glass of cholera bacillus before an audience at a university lecture hall. Pettenkofer did not get sick with cholera. He drank the pathogen. And plenty of it. Still he didn’t get sick. Oops! How come? Well is it a pathogen or is it not a pathogen?
What Does Medical Science Teach?
Let’s see what the medical discipline known as public health teaches us about this. It’s the discipline that deals with, among other things, the nature of epidemics. The textbook says: “The presence of the pathogen alone does not imply disease, only in those who are susceptible to it.”This is really valuable information. If this is so (and indeed it is), then anything can be a pathogen, and nothing can be pathogen. After all, what happens depends on susceptibility. If this is so (and indeed it is), then it is not the pathogen that matters, but susceptibility.
Then, in turn, susceptibility should be examined more closely. We should find out what brings about susceptibility. It does make sense, does it not? I we could figure this one out, we could prevent people from becoming susceptible and we could make light of pathogens. We could drink a glass of cholera bacilli, or even lie in a bathtub full of coronavirus. After all, medical science itself teaches that without any susceptibility, the “pathogen” can do no harm.
Here is the puzzling question: Do pathogens exist at all? When it comes to how to prevent susceptibility from developing or how to address susceptibility that has already developed, there is no useful information in the medical curriculum. Medical science, which itself has fallen victim to the false misleading dogma of the Germ (Pathogen) theory simply does not address the core issue of how to explore and prevent the root causes of susceptibility. No, indeed. This is because medical science is slave to the influence of forces that do not want this to happen.
Epidemics – Three Important Things to Know
- We should know that only in extreme and very rare cases does the susceptibility rate in the population exceed 10-20%. It is only in extreme situations that more people get sick. Typically, the incidence rate is much lower. Even lower than 10-20%. That means it is 10-20% at the most. This is not the fatality rate, this is the rate of those who become ill to varying degrees. Among the people who are ill, there are those who barely show any symptoms; while others have more pronounced symptoms; and there are also those who ultimately die.
- The vast majority of those who got sick do recover, and the fatality rate is typically extremely low and expressed in tenths of a percentage. Fatalities do not occur among those who were previously completely healthy or in reasonably good condition. Such fatalities of otherwise healthy people dying just like that, all of a sudden, out of the blue, featured as heartbreaking tragedies do belong to the realm of film studios, to lachrymose romantic movies, not to real life. In real life, the majority of fatalities are people who had already been seriously ill with multiple diseases.
- When it comes to fatalities, the actual infectious disease is typically just the final straw that breaks the camel’s back. IN fact, death is not caused by the infectious disease, but by the combined effect of the already existing serious illnesses and the infectious disease present at the time. In such cases, the infectious disease- typically – plays only a 5-10% or less role in the development of the condition leading to death. The degree of susceptibility and the severity of the outcome are thus determined by the person’s initial, general, overall state of health.
The Father of Germ (Pathogen) Theory
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) was an ingenious chemist. A brilliant mind. A great man who was capable of seeing the truth and was also capable of acknowledging when he was wrong. He came to the conclusion that food spoils because of bacteria. He was right to some degree. But just that: to some degree. Pasteur believed that food spoilage was comparable to disease. He believed that diseases were also the result of a kind of spoilage. From this, he concluded that diseases are also caused by bacteria. So he named them pathogens. Thus a new theory was born explaining the origin of diseases, the so-called Germ (Pathogen) Theory.
According to some biographical sources, Pasteur realized towards the very end of his life, that the proliferation of bacteria that causes food spoilage is preceded by the improper storage and handling of the food. He realized that improper handling or storage makes the food susceptible. This precedes the spoilage. The proliferation of bacteria that can be linked to human disease MUST also be preceded by some form of improper treatment. This improper treatment renders the human body susceptible. Without it that certain something that was believed to be a pathogen and referred to as a pathogen cannot multiply in the body.
So the bacterium is not the primary cause of the problem. Before it could multiply, something had to have happened that brought about the susceptibility. And it is this susceptibility that permitted the undesirable proliferation of the bacterium. If the biographer is to be believed, then, in the end, the ingenious Pasteur also acknowledged that the real cause of the conditions referred to as infectious diseases is a change in the internal environment, not pathogens coming from outside. But, for the reasons described earlier, this was not given much publicity.
Rudolf Virchow
Many other scientists have also expressed views refuting the validity of Germ (Pathogen) Theory. It would take a long time to review them all. Here are two examples.
Rudolf Virchow (1821-1902) – Like Pasteur, he had an extraordinary scientific mind. Initially, he also maintained the Germ (Pathogen) Theory, but, then he came to realize he was wrong. Here is how he put it: “If I could start again, I would devote my life to proving that pathogens seek a natural habitat: a diseased tissue rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” Due to its importance, a more detailed explanation of this proposition will be provided, “pathogens seek a natural habitat:”
“Pathogens seek a natural habit: diseased tissue, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.”- Rudolf Virchow
Let’s get acquainted with the ideas of another luminary scientist. All of these attest to the fact that Germ (Pathogen) Theory – despite being very impressive and seemingly quite plausible – is extremely superficial and misleading. In short: false.
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
The other great scientist, among the many great thinkers, is Professor Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1893-1986) who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1937 in recognition of, among other things, his research on vitamin C. He expressed his views on the subject as follows, “If someone catches a cold due to malnutrition and dies of pneumonia, the diagnosis will be pneumonia and not malnutrition. And his medical doctor had probably only treated the pneumonia.” Very concisely put. Let’s make sense of it.
We now know that the trigger is malnutrition. The consequence is susceptibility and the resulting cold. This will lead to pneumonia, which may even end up being fatal. So, there is something that precedes susceptibility, as well. Something that brings up susceptibility. As the Nobel Laurate medical scientist put it, this something is the following, “The abuse and ill treatment of our bodies.” And perhaps the most important manifestation of this is malnutrition.” And this, even though a fundamental reason is not treated by the medical doctor.
In fact, it makes sense that a body which is deficient in nutrients, which is under-or poorly nourished or stuffed with foods and drinks that stress it in some manner becomes much more susceptible to disease.
There are two ways a diet can become a strain and a source of susceptibility.
- We don’t eat the things we should be eating.
- We eat things that we are not supposed to eat.
“A vitamin is a substance that makes us sick if we do not consume it.”
Whitty remark made by Albert Szent-Gyorgyi
According to the Medical Textbook
The medical subject referred to as public health teaches us the following:
“Susceptibility is a characteristic typical of the individual.”
This means that we ourselves bring about the susceptibility. Mostly involuntarily, out of ignorance or negligence. If one believes that vaccination solves this problem, it is called “self-deceit”.
“This characteristic makes it possible for a pathogen that enters the body to multiply in it and cause disease.”So if we do not bring about the susceptibility ourselves, the “patho-gen” cannot multiply and cannot cause disease. If we do not create the susceptibility ourselves, then the “patho-gen” is not a pathogen. If we want to be honest with ourselves, we have to face the fact that actually WE are the ones who generate the pathosis and not some kind of evil little bacterium or virus or anything else. WE OURSELVES are the true pathogens.
Remember that public health also teaches the following:
“The presence of the pathogen alone does not cause disease, only in those who are susceptible to it.”
Also, a thorough study of the medical curriculum has proven – over and over and over again – that the germ = pathogen is not really important. So the Germ (Pathogen) Theory is false. Even according to the teachings of medical science.
What is truly important is susceptibility, which we ourselves bring about.
Healthy Tissue, Diseased Tissue
Let’s have another glance at the ingenious teachings of Rudolf Virchow.
Pathogens are looking for a natural habitat, that is to say, diseased tissue. In order to get a deeper understanding, as a first step, let’s clarify the meaning of the word “tissue”.
There are many types of cells in our body.
Nerve cells, muscle cells, liver cells ect. If our brain were made up of a single nerve cell, it alone would not be able to process the wealth of information pouring in from every part of our body. It requires many of them. A single tiny muscle cell would not be able to flex the arm. It requires many of them. A lot of muscle cells together can get the job done. An ensemble of such cells, interwoven and performing a common function is called tissue. Nerve tissue, muscle tissue, liver tissue.
This way of thinking is very similar to the idea we use in textiles. A single piece of thread alone will not cover our body. A bunch of threads woven together form what is called a tissue or textile. Incidentally, the word “textile” is derived from the Latin word “textum”, that is to say, “to weave”.
This term is even used in medical parlance.
There is a branch of medicine known as the study of tissues, or histology, in medical terminology. Histology. This discipline deals with the study of living tissues (nerve tissue, muscle tissue, liver tissue, etc.) It is noteworthy that the name “histology” is derived from the Greek word “histos”, meaning “loom”.
Let’s take an example of healthy tissue on the left and diseased tissue on the right. Let’s put a “pathogenic” bacterium onto them. What does the “pathogenic” bacterium do? Recall that is a tiny plant that requires breeding ground. A place where it can grow and reproduce undisturbed. This is what it is looking for. It looks around. It sees the healthy tissue and there is no breeding ground. It comes across the diseased tissue.
This settles on the diseased tissue and begins to use the already damaged tissue for its own aims. Snacks on what it finds around, it grows, it multiplies and all this gives the impression it is the one causing the damage. But in the healthy tissue, where it does not even settle down, it does not cause any trouble. It was no problem for the luminary scientist to condense all that knowledge into a single sentence:
“IF I could start over again, I would devote my life to proving that germs (pathogens) seek out a diseased tissue for natural habitat, rather than being the cause of diseased tissue.” – Rudolf Virchow
What makes tissues diseased? Mistreatment. Here are a few common examples.
- We do not eat things that our bodies desperately need. (We Do Not Eat)
Recall the wise words of Professor Szent-Gyorgyi. “A vitamin is a substance that makes us sick if we do not consume it.”
- We do eat things that trash our bodies. (We Eat)
For example, the damage caused by the consumption of sugar which nowadays seems to be evident to consume for almost everyone.
- Narcotic drugs including CBD oil that is becoming ever more fashionable these days.
- Consumption of alcohol
That is in excess of temperate moderation.
- Energy drinks.
- Medicines in excess
- Chemicals mixed into our food and mass-produced cosmetics
- Any destruction of normal flora
- That which is still considered sacrilegious to talk about today: most vaccines.
- There is yet another enormously important factor: The spiritual factor, which, even in the absence of all previously listed forms of mistreatment can make tissues sick on its own.
We cannot guarantee that potential pathogens will never get near anyone. After all, we already know that depending on the circumstances, anything can become a pathogen. Even a bacterium that is even more harmless than harmless. So we need to focus on things that are much more important than this. Such as the fact that susceptibility is preventable. Or the fact that chances are it can be eliminated even if it has already been established for some reason. I cannot emphasize enough that all the necessary knowledge and all the necessary tools are available to do this.
What Is a Human Being?
If we want to understand the other drivers of the phenomena referred to as epidemics in medicine, there is something that we need to be aware of. And this is the following. Human beings are not merely their bodies. Human beings are spiritual beings, souls that dwell in bodies. Only with this knowledge can the next piece of the puzzle really be understood.
The Drivers of Pandemics
If one is not too narrow-minded, it is easy find the main point in medical textbooks. Conditions referred to as infectious diseases by medicine are largely or entirely psychosomatic diseases. The term was formed from two Greek words.
“Psyche”, that is “soul” and “soma”, that is “body.
The dictionary defines psychosomatic diseases as a disease that has physical manifestation, but can be traced back to spiritual causes. It is important for us to understand that in addition to these physical causes – such as eating habits that put a strain on the body – there is another factor playing a consumedly significant part, invariably, without exception and that is the psychosomatic reason.
Perhaps there’s no one who hasn’t heard of the infamous Spanish flu. It was a flu pandemic claiming the lives of many millions of people, according to records. Was the pathogen really so aggressive? Was the flu virus’s pathogenicity really so bad? Let’s highlight the exact point in time when the Spanish flu hit because this is not usually emphasized.
When Did the Pandemic Break Out?
After four years of worldwide cataclysm. After World War I, in 1918. People had been starving for years. Families lost their primary wage earner. There were burnt, destroyed villages and cities. Misery and suffering ran rampant. Woman who had been raped and didn’t know how to put food on the table for their crying little ones. Men who returned home crippled from the battlefield or from the misery of POW camps.
Even those who survived the war returned home as murderers. Carrying the anguish in their hearts of having killed fathers fighting on the other side, making widows out of their wives and orphans out of their children. Europe lied in ruins. Both physically and spiritually. Was the pandemic abnormally severe? Yes. Is it any wonder?
If we intend to consider this as a factor, we can then learn from medical textbooks that every major devastating epidemic was preceded by some creeping catastrophe. War, famine, fear and spiritual terror were already rampant during the period leading up to the epidemic. In the Napoleonic army, the epidemic typhus breakout only became massive when they started retreating from Russia. They were fleeing, starving, freezing and were morally broken. It was the defeated army found themselves in trouble.
Let’s point out that the Germ (Pathogen) Theory dogma has so heavily blinded us that when it comes to the truly serious epidemics, we ignore the actual causes that had preceded them, and we are merely spinning scary stories about killer pathogens.
Spiritual Terror
Fear, insecurity, a lack of stable handholds, a shaken vision of the future, and spiritual terror are the most important drivers of epidemics. This is why it does make a difference how the media reacts to an epidemic, for example. It does make a difference how official health spokespersons inform the public. And it does make a difference what measures governments take. It does make a difference whether they frighten people or reassure them.
It does make a difference whether they inundate the public with talk about the terrible power and danger of the pathogen or draw their attention to the tools that significantly reduce susceptibility and are available to anyone. Humans are spiritual beings. Souls. They deserve to be treated with due respect.
Even if there is no war or worldwide cataclysm, a single individual can still be subjected to spiritual harassment.
Vaccines = Maze
Vaccines – with all the beneficial effect they might have – do much more harm than good by diverting attention away from what matters.
- Away from the fact that the Germ (Pathogen) Theory was never in fact valid
- Away from the fact that in the absence of susceptibility. There is no such thing as “pathogen” either to wreck havoc.
- Away from the fact that in the absence of susceptibility there is no need for vaccines.
- Away from the fact that nowadays all the knowledge and all the tools by which susceptibility can be prevented or handled do exist and are available.
If we try to handle the situation with vaccination instead of preventing and handling susceptibility, we will end up in a false world. In a maze from which there will never be a way out. This is attested to by the ever increasing number of vaccines. How many vaccines do we want to deliver to a person!?
It’s Not Possible!
There are millions of different bacteria and viruses around us. We can see that. More and more supposed pathogens are appearing on the horizon. We know since the media shouts at the top of their lungs into our ears when it happens: “Another deadly disease!” It is time to wake up at long last! It’s not possible to vaccinate humanity against all alleged or potential pathogens instead of preventing or handling susceptibility. That would require hundreds, thousands or even millions of vaccines. We would need to get 10, 20, 30 or more vaccines a day. It would kill us. You can be sure of that.
A vaccine may provide some sort of protection against a specific pathogen. But are we aware of the costs? In doing so, it does not reduce the person’s overall susceptibility of a very small amount to all other possible pathogens. The person will not be stronger. A potential pathogen against which the person hasn’t been vaccinated may still knock them off their feet. Their overall susceptibility has not decreased. The person was not made stronger – on the contrary. They became weaker. Each and every vaccine weakens overall resilience and increases overall susceptibility. That’s the truth. If anyone else tells you anything else, they’re lying.
Possibly Life Threatening
As a medical doctor, it is a duty to inform us that when it comes to vaccines’ promise to protect, a hitherto insufficiently understood phenomenon has to be reckoned with, one that can be life threatening. It’s best not to elaborate on the scientific background of the subject, but we have to know about a factor resulting from vaccination referred to as an excessively strong immune response. This excessively strong immune response is very dangerous and can even be life threatening.
This “excessively strong immune response” causes the following. When a person receives a vaccine, their body seems to react with a very nice, very strong immune response, which gives the impression of a strong immunity having developed. But it’s not so! The person will actually be more delicate and vulnerable than ever before. IF this excessively strong immune response develops and the person is repeatedly exposed to the pathogen that they are supposed to be protected against, they may react so fiercely that it may kill them. In this case, there will be far more deaths among those vaccinated than among those who weren’t vaccinated.
Hastily Developed…
The hitherto insufficiently understood, excessively strong immune response resulting from vaccination can increase the mortality rate among those vaccinated by 10-fold, or even 100-fold according to certain studies, as in relation to those who are not vaccinated. This risk factor cannot be ruled out in the case of the coronavirus vaccine, which is currently being hastily developed and not thoroughly tested for safety in a satisfactory manner.
We should know that today vaccine testing for safety is far-far-far from being as sound and as rigorous as it should be. Just recall the blitz-like arrival of the H1N1-flu vaccine sometime ago. It was obvious that, due to the short amount of allotted time the vaccine simply could not undergo thorough safety tests. This omission was obvious. The H1N1 flu pandemic was one of the mildest flu pandemics of all time. Sales of vaccines, on the other hand, peaked.
Plucky Doctors
Fortunately, there is another side to this as well. It is respectable that a multitude of medical doctors and other professionals have revolted against the blatantly unscientific hysteria surrounding the coronavirus pandemic and the fact that people were being misinformed. Don’t let the media silence on this mislead us. The internet was flooded with protest videos from medical doctors and other professionals. Fortunately, this is not a new phenomenon. At the time, a gutsy health minister in Europe, Ewa Kopacz of Poland, refused on behalf of an entire country to use an H1N1 vaccine speedily developed and not adequately tested for safety.
In the great speech before the Polish Parliament, the brave doctor said that it was her duty to keep the Hippocratic oath, and to the one of the most important, ancient rules of the medical profession: “Primum nil nocere!”First do no harm. In this framework, she said, it was her duty to protect the Polish people from hazards. We have reason to be optimistic once again. Already, a great many medical doctors and other professionals have raised their voices publicly in defense of misled people and against coronavirus vaccination some wish to force on us.
We Need to Wake up at Long Last!
It is time to wake up at long last. We need to understand at long last that vaccination does not lead to any progress when it comes to overall susceptibility. In fact, they only make matters worse. Humanity can only be led out of the trap by methods that drastically reduce overall susceptibility to disease, that is to say, to any kind of disease. If we really want to help people, we ought to address the factors that raise overall resilience that is resilience to any kind of disease, to a higher level than ever before.
The appropriate methods already exist and would be available to anyone. Overall susceptibility, that is, susceptibility to any kind of disease, could be drastically reduced. And overall resilience, that is, resilience to any kind of disease, could be raised tremendously. We have at our disposal all the knowledge and all the tools to handle this problem once and for all. There is only one remaining issue. It is simply not in the interest of the entity that took control of health care more than a hundred years ago to let this happen.
False Terminology
Because of the false but deep-seated Germ (Pathogen) Theory every expression, every phrase we use is misleading. Pathogens! Infectious disease! Epidemics! Vaccines! All of these terms are false and set traps for us. Using them is on par with our ignorant ancestors believing that the Earth was motionless and the center of the universe, and the Sun revolves around the Earth. Instead of using these trap-laying, misleading expressions, we should only be talking about susceptibility and resilience.
About preventing susceptibility, handling already induced susceptibility, and raising resilience to a higher level than ever before. This would be a New Health Culture truly worthy of Man, the magnificent. And it will be, there is not the faintest doubt that this New Health Culture is much closer to us than we might think.
New Health Culture
In this New Health Culture, we will think and express ourselves in a completely different way. According to our current Stone Age way of thinking, we will talk about influenza, coronavirus, AIDS, and other epidemics. Today, we still think in terms of germs as pathogens, infectious diseases, epidemics caused by pathogens and vaccines. In the New Health Culture people will only wave their hand when hearing such nonsense upon meeting a caveman who in this modern age still tries to start a fire with flint.
People will find it funny and exchange a wink and a smile. People of this New Health Culture will be precisely aware of what they see. Some people will get sick from, say, the coronavirus. This means there still susceptible, vulnerable to people around us who get sick from basically nothing. Here’s another epidemic of susceptibility-vulnerability. This means our disease prevention system needs further development. There are still cracks in the system. Let’s fill these cracks!
The Hamster Wheel
The false Germ (Pathogen) Theory dogma has distorted our way of thinking. It is this distorted way of thinking that has placed us in a hamster wheel. We all know what a hamster wheel is…We just run round and round and round and round…And we never get anywhere. In what way does this particular distorted thinking present itself? Let us take these things referred to as a pathogen! Bacteria, viruses, fungi, anything. Based on this distorted thinking we put the pathogen above ourselves. We empower the pathogen.
We convince ourselves that the pathogen is the cause of what is happening. We convince ourselves that we are only enduring what is happening. We convince ourselves that we are victims. Well, this is the real hamster wheel. WE just run round and round and round and round…And we never get anywhere. We need to finally realize that it is not the pathogen we should empower. Instead of blaming the pathogen, we should uproot the basic reason behind all sickness. And this root is nothing else but the lack of resilience. In other words, susceptibility.
It’s time to face the truth. Not even any outstanding, brilliant, well-meaning doctor can patch up those who, albeit unwittingly, weaken or even ruin themselves out of ignorance or negligence and in so doing, develop susceptibility. Was it the doctor who created the susceptibility? If so, then it really is their job to fix it. And alone, too. “But if the susceptibility was not created by the doctor, how could he be expected to lift it single-handedly without the person getting very busy and efficient cooperating?
What Do We See in the Mirror?
The Germ (Pathogen) Theory caused the most damage by labeling the wrong factor as trouble source, thus creating a false image in our minds. We have no reason to be afraid of viruses or any other mysterious cause of disease. It is not viruses, bacteria and the like that we should be afraid of. In the morning, when we get up and stand in front of the bathroom mirror, we will see the only factor that can get us into trouble: ourselves. If we try to ignore this, we will never get out of the hamster wheel.
In the New Health Culture that is already emerging, we will not spread our arms helplessly like victims, and we will not deceive ourselves by saying: “That blasted virus took me out!” In the New Health Culture, we will realize that we can only take control of our lives and destinies by taking a look at what we ourselves have done or not done that then led to susceptibility. We’re going to look at what we ourselves brought about and we’re not going to whine about what that blasted virus or anything else will have done.
In the New Health Culture, we can take control of our health in the following way.
We look at what we did that we shouldn’t have done.
We look at what we didn’t do that we should have done.
And we correct that which we need to correct. This is how free and proud humans function who wish to be master of their own destiny.
Today we have all the necessary knowledge and tolls to live this way. Perhaps there isn’t a single person who doesn’t want to know what sort of future destiny has in store for them. Let’s have a look at this too.
What Future Awaits Us?
In ancient Greece, there was an oracle in Delphi, a place considered to be the center of the world at the time. Commoners and kings equally made pilgrimages there to find out what sort of future destiny had in store for them. Perhaps if they had carefully read the script on the stone façade of the building, they might no longer have considered it important to see the oracle. For this is what was written o the stone: “Gnothi seauton!” – Know thyself!
This message means that each of us will be able to control our destiny and predict what future awaits for one self including the needs of the body and the tools for the proper treatment of the body. One will be able to create their own fate to the extent that they know themselves, and to the extent that they know and use the tools for strengthening their resilience and preventing the development of susceptibility.
Know thyself, Learn a lot more about our self! Learn a lot more about the tools we can use to take control of our health, our life and thus our destiny to a much greater extent. What sort of destiny, what sort of future would each of us like to have? The question can also be put this way: What knowledge and tools do we need in order to create a much brighter future for our self?
What makes tissues diseased? Mistreatment. Here are just a few common examples.
- We do not eat things that our bodies desperately need.
Recall the wise words of Professor Szent-Gyorgy, “A vitamin is a substance that makes us sick if we do not consume it.”
- We do eat things that trash our bodies.
The damage caused by the consumption of sugar, which nowadays seems to be evident to consume for almost everyone.
- Narcotic drugs including CBD oil
- Consumption of alcohol
- Energy drinks
- Medicine in excess
- Chemicals mixed into our food and mass-produced cosmetics
- Any destruction of normal flora
- That which is still considered sacrilegious to talk about today: most vaccines
- The spiritual factor, which, even in the absence of all previously listed forms of mistreatment can make tissues sick on its own.
We cannot guarantee that potential pathogens will never get near anyone. After all, we already know that depending on the circumstances, anything can become a pathogen. Even a bacterium that is more harmless than harmless. So we need to focus on things that are much more important than this such as the fact that susceptibility is preventable. Or the fact that chances are it can be eliminated even if it has already been established for some reason. I cannot emphasize enough that all the necessary knowledge and all the necessary tools are available to do this.
Final Thoughts
All the knowledge and all the tools are available with which all of humanity can get rid of the misery of diseases once and for all. Health care today is still in the hands of the forces that are getting rich at the cost of keeping people in ignorance and misery. However it won’t always be like this. The forces are bound to fail.
The light of the New Health Culture has already begun to shine into even the darkest corners. If we acquire the necessary knowledge and we begin to use the multitude of tools that are available, we can immediately free our self from the clutches those who exploit ignorance and misery. We still have many difficulties and obstacles to overcome before we achieve fully victory, one that will rescue the whole of Humanity. If we persevere, we can only win.
There’s one thing that we can always be sure of. The truth, while sometimes taking an extremely winding path and often at the cost of much unnecessary torment, in the long run, sooner or later always triumphs.
Dr. Lenkei Gábor - Scientific Medical Facts in Place of Coronavirus ... -
Dr. Lenkei Gábor - Scientific Medical Facts in Place of Coronavirus ... -

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