This is herbal medicine you're extracting a large quantity of this incredible mysterious0:06
tonic why is it mysterious science and research hasn't looked into what is in celery yet barely any information out0:13
there another reason why people don't know but we're getting there we're actually getting there hello0:20
everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every one of you0:26
for learning listening and growing with us thank you so much for prioritizing your growth in work0:33
self and love and like you know every week i'm trying to find guests that are going0:38
to give you really raw authentic genuine advice people who are coming at this from new angles new ideas fresh0:44
perspectives that can genuinely help you transform your life and move it forward and today's guest will not disappoint0:52
i'm genuinely so grateful and excited for this person for making time making space in their life for coming on0:58
and being on the podcast his name is anthony william and he's the originator of the global celery juice movement1:05
he's a four times number one new york times best-selling author and today's the launch of his new book1:10
which is called celery juice the most powerful medicine of our time healing millions worldwide1:17
anthony thank you so much for being here incredible introduction i'm honored i can't even believe it1:22
it's it's so awesome being here well it's awesome you have to do it all so it's all true1:27
hey i'm just i'm so happy to be here happy to talk to your audience so much to talk about lots of cover on1:33
health things that are life-changing things that move the needle and that's what matters you know when1:38
you're sick with chronic illness and you're trying to get better and you can't move that needle forward and you know1:43
and you're stuck in it and you're just in the trenches of it all and then something takes you further along and1:48
you finally start experiencing a benefit you start getting better like say the celery juice is one of the most powerful1:54
healing tools out there and when you start moving forward it's life-changing like no other when people are2:00
stuck when they're actually really stuck in the trenches of what i call hell basically chronic2:05
illness and they finally see the light and that matters that's why i'm here absolutely and i love that energy man2:12
because i think you're so right that so many of us today are so stuck and a lot of the time we've tried everything or i hear that a lot2:18
of people are like i've tried everything like i've been to my doctor i've been to this person like i tried my weird thing that my aunt2:25
comes up with like you know i've tried all of these things and the thing is it's not like those are bad those are all good things because everybody's got2:31
a piece of the puzzle you got the best doctors out there you got functional medicine doctors you got alternative guys you got conventional2:37
guys girls all of them they're all working hard on their patients and people people have compassion doctors are the most2:43
incredible people the compassion to wake up in the morning go to the office and work on person after person after person like they do2:50
and hear their stories and hear their cries doctors are unbelievable and the tool there's a lot of good tools out2:56
there right but what happens is there's some things people don't even know about yet3:02
that that plug into what they're doing say they're doing a keto diet or say they're doing a paleo diet say3:08
they're doing a vegan diet say they're doing a plant-based diet and they're not getting all the results they need and they're all confused and3:14
everybody's flip-flopping from vegan to paleo to paleo to vegan and everybody is all upset but when you3:19
plug in something like the celery juice and you know how to use it you can move forward wherever you are3:25
you can plug this into what you're doing it's tools like that that literally move the needle and change the lives of3:32
millions and right now hundreds of millions are drinking celery juice it's the most powerful healing3:37
movement of our time and day and i want everybody to actually be part of it3:43
because why miss out what are you gonna do you're not gonna do it you're not gonna partake in something that could3:48
change your life so i want everybody to know this isn't one of those scams or3:53
farces this is that powerful when you use this herbal medicine something changes inside of us i love3:59
that and i can't wait to uncover that with you in this podcast and in the life that we're about to do i can't wait to get4:04
into all the details but i want to take it backwards slightly sure because i want people to understand4:10
where you're coming from absolutely and and i want people to understand your background your journey and just behind the mind you know inside4:16
the mind of anthony so i want to go back to you being four years old yeah and you're four years old4:23
and you literally without any help any support whatever it is you literally let your grandmother know4:29
she's she had lung cancer she had lung cancer yeah she was symptom-free like no one knew that yeah not at all no and then they4:35
checked yeah and you were spot-on yeah woke up one morning and heard a voice perfectly clear you4:40
know people say wait a minute how does he get this advanced medical information that's decades ahead4:46
of research and science you know i know scientists i know i know incredible doctors lab4:51
technicians and they say his information is advanced whether anybody likes it or not whether the source he hears it from4:58
you don't agree with or you're not happy about this voice he hears that he heard at four years old that5:04
diagnosed his grandmother or lung cancer and from there on this is all he's ever done and people are like hey you know what i5:10
don't know do i trust this and i totally understand i totally get it a guy that hears a voice when you really know the origin of5:18
it you know it's hard but when lab technicians and scientists and doctors that are elevated in the field5:23
of medicine say his advanced information like epstein-barr causing hashimoto's thyroiditis he was the first to actually5:30
bring that out before they even knew that's what was happening and when they say hey he's advanced with5:36
this information and it's about getting people better we got to kick back a little bit we got to calm down and say okay let's5:42
listen to this because this is different this is actually really helping people and at four years old that's what5:49
happened it was information coming through perfectly clear i heard it straight in a voice right to me5:56
and it's i've been using that ever since not just my grandmother with that what happened was in 1975 in the fall of6:03
1975 had another family member with a back problem a back problem that6:08
wouldn't it wouldn't ease off the doctors didn't know what was really causing the back problem it wasn't an6:14
injury it was an inflammatory condition a mystery back injury or a mystery back6:20
inflamed problem where they're suffering they couldn't walk right in late 1975 spirit which i call spirit6:28
the voice said celery juice this is when it started celery juice for this family member we didn't have6:34
really any kind of juicer look look what year it is look what's going on we weren't prepared6:39
they had the blender the beat up old blender we ground up that celery right and we strained it with a6:46
cheesecloth and we just strained it out and and a family member was a skeptic about celery juice well what6:51
do you mean celery juice drank it and started recovering that night slowly recovering and then6:57
the end of the week out of the woods with his back problem walking and it's that kind of thing7:03
right there and yes the voice tells me what to do so that's what i've done dedicated my life helping people7:09
but giving them information that even doctors want to know7:14
there are thousands of doctors in the this country alone with the medical medium series books in their offices7:21
patients have brought them in and they and the doctors are they're smart they read it and say wait a minute this7:27
is different whoa wait he's talking about viruses he's talking about pathogens7:32
he's talking about things we don't know about viruses and pathogens that's not anywhere and also what to do which is one of the7:39
tools the celery juice what i'm more interested in because i've seen all of that research i've seen people say of all of your incredible7:46
background and the studies and the research and the fact that it's worked for people how did you start to trust that voice7:51
because i almost feel like that's sometimes harder it's like trusting your own trusting a voice that's coming7:56
through how is that process for you you know what it is is when you when you see it working8:02
in front of your own eyes you know when i was 13 years old and a stock boy in a little grocery store8:07
and that voice is telling me you know why someone has diabetes or what's going on or what's happening with them or or the brain8:13
tumor that they have or something that's going on and the voice is telling me what's happening inside their bodies and what8:19
they need you just you just it you can't avoid it you can't ignore it it's not8:25
one of those things you should say well i don't i don't want to do this anymore you know it's not what you're you're in it and you just you go with it and you8:32
keep on working you know forward to help people and change and change your lives it's so critical8:37
absolutely so how let's get on to the celery juice how did you start discovering the secret behind this herb like how did8:43
you start seeing that it had such a powerful effect like how did you first uncover because i think there are just so many8:48
vegetables out there you can make so many juices yeah yeah people have drank probably the wrong juices for such a long time yeah8:53
but then where did it start all juices are great that's the thing all juices are great they offer benefits and and a lot of8:59
people they get confused they say well why would celery juice by itself do anything for you and one of the reasons is it's an herb9:06
it's not a vegetable it's an actual herb and herbal medicine9:11
is powerful i mean if anybody's listening out here do you like herbs on any level what herbs are your favorite there's so9:18
many people that are into any kind they're into herbs that's the whole thing you got chinese medicine you've got ayurvedic you've got all this herbs9:24
are powerful and there's herbalists out there there's doctors out there natural doctors you know and and herbs are a big part of9:31
our lives well why do they do things for us because they're very healing well celery has been9:36
it's it no one knew and that's the thing i mean even when i heard it from the voice originally9:42
perfectly clear seller juice the celery it's an herb i was even like wait a minute no9:48
it's a celery stick what do you mean this is this is a a vegetable that9:53
no one cares about and never really cared about and spirits like it's not a vegetable it's an9:58
herb it's herbal medicine you extract it in a large quantity and when you do that that's10:03
when the miracles happen and then you know someone might say wait a minute you know you have to leave the10:09
fiber you have to leave the pulp juicing's not good you're leaving like nutrition behind10:15
the fiber and the pulp but what they don't understand is chamomile tea right do you eat the tea10:21
bag after you've like had can you go out with a friend right do you cut open that tea bag and say wait a minute i got to get this fiber10:27
i got to get this pulp here because that's where the nutrition is no the medicine comes from the chamomile and that's what10:33
you're getting that medicine to relax you to calm you the things that people like same thing with other herbs and herbal10:39
teas and so forth of course you can eat some of the herbs but they're better extracted the10:44
medicine so it's the power of that this is an herbal tonic and herbal elixir10:50
and what you'll see out there is dietitians who are amazing people are nutritionists who are amazing people what they'll do is they'll be confused10:56
and be like no no no leave the pulp and fiber anthony william doesn't know what he's talking about you don't you don't want11:01
to just have that and they don't know this is herbal medicine you're extracting a large11:06
quantity of this incredible mysterious tonic why is it mysterious science and research hasn't looked into what is in11:14
celery yet barely any information out there another reason why people don't know but we're getting there11:20
we're actually getting there we are getting there and and you're leading that movement which i absolutely love like it's incredible like you're really11:26
pushing that out there and i think it's so important that we do live in a time where we are allowing unique voices to come to11:34
the fore yeah you know maybe in 1975 and years after that people would have been close to these things11:40
but now people are seeing also the lack of certain research in certain studies and recognizing that there are11:45
alternatives tell me when you started uncovering celery juice what are the key issues that you're seeing celery juice benefit what are the11:52
key challenges that people are experiencing autoimmune i know there's a big list oh my god big big list big list people dealing11:59
with chronic illness when i call chronic illness symptoms that won't alleviate or come constantly12:06
or on and off intermittently but they don't go away technically what could that be chronic fatigue12:11
syndrome me chronic fatigue syndrome right lyme disease uh multiple sclerosis um12:17
hashimoto's thyroiditis lupus these are just some things eczema and psoriasis12:23
rosacea different conditions people suffer from and all this acne there's sibo all of these things you12:29
could just keep on going on things that people are plagued with you know and the fatigue is one of them12:35
that's a big one when moms can't get out and they can't get out of the house and and run the house and run their12:41
careers and take care of their children because they can barely function because of severe brain fog chronic fatigue syndrome12:48
and and not have real answers and the fibromyalgia and the rheumatoid arthritis and all these things people12:54
suffer with these are the things celery juice starts to move the needle with it's these these things it's different13:01
when someone's exercising every day two hours a day they feel good they're young they're strong in the moment they13:06
haven't gotten sick yet in their lives they haven't been there and they're trying celery juice for a week and13:11
they're like i'm not sure what i'm noticing i think there might have been energy i don't know but then you take someone who's been to13:18
50 doctors okay been through hell and back struggled suffered been told they're13:24
crazy okay or given three four different diagnoses and then you take somebody like that13:29
and they've tried everything they've been on every diet they've been to every functional medicine doctor they've been to every single conventional doctor13:34
everybody they can under the sun and then they try celery juice for two weeks three weeks for two13:40
months for 30 days for anything for five days and they're like oh my god i'm getting relief for the first time13:46
and i've tried everything i have 50 supplements piled up in my house in my cupboards i got all this food i13:52
buy every day from all these different diet plans i talk to all these different doctors i'm online looking for information13:58
and celery juice is moving the needle and it's getting me better and that's why it's here there's14:05
something really important to understand here health trends are not propelled like this this14:10
is propelled because people are actually healing that's the difference14:16
this is this is an organic movement this is a trend or something more powerful above a trend14:24
and people don't realize this yet nay's truth naysayers are too late for the party they can14:30
complain and cry and say oh there's no science behind it i think well what what else in in there's so14:36
many things there's no someone said recently oh forget celery juice you have to eat all the rainbow of the colors where's14:42
the science proving that if you eat every rainbow in the color that you're going to be you're going to fix your chronic illness where's that science14:48
there's no science on that about what someone actually healing a chronic illness moving forward because they're14:53
eating all the rainbows and the colors of course you want all the colors in the foods and you want all the different foods i never said you you know that would be15:00
bad or good or not i said that's great but celery juice is a medicine that you can bring15:05
into everything you're doing and it's really changing lives it's it's incredible i know i keep15:11
on saying that it's only because it's only because it actually is working other health trends are propelled by15:18
other things there's tremendous monetary behind it like monetary involvement pushing that trend15:24
so you take all that collagen of course so you take all of that whatever it is so you take all that15:30
apple cider vinegar so you take it all there's there's money which hey that's just how the world works we know that and there's15:35
money propelling that well you're the only thing propelling celery juice is millions of people getting benefits15:42
and telling their story without being prompted or paid to do it it's never happened in15:47
history before and if you don't like that idea i don't know what to tell you if you don't like15:53
the idea of there's no science behind celery juice yet you know what tell people tell that to15:58
someone who suffered and struggled pushed through their day and they and they realized see when you16:05
get sick you realize science and research doesn't have answers for chronic illness sure there's life-saving medicine out16:11
there sure if you get into a car accident there's life-saving medicine i know incredible er doctors i know amazing surgeons actually16:18
that do procedures that save our lives in different all kinds of different problems we have but16:23
let me tell you this right here jay okay when you're sick and you're struggling and you're16:28
suffering and you've been to 20 doctors okay you realize fast science and research dropped the ball somewhere16:35
where maybe people don't know but they dropped it and they dropped it hard because people have they people have16:41
been suffering and struggling there's over 250 million americans in the u.s that have a symptom that won't16:47
go away getting worse and that's where we're heading we're heading into the land of the lost getting worse with chronic16:53
illness and so you've quickly learned especially young you're 20 years old 22 years old you get sick16:59
you're 25 years old you get sick you quickly learn right there science and research isn't what everybody was saying it is when it17:05
comes down to wait i got lyme disease what do you mean is it getting better it's not i'm trying this i'm trying antibiotics wait now i17:11
have multiple sclerosis or what is this symptom anxiety it's crippling depression and you realize science of research17:17
doesn't know anything about these things so then where are we then someone said to me jay they said there's no science17:23
of research to your information there's no signs of research to celery juice and i'm like oh i didn't know science17:29
and research fixed every chronic ill person i didn't know we have nobody suffering i didn't know no one was sick17:34
and going to 50 doctors and that's the world today celery juice is this barrier breaker17:40
it's like okay get ready because this is one of the most powerful tools that's17:46
going to move you forward yeah i love that and i agree with you like i think everything you've just stated there i agree with the fact that17:52
science and research is measuring that which has happened yeah right it's rarely we call it breakthrough17:57
science but it's not breakthrough because it has to watch something for a significant amount of time or years18:02
you know what i mean like where is these ideas or these unique things that come out they get tested over time18:07
yeah it's never you can't test something in two seconds and talk about it yeah and science and research is amazing we need it i'm all for it in fact some18:15
incredible things do happen from it but they're usually theories that have to be proven somehow18:21
correct right and then you have the investors behind it to prove it and then in the end you don't know what18:27
you have because it changes 10 years later where all of a sudden wait we were wrong now we have a whole bunch of things18:33
we're saying now this it's this way and that's happened so many times it's really difficult for people you know it's incredible i mean at the same18:40
level i've seen people say why drink celery juice you're better off just putting a little bit of sea salt or a18:46
little bit of himalayan rock salt right in your water and it'll do better because because research in science doesn't know18:53
anything about celery juice research and science doesn't know anything about putting himalayan sea salt in your water and then that's in the19:00
same breath they'll say something research and science hasn't even studied yet either and they'll say well make sure you do this put salt in your19:06
water it's going to help you so much better than celery juice because there's no signs behind celery juice it's almost like do you know what you19:12
just said is incredible so well i didn't know there was so much hate for celery juice well you know you19:18
know what it is is that you people got a lot of time on their hands you're gonna be like hating on celery juice it doesn't sound like the19:23
worst thing to hate when you have something this powerful yeah and moving forward to this degree and this fast19:29
you got all the stores selling out with their celery it's all it's all going you got farms scrambling19:35
to actually grow it as fast as they can and then and get land up and grow it and grow you know19:41
farms don't make any money i mean they're all subsidized most of them you know how they struggle as it is when you see all that people start19:47
getting this they're getting nervous and then when celery juice is helping millions of people really fast it i19:53
think it's a threat in many ways to so many industries so yeah no there's19:58
love for celery juice tons of love out there but also you got the people saying hey wait a minute20:04
leave your fiber and pulp in there no leave your fiber and pulp and all the other vegetables and stuff use it but this extract it like a20:12
medicine right tell me about some of the stories that you've seen in your life of people's transformations20:18
whether it was from a chronic illness just tell me a couple of one or two stories or examples where you've really seen people20:24
who've transformed through celery juice debilitating eczema debilitating psoriasis where people20:32
suffer they can't get they can't wear clothes they can't leave the house because they20:37
can't put clothing on their skin and they're just doing the steroids they've tried the steroids they've tried20:42
different things they've seen so many doctors they suffer their skin's cracking and bleeding everywhere20:48
and celery juice brought into their their lives and used correctly like i20:54
talked about in the celery juice book and it it it gets them to clear it up20:59
they start to see benefits i mean miraculous cases reversed it's it's incredible i'm not just21:05
talking about it got a little bit better i know many cases many of them over the years21:10
and now today where they get rid of that debilitating eczema where they were crying they cried they21:17
had to be on painkillers they couldn't even move their arms and legs and they got through it on the other21:24
side of it also debilitating chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia multiple sclerosis getting people21:30
forward with that people with lyme disease celery juice is all of a sudden the very thing that's now changing everything with21:36
their diagnosis that they've got or no diagnosis where doctors are confused and they're just sick and they're home21:43
and they got high anxiety and depression i've seen this celery juice do something for these people21:48
but for decades i've seen it before it exploded before the publication of the21:54
medical medium series books in 2015 you know it was already building it was21:59
a quiet storm i think it snuck up on everybody it snuck up on the world i think this22:04
health trend or whatever we want to call it now has snuck up in a way and became a tidal wave just22:11
last year it finally became this big tidal wave and i always say to people you know what if you learn about it now22:18
and you know it's it's important so yeah and i also think that it's a tidal wave for those who are really looking22:25
and then there is a lot of us who are interested but we don't find out until someone brings it to22:31
the front of our minds the front of eyes you know what i mean it's like until someone really breaks it down for you like you have in22:37
this book like until someone really explains you the process of why it works how to take it yeah like you've done in this book like i feel22:43
like even then if that doesn't happen a lot of these trends just go over our heads absolutely right and for most people22:49
because these trends feel like it's still too hard yeah or it's like a short-term thing like oh i'm gonna watch22:54
some i watch the video i'm gonna try it for a week yeah but i don't have a process yeah tell us about the process that you23:00
outlined in this book and how you've made it so simple you know there's there's there's over 100 questions always asked how do i drink celery juice23:06
what do i do do i do i put my blender with my other food it's all that it has to be by itself it has to be by itself in a23:13
certain amount 16 ounces is where you want to be to start with it's 16 ounces of it23:19
juiced fresh very fresh very important so you could juice it at home fresh okay23:25
you can go to a juice place i i do recommend don't do the hpp23:31
thing which is high pressure pasteurization i mean there's nothing wrong with hpp i mean you can do other juices that are23:36
hpp you go into health food stores grocery stores you see all those drinks they look like they're really fresh they23:42
look like they were just done yesterday but they got a date on them for a couple weeks because it's high pressure pasteurization23:48
now i noticed that that's happening with celery juice don't get confused by that don't pick that one because if you pick23:54
that one it's going to be hindered it's going to lose its its healing benefits it's potency24:00
exactly you want to juice fresh go to your juice bars go to health food stores that will juice it right in front of you24:06
make sure it's done right there do it at home and that's where the magic happens so there is going to be there24:11
there is a confusion developing where you know you get the bottled celery juice now sitting on there and people like well that must be as good as24:17
everything else and if they're not experiencing the benefits they they need from drinking it then they get they get thwarted by it they get pushed24:24
off by it yeah so yeah that's just one example i answer lots of questions can you do while you're pregnant yeah you can do celery24:30
juice can you do it while you're breastfeeding yes so there's just so many questions these are just a few24:35
yeah and it has to be consumed straight after it can't be that's why you want to you can wait a little bit you can wait24:41
hours later you can even wait a day later have it in the fridge have it in the fridge but and that will still be24:47
better than say something like in the store at high pressure pass ratio you know and there with a shelf with a long shelf but ideally straight away24:53
yeah ideally that's gonna have the most potency yeah and talk about what's in it that hasn't been24:58
discovered yet and if someone says well how would he know this voice he hears how would i know epstein-barr25:05
was the cause of thyroid problems and i was the guy long before talking about it everywhere25:11
talking about it the doctors talking about them publishing and everything else and and and now they're saying hey science and25:17
research just found there's a link to epstein-barr to thyroid disease thyroid disorders same25:23
thing with the celery juice yes i hear the information i know what's in it there's something called sodium25:29
cluster salts that's the antiviral that's the that's the po that's the phytochemical compound it's25:37
this sodium cluster salt somebody might say well what is that it's a subgroup of sodium undiscovered by research and science you25:44
think that we only have one type of sodium that's it on the planet and that's it no there's more than that it's a25:50
subgroup it's a different thing going on in celery it's not in anything else they're gonna find it down the road they25:55
probably won't call it sodium cluster salts they're not going to give me that credit they're probably not going to pat me on the back26:01
and be like yeah you're they're going to name it something else obviously but that's what it is it kills bugs26:07
here's the deal i'll just simplify it people are sick because they got bugs26:13
that's it your your hashimoto's thyroiditis your rheumatoid arthritis bugs cause this it's not your body26:20
attacking itself it's bugs it's pathogens it's viruses it's bacteria so when26:26
people have their fibro there's a bug involved that's what this is chronic fatigue syndrome there's a26:31
bug so what's going on is we're filled with bugs i know that's kind of annoying we've got viruses like epstein-barr26:38
we've got the simplexes in us wreaking havoc we got the hh v6s we have shingles viruses we26:43
have bacteria and people have these bugs in them we live with them they create inflammation meanwhile26:51
the food wars that are going on the vegans against the paleos and and the keto and everything else and everybody's fighting each other but26:56
nobody realizes you guys are all dealing with epstein bars dealing with streptococcus you're dealing with strep27:03
and and different viruses and the reason why celery juice is working is because the sodium cluster salts and celery27:08
juice is annihilating a lot of bugs in people it's breaking it down it's killing them it's cleaning up their livers it's27:14
getting the bugs out of the livers and that's why their inflammation is actually getting better and better wow amazing and and i was looking at27:21
something you were saying about how it's blocked it's also stopping the vicious cycle of addiction yeah which is incredible how does that27:27
work well yeah that seems like a totally different challenge in in my head at least like from an uninformed point of view so27:33
how is celery juice even helping people with addiction well you know what it revives your liver it starts restoring your liver can27:38
actually hold more what's called glycogen glucose because that's what it needs to27:44
do it needs to store glucose and glycogen the very thing that we it's the very thing that27:49
runs our blood sugar throughout our body when our blood sugar is unstable and it's imbalanced we tend to27:56
fall prey to addiction really easy plus electrolytes we all28:01
lack electrolytes so when you eat a food of any kind or you drink water you get some electrolytes naturally occurring28:07
any kind of food you eat there's a natural occurring electrolyte going on there right well those are pieces you're collecting28:14
all day long what did you have for breakfast there's some electrolytes in it what did you have for lunch there's a few more28:19
electrolytes in it and then dinner a few more or during the day there's electrolytes in things we're28:24
consuming but we're never getting enough at once we're never getting the whole28:30
electrolyte the whole electrolyte family at once right on the neurons right with the28:36
neurotransmitter chemicals using them right all of this happening celery juice is like a complete28:41
electrolyte still undiscovered by research and science of course research knows that there's antioxidants in celery28:47
juice of course they know there's vitamin a and k in there it's funny and i've heard somebody say maybe people are getting better because28:53
the vitamin a and k and i'm like what about the vitamin a and k that's in every other fruit and vegetable what about28:59
all of that plus all the supplements people are you're still not moving forward why is this doing it29:04
does it have a different vitamin a and k what it does have though is has a full complete electrolyte it goes to the29:11
brain fast and easy clings onto the neurons revives tire dehydrated neurotransmitter chemicals29:18
starts to actually bring those back so your electrical impulses fire fast so you could be quick talking so29:23
you can actually hear you can actually think what you're saying it all comes the brain fog goes away everything starts clearing up29:29
and those when those electrolytes hit those neurons and spark that fire and those electrical29:35
impulses are cruising through those neurons and that is precious that is like29:41
gold right there and that's another reason why addiction could stop so you want to bring it back to addiction when29:46
those electrolytes are hitting all those neurons your electrical impulses are firing and running through those neurons29:51
and all that's happening and you're starting to think clear and your brain fog's back and down you you don't fall prey to addiction29:58
right there that alone there's the blood sugar starts to balance out because your liver is healing and getting better30:04
your glucose reserves in your in your in your liver are storing back up so it can control part of the30:10
blood sugar problem that we deal with because it's not just the pancreas and when all that's happening you get30:15
stronger your mind gets stronger your control gets stronger you get you know what you take control over your30:21
life and that's with celery juice if you want one simple thing for me right there you know what use celery juice to help30:28
take control over your life absolutely because it can it can be one of those tools i'm not saying it fixes30:34
everything and anything in one shot i'm not saying this is literally the miracle that will30:40
fix it all no because everybody else is doing good things this is that thing that pushes it30:46
over the edge absolutely to where you need to go and that's what i mean your energy and your30:51
your love for celery juice is infectious and contagious i don't know anyone in this room right now who is not30:56
dedicated to at least testing it which is awesome but but tell me about some of the lifestyle and31:02
diet habits that can cause a conflict or negate the amazing benefits of celery juice what is31:08
it that we're doing in our lifestyle or our diet that could slow down or go against the31:14
benefits of celery all right i'll tell you right now look i know this is going to get everybody upset okay in the audience but probably not31:21
everybody but most everybody if you if there's something to take out of your diet wherever you stand whatever31:28
idle you're on whatever diet belief system you are that you're that you're involved with subscribe to31:33
whatever it is you take you need to take eggs out so chicken eggs have to come out of your31:39
diet now i hate to be the breaker of this news or the person that has to break this news to everybody31:45
but what i want to tell you is the most important part the most important part of this podcast31:50
probably for anybody to take in is we live with these bugs inside of us that create all of our illnesses31:56
whether it's not happening now say we're younger but it'll happen later when we're turning 40. it'll happen later when we're 4532:03
it'll have whatever it is we have these bugs in us like the viruses and the bacteria the pathogens that are32:09
in us eggs feed the pathogens bottom line no matter what you believe in out there whatever32:15
diet system whatever you believe in protein and macros whatever you're talking about in your life that you believe in whether you're trainers32:21
whether you're nutritionists whether you're doctors whatever it is just know that when you eat the eggs32:27
it feeds the pathogens and i hate to break it to everybody but pathogens come from sources they come from places32:33
they come from petri dishes they come from labs a long time ago and you know how they were raised they32:38
were raised by being fed food one of the foods that fed them was chicken eggs we eat the eggs we feed32:44
our viruses and we get sicker slowly over time celery juice is getting you better32:50
it's killing pathogens but if you keep on feeding your pathogens then it's kind of working against you32:55
right so that's a powerful tool right that's it crazy i mean i haven't eaten eggs for 16 years but i had no idea that i've never heard anyone33:03
raise that about eggs before yeah well it's information you're not going to hear anywhere else and that's that's why33:08
people heal with medical medium information is because it's finally new information33:13
information that is different that no one even knew or thought about or understood and that's one of them33:20
right there same thing with the gluten the gluten the gluten everybody thought gluten was just inflammatory33:26
nobody knew gluten actually is inflammatory because it feeds the bugs too oh wow i brought that to33:32
town so whether anybody likes it or not i brought that and they may say hey well he hears a voice so i don't want that33:38
information but no guess what they'll find that out pretty soon i think even more people are33:43
talking about i think doctors are talking about it now because i've been putting it out there for so many years33:48
the reason why people get sick on gluten and then someone else doesn't get sick on gluten because you realize you can be 90 years old eating33:55
gluten all your whole life you could be like 50 years old you you've eaten it your whole life you've never had a problem with gluten34:01
and then someone can't even eat it at 16 18 25 yeah and they have to take it out34:07
because they have certain pathogens inside their body they're feeding off of gluten itself and then creating inflammation it's not the gluten34:13
creating it so that's why that should be out too you know you should get that out too but there's a reason you should get gluten34:20
out it's not like oh well he's just saying no gluten because everybody says that no there's a reason i know that reason34:26
learn about it it'll help you absolutely amazing and are there any other lifestyle habits that uh could work against this34:33
it could work against people absolutely what i mean absolutely i'm not seeing the benefits absolutely it could be you could be34:39
totally doing something else incredible incredible no an amazing question thank you for asking so here's what you got to be concerned34:45
about when you're using celery juice to not bombard your celery34:50
juice with food too close to it if you're drinking your celery juice and it's not in an empty stomach you're not34:56
getting the the benefits it has to be on an empty stomach 16 ounces on an empty stomach is critical35:02
that's what morning is best if you got to do the afternoon fine and try to keep food away from it so35:07
if you any lifestyle of eating whatever you've adopted with any kind of food lifestyle whatsoever35:12
you just need that celery juice on an empty stomach away from those other foods that that right there is critical35:18
morning or evening makes a difference so morning's always best is that empty stomach in the morning that hydrochloric35:24
acid gets built up everything you know and that's another part i want to talk about that digestion how the hcl builds up when you're35:30
drinking cellular juice why it builds up how the stomach glands receive the the celery juice35:37
and how they actually recharge and give you hot you strong hcl hydrochloric acid and then35:42
you break down your food and your food doesn't rot inside of you and you actually get stronger your digestion and your bloating goes down35:49
that's another thing too that's really powerful wow that's that's super powerful i didn't had no idea35:54
so with with the with it having in the morning how long after do you eat breakfast okay you know try to give 20 minutes 2036:00
minutes 20 minutes after the celery juice is great okay half an hour probably even better36:06
you know somewhere around 20 minutes to a half an hour i like a half an hour really being solid like that but if someone needs fuel36:12
and they're doing something or they're running out of the house or whatever i totally understand it but try to do empty stomach try not to36:18
do coffee with it try not to put anything in that celery juice if you throw apple cider vinegar in it you just killed it36:24
just killed i saw somebody out there saying i'm gonna put my collagen powder in here i'm36:30
like you just destroyed your celery juice you're not gonna see the benefits so you can't yeah you have to keep it clean and not multiple times per day36:36
just once a day no you do the celery juice once a day but i like a lot of people that have chronic illness do it twice a day okay36:42
32 ounces do do do you know at the beginning 16 ounces do 16 ounces at the end of the day36:48
absolutely and try not to have it with food that's the goal but the truth is you get the celery36:54
juice in you any way you possibly can you're gonna get some benefits but these are maximizing it this is why the book's37:00
critical the book gives you all the information to how to really do this right and if you think there isn't37:06
a lot of information to it wait till you read the book and then your mind is blown and you're just like oh my god i can't believe37:12
what can be done with celery juice including like oral therapies and stuff or problems that people37:18
have like they have you know ulcers and all this stuff in their mouth and this book is actually explained so much37:24
and here's the most important part i love about this book is that there's almost 200 symptoms and37:30
conditions i talk about inside this book and what celery juice can do for it and why it's37:35
working so if you have something you're suffering with i talk about how the celery juice is helping you and i love one of the things37:41
i do love about the book seeing is i don't think there's ever been an audiophile that has the word celery37:47
mentioned more than this scene right now which is awesome which i love but what i love about the book is you also have a whole chapter dedicated37:53
to if people can't access celery and alternatives that they can take yeah which i thought was really refreshing37:59
i was like oh wow this is you know it's a book about senator just be like hey if you can't get it i mean and i don't know why people can't38:05
get it but maybe you can tell me that but if there are places people can't access it you suggest some alternatives yeah share those with us yeah absolutely38:11
there's no way to get celery juice you cannot you can't get it it's not even possible or just it's just not around38:18
and there's nothing you can do you know there's other things you can do i like the cucumber juice it won't do what38:23
celery just does i don't want anybody confused but it does some different things it hydrates the body in a different way38:29
than anything else could out there you know it does hydrate the body it does it does things that are really good for us it's very38:35
cleansing very purifying it won't it won't do what celery juice does but it could be something you do38:40
for a week before you can find the celery juice again so you know juicing cucumbers is actually helpful and someone someone38:47
said to me recently said okay so what so let's just start juicing different things and that's gonna no no no no this cucumber juice isn't38:53
gonna do it it just isn't but it's it's one of those backups to get you by for a little bit like a week38:59
or a few days and and but that's about it i mean honestly it's it's gonna have to be the39:04
celery juice or it's really in the end no go for what you're really yeah what you're really and i know you cover in here but i i39:10
wanted to raise this because i know so much not just of my audience but just so many people in the world today we're reading39:16
studies about it all the time mental health depression anxiety stress what's celery juice doing39:21
on a deeper level for stress anxiety and depression well it's the ultimate adrenal you know39:26
stabilizer that's the other that's the other thing with this celery juice i mean it's so helpful you got the electrolytes39:33
got the sodium cluster salts you got the heavy electrolytes in there and adrenals need that that's so39:38
important the other thing is brain that that's the other thing when you're dealing with electrolytes and and39:44
neurotransmitter chemicals electrical impulses and that's in neurons you're talking39:49
about de-stressing because here's the deal we our brains get dirty toxins in them39:55
heavy metals mercury aluminum cadmium lead nickel copper they get into40:02
our brain you know someone said to me they were like hey i don't have any metal in my head what are you talking about i said40:08
do you ever have a fluoride treatment did you ever have a fluoride i had tons of those all through my life i go that's a40:15
byproduct of aluminum right there byproduct of aluminum means it's still aluminum40:20
it is part aluminum in a different form it goes to the brain directly so when you have that fluoride40:27
treatment you're getting aluminum in there it's in there has it left no there's nothing you're doing in your life to40:33
remove it we also get mercury in the brain really easy we come into this world with mercury in us from our forefathers40:40
and four mothers well that's the whole thing our ancestors give us mercury it's passed down it doesn't just it doesn't40:47
leave it gets constantly passed down generation to generation to generation and it sits in us and it sits in our40:53
brain it sits in other places and it even could trigger off higher anxiety in people it can trigger off depression40:58
having that mercury having those other metals inside of us and we collect them here they're in our water they're in other41:04
sources we just get it in us celery juice helps loosen up those metals stop41:10
stops them from oxidizing so they don't rust in our brain so they don't break down our brain41:15
tissue or glial cells and other parts of our brain it's critical it's just such a critical part of41:20
anxiety and depression celery just does help with it and i love that because we're talking about this simple antidote41:27
in one sense yeah which is actually in fact mental and physical health yeah which is actually quite rare41:32
because usually we look at them as separate usually it's true okay i do this for my body and i do this for my mind yeah but41:37
here you've got one thing that's actually helping both yeah i've run across so many people and seen it throughout the years and you see it on41:43
the internet now my depression is alleviating you know my anxiety is getting better things are getting better just from41:49
doing the celery juice crippling anxiety is so debilitating people can't leave their41:54
houses i've seen people suffer so greatly over the years you know and when you don't have anxiety42:00
you may not realize what they're going through you may not know what they're going through when you don't have anxiety42:05
because it's hard to like get into that person's shoes when you don't have it yourself it it doesn't really make sense what do42:12
you mean you have anxiety what do you mean you can't function like what do you mean you can't get out of the house and get in the car and you42:17
got to take anxiety medication because here's the deal when you're when you haven't been to a lot of doctors42:23
and you haven't struggled with your health it's hard to get in touch with the ones that are struggling it's42:28
an entirely different crew you know when i get interviewed a lot when media interviews me and i tell42:34
them chronic illness people are suffering they're struggling they never put that in there ever that's why42:39
i have tremendous respect for your podcast for what we're doing right here because i'm able to talk about the ones42:44
that i fight for every single day because that's what i do that's what i do i fight for the people who are chronically ill and they don't get42:50
heard that's the thing i've been a messenger for them i've been a voice for them all these years to the people that42:57
are smart enough to know science and research hasn't had the answers for them and doctors know that they haven't had the answers43:03
that they needed to move forward and they suffered and struggled anxiety is one of those pieces of it it's crippling43:08
it can really stop someone from enjoying their life not enjoying working you know43:14
functioning taking care of things going to school and you know i've seen people hey my anxiety is starting to alleviate a43:20
little bit more and it's worth everything it is worth even if you knock down that anxiety down43:25
50 25 the difference is someone being able to stay out all day or43:31
work a day in their career or start writing or do something with their life think about43:36
how empowering that is and celery juice when that does that for somebody with anxiety and you see that happen43:42
you're like oh my god i'm going to fight for this i'm going to fight for the celery juice i don't care what it takes i'm going to put myself on the firing43:48
line let's get this stuff out there more and more for people absolutely and i love what you said that it's really been this43:54
organic emerging thing like it's happened organically it hasn't been funded it hasn't had any money put into it it's44:01
not an investment it's been organic it's growing first service people which is amazing but you've also had organically a lot of44:06
celebrities and influencers reach out to you yeah we've become fans of your work and supporters of your work yeah and you44:11
know i was i was asked recently too about this and they said well what are they what are they being paid to do it mm-hmm44:17
said there's not one celebrity i've got any ask you that oh no no i know i know but it's a really good point because people think it they're like what are44:23
they getting out of this what do you mean what are they getting at us so let me tell you something about celebrities that i know anyway okay44:29
i'm gonna be straight out okay they actually care about people suffering they actually have tremendous compassion44:36
they actually care about their fans their followers they care about people on the planet and they44:41
really really do it matters to them they're drinking celery juice it makes them feel better44:47
and it gets them healthier right so they could be a more powerful voice in what they're doing changing the world but it's it's even more than that i the44:54
celebrities i know james van der beek and you know and and jenna dewan and so many others45:00
you know and sly sloane and so many others they care about people they want people to feel better it45:05
matters to them and because they've been through pain too absolutely they've been through a lot in their own lives all of them and45:11
so when they see people you know that are struggling that are getting better because they know they're spreading that45:16
that that information about celery juice it matters it matters to their souls you know it matters to everybody to know45:22
that people are getting better celebrities have tremendous compassion the ones i know unbelievable people and45:28
and it's just great that they're doing you know pharrell you know he's he's he's out that he he cares about people45:34
cares about humankind and this this right here it's not measurable this is it's unmeasurable45:40
it's just it's that powerful it's that incredible i love him and this podcast has been such an education for me and i hope that everyone listening45:46
and watching i've been able to ask some of those questions that you'll be thinking about too because i'm coming at a point of just learning45:52
being a student and someone who wants to experiment with this so all of my questions have been from my own desire to be an experimenter with46:00
this i'm excited to see its impact on my life and i'm hoping everyone listening and watching today has got some of the information to get46:06
you going but i really really hope that you're gonna go and get the book because the book's gonna break it down for you yeah the book's gonna stop you46:11
from doing a one-week test which is a fad to actually making it sustainable46:16
and one of the biggest reasons i see the difference between us having a habit that we do for one week versus sustainable46:22
is when we're deeply convinced of the reasons when you've sat here and you've read this book and after you've read this book if you haven't got every46:28
reason you need to go and drink celery juice for the rest of your life then that will be harder to46:33
give up whereas if you just think oh yeah i'm going to try this this is cool celery juice good podcast i loved it and you're going to try you're going to46:39
try it for a week and you're going to stop so take my recommendation go get the book get the deeper reasons and insights on how to46:45
take it why to take it and and what to do with your life around it to support it and that will start46:50
making the biggest differences i feel i feel so we're gonna end this episode with the final five these are46:56
final five questions usually answers are either one word or one sentence maximum so47:02
this is gonna be a big challenge for uh anthony because he's sorry what i love about you just have so much47:07
to say but it's all real like it's it's all in depth like it's real your insights are awesome so47:13
i'm going to try and get you to one word or once but we're going to see how it goes so question number one is what's the47:19
biggest health myth you've ever heard there's so many of them tell us your favorite one47:25
um all right metabolism okay go on yeah i'm going to let you tell me more47:32
you've got so much yeah metabolism just means that we're alive the discovery of metabolism just means that we're alive47:39
we're living we have blood throwing flowing through us okay and that no one really knew that47:45
really metabolism was just the discovery of hey you're you're eating you're burning fuel you're a47:51
living organism you're a living being right but it's not why people gain weight slow47:58
metabolism and that's one of the greatest myths out there they're gaining weight from48:04
livers that are stagnant and sluggish everybody's livers are bombarded they're48:09
toxic that's why i came out with liver rescue the book because their livers are challenged and48:14
they're filled with toxins and that's what puts the weight on that's what makes things get the lymphatic system gets swollen48:21
with water the weight comes on the belly fat it's from a liver of weak48:26
liver sick liver stagnant sluggish liver it's not from metabolism still to this day i'm sure everybody in48:32
the audience right now my god who's been totally just fed me metabolism metabolism for the last 3048:37
40 50 whatever it is they're just going to be all upset but i just trying to drop the truth on you on that one it's a liver you take48:42
care of your liver and that's the you take care of that and then everything starts getting better with weight and what we think is48:49
metabolism problems amazing yeah you're going to the root i like it okay question number two if you could give everyone in the world48:55
a habit to do for 30 days apart from drinking celery juice every day what would it be that the heavy49:00
metal detox smoothie i offer okay get the metals out get them out of the body49:05
that's the key i mean okay there's so many different habits you can do i get it there's so many for your consciousness49:11
so much for your just mental so much different physical ones you can do but getting metals out49:18
that's the habit right there get some cilantro in you you know get some get some spirulina in49:23
you know the right ones the ones i care about because those are the ones that actually work49:28
you know get some things in you pull the metals out i talk about it the heavy metal detox smoothie49:34
that's the one right there you pull metals out things change too it's like it's like the celery juice the49:40
heavy metal detox smoothie get into that habit get into the hey look get into the celery juice habit there you go awesome question number49:46
three what are the top three things on your grocery list49:52
celery's okay that's a given right yeah that's a give given okay another one wild blueberries okay that's the second49:58
one right there because wild blueberries the antioxidants okay that's a whole other food50:03
wild versus cultivated blueberry but the one in the clam shell the pint-sized clam shell50:09
that is the cultivated blueberry it's the big blueberry it doesn't do a fraction of what the50:14
frozen wild the blueberry you go into the freezer section and you go in there you'll see different50:19
brands i mean i use the wyman's one there's another brand that's there use that there's different brands but you get the frozen wild blueberries50:26
that's the oh my god that food so celery that and i love apples okay it's gotta be a must yeah yeah yeah50:32
give me another one let's have one more i think we've got we're gonna go for four all right papaya okay yeah that's another one and then um50:40
um mush okay people call it mache but mosh it's a green it's an amazing green uh50:47
there's not enough of it out there but you can find it go to the health food store that green is great leafy greens are50:52
good awesome okay question four tell us about the
top three herbs that you couldn't live without lemon balm can't50:58
live without it helps the neurological system i've i've used it to actually help people with anxiety depression of course51:04
but also with neurological problems ticks spasms um tingles numbness it's anti-viral51:12
too like celery juice when you bring that lemon balm in there it's a big deal that one nettle leaf
another incredible herb without a doubt i've been recommending it since i was a kid because of spirits it's literally right51:23
off the start recommending it so nettle leaf that's anti-inflammatory of course why51:29
it also was anti-viral in its own right great medicine and of course you know turmeric you know51:35
which is a spice but in a rhizome but turmeric it's it's amazing so i like that one even though it's51:41
you know but you got the yeah lemon balm metal leaf and then licorice roots another one amazing and the final five question five51:48
what's the best way we can all start listening to our body more because i think for so many of us we're51:55
constantly incredible questions changes right we're constantly like just like you could be going through pain and deal52:00
and just having it there and sit there for so long without listening how do people people we may not all be able to listen to spirits or channel52:07
or learn but how can we all listen to our bodies better there's one thing that people have to realize it's one of the most52:13
incredible ones that when we get sick it's not our body letting us down it's52:18
not our bodies being faulty it's not our body being a bad52:23
physical you know aspect of us it's not it's it's not our body giving up on us and most importantly52:30
it's not our body destroying us or going after our immune system or going after our organs or52:36
going after anything what i'm trying to say is your body doesn't hurt you it doesn't destroy you it doesn't go52:42
after anything and we need to know that our body never attacks itself52:48
and it's the first thing everybody thinks they think their body's failing so no matter what okay there's one of52:55
the greatest tools is if you start experiencing anything mental emotional physical53:00
your body is not going after you or hurting you or attacking you that's53:06
the most important that can protect you because we can't there's there's people there you can tell them what what to do53:12
on how to listen to their body or anything but they might they they might not be able to do it or they might be too busy or forget it but what53:19
they will do is their body's letting them down the minute as an athlete you think your body's failing you53:25
anything it's just in life when we're sick we think our body has now said53:30
hey we're not helping you i'm not helping you and that's it if you could if you know your body loves53:35
you unconditionally it's there for you it's fighting for you in ways you cannot even imagine53:41
that can bring you peace and get you to where you need to be faster and better well i was not53:46
expecting that answer but i love that answer that that judgment that we place on our body immediately53:51
is actually one of the most negative things it is like that and the most my body's attacking me my body's letting53:58
me down my body's failing yes my body's not strong enough yes that language is actually programming us to54:04
lead to not doing anything about it it's an evil seed that sits inside every human being so no matter what you're doing whether54:10
you're meditating on top of a mountain wherever you are it doesn't matter the minute something's going wrong54:16
you go right to my body is now wait a minute turning against me in the moment and what do i need to do to fix it no54:22
it's not turning against you that's how it works that is such an awesome answer man i absolutely love54:27
that and i hope that message is resonating very very clear the way we think about a body talk about our body54:33
talk to our body itself is going to have a huge impact anthony william thank you so much anthony's new book celery juice the54:40
most powerful medicine of our time healing millions worldwide is out right now you can order it54:46
from all the good places where books are sold the medical medium on instagram the medical medium on facebook54:52
where else can they find you hey there and awesome right there yeah yeah that's a54:58
great place make sure you go follow anthony on social media at the medical medium across the platforms medicalmedium.com55:05
and make sure that if this has given you some insight on why celery juice could be so powerful it could truly change your life55:11
go and get the book today as well yeah thank you so much an honor to be here nice it's an honor to meet you man i'm excited to do a reading with you and55:17
get some advice i genuinely am i want to do that yeah we're going to do it yeah absolutely i think i think what you said55:23
is so true that until we really go through pain and that's how it was for me too i need55:29
because i'd i felt like i'd mastered my mind and neglected my body yeah and so when my body55:35
started to give me signs that it needed more love and care that's when i started to realize because55:41
while you're young you just feel like superman yeah and you feel like nothing's gonna happen exactly and so i totally55:46
get you and so if anyone here's listening and you're like well i haven't got any problems yet or my life's not too bad that's the time to55:52
start really taking note it is yeah thank you anthony thank you so much i'm so grateful to meet you happy to have you here55:59
i hope that was good for you and we're not going to edit anything out so everyone's going to get the real war as it is version of this56:06
conversation if you're listening right now you're going to get it as it is we haven't edited anything we haven't taken anything out56:11
uh that was awesome that was anthony william make sure you go follow him on social media thank you so much for listening or watching again56:17
we love you being a part of this community make sure you tag me and anthony on instagram or facebook or twitter and share what56:23
you've learned from this podcast we'd also love to see your journeys if you want to map your diary of taking celery juice for a week two56:30
weeks a month hopefully for life and for the rest of the year then make sure you tell us about it tag medical medium and tag me as well on56:37
instagram i'd love to see those posts thank you again so much take care see you soon56:42
if you want even more videos just like this one make sure you subscribe and click on the boxes over here56:48
i'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book think like a monk from think like a56:54 check below in the description to make sure you order today
tonic why is it mysterious science and research hasn't looked into what is in celery yet barely any information out0:13
there another reason why people don't know but we're getting there we're actually getting there hello0:20
everyone welcome back to on purpose the number one health podcast in the world thanks to each and every one of you0:26
for learning listening and growing with us thank you so much for prioritizing your growth in work0:33
self and love and like you know every week i'm trying to find guests that are going0:38
to give you really raw authentic genuine advice people who are coming at this from new angles new ideas fresh0:44
perspectives that can genuinely help you transform your life and move it forward and today's guest will not disappoint0:52
i'm genuinely so grateful and excited for this person for making time making space in their life for coming on0:58
and being on the podcast his name is anthony william and he's the originator of the global celery juice movement1:05
he's a four times number one new york times best-selling author and today's the launch of his new book1:10
which is called celery juice the most powerful medicine of our time healing millions worldwide1:17
anthony thank you so much for being here incredible introduction i'm honored i can't even believe it1:22
it's it's so awesome being here well it's awesome you have to do it all so it's all true1:27
hey i'm just i'm so happy to be here happy to talk to your audience so much to talk about lots of cover on1:33
health things that are life-changing things that move the needle and that's what matters you know when1:38
you're sick with chronic illness and you're trying to get better and you can't move that needle forward and you know1:43
and you're stuck in it and you're just in the trenches of it all and then something takes you further along and1:48
you finally start experiencing a benefit you start getting better like say the celery juice is one of the most powerful1:54
healing tools out there and when you start moving forward it's life-changing like no other when people are2:00
stuck when they're actually really stuck in the trenches of what i call hell basically chronic2:05
illness and they finally see the light and that matters that's why i'm here absolutely and i love that energy man2:12
because i think you're so right that so many of us today are so stuck and a lot of the time we've tried everything or i hear that a lot2:18
of people are like i've tried everything like i've been to my doctor i've been to this person like i tried my weird thing that my aunt2:25
comes up with like you know i've tried all of these things and the thing is it's not like those are bad those are all good things because everybody's got2:31
a piece of the puzzle you got the best doctors out there you got functional medicine doctors you got alternative guys you got conventional2:37
guys girls all of them they're all working hard on their patients and people people have compassion doctors are the most2:43
incredible people the compassion to wake up in the morning go to the office and work on person after person after person like they do2:50
and hear their stories and hear their cries doctors are unbelievable and the tool there's a lot of good tools out2:56
there right but what happens is there's some things people don't even know about yet3:02
that that plug into what they're doing say they're doing a keto diet or say they're doing a paleo diet say3:08
they're doing a vegan diet say they're doing a plant-based diet and they're not getting all the results they need and they're all confused and3:14
everybody's flip-flopping from vegan to paleo to paleo to vegan and everybody is all upset but when you3:19
plug in something like the celery juice and you know how to use it you can move forward wherever you are3:25
you can plug this into what you're doing it's tools like that that literally move the needle and change the lives of3:32
millions and right now hundreds of millions are drinking celery juice it's the most powerful healing3:37
movement of our time and day and i want everybody to actually be part of it3:43
because why miss out what are you gonna do you're not gonna do it you're not gonna partake in something that could3:48
change your life so i want everybody to know this isn't one of those scams or3:53
farces this is that powerful when you use this herbal medicine something changes inside of us i love3:59
that and i can't wait to uncover that with you in this podcast and in the life that we're about to do i can't wait to get4:04
into all the details but i want to take it backwards slightly sure because i want people to understand4:10
where you're coming from absolutely and and i want people to understand your background your journey and just behind the mind you know inside4:16
the mind of anthony so i want to go back to you being four years old yeah and you're four years old4:23
and you literally without any help any support whatever it is you literally let your grandmother know4:29
she's she had lung cancer she had lung cancer yeah she was symptom-free like no one knew that yeah not at all no and then they4:35
checked yeah and you were spot-on yeah woke up one morning and heard a voice perfectly clear you4:40
know people say wait a minute how does he get this advanced medical information that's decades ahead4:46
of research and science you know i know scientists i know i know incredible doctors lab4:51
technicians and they say his information is advanced whether anybody likes it or not whether the source he hears it from4:58
you don't agree with or you're not happy about this voice he hears that he heard at four years old that5:04
diagnosed his grandmother or lung cancer and from there on this is all he's ever done and people are like hey you know what i5:10
don't know do i trust this and i totally understand i totally get it a guy that hears a voice when you really know the origin of5:18
it you know it's hard but when lab technicians and scientists and doctors that are elevated in the field5:23
of medicine say his advanced information like epstein-barr causing hashimoto's thyroiditis he was the first to actually5:30
bring that out before they even knew that's what was happening and when they say hey he's advanced with5:36
this information and it's about getting people better we got to kick back a little bit we got to calm down and say okay let's5:42
listen to this because this is different this is actually really helping people and at four years old that's what5:49
happened it was information coming through perfectly clear i heard it straight in a voice right to me5:56
and it's i've been using that ever since not just my grandmother with that what happened was in 1975 in the fall of6:03
1975 had another family member with a back problem a back problem that6:08
wouldn't it wouldn't ease off the doctors didn't know what was really causing the back problem it wasn't an6:14
injury it was an inflammatory condition a mystery back injury or a mystery back6:20
inflamed problem where they're suffering they couldn't walk right in late 1975 spirit which i call spirit6:28
the voice said celery juice this is when it started celery juice for this family member we didn't have6:34
really any kind of juicer look look what year it is look what's going on we weren't prepared6:39
they had the blender the beat up old blender we ground up that celery right and we strained it with a6:46
cheesecloth and we just strained it out and and a family member was a skeptic about celery juice well what6:51
do you mean celery juice drank it and started recovering that night slowly recovering and then6:57
the end of the week out of the woods with his back problem walking and it's that kind of thing7:03
right there and yes the voice tells me what to do so that's what i've done dedicated my life helping people7:09
but giving them information that even doctors want to know7:14
there are thousands of doctors in the this country alone with the medical medium series books in their offices7:21
patients have brought them in and they and the doctors are they're smart they read it and say wait a minute this7:27
is different whoa wait he's talking about viruses he's talking about pathogens7:32
he's talking about things we don't know about viruses and pathogens that's not anywhere and also what to do which is one of the7:39
tools the celery juice what i'm more interested in because i've seen all of that research i've seen people say of all of your incredible7:46
background and the studies and the research and the fact that it's worked for people how did you start to trust that voice7:51
because i almost feel like that's sometimes harder it's like trusting your own trusting a voice that's coming7:56
through how is that process for you you know what it is is when you when you see it working8:02
in front of your own eyes you know when i was 13 years old and a stock boy in a little grocery store8:07
and that voice is telling me you know why someone has diabetes or what's going on or what's happening with them or or the brain8:13
tumor that they have or something that's going on and the voice is telling me what's happening inside their bodies and what8:19
they need you just you just it you can't avoid it you can't ignore it it's not8:25
one of those things you should say well i don't i don't want to do this anymore you know it's not what you're you're in it and you just you go with it and you8:32
keep on working you know forward to help people and change and change your lives it's so critical8:37
absolutely so how let's get on to the celery juice how did you start discovering the secret behind this herb like how did8:43
you start seeing that it had such a powerful effect like how did you first uncover because i think there are just so many8:48
vegetables out there you can make so many juices yeah yeah people have drank probably the wrong juices for such a long time yeah8:53
but then where did it start all juices are great that's the thing all juices are great they offer benefits and and a lot of8:59
people they get confused they say well why would celery juice by itself do anything for you and one of the reasons is it's an herb9:06
it's not a vegetable it's an actual herb and herbal medicine9:11
is powerful i mean if anybody's listening out here do you like herbs on any level what herbs are your favorite there's so9:18
many people that are into any kind they're into herbs that's the whole thing you got chinese medicine you've got ayurvedic you've got all this herbs9:24
are powerful and there's herbalists out there there's doctors out there natural doctors you know and and herbs are a big part of9:31
our lives well why do they do things for us because they're very healing well celery has been9:36
it's it no one knew and that's the thing i mean even when i heard it from the voice originally9:42
perfectly clear seller juice the celery it's an herb i was even like wait a minute no9:48
it's a celery stick what do you mean this is this is a a vegetable that9:53
no one cares about and never really cared about and spirits like it's not a vegetable it's an9:58
herb it's herbal medicine you extract it in a large quantity and when you do that that's10:03
when the miracles happen and then you know someone might say wait a minute you know you have to leave the10:09
fiber you have to leave the pulp juicing's not good you're leaving like nutrition behind10:15
the fiber and the pulp but what they don't understand is chamomile tea right do you eat the tea10:21
bag after you've like had can you go out with a friend right do you cut open that tea bag and say wait a minute i got to get this fiber10:27
i got to get this pulp here because that's where the nutrition is no the medicine comes from the chamomile and that's what10:33
you're getting that medicine to relax you to calm you the things that people like same thing with other herbs and herbal10:39
teas and so forth of course you can eat some of the herbs but they're better extracted the10:44
medicine so it's the power of that this is an herbal tonic and herbal elixir10:50
and what you'll see out there is dietitians who are amazing people are nutritionists who are amazing people what they'll do is they'll be confused10:56
and be like no no no leave the pulp and fiber anthony william doesn't know what he's talking about you don't you don't want11:01
to just have that and they don't know this is herbal medicine you're extracting a large11:06
quantity of this incredible mysterious tonic why is it mysterious science and research hasn't looked into what is in11:14
celery yet barely any information out there another reason why people don't know but we're getting there11:20
we're actually getting there we are getting there and and you're leading that movement which i absolutely love like it's incredible like you're really11:26
pushing that out there and i think it's so important that we do live in a time where we are allowing unique voices to come to11:34
the fore yeah you know maybe in 1975 and years after that people would have been close to these things11:40
but now people are seeing also the lack of certain research in certain studies and recognizing that there are11:45
alternatives tell me when you started uncovering celery juice what are the key issues that you're seeing celery juice benefit what are the11:52
key challenges that people are experiencing autoimmune i know there's a big list oh my god big big list big list people dealing11:59
with chronic illness when i call chronic illness symptoms that won't alleviate or come constantly12:06
or on and off intermittently but they don't go away technically what could that be chronic fatigue12:11
syndrome me chronic fatigue syndrome right lyme disease uh multiple sclerosis um12:17
hashimoto's thyroiditis lupus these are just some things eczema and psoriasis12:23
rosacea different conditions people suffer from and all this acne there's sibo all of these things you12:29
could just keep on going on things that people are plagued with you know and the fatigue is one of them12:35
that's a big one when moms can't get out and they can't get out of the house and and run the house and run their12:41
careers and take care of their children because they can barely function because of severe brain fog chronic fatigue syndrome12:48
and and not have real answers and the fibromyalgia and the rheumatoid arthritis and all these things people12:54
suffer with these are the things celery juice starts to move the needle with it's these these things it's different13:01
when someone's exercising every day two hours a day they feel good they're young they're strong in the moment they13:06
haven't gotten sick yet in their lives they haven't been there and they're trying celery juice for a week and13:11
they're like i'm not sure what i'm noticing i think there might have been energy i don't know but then you take someone who's been to13:18
50 doctors okay been through hell and back struggled suffered been told they're13:24
crazy okay or given three four different diagnoses and then you take somebody like that13:29
and they've tried everything they've been on every diet they've been to every functional medicine doctor they've been to every single conventional doctor13:34
everybody they can under the sun and then they try celery juice for two weeks three weeks for two13:40
months for 30 days for anything for five days and they're like oh my god i'm getting relief for the first time13:46
and i've tried everything i have 50 supplements piled up in my house in my cupboards i got all this food i13:52
buy every day from all these different diet plans i talk to all these different doctors i'm online looking for information13:58
and celery juice is moving the needle and it's getting me better and that's why it's here there's14:05
something really important to understand here health trends are not propelled like this this14:10
is propelled because people are actually healing that's the difference14:16
this is this is an organic movement this is a trend or something more powerful above a trend14:24
and people don't realize this yet nay's truth naysayers are too late for the party they can14:30
complain and cry and say oh there's no science behind it i think well what what else in in there's so14:36
many things there's no someone said recently oh forget celery juice you have to eat all the rainbow of the colors where's14:42
the science proving that if you eat every rainbow in the color that you're going to be you're going to fix your chronic illness where's that science14:48
there's no science on that about what someone actually healing a chronic illness moving forward because they're14:53
eating all the rainbows and the colors of course you want all the colors in the foods and you want all the different foods i never said you you know that would be15:00
bad or good or not i said that's great but celery juice is a medicine that you can bring15:05
into everything you're doing and it's really changing lives it's it's incredible i know i keep15:11
on saying that it's only because it's only because it actually is working other health trends are propelled by15:18
other things there's tremendous monetary behind it like monetary involvement pushing that trend15:24
so you take all that collagen of course so you take all of that whatever it is so you take all that15:30
apple cider vinegar so you take it all there's there's money which hey that's just how the world works we know that and there's15:35
money propelling that well you're the only thing propelling celery juice is millions of people getting benefits15:42
and telling their story without being prompted or paid to do it it's never happened in15:47
history before and if you don't like that idea i don't know what to tell you if you don't like15:53
the idea of there's no science behind celery juice yet you know what tell people tell that to15:58
someone who suffered and struggled pushed through their day and they and they realized see when you16:05
get sick you realize science and research doesn't have answers for chronic illness sure there's life-saving medicine out16:11
there sure if you get into a car accident there's life-saving medicine i know incredible er doctors i know amazing surgeons actually16:18
that do procedures that save our lives in different all kinds of different problems we have but16:23
let me tell you this right here jay okay when you're sick and you're struggling and you're16:28
suffering and you've been to 20 doctors okay you realize fast science and research dropped the ball somewhere16:35
where maybe people don't know but they dropped it and they dropped it hard because people have they people have16:41
been suffering and struggling there's over 250 million americans in the u.s that have a symptom that won't16:47
go away getting worse and that's where we're heading we're heading into the land of the lost getting worse with chronic16:53
illness and so you've quickly learned especially young you're 20 years old 22 years old you get sick16:59
you're 25 years old you get sick you quickly learn right there science and research isn't what everybody was saying it is when it17:05
comes down to wait i got lyme disease what do you mean is it getting better it's not i'm trying this i'm trying antibiotics wait now i17:11
have multiple sclerosis or what is this symptom anxiety it's crippling depression and you realize science of research17:17
doesn't know anything about these things so then where are we then someone said to me jay they said there's no science17:23
of research to your information there's no signs of research to celery juice and i'm like oh i didn't know science17:29
and research fixed every chronic ill person i didn't know we have nobody suffering i didn't know no one was sick17:34
and going to 50 doctors and that's the world today celery juice is this barrier breaker17:40
it's like okay get ready because this is one of the most powerful tools that's17:46
going to move you forward yeah i love that and i agree with you like i think everything you've just stated there i agree with the fact that17:52
science and research is measuring that which has happened yeah right it's rarely we call it breakthrough17:57
science but it's not breakthrough because it has to watch something for a significant amount of time or years18:02
you know what i mean like where is these ideas or these unique things that come out they get tested over time18:07
yeah it's never you can't test something in two seconds and talk about it yeah and science and research is amazing we need it i'm all for it in fact some18:15
incredible things do happen from it but they're usually theories that have to be proven somehow18:21
correct right and then you have the investors behind it to prove it and then in the end you don't know what18:27
you have because it changes 10 years later where all of a sudden wait we were wrong now we have a whole bunch of things18:33
we're saying now this it's this way and that's happened so many times it's really difficult for people you know it's incredible i mean at the same18:40
level i've seen people say why drink celery juice you're better off just putting a little bit of sea salt or a18:46
little bit of himalayan rock salt right in your water and it'll do better because because research in science doesn't know18:53
anything about celery juice research and science doesn't know anything about putting himalayan sea salt in your water and then that's in the19:00
same breath they'll say something research and science hasn't even studied yet either and they'll say well make sure you do this put salt in your19:06
water it's going to help you so much better than celery juice because there's no signs behind celery juice it's almost like do you know what you19:12
just said is incredible so well i didn't know there was so much hate for celery juice well you know you19:18
know what it is is that you people got a lot of time on their hands you're gonna be like hating on celery juice it doesn't sound like the19:23
worst thing to hate when you have something this powerful yeah and moving forward to this degree and this fast19:29
you got all the stores selling out with their celery it's all it's all going you got farms scrambling19:35
to actually grow it as fast as they can and then and get land up and grow it and grow you know19:41
farms don't make any money i mean they're all subsidized most of them you know how they struggle as it is when you see all that people start19:47
getting this they're getting nervous and then when celery juice is helping millions of people really fast it i19:53
think it's a threat in many ways to so many industries so yeah no there's19:58
love for celery juice tons of love out there but also you got the people saying hey wait a minute20:04
leave your fiber and pulp in there no leave your fiber and pulp and all the other vegetables and stuff use it but this extract it like a20:12
medicine right tell me about some of the stories that you've seen in your life of people's transformations20:18
whether it was from a chronic illness just tell me a couple of one or two stories or examples where you've really seen people20:24
who've transformed through celery juice debilitating eczema debilitating psoriasis where people20:32
suffer they can't get they can't wear clothes they can't leave the house because they20:37
can't put clothing on their skin and they're just doing the steroids they've tried the steroids they've tried20:42
different things they've seen so many doctors they suffer their skin's cracking and bleeding everywhere20:48
and celery juice brought into their their lives and used correctly like i20:54
talked about in the celery juice book and it it it gets them to clear it up20:59
they start to see benefits i mean miraculous cases reversed it's it's incredible i'm not just21:05
talking about it got a little bit better i know many cases many of them over the years21:10
and now today where they get rid of that debilitating eczema where they were crying they cried they21:17
had to be on painkillers they couldn't even move their arms and legs and they got through it on the other21:24
side of it also debilitating chronic fatigue syndrome fibromyalgia multiple sclerosis getting people21:30
forward with that people with lyme disease celery juice is all of a sudden the very thing that's now changing everything with21:36
their diagnosis that they've got or no diagnosis where doctors are confused and they're just sick and they're home21:43
and they got high anxiety and depression i've seen this celery juice do something for these people21:48
but for decades i've seen it before it exploded before the publication of the21:54
medical medium series books in 2015 you know it was already building it was21:59
a quiet storm i think it snuck up on everybody it snuck up on the world i think this22:04
health trend or whatever we want to call it now has snuck up in a way and became a tidal wave just22:11
last year it finally became this big tidal wave and i always say to people you know what if you learn about it now22:18
and you know it's it's important so yeah and i also think that it's a tidal wave for those who are really looking22:25
and then there is a lot of us who are interested but we don't find out until someone brings it to22:31
the front of our minds the front of eyes you know what i mean it's like until someone really breaks it down for you like you have in22:37
this book like until someone really explains you the process of why it works how to take it yeah like you've done in this book like i feel22:43
like even then if that doesn't happen a lot of these trends just go over our heads absolutely right and for most people22:49
because these trends feel like it's still too hard yeah or it's like a short-term thing like oh i'm gonna watch22:54
some i watch the video i'm gonna try it for a week yeah but i don't have a process yeah tell us about the process that you23:00
outlined in this book and how you've made it so simple you know there's there's there's over 100 questions always asked how do i drink celery juice23:06
what do i do do i do i put my blender with my other food it's all that it has to be by itself it has to be by itself in a23:13
certain amount 16 ounces is where you want to be to start with it's 16 ounces of it23:19
juiced fresh very fresh very important so you could juice it at home fresh okay23:25
you can go to a juice place i i do recommend don't do the hpp23:31
thing which is high pressure pasteurization i mean there's nothing wrong with hpp i mean you can do other juices that are23:36
hpp you go into health food stores grocery stores you see all those drinks they look like they're really fresh they23:42
look like they were just done yesterday but they got a date on them for a couple weeks because it's high pressure pasteurization23:48
now i noticed that that's happening with celery juice don't get confused by that don't pick that one because if you pick23:54
that one it's going to be hindered it's going to lose its its healing benefits it's potency24:00
exactly you want to juice fresh go to your juice bars go to health food stores that will juice it right in front of you24:06
make sure it's done right there do it at home and that's where the magic happens so there is going to be there24:11
there is a confusion developing where you know you get the bottled celery juice now sitting on there and people like well that must be as good as24:17
everything else and if they're not experiencing the benefits they they need from drinking it then they get they get thwarted by it they get pushed24:24
off by it yeah so yeah that's just one example i answer lots of questions can you do while you're pregnant yeah you can do celery24:30
juice can you do it while you're breastfeeding yes so there's just so many questions these are just a few24:35
yeah and it has to be consumed straight after it can't be that's why you want to you can wait a little bit you can wait24:41
hours later you can even wait a day later have it in the fridge have it in the fridge but and that will still be24:47
better than say something like in the store at high pressure pass ratio you know and there with a shelf with a long shelf but ideally straight away24:53
yeah ideally that's gonna have the most potency yeah and talk about what's in it that hasn't been24:58
discovered yet and if someone says well how would he know this voice he hears how would i know epstein-barr25:05
was the cause of thyroid problems and i was the guy long before talking about it everywhere25:11
talking about it the doctors talking about them publishing and everything else and and and now they're saying hey science and25:17
research just found there's a link to epstein-barr to thyroid disease thyroid disorders same25:23
thing with the celery juice yes i hear the information i know what's in it there's something called sodium25:29
cluster salts that's the antiviral that's the that's the po that's the phytochemical compound it's25:37
this sodium cluster salt somebody might say well what is that it's a subgroup of sodium undiscovered by research and science you25:44
think that we only have one type of sodium that's it on the planet and that's it no there's more than that it's a25:50
subgroup it's a different thing going on in celery it's not in anything else they're gonna find it down the road they25:55
probably won't call it sodium cluster salts they're not going to give me that credit they're probably not going to pat me on the back26:01
and be like yeah you're they're going to name it something else obviously but that's what it is it kills bugs26:07
here's the deal i'll just simplify it people are sick because they got bugs26:13
that's it your your hashimoto's thyroiditis your rheumatoid arthritis bugs cause this it's not your body26:20
attacking itself it's bugs it's pathogens it's viruses it's bacteria so when26:26
people have their fibro there's a bug involved that's what this is chronic fatigue syndrome there's a26:31
bug so what's going on is we're filled with bugs i know that's kind of annoying we've got viruses like epstein-barr26:38
we've got the simplexes in us wreaking havoc we got the hh v6s we have shingles viruses we26:43
have bacteria and people have these bugs in them we live with them they create inflammation meanwhile26:51
the food wars that are going on the vegans against the paleos and and the keto and everything else and everybody's fighting each other but26:56
nobody realizes you guys are all dealing with epstein bars dealing with streptococcus you're dealing with strep27:03
and and different viruses and the reason why celery juice is working is because the sodium cluster salts and celery27:08
juice is annihilating a lot of bugs in people it's breaking it down it's killing them it's cleaning up their livers it's27:14
getting the bugs out of the livers and that's why their inflammation is actually getting better and better wow amazing and and i was looking at27:21
something you were saying about how it's blocked it's also stopping the vicious cycle of addiction yeah which is incredible how does that27:27
work well yeah that seems like a totally different challenge in in my head at least like from an uninformed point of view so27:33
how is celery juice even helping people with addiction well you know what it revives your liver it starts restoring your liver can27:38
actually hold more what's called glycogen glucose because that's what it needs to27:44
do it needs to store glucose and glycogen the very thing that we it's the very thing that27:49
runs our blood sugar throughout our body when our blood sugar is unstable and it's imbalanced we tend to27:56
fall prey to addiction really easy plus electrolytes we all28:01
lack electrolytes so when you eat a food of any kind or you drink water you get some electrolytes naturally occurring28:07
any kind of food you eat there's a natural occurring electrolyte going on there right well those are pieces you're collecting28:14
all day long what did you have for breakfast there's some electrolytes in it what did you have for lunch there's a few more28:19
electrolytes in it and then dinner a few more or during the day there's electrolytes in things we're28:24
consuming but we're never getting enough at once we're never getting the whole28:30
electrolyte the whole electrolyte family at once right on the neurons right with the28:36
neurotransmitter chemicals using them right all of this happening celery juice is like a complete28:41
electrolyte still undiscovered by research and science of course research knows that there's antioxidants in celery28:47
juice of course they know there's vitamin a and k in there it's funny and i've heard somebody say maybe people are getting better because28:53
the vitamin a and k and i'm like what about the vitamin a and k that's in every other fruit and vegetable what about28:59
all of that plus all the supplements people are you're still not moving forward why is this doing it29:04
does it have a different vitamin a and k what it does have though is has a full complete electrolyte it goes to the29:11
brain fast and easy clings onto the neurons revives tire dehydrated neurotransmitter chemicals29:18
starts to actually bring those back so your electrical impulses fire fast so you could be quick talking so29:23
you can actually hear you can actually think what you're saying it all comes the brain fog goes away everything starts clearing up29:29
and those when those electrolytes hit those neurons and spark that fire and those electrical29:35
impulses are cruising through those neurons and that is precious that is like29:41
gold right there and that's another reason why addiction could stop so you want to bring it back to addiction when29:46
those electrolytes are hitting all those neurons your electrical impulses are firing and running through those neurons29:51
and all that's happening and you're starting to think clear and your brain fog's back and down you you don't fall prey to addiction29:58
right there that alone there's the blood sugar starts to balance out because your liver is healing and getting better30:04
your glucose reserves in your in your in your liver are storing back up so it can control part of the30:10
blood sugar problem that we deal with because it's not just the pancreas and when all that's happening you get30:15
stronger your mind gets stronger your control gets stronger you get you know what you take control over your30:21
life and that's with celery juice if you want one simple thing for me right there you know what use celery juice to help30:28
take control over your life absolutely because it can it can be one of those tools i'm not saying it fixes30:34
everything and anything in one shot i'm not saying this is literally the miracle that will30:40
fix it all no because everybody else is doing good things this is that thing that pushes it30:46
over the edge absolutely to where you need to go and that's what i mean your energy and your30:51
your love for celery juice is infectious and contagious i don't know anyone in this room right now who is not30:56
dedicated to at least testing it which is awesome but but tell me about some of the lifestyle and31:02
diet habits that can cause a conflict or negate the amazing benefits of celery juice what is31:08
it that we're doing in our lifestyle or our diet that could slow down or go against the31:14
benefits of celery all right i'll tell you right now look i know this is going to get everybody upset okay in the audience but probably not31:21
everybody but most everybody if you if there's something to take out of your diet wherever you stand whatever31:28
idle you're on whatever diet belief system you are that you're that you're involved with subscribe to31:33
whatever it is you take you need to take eggs out so chicken eggs have to come out of your31:39
diet now i hate to be the breaker of this news or the person that has to break this news to everybody31:45
but what i want to tell you is the most important part the most important part of this podcast31:50
probably for anybody to take in is we live with these bugs inside of us that create all of our illnesses31:56
whether it's not happening now say we're younger but it'll happen later when we're turning 40. it'll happen later when we're 4532:03
it'll have whatever it is we have these bugs in us like the viruses and the bacteria the pathogens that are32:09
in us eggs feed the pathogens bottom line no matter what you believe in out there whatever32:15
diet system whatever you believe in protein and macros whatever you're talking about in your life that you believe in whether you're trainers32:21
whether you're nutritionists whether you're doctors whatever it is just know that when you eat the eggs32:27
it feeds the pathogens and i hate to break it to everybody but pathogens come from sources they come from places32:33
they come from petri dishes they come from labs a long time ago and you know how they were raised they32:38
were raised by being fed food one of the foods that fed them was chicken eggs we eat the eggs we feed32:44
our viruses and we get sicker slowly over time celery juice is getting you better32:50
it's killing pathogens but if you keep on feeding your pathogens then it's kind of working against you32:55
right so that's a powerful tool right that's it crazy i mean i haven't eaten eggs for 16 years but i had no idea that i've never heard anyone33:03
raise that about eggs before yeah well it's information you're not going to hear anywhere else and that's that's why33:08
people heal with medical medium information is because it's finally new information33:13
information that is different that no one even knew or thought about or understood and that's one of them33:20
right there same thing with the gluten the gluten the gluten everybody thought gluten was just inflammatory33:26
nobody knew gluten actually is inflammatory because it feeds the bugs too oh wow i brought that to33:32
town so whether anybody likes it or not i brought that and they may say hey well he hears a voice so i don't want that33:38
information but no guess what they'll find that out pretty soon i think even more people are33:43
talking about i think doctors are talking about it now because i've been putting it out there for so many years33:48
the reason why people get sick on gluten and then someone else doesn't get sick on gluten because you realize you can be 90 years old eating33:55
gluten all your whole life you could be like 50 years old you you've eaten it your whole life you've never had a problem with gluten34:01
and then someone can't even eat it at 16 18 25 yeah and they have to take it out34:07
because they have certain pathogens inside their body they're feeding off of gluten itself and then creating inflammation it's not the gluten34:13
creating it so that's why that should be out too you know you should get that out too but there's a reason you should get gluten34:20
out it's not like oh well he's just saying no gluten because everybody says that no there's a reason i know that reason34:26
learn about it it'll help you absolutely amazing and are there any other lifestyle habits that uh could work against this34:33
it could work against people absolutely what i mean absolutely i'm not seeing the benefits absolutely it could be you could be34:39
totally doing something else incredible incredible no an amazing question thank you for asking so here's what you got to be concerned34:45
about when you're using celery juice to not bombard your celery34:50
juice with food too close to it if you're drinking your celery juice and it's not in an empty stomach you're not34:56
getting the the benefits it has to be on an empty stomach 16 ounces on an empty stomach is critical35:02
that's what morning is best if you got to do the afternoon fine and try to keep food away from it so35:07
if you any lifestyle of eating whatever you've adopted with any kind of food lifestyle whatsoever35:12
you just need that celery juice on an empty stomach away from those other foods that that right there is critical35:18
morning or evening makes a difference so morning's always best is that empty stomach in the morning that hydrochloric35:24
acid gets built up everything you know and that's another part i want to talk about that digestion how the hcl builds up when you're35:30
drinking cellular juice why it builds up how the stomach glands receive the the celery juice35:37
and how they actually recharge and give you hot you strong hcl hydrochloric acid and then35:42
you break down your food and your food doesn't rot inside of you and you actually get stronger your digestion and your bloating goes down35:49
that's another thing too that's really powerful wow that's that's super powerful i didn't had no idea35:54
so with with the with it having in the morning how long after do you eat breakfast okay you know try to give 20 minutes 2036:00
minutes 20 minutes after the celery juice is great okay half an hour probably even better36:06
you know somewhere around 20 minutes to a half an hour i like a half an hour really being solid like that but if someone needs fuel36:12
and they're doing something or they're running out of the house or whatever i totally understand it but try to do empty stomach try not to36:18
do coffee with it try not to put anything in that celery juice if you throw apple cider vinegar in it you just killed it36:24
just killed i saw somebody out there saying i'm gonna put my collagen powder in here i'm36:30
like you just destroyed your celery juice you're not gonna see the benefits so you can't yeah you have to keep it clean and not multiple times per day36:36
just once a day no you do the celery juice once a day but i like a lot of people that have chronic illness do it twice a day okay36:42
32 ounces do do do you know at the beginning 16 ounces do 16 ounces at the end of the day36:48
absolutely and try not to have it with food that's the goal but the truth is you get the celery36:54
juice in you any way you possibly can you're gonna get some benefits but these are maximizing it this is why the book's37:00
critical the book gives you all the information to how to really do this right and if you think there isn't37:06
a lot of information to it wait till you read the book and then your mind is blown and you're just like oh my god i can't believe37:12
what can be done with celery juice including like oral therapies and stuff or problems that people37:18
have like they have you know ulcers and all this stuff in their mouth and this book is actually explained so much37:24
and here's the most important part i love about this book is that there's almost 200 symptoms and37:30
conditions i talk about inside this book and what celery juice can do for it and why it's37:35
working so if you have something you're suffering with i talk about how the celery juice is helping you and i love one of the things37:41
i do love about the book seeing is i don't think there's ever been an audiophile that has the word celery37:47
mentioned more than this scene right now which is awesome which i love but what i love about the book is you also have a whole chapter dedicated37:53
to if people can't access celery and alternatives that they can take yeah which i thought was really refreshing37:59
i was like oh wow this is you know it's a book about senator just be like hey if you can't get it i mean and i don't know why people can't38:05
get it but maybe you can tell me that but if there are places people can't access it you suggest some alternatives yeah share those with us yeah absolutely38:11
there's no way to get celery juice you cannot you can't get it it's not even possible or just it's just not around38:18
and there's nothing you can do you know there's other things you can do i like the cucumber juice it won't do what38:23
celery just does i don't want anybody confused but it does some different things it hydrates the body in a different way38:29
than anything else could out there you know it does hydrate the body it does it does things that are really good for us it's very38:35
cleansing very purifying it won't it won't do what celery juice does but it could be something you do38:40
for a week before you can find the celery juice again so you know juicing cucumbers is actually helpful and someone someone38:47
said to me recently said okay so what so let's just start juicing different things and that's gonna no no no no this cucumber juice isn't38:53
gonna do it it just isn't but it's it's one of those backups to get you by for a little bit like a week38:59
or a few days and and but that's about it i mean honestly it's it's gonna have to be the39:04
celery juice or it's really in the end no go for what you're really yeah what you're really and i know you cover in here but i i39:10
wanted to raise this because i know so much not just of my audience but just so many people in the world today we're reading39:16
studies about it all the time mental health depression anxiety stress what's celery juice doing39:21
on a deeper level for stress anxiety and depression well it's the ultimate adrenal you know39:26
stabilizer that's the other that's the other thing with this celery juice i mean it's so helpful you got the electrolytes39:33
got the sodium cluster salts you got the heavy electrolytes in there and adrenals need that that's so39:38
important the other thing is brain that that's the other thing when you're dealing with electrolytes and and39:44
neurotransmitter chemicals electrical impulses and that's in neurons you're talking39:49
about de-stressing because here's the deal we our brains get dirty toxins in them39:55
heavy metals mercury aluminum cadmium lead nickel copper they get into40:02
our brain you know someone said to me they were like hey i don't have any metal in my head what are you talking about i said40:08
do you ever have a fluoride treatment did you ever have a fluoride i had tons of those all through my life i go that's a40:15
byproduct of aluminum right there byproduct of aluminum means it's still aluminum40:20
it is part aluminum in a different form it goes to the brain directly so when you have that fluoride40:27
treatment you're getting aluminum in there it's in there has it left no there's nothing you're doing in your life to40:33
remove it we also get mercury in the brain really easy we come into this world with mercury in us from our forefathers40:40
and four mothers well that's the whole thing our ancestors give us mercury it's passed down it doesn't just it doesn't40:47
leave it gets constantly passed down generation to generation to generation and it sits in us and it sits in our40:53
brain it sits in other places and it even could trigger off higher anxiety in people it can trigger off depression40:58
having that mercury having those other metals inside of us and we collect them here they're in our water they're in other41:04
sources we just get it in us celery juice helps loosen up those metals stop41:10
stops them from oxidizing so they don't rust in our brain so they don't break down our brain41:15
tissue or glial cells and other parts of our brain it's critical it's just such a critical part of41:20
anxiety and depression celery just does help with it and i love that because we're talking about this simple antidote41:27
in one sense yeah which is actually in fact mental and physical health yeah which is actually quite rare41:32
because usually we look at them as separate usually it's true okay i do this for my body and i do this for my mind yeah but41:37
here you've got one thing that's actually helping both yeah i've run across so many people and seen it throughout the years and you see it on41:43
the internet now my depression is alleviating you know my anxiety is getting better things are getting better just from41:49
doing the celery juice crippling anxiety is so debilitating people can't leave their41:54
houses i've seen people suffer so greatly over the years you know and when you don't have anxiety42:00
you may not realize what they're going through you may not know what they're going through when you don't have anxiety42:05
because it's hard to like get into that person's shoes when you don't have it yourself it it doesn't really make sense what do42:12
you mean you have anxiety what do you mean you can't function like what do you mean you can't get out of the house and get in the car and you42:17
got to take anxiety medication because here's the deal when you're when you haven't been to a lot of doctors42:23
and you haven't struggled with your health it's hard to get in touch with the ones that are struggling it's42:28
an entirely different crew you know when i get interviewed a lot when media interviews me and i tell42:34
them chronic illness people are suffering they're struggling they never put that in there ever that's why42:39
i have tremendous respect for your podcast for what we're doing right here because i'm able to talk about the ones42:44
that i fight for every single day because that's what i do that's what i do i fight for the people who are chronically ill and they don't get42:50
heard that's the thing i've been a messenger for them i've been a voice for them all these years to the people that42:57
are smart enough to know science and research hasn't had the answers for them and doctors know that they haven't had the answers43:03
that they needed to move forward and they suffered and struggled anxiety is one of those pieces of it it's crippling43:08
it can really stop someone from enjoying their life not enjoying working you know43:14
functioning taking care of things going to school and you know i've seen people hey my anxiety is starting to alleviate a43:20
little bit more and it's worth everything it is worth even if you knock down that anxiety down43:25
50 25 the difference is someone being able to stay out all day or43:31
work a day in their career or start writing or do something with their life think about43:36
how empowering that is and celery juice when that does that for somebody with anxiety and you see that happen43:42
you're like oh my god i'm going to fight for this i'm going to fight for the celery juice i don't care what it takes i'm going to put myself on the firing43:48
line let's get this stuff out there more and more for people absolutely and i love what you said that it's really been this43:54
organic emerging thing like it's happened organically it hasn't been funded it hasn't had any money put into it it's44:01
not an investment it's been organic it's growing first service people which is amazing but you've also had organically a lot of44:06
celebrities and influencers reach out to you yeah we've become fans of your work and supporters of your work yeah and you44:11
know i was i was asked recently too about this and they said well what are they what are they being paid to do it mm-hmm44:17
said there's not one celebrity i've got any ask you that oh no no i know i know but it's a really good point because people think it they're like what are44:23
they getting out of this what do you mean what are they getting at us so let me tell you something about celebrities that i know anyway okay44:29
i'm gonna be straight out okay they actually care about people suffering they actually have tremendous compassion44:36
they actually care about their fans their followers they care about people on the planet and they44:41
really really do it matters to them they're drinking celery juice it makes them feel better44:47
and it gets them healthier right so they could be a more powerful voice in what they're doing changing the world but it's it's even more than that i the44:54
celebrities i know james van der beek and you know and and jenna dewan and so many others45:00
you know and sly sloane and so many others they care about people they want people to feel better it45:05
matters to them and because they've been through pain too absolutely they've been through a lot in their own lives all of them and45:11
so when they see people you know that are struggling that are getting better because they know they're spreading that45:16
that that information about celery juice it matters it matters to their souls you know it matters to everybody to know45:22
that people are getting better celebrities have tremendous compassion the ones i know unbelievable people and45:28
and it's just great that they're doing you know pharrell you know he's he's he's out that he he cares about people45:34
cares about humankind and this this right here it's not measurable this is it's unmeasurable45:40
it's just it's that powerful it's that incredible i love him and this podcast has been such an education for me and i hope that everyone listening45:46
and watching i've been able to ask some of those questions that you'll be thinking about too because i'm coming at a point of just learning45:52
being a student and someone who wants to experiment with this so all of my questions have been from my own desire to be an experimenter with46:00
this i'm excited to see its impact on my life and i'm hoping everyone listening and watching today has got some of the information to get46:06
you going but i really really hope that you're gonna go and get the book because the book's gonna break it down for you yeah the book's gonna stop you46:11
from doing a one-week test which is a fad to actually making it sustainable46:16
and one of the biggest reasons i see the difference between us having a habit that we do for one week versus sustainable46:22
is when we're deeply convinced of the reasons when you've sat here and you've read this book and after you've read this book if you haven't got every46:28
reason you need to go and drink celery juice for the rest of your life then that will be harder to46:33
give up whereas if you just think oh yeah i'm going to try this this is cool celery juice good podcast i loved it and you're going to try you're going to46:39
try it for a week and you're going to stop so take my recommendation go get the book get the deeper reasons and insights on how to46:45
take it why to take it and and what to do with your life around it to support it and that will start46:50
making the biggest differences i feel i feel so we're gonna end this episode with the final five these are46:56
final five questions usually answers are either one word or one sentence maximum so47:02
this is gonna be a big challenge for uh anthony because he's sorry what i love about you just have so much47:07
to say but it's all real like it's it's all in depth like it's real your insights are awesome so47:13
i'm going to try and get you to one word or once but we're going to see how it goes so question number one is what's the47:19
biggest health myth you've ever heard there's so many of them tell us your favorite one47:25
um all right metabolism okay go on yeah i'm going to let you tell me more47:32
you've got so much yeah metabolism just means that we're alive the discovery of metabolism just means that we're alive47:39
we're living we have blood throwing flowing through us okay and that no one really knew that47:45
really metabolism was just the discovery of hey you're you're eating you're burning fuel you're a47:51
living organism you're a living being right but it's not why people gain weight slow47:58
metabolism and that's one of the greatest myths out there they're gaining weight from48:04
livers that are stagnant and sluggish everybody's livers are bombarded they're48:09
toxic that's why i came out with liver rescue the book because their livers are challenged and48:14
they're filled with toxins and that's what puts the weight on that's what makes things get the lymphatic system gets swollen48:21
with water the weight comes on the belly fat it's from a liver of weak48:26
liver sick liver stagnant sluggish liver it's not from metabolism still to this day i'm sure everybody in48:32
the audience right now my god who's been totally just fed me metabolism metabolism for the last 3048:37
40 50 whatever it is they're just going to be all upset but i just trying to drop the truth on you on that one it's a liver you take48:42
care of your liver and that's the you take care of that and then everything starts getting better with weight and what we think is48:49
metabolism problems amazing yeah you're going to the root i like it okay question number two if you could give everyone in the world48:55
a habit to do for 30 days apart from drinking celery juice every day what would it be that the heavy49:00
metal detox smoothie i offer okay get the metals out get them out of the body49:05
that's the key i mean okay there's so many different habits you can do i get it there's so many for your consciousness49:11
so much for your just mental so much different physical ones you can do but getting metals out49:18
that's the habit right there get some cilantro in you you know get some get some spirulina in49:23
you know the right ones the ones i care about because those are the ones that actually work49:28
you know get some things in you pull the metals out i talk about it the heavy metal detox smoothie49:34
that's the one right there you pull metals out things change too it's like it's like the celery juice the49:40
heavy metal detox smoothie get into that habit get into the hey look get into the celery juice habit there you go awesome question number49:46
three what are the top three things on your grocery list49:52
celery's okay that's a given right yeah that's a give given okay another one wild blueberries okay that's the second49:58
one right there because wild blueberries the antioxidants okay that's a whole other food50:03
wild versus cultivated blueberry but the one in the clam shell the pint-sized clam shell50:09
that is the cultivated blueberry it's the big blueberry it doesn't do a fraction of what the50:14
frozen wild the blueberry you go into the freezer section and you go in there you'll see different50:19
brands i mean i use the wyman's one there's another brand that's there use that there's different brands but you get the frozen wild blueberries50:26
that's the oh my god that food so celery that and i love apples okay it's gotta be a must yeah yeah yeah50:32
give me another one let's have one more i think we've got we're gonna go for four all right papaya okay yeah that's another one and then um50:40
um mush okay people call it mache but mosh it's a green it's an amazing green uh50:47
there's not enough of it out there but you can find it go to the health food store that green is great leafy greens are50:52
good awesome okay question four tell us about the
top three herbs that you couldn't live without lemon balm can't50:58
live without it helps the neurological system i've i've used it to actually help people with anxiety depression of course51:04
but also with neurological problems ticks spasms um tingles numbness it's anti-viral51:12
too like celery juice when you bring that lemon balm in there it's a big deal that one nettle leaf
another incredible herb without a doubt i've been recommending it since i was a kid because of spirits it's literally right51:23
off the start recommending it so nettle leaf that's anti-inflammatory of course why51:29
it also was anti-viral in its own right great medicine and of course you know turmeric you know51:35
which is a spice but in a rhizome but turmeric it's it's amazing so i like that one even though it's51:41
you know but you got the yeah lemon balm metal leaf and then licorice roots another one amazing and the final five question five51:48
what's the best way we can all start listening to our body more because i think for so many of us we're51:55
constantly incredible questions changes right we're constantly like just like you could be going through pain and deal52:00
and just having it there and sit there for so long without listening how do people people we may not all be able to listen to spirits or channel52:07
or learn but how can we all listen to our bodies better there's one thing that people have to realize it's one of the most52:13
incredible ones that when we get sick it's not our body letting us down it's52:18
not our bodies being faulty it's not our body being a bad52:23
physical you know aspect of us it's not it's it's not our body giving up on us and most importantly52:30
it's not our body destroying us or going after our immune system or going after our organs or52:36
going after anything what i'm trying to say is your body doesn't hurt you it doesn't destroy you it doesn't go52:42
after anything and we need to know that our body never attacks itself52:48
and it's the first thing everybody thinks they think their body's failing so no matter what okay there's one of52:55
the greatest tools is if you start experiencing anything mental emotional physical53:00
your body is not going after you or hurting you or attacking you that's53:06
the most important that can protect you because we can't there's there's people there you can tell them what what to do53:12
on how to listen to their body or anything but they might they they might not be able to do it or they might be too busy or forget it but what53:19
they will do is their body's letting them down the minute as an athlete you think your body's failing you53:25
anything it's just in life when we're sick we think our body has now said53:30
hey we're not helping you i'm not helping you and that's it if you could if you know your body loves53:35
you unconditionally it's there for you it's fighting for you in ways you cannot even imagine53:41
that can bring you peace and get you to where you need to be faster and better well i was not53:46
expecting that answer but i love that answer that that judgment that we place on our body immediately53:51
is actually one of the most negative things it is like that and the most my body's attacking me my body's letting53:58
me down my body's failing yes my body's not strong enough yes that language is actually programming us to54:04
lead to not doing anything about it it's an evil seed that sits inside every human being so no matter what you're doing whether54:10
you're meditating on top of a mountain wherever you are it doesn't matter the minute something's going wrong54:16
you go right to my body is now wait a minute turning against me in the moment and what do i need to do to fix it no54:22
it's not turning against you that's how it works that is such an awesome answer man i absolutely love54:27
that and i hope that message is resonating very very clear the way we think about a body talk about our body54:33
talk to our body itself is going to have a huge impact anthony william thank you so much anthony's new book celery juice the54:40
most powerful medicine of our time healing millions worldwide is out right now you can order it54:46
from all the good places where books are sold the medical medium on instagram the medical medium on facebook54:52
where else can they find you hey there and awesome right there yeah yeah that's a54:58
great place make sure you go follow anthony on social media at the medical medium across the platforms medicalmedium.com55:05
and make sure that if this has given you some insight on why celery juice could be so powerful it could truly change your life55:11
go and get the book today as well yeah thank you so much an honor to be here nice it's an honor to meet you man i'm excited to do a reading with you and55:17
get some advice i genuinely am i want to do that yeah we're going to do it yeah absolutely i think i think what you said55:23
is so true that until we really go through pain and that's how it was for me too i need55:29
because i'd i felt like i'd mastered my mind and neglected my body yeah and so when my body55:35
started to give me signs that it needed more love and care that's when i started to realize because55:41
while you're young you just feel like superman yeah and you feel like nothing's gonna happen exactly and so i totally55:46
get you and so if anyone here's listening and you're like well i haven't got any problems yet or my life's not too bad that's the time to55:52
start really taking note it is yeah thank you anthony thank you so much i'm so grateful to meet you happy to have you here55:59
i hope that was good for you and we're not going to edit anything out so everyone's going to get the real war as it is version of this56:06
conversation if you're listening right now you're going to get it as it is we haven't edited anything we haven't taken anything out56:11
uh that was awesome that was anthony william make sure you go follow him on social media thank you so much for listening or watching again56:17
we love you being a part of this community make sure you tag me and anthony on instagram or facebook or twitter and share what56:23
you've learned from this podcast we'd also love to see your journeys if you want to map your diary of taking celery juice for a week two56:30
weeks a month hopefully for life and for the rest of the year then make sure you tell us about it tag medical medium and tag me as well on56:37
instagram i'd love to see those posts thank you again so much take care see you soon56:42
if you want even more videos just like this one make sure you subscribe and click on the boxes over here56:48
i'm also excited to let you know that you can now get my book think like a monk from think like a56:54 check below in the description to make sure you order today